Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Talking bullshit about 'conservatives' and 'liberals' and using the founding documents to score cheap partisan points is funny. I laugh at you, not with you. I usually find stupidity funny.

Nothing "cheap" about wanting to adhere to linquist protocols and identifying just what the political ramifications are with "conservatism" taken to its full measure.

Conservative governments tend to be autocratic in one way or another. That's why Liberals tend to reject them.

Nothing "stupid" about that.

Libturds equate to leeches. Conservatives want no part of leeches. You suck the life out of this country. We reject you back and we mock your tit sucking weakness too.

Willow, those residents of Obion county PAID their property taxes, and their excise taxes, and their income taxes, and their sales taxes, etc. The 21 county commissioners who work for them failed to appropriate those local funds properly to provide BASIC public services and instead created an unconscionable policy whereby able bodied and fully equipped firefighters would stand by and watch a property burn because of an optional subscription fee that never ever should have existed if the commissioners weren't so derelict in their responsibilities to the citizens of that county in the first place.
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

Since almost half the country pays no taxes. Your rant falls short of reality.

Reality is a on a different planet to the OP.
The Classical Liberalism reflected in The Constitution has absolutely nothing in common with present day "Progressive" Liberalism.

While I would say some "Progressive" ideas are a bit over the top..they are much more in line with the spirit of the Constitution then Conservatives of "old" (Tories/Whigs) or "new" (Republicans/Tea Party).

Which is why, when Conservatives really understand just what the Constitution says, they want to rip out several amendments.

And it's why, people like Limbaugh, quote the Declaration of Independence, and hold it up as the Constitution.

Progressive ideas, so good they have to be mandated.

Well some cases.

It much harder to build things..then tear them down..or maintain the status quo.

For example, Eisenhower was villified as a "communist" when trying to improve national highways.

Stuff like that.
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

I think it represents a lack of perspective. There is so much that you just don't get. Isn't that usually the case though, when it is not handed to you on a silver platter? See the pattern? Check your premise.
The county did not collect enough in property taxes to support a full service fire department. I posted earlier in the thread that residents in the unincorporated paid $1.95 per unit of assessed value vs. $3.50 for the City of Obion. I also linked to a pdf from the county regarding their fire service program. They had no funding. The capital costs to start up a fire department were in excess of $5M - so they did the cooperative arrangement with the towns.

They could have considered raising property taxes instead of the opt in fee - but that's not the program that was put in place.
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

No, it demonstrates what happens when a government gets bogged down in everything but providing for the basic common good. Why are taxpayers now having to pay fees to get fire protection? Isn't fire protection a basic service paid for by taxes? Oh, wait, that's right, we're spending the taxes on everything but basic services.
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Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

Problem is it was NOT financed by common taxes. The city footed the bill.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

It was a freakin double wide. Multi-hundred thousand dollar home? Not. Further, it is not an absurd system that asks for a fee paid on time to participate in a benefit.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

This is why its an OPINION piece.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

Thanks for admiting the homeowner failed here. The OP did not read the story very well. Pets were lost. As far as child go, one started the fire.

My comments in fire.
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Government needs to be run like most everyday Americans run their finances. Take care of the basic stuff first, and then buy the frills.
Yes they could have and they should have raised the tax by precisely $75 each if that is what they figured it would take to cover basic public services. (Where did the rest of the money get prioritized?) I don't know if it's been verified but someone posted the other day that half the people in the county chose not to pay that fee. To me it is unconscionable that the 21 commissioners said derr well that's just a fine policy for our county. Derr since we rolled the dice with this foolish policy for 20 years it must be OK..when we know of at least one example where the fire department took the fee after fighting a fire and we know of no other instance where a fire department ever stoodby as a matter of policy...?
While I would say some "Progressive" ideas are a bit over the top..they are much more in line with the spirit of the Constitution then Conservatives of "old" (Tories/Whigs) or "new" (Republicans/Tea Party).

Which is why, when Conservatives really understand just what the Constitution says, they want to rip out several amendments.

And it's why, people like Limbaugh, quote the Declaration of Independence, and hold it up as the Constitution.

Progressive ideas, so good they have to be mandated.

Well some cases.

It much harder to build things..then tear them down..or maintain the status quo.

For example, Eisenhower was villified as a "communist" when trying to improve national highways.

Stuff like that.

Wasn't Eisenhower a conservative?
Yes they could have and they should have raised the tax by precisely $75 each if that is what they figured it would take to cover basic public services. (Where did the rest of the money get prioritized?) I don't know if it's been verified but someone posted the other day that half the people in the county chose not to pay that fee. To me it is unconscionable that the 21 commissioners said derr well that's just a fine policy for our county. Derr since we rolled the dice with this foolish policy for 20 years it must be OK..when we know of at least one example where the fire department took the fee after fighting a fire and we know of no other instance where a fire department ever stoodby as a matter of policy...?

As the program was in place for 20 years, the majority who voted for the commissioners must have been fairly satisfied with the arrangement.
Nothing "cheap" about wanting to adhere to linquist protocols and identifying just what the political ramifications are with "conservatism" taken to its full measure.

Conservative governments tend to be autocratic in one way or another. That's why Liberals tend to reject them.

Nothing "stupid" about that.

Libturds equate to leeches. Conservatives want no part of leeches. You suck the life out of this country. We reject you back and we mock your tit sucking weakness too.

Generally, I find the opposite to be true. Conservatives want to weaken public institutions that protect national resources, administer the law, provide regular maintenance on needful infrastructure, block public education and do their damndest to consolidate power into the hands of a very few. That's basically a perscription for gutting the foundation of a solid Democratic Republic..and turning into a third world autocratic nation.

Tell that to Teddy Roosevelt.
Progressive ideas, so good they have to be mandated.

Well some cases.

It much harder to build things..then tear them down..or maintain the status quo.

For example, Eisenhower was villified as a "communist" when trying to improve national highways.

Stuff like that.

Wasn't Eisenhower a conservative?

He was a Republican..but pretty Moderate.

He was the President that warned against the "Industrial Military Complex".
Libturds equate to leeches. Conservatives want no part of leeches. You suck the life out of this country. We reject you back and we mock your tit sucking weakness too.

Generally, I find the opposite to be true. Conservatives want to weaken public institutions that protect national resources, administer the law, provide regular maintenance on needful infrastructure, block public education and do their damndest to consolidate power into the hands of a very few. That's basically a perscription for gutting the foundation of a solid Democratic Republic..and turning into a third world autocratic nation.

Tell that to Teddy Roosevelt.

Why? Exactly?
Generally, I find the opposite to be true. Conservatives want to weaken public institutions that protect national resources, administer the law, provide regular maintenance on needful infrastructure, block public education and do their damndest to consolidate power into the hands of a very few. That's basically a perscription for gutting the foundation of a solid Democratic Republic..and turning into a third world autocratic nation.

Tell that to Teddy Roosevelt.

Why? Exactly?
You are kidding me right? I mean seriously. You contradict yourself with every post. You talk about conservatives and republicans who don't protect natural resources. Roosevlet was the pioneer in creating protected national lands. You talk about them not building infrastructure and then you make a post about Eisenhower being labeled a communist for pioneering the national highway system. All examples of conservatives leading the way in what you turn around and claim they don't do.
Tell that to Teddy Roosevelt.

Why? Exactly?
You are kidding me right? I mean seriously. You contradict yourself with every post. You talk about conservatives and republicans who don't protect natural resources. Roosevlet was the pioneer in creating protected national lands. You talk about them not building infrastructure and then you make a post about Eisenhower being labeled a communist for pioneering the national highway system. All examples of conservatives leading the way in what you turn around and claim they don't do.

Teddy was in the Progressive branch of the Republicans. Today he's be called a RINO.
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

Since almost half the country pays no taxes. Your rant falls short of reality.

Half the country pays no federal income tax, which is the fault of George Bush and the GOP, if you care whose fault that is.

Anyone who applauds this episode, i.e., supports seeing a family's house burn down over a 75 dollar shortfall,

doesn't know or care much about seeing a punishment fit the 'crime', and secondly,

isn't smart enough to see what an idiotic system this is.

If a town needs to contract fire protection from an outside department, then the TOWN should contract it for the TOWN, and then incorporate the cost into the tax structure of the TOWN.

Anyone who doesn't see that that is a superior approach is stupid.
Robert Creamer: Obion County Fire Tragedy Symbolizes Tea-Party-Republican Vision of Government

The Obion county story demonstrates what happens when we forget that government - financed by common taxes -- is the most efficient provider of so many goods and services.

It makes no economic sense to allow what is likely a multi-hundred thousand dollar home to be consumed by flames because a failure to pay a $75 fee. Now, either the insurance company or the Cranick's will have to build a brand new home in its place. Their former home was wasted because of the absurdity of the system that had been set up to protect it.

That same absurdity is implicit in so many of the other Republican economic positions. Its ultimate expression is the Republican desire to repeal health care reform and return us to an out of control system run by private health insurance companies that has cost us 50% more than any other country. That system is wasting trillions of dollars that come out of the pockets of middle class Americans -- just to allow private insurance companies and their top executives to make obscene amounts of money.

And with fire protection and health care, the moral consequences are also clear. Bad enough that someone's home was allowed to be destroyed because of the failure to pay a $75 fee. Would the firefighters have been allowed to intervene if the family pets were inside the house -- what about a child?

Since almost half the country pays no taxes. Your rant falls short of reality.

Half the country pays no federal income tax, which is the fault of George Bush and the GOP, if you care whose fault that is.

Anyone who applauds this episode, i.e., supports seeing a family's house burn down over a 75 dollar shortfall,

doesn't know or care much about seeing a punishment fit the 'crime', and secondly,

isn't smart enough to see what an idiotic system this is.

If a town needs to contract fire protection from an outside department, then the TOWN should contract it for the TOWN, and then incorporate the cost into the tax structure of the TOWN.

Anyone who doesn't see that that is a superior approach is stupid.

anyone who doesn't know the difference between a town and a county is even more stupid.

kudos-you've made the grade

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