Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

I blame DAT BOOOOOOOSH!! Oh and they're RAAAACEEEEESTS too!! Seriously though,how did this post stay in politics? Pretty bizarre stuff.
As to whether Obama and Kerry have anything in common with FDR? Sure..but they are a good deal less bold.

And no..I don't give Hitler credit for anything.

He was a freaking monster.

Hitler was a visionary. He was a meglomaniac which eventually brought him down. But he took a country on the balls of their ass and made them great again.

FDR was a completely different animal. Yes he offered social programs, entitlements what ever you want to call them. Difference is to get them you worked, and you worked where he made the work available. You wanted your hand out pay you did grunt work building a dam or leveling a road.

A national highway system was Hitlers vision.

Hitler was nothing of the sort. He was the embodiment of true evil. Nothing he did, slave labor/demonizing ethnicities/militarism/collusion with the monied class/rallying religion; wasn't anything that hasn't been done before with the same result.

The sooner that gets realized..the better.
As to whether Obama and Kerry have anything in common with FDR? Sure..but they are a good deal less bold.

And no..I don't give Hitler credit for anything.

He was a freaking monster.

Hitler was a visionary. He was a meglomaniac which eventually brought him down. But he took a country on the balls of their ass and made them great again.

FDR was a completely different animal. Yes he offered social programs, entitlements what ever you want to call them. Difference is to get them you worked, and you worked where he made the work available. You wanted your hand out pay you did grunt work building a dam or leveling a road.

A national highway system was Hitlers vision.

Hitler was nothing of the sort. He was the embodiment of true evil. Nothing he did, slave labor/demonizing ethnicities/militarism/collusion with the monied class/rallying religion; wasn't anything that hasn't been done before with the same result.

The sooner that gets realized..the better.

You have a prejudicial view of history. Hitler held the world at bay. With the exception of a few irrational moves he could have changed the course of history. Man walking on the moon was an offshoot of Hitler's rocket program. He modernized the use of a mechanized army.

Let's look at some other nations. Demonize etnicities - We made them slaves. As did the French and the British

Collusion with the monied class - Jews? Everyone of our politicians.

Hitler rallied religion? Eh?
As to whether Obama and Kerry have anything in common with FDR? Sure..but they are a good deal less bold.

And no..I don't give Hitler credit for anything.

He was a freaking monster.

Hitler was a visionary. He was a meglomaniac which eventually brought him down. But he took a country on the balls of their ass and made them great again.

FDR was a completely different animal. Yes he offered social programs, entitlements what ever you want to call them. Difference is to get them you worked, and you worked where he made the work available. You wanted your hand out pay you did grunt work building a dam or leveling a road.

A national highway system was Hitlers vision.

Yep, Germany was made great again: A war later, 1/3 of its prewar territory lost, all ethnic Germans east of the Oder river deported to the divided rump state, and a reunification later, Germany is still a basketcase. Thank you Hitler.:eusa_whistle:
I just scanned this thread. I didn't read every post, but here's my POV.

I think it's sick that some believe that a public safety service, like fire fighting, should only be available to those who can afford it. What if the fire were in an apartment building and the slumlord were just too cheap to ante up the $75? What about those living in poverty or very limited income, like many elderly? To most $75 is chump change, but to some that might be their monthly food allowance or whether or not you can afford some needed medicine.

I hate laissez faire ideologues and their egoist "me first" greedy fuck conservative cousins. Public safety is a public service.
As to whether Obama and Kerry have anything in common with FDR? Sure..but they are a good deal less bold.

And no..I don't give Hitler credit for anything.

He was a freaking monster.

Hitler was a visionary. He was a meglomaniac which eventually brought him down. But he took a country on the balls of their ass and made them great again.

FDR was a completely different animal. Yes he offered social programs, entitlements what ever you want to call them. Difference is to get them you worked, and you worked where he made the work available. You wanted your hand out pay you did grunt work building a dam or leveling a road.

A national highway system was Hitlers vision.

Yep, Germany was made great again: A war later, 1/3 of its prewar territory lost, all ethnic Germans east of the Oder river deported to the divided rump state, and a reunification later, Germany is still a basketcase. Thank you Hitler.:eusa_whistle:

And a current economic and manufacturing leader. Not bad
We have two fire stations in our community. They are paid through our HOA fees, and receive $15.50 per lot from the annual billing. In addition they have various fundraisers throughout the year, i.e., they will raffle a new home, etc. Last year they started billing insurance companies if they transport someone to the hospital, but do not bill the patient if the insurance company does not pay. The system must be working well, as they just built a new firehouse last year, and they have the latest equipment. They also respond to calls from other towns in the area as needed. There are nine career firefighters on staff and the rest are volunteers.

The idea of them standing by and watching someone's home, possessions and pets go up in flames is ludicrous. And this area is considered "rural".

$15.50 per lot, fund raisers, etc. does not pay for a fire department. You have other funding you are not reporting. A fire department costs hundreds of thousands of dollars with just one station.

We pay $125 per year per lot... plus they hold Bingo nights, dinners, and other fund raisers.... Much of the original construction and setup was paid by the developer of our community and was hence put into the cost of the original building of houses... Our local VFD station does not have external funding either

"paid for by the developer of our community" IS other funding.
Why? Exactly?
You are kidding me right? I mean seriously. You contradict yourself with every post. You talk about conservatives and republicans who don't protect natural resources. Roosevlet was the pioneer in creating protected national lands. You talk about them not building infrastructure and then you make a post about Eisenhower being labeled a communist for pioneering the national highway system. All examples of conservatives leading the way in what you turn around and claim they don't do.

Teddy was in the Progressive branch of the Republicans. Today he's be called a RINO.

Today they would call Teddy an "alarmist" and an environmental whacko.
I just scanned this thread. I didn't read every post, but here's my POV.

I think it's sick that some believe that a public safety service, like fire fighting, should only be available to those who can afford it. What if the fire were in an apartment building and the slumlord were just too cheap to ante up the $75? What about those living in poverty or very limited income, like many elderly? To most $75 is chump change, but to some that might be their monthly food allowance or whether or not you can afford some needed medicine.

I hate laissez faire ideologues and their egoist "me first" greedy fuck conservative cousins. Public safety is a public service.

What do they do with you if you fail to pay your property taxes on your home?
You get evicted eventually and you receive NO fire protection or police services there.
Same thing.
No cry babies.
I just scanned this thread. I didn't read every post, but here's my POV.

I think it's sick that some believe that a public safety service, like fire fighting, should only be available to those who can afford it. What if the fire were in an apartment building and the slumlord were just too cheap to ante up the $75? What about those living in poverty or very limited income, like many elderly? To most $75 is chump change, but to some that might be their monthly food allowance or whether or not you can afford some needed medicine.

I hate laissez faire ideologues and their egoist "me first" greedy fuck conservative cousins. Public safety is a public service.

The next step is no emergency room service if you haven't paid your premiums....just watch.
I just scanned this thread. I didn't read every post, but here's my POV.

I think it's sick that some believe that a public safety service, like fire fighting, should only be available to those who can afford it. What if the fire were in an apartment building and the slumlord were just too cheap to ante up the $75? What about those living in poverty or very limited income, like many elderly? To most $75 is chump change, but to some that might be their monthly food allowance or whether or not you can afford some needed medicine.

I hate laissez faire ideologues and their egoist "me first" greedy fuck conservative cousins. Public safety is a public service.

The next step is no emergency room service if you haven't paid your premiums....just watch.

A lot of communities are also considering privatization of their police departments.

"Hello...911?...There's a man trying to break into my home and he's armed."

"I'm sorry but you haven't paid your Police fee this year, there's nothing we can do."


"Would you like me to tranfer your call to the State Police Office?"
Sorry bout that,

1. Anybody lose thier job over this yet?
2. Let me know when they do, I want to,..LOL about it!!!!!
3. Some one needs to be fired, fire the nearest Mayor!

I love this thread!

It reveals the Lefty Soul in all of its pockmarked, oozing, diseased lack of glory.
I love this thread!

It reveals the Lefty Soul in all of its pockmarked, oozing, diseased lack of glory.

Yeah, we have that pockmarked, oozing, diseased sense that everyone ought to have the most basic public safety service, regardless of their ability to pay. It's in our Little Red Book.


Arise ye workers [starvelings] from your slumbers
Arise ye prisoners of want
For reason in revolt now thunders
And at last ends the age of cant.
Away with all your superstitions
Servile masses arise, arise
We'll change henceforth [forthwith] the old tradition [conditions]
And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.

I love this thread!

It reveals the Lefty Soul in all of its pockmarked, oozing, diseased lack of glory.

Yep...our "pockmarked, oozing, diseased" lack of morals that fire depts should put out fires first....then bill the owner.

Hurray for your Traditional Values! :clap2:

Today let houses burn without cash...Tomorrow let people die without cash! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
I just scanned this thread. I didn't read every post, but here's my POV.

I think it's sick that some believe that a public safety service, like fire fighting, should only be available to those who can afford it. What if the fire were in an apartment building and the slumlord were just too cheap to ante up the $75? What about those living in poverty or very limited income, like many elderly? To most $75 is chump change, but to some that might be their monthly food allowance or whether or not you can afford some needed medicine.

I hate laissez faire ideologues and their egoist "me first" greedy fuck conservative cousins. Public safety is a public service.

Yeah, when I saw the thread I thought "I bet both sides dont like that decision and it's probably a :meow: match going on cause someone called someone else a name or some shit.

Then I read the first page and wow...I cant believe people are saying let it burn. Who cares?

I just cant believe that.
I think they should of put out the fire. Then charged the man with all the costs to include the firefighter's salaries for the day.

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