Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

You would be a nice kind of Karma if that fire chief's house burned down.

He's already had several death threats by the way.

Has he paid his $75?

(Actually, I'm sure the firemen themselves were not happy watching a fire without doing anything....unless there's some closet pyro's....which happens some times)

I bet it wasn't easy for them, Bo.
What do they do with you if you fail to pay your property taxes on your home?
You get evicted eventually and you receive NO fire protection or police services there.
Same thing.
No cry babies.

What they do when you can't pay your property tax is a tax sale, which usually gives you quite awhile to to settle your debt and your lien, and most states have agencies and programs to help out the poor and elderly resolve it. That has nothing to do with a basic emergency, public safety service.

Again, what if someone were trapped inside the house?

The $75 fee is not a tax. Not paying a fee to a city doesn't give it the right to repo one's property.

And enough with the Strawmen, unless you are also willing to add some marshmallows, grammy crackers, hershey bars, and toasting sticks.

Mmmmmm, s'mores :eusa_drool:
You know......there is a historical example of how this could become a really fucked up thing.

Remember the Chicago fire? One of the reasons it happened was because the insurance companies put badges on the building their fire department would cover (if their premiums were paid), and let the ones that didn't have their particular badge burn.

Good system.........almost took out the town......./sarcasm
Actually......everyone in the town is covered with their property taxes...including your mayor of this town. The problem lies in the fact that this house was not in the township but on county land. County land does not enjoy the comforts of the fire dept already paid for. They have a $75.00 fee due each year, he was aware of really it isn't the republicans of the you really can't politicize it like you have. It is a county issue, younglefty.

You are trying to reason with the unreasonable.

To People like Younglefy the world is very simple.

Democrats are good, Republicans are bad. Period.

I wish I could live in such a nice organized world, but unfortunately I grew up and have to live in the real world.

To be fair, Young Lefty is just that - young. We all saw the world in more black and white than shades of gray at his age. And young people are generally more idealistic.

Which is why I said I was once like him, until I grew up :)
You know......there is a historical example of how this could become a really fucked up thing.

Remember the Chicago fire? One of the reasons it happened was because the insurance companies put badges on the building their fire department would cover (if their premiums were paid), and let the ones that didn't have their particular badge burn.

Good system.........almost took out the town......./sarcasm

It was a Union cow that caused it, you know.
If the Union cow had fire coverage, maybe most of the town wouldn't have burned down.

Hmmm........wonder if the cow forgot to pay 75 bucks?
This homeowner who did not pay his $75 fire insurance fee said in an interview that his son had a fire 3 years earlier & did not pay the fee but the fire chief made an exception & put his fire out anyway. Now instead of being grateful & paying their fees to this fire department this family again tried to slide by & not pay again. This may have been a factor in the fire chiefs judgment.

For most of my life I lived in a all volunteer fire district. I loved it. There were no outrageous taxes, unions, pension funds & ballot issues to raise taxes for these services. It simply worked great. Donations paid for the fire trucks & we all took turns & felt good about helping each other. We never let anyones house burn. It was always all hands battling the blaze until the job was done. Settling the bill came a couple of days later.
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This homeowner who did not pay his $75 fire insurance fee said in an interview that his son had a fire 3 years earlier & did not pay the fee but the fire chief made an exception & put his fire out anyway. Now instead of being grateful & paying their fees to this fire department this family again tried to slide by & not pay again. This may have been a factor in the fire chiefs judgment.

For most of my life I lived in a all volunteer fire district. I loved it. There were no outrageous taxes, unions, pension funds & ballot issues to raise taxes for these services. It simply worked great. Donations paid for the fire trucks & we all took turns & felt good about helping each other. We never let anyones house burn. It was always all hands battling the blaze until the job was done. Settling the bill came a couple of days later.

How did it work out when people didn't pay?
This homeowner who did not pay his $75 fire insurance fee said in an interview that his son had a fire 3 years earlier & did not pay the fee but the fire chief made an exception & put his fire out anyway. Now instead of being grateful & paying their fees to this fire department this family again tried to slide by & not pay again. This may have been a factor in the fire chiefs judgment.

For most of my life I lived in a all volunteer fire district. I loved it. There were no outrageous taxes, unions, pension funds & ballot issues to raise taxes for these services. It simply worked great. Donations paid for the fire trucks & we all took turns & felt good about helping each other. We never let anyones house burn. It was always all hands battling the blaze until the job was done. Settling the bill came a couple of days later.

How did it work out when people didn't pay?

The fire department should have billed his son on his fire the very expensive full $15K per fire rate that it cost to have a fire department. On average 1 in 200 houses burn annually. So $75 times 200 homes equals $15K which is the true per fire cost to maintain fire protection & fight fires. We would have put the fire out & then billed him $15,000. This would still send the same message to residence to pay their bills & would have been the responsible thing to do. The fire chief & local officials did not have good policy in place & used poor judgment. According to the fire victim they had allowed 3 other houses & a barn burn down before this happened to him. I guess those did not generate the media firestorm to help them see the errors of their ways & change their policy.

They could also print a donation amount on everyones fire protection bill to cover those who could not afford to pay. Where I used to live in a all volunteer fire district, we had a 4th of July fire department fish fry. People came & donated what was needed to cover those who could not pay their fire protection every year to make sure everyone had fire protection. There was always enough money.
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LOL. Everyday Americans more often than not are up to their asses in debt buying things they don't need with money they don't have.

...and as a progressive your right there pushing on the accelerator.

And as a rightwing idiot you don't know what you're talking about. I have never advocated for irresponsible spending or borrowing.

And personally I have no long term debt, credit cards paid off EVERY month, two vehicles that are paid for, and a home that is paid for.

Now tell us about your financial situation, smartass.

I own 4 houses, a shopping mall, 10 restaurants and NFL franchise. I am considering buying a major league baseball team but there really isn't any money in it. By the way everything is paid in full and I am reaping the profits. I also own all the ocean front property in Arizona and Colorado. I am considering buying Disney World. I need to know it you think that will be a good investment for me.

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