Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

The very concept of pay as you go fire protection is laughable

You'd prefer that the Mayor instead says he's not offering any service AT ALL to the outlying areas with no fire department coverage?

You work out a deal with the county to ensure that ALL residents have fire coverage.

To let someones house burn down because they neglected to pay a $75 fee is cruelty to the extreme. Municipalities should not be playing "gotcha" games. Especially with public safety
The very concept of pay as you go fire protection is laughable

You'd prefer that the Mayor instead says he's not offering any service AT ALL to the outlying areas with no fire department coverage?

You work out a deal with the county to ensure that ALL residents have fire coverage.

To let someones house burn down because they neglected to pay a $75 fee is cruelty to the extreme. Municipalities should not be playing "gotcha" games. Especially with public safety

This should be the thread stopper..because it states the obvious.

But somehow I doubt it will be..
QUOTE=Harry Dresden;2820631]
i have seen a few "liberals" who wanted to do the same thing.....especially to the 2nd.....

Oh jeez, another little twit who thinks he's a big man because he owns a gun!:rolleyes:
theres the proof of what i said.....dam that did not take long....:lol:....[/QUOTE]

What? We have guns, but they don't define us, like the little conservatives who constantly have to keep babbling on about them. :lol:
just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

You're exactly what is wrong with America. If you woulda read the fucking article, you would see he offered to pay if they would put the fire out.. But they basically said tough luck, and it wasn't until it spread to the neighbours (who has the "coverage") that they put it out.
What happened to helping people, and not worrying about cost or profit? Imagine if this had been the mayor of this town.. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put that fire out, regardless if he'd have payed the fee.

Just like a Liberal... Reacting to a Problem once it's too Late and then Blaming Everyone but themselves for the Outcome...

The Answer to this Problem was Simple...


Yeah...much better they stand by and watch the home burn.....Right wing weinie roast anyone?

And again.. .the authority to do the action you suggest comes from where?? Where is the legislation that makes this possible and the constitutional (state or otherwise) muster that backs it up?

Unlike what you uber-lefties want, the government does not have unlimited power... it must be specifically assigned

Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more
To what better purpose would you put a pile of strawmen?

S'mores are much tastier than the witch hunt victims you target.

Gotta love those Traditional Values....:clap2::clap2:

A compassionate conservative would give the S'mores to the now homeless family.

A progressive liberal would use government to forcibly confiscate the income earning person's s'mores, skim a lot off the top for government use and expansion of power, and then distribute much less to those who never contributed to the system to ensure their votes in the future because of the brainwash implantation of 'free stuff for the underprivileged' ... all while fertilizing the seeds of discontent and class warfare
And again.. .the authority to do the action you suggest comes from where?? Where is the legislation that makes this possible and the constitutional (state or otherwise) muster that backs it up?

Unlike what you uber-lefties want, the government does not have unlimited power... it must be specifically assigned

Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

Love those Traditional Values. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

Love those Traditional Values. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Gotta love that "it's everyone else's responsibility.. keep giving me exemptions and pay for my shit" sheep mentality
And again.. .the authority to do the action you suggest comes from where?? Where is the legislation that makes this possible and the constitutional (state or otherwise) muster that backs it up?

Unlike what you uber-lefties want, the government does not have unlimited power... it must be specifically assigned

Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

As stupid as it is for a resident to neglect to pay his $75 Fire Protection Bill, it is more stupid for a municipality not to add $75 to everyones tax bill to ensure everyone is safe.

To include fire protection as an "option" is libertarianism to the extreme.

To allow someones home to burn down over a $75 fee is bureaucracy run wild. To actually gloat over someone losing their home over $75 is even worse
Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

As stupid as it is for a resident to neglect to pay his $75 Fire Protection Bill, it is more stupid for a municipality not to add $75 to everyones tax bill to ensure everyone is safe.

To include fire protection as an "option" is libertarianism to the extreme.

To allow someones home to burn down over a $75 fee is bureaucracy run wild. To actually gloat over someone losing their home over $75 is even worse
:clap2:Yeah, the last part is pretty sick.
Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

Love those Traditional Values. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Gotta love that "it's everyone else's responsibility.. keep giving me exemptions and pay for my shit" sheep mentality

Gotta love your refusal to acknowledge Repug responsibility for fucking up the economy and putting the country in a recession, whenever indoubt blame the government and the left when you Repug politicians are part of the government. If they hate government so much and lack trust for governmemt why don't they resign their government, tax payer funded jobs you asshat? :lol:
Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

As stupid as it is for a resident to neglect to pay his $75 Fire Protection Bill, it is more stupid for a municipality not to add $75 to everyones tax bill to ensure everyone is safe.

To include fire protection as an "option" is libertarianism to the extreme.

To allow someones home to burn down over a $75 fee is bureaucracy run wild. To actually gloat over someone losing their home over $75 is even worse

There was not legislation for this... while you can argue a better system can be had... you cannot argue that this person was ignorant to the system that is indeed in place...

Life ain't fair... and gambling can lead to bad outcomes... too bad, too sad... sorry for his loss... maybe this time he learns instead of expecting an exception or coverage from someone else's contribution for him
Love those Traditional Values. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Gotta love that "it's everyone else's responsibility.. keep giving me exemptions and pay for my shit" sheep mentality

Gotta love your refusal to acknowledge Repug responsibility for fucking up the economy and putting the country in a recession, whenever indoubt blame the government and the left when you Repug politicians are part of the government. If they hate government so much and lack trust for governmemt why don't they resign their government, tax payer funded jobs you asshat? :lol:

Nice leap and attempt to jump to change the subject and post baseless left extremist slogan points... no.. wait... it's not nice... it's an epic fail... typical for you
Gotta love that "it's everyone else's responsibility.. keep giving me exemptions and pay for my shit" sheep mentality

Gotta love your refusal to acknowledge Repug responsibility for fucking up the economy and putting the country in a recession, whenever indoubt blame the government and the left when you Repug politicians are part of the government. If they hate government so much and lack trust for governmemt why don't they resign their government, tax payer funded jobs you asshat? :lol:

Nice leap and attempt to jump to change the subject and post baseless left extremist slogan points... no.. wait... it's not nice... it's an epic fail... typical for you

Nice of you to throw conservative moral values out of the window to rationalize unreasonable bullshit arguments.
Gotta love your refusal to acknowledge Repug responsibility for fucking up the economy and putting the country in a recession, whenever indoubt blame the government and the left when you Repug politicians are part of the government. If they hate government so much and lack trust for governmemt why don't they resign their government, tax payer funded jobs you asshat? :lol:

Nice leap and attempt to jump to change the subject and post baseless left extremist slogan points... no.. wait... it's not nice... it's an epic fail... typical for you

Nice of you to throw conservative moral values out of the window to rationalize unreasonable bullshit arguments.

Morality is your PERSONAL choice in action... just as charity is (which you can't seem to get through your lying head)... it is not something forced upon you by big mommy government

Nice try.... guess it still stings that you got caught out for attempting to change the subject when your bullshit was brought to light
And again.. .the authority to do the action you suggest comes from where?? Where is the legislation that makes this possible and the constitutional (state or otherwise) muster that backs it up?

Unlike what you uber-lefties want, the government does not have unlimited power... it must be specifically assigned

Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

What you don't know is that person's ability to pay. As I said, $75 might seem like chump change to most, but for many it could be their monthly food allowance, or the difference between having their gas turned off, or doing without some needed medicine for a month.

It still comes down to whether critical emergency services should only be provided to those who can afford to pay for it. Your position, no matter how much you try to tap dance, is that if you can't afford it, fuck you.
Nice leap and attempt to jump to change the subject and post baseless left extremist slogan points... no.. wait... it's not nice... it's an epic fail... typical for you

Nice of you to throw conservative moral values out of the window to rationalize unreasonable bullshit arguments.

Morality is your PERSONAL choice in action... just as charity is (which you can't seem to get through your lying head)... it is not something forced upon you by big mommy government

Nice try.... guess it still stings that you got caught out for attempting to change the subject when your bullshit was brought to light

So let me get this straight, if some thug is robbing and ass raping your dumbass in an alley and I happened to stand there and watch without offering an assistance or help because I'm not paid to do so I would be justified, right, because morally speaking its my personal choice to stand there and watch you get ass raped, robbed and left for dead, right? It would be charity to help you, right?
Your bottom line position still is, if you can't afford basic public safety services, fuck you. What a sick position. Suppose it were a burning house, with a 90 year old woman trapped inside, who has to depend on Meals on Wheels? Is your position also let the person burn to death, since they couldn't afford this "dues"?

Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

What you don't know is that person's ability to pay. As I said, $75 might seem like chump change to most, but for many it could be their monthly food allowance, or the difference between having their gas turned off, or doing without some needed medicine for a month.

It still comes down to whether critical emergency services should only be provided to those who can afford to pay for it. Your position, no matter how much you try to tap dance, is that if you can't afford it, fuck you.

The person offered $75 on the spot... and much like anything else, car insurance, cable bill, etc.... it is your responsibility to take care of your needs as a home owner

My position is you protect your own stuff... and if the community can support a system of its own and then goes thru proper legislation to do so (and it meets constitutional muster, whether it be federal or state), then so be it.... a small community cannot usually afford a full service and contracting out to a neighboring community for fee, or partake of the use of a VFD that uses donations for protection... and legislation would be needed to require intervention for a private residence or property to receive services without payment, protecting the service provider and laying out compensation consequences for no voluntary participation...

Sorry bubba.. many communities rely on the exact same setup... and my guess would be you have some in every one of those communities who gamble thinking that someone will take up the responsibility for them... but with every form of gambling, you can lose.. .which this guy did... if he wanted community protection, he had the choice of moving to an area that had it set up in the tax base.. and we KNOW he knew exactly how the system ran in his area from his previous encounter where he received an exemption...

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