Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

Nice of you to throw conservative moral values out of the window to rationalize unreasonable bullshit arguments.

Morality is your PERSONAL choice in action... just as charity is (which you can't seem to get through your lying head)... it is not something forced upon you by big mommy government

Nice try.... guess it still stings that you got caught out for attempting to change the subject when your bullshit was brought to light

So let me get this straight, if some thug is robbing and ass raping your dumbass in an alley and I happened to stand there and watch without offering an assistance or help because I'm not paid to do so I would be justified, right, because morally speaking its my personal choice to stand there and watch you get ass raped, robbed and left for dead, right? It would be charity to help you, right?

Funny.. I do not know of any municipality that does not have the tax provided services of state police, local police, and/or sherrif's departments.... this community of his did not have tax provided fire services and THIS WAS KNOWN TO THE HOMEOWNER WHO GAMBLED AND LOST

Whether you would personally help a person is not relevant to the situation, and is your personal choice...
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Funny thing was, this was not like that case you just made up out of the blue... nice try at the smoke screen though

The fire department did not provide a service of fire extinguishing of a private residence that did not pay for services like everyone else, when there were no lives at stake (and don't give me that Animal Rights Nazi pets bullshit)... Lest you forget that this person had a history of not paying, this person was doing stupid shit, and that this person is ultimately responsible for their own personal needs for their property... they knew there was not taxpayer paid fire protection system in their portion of the county.. and they knew the protection of $75 was to be paid to provide it (at a much cheaper rate than what increased taxation would be to fund a fully operational firehouse in a lesser populated area with a smaller amount of taxpayers)...

This person rolled the dice and lost his bet on his personal property... nothing more

What you don't know is that person's ability to pay. As I said, $75 might seem like chump change to most, but for many it could be their monthly food allowance, or the difference between having their gas turned off, or doing without some needed medicine for a month.

It still comes down to whether critical emergency services should only be provided to those who can afford to pay for it. Your position, no matter how much you try to tap dance, is that if you can't afford it, fuck you.

The person offered $75 on the spot... and much like anything else, car insurance, cable bill, etc.... it is your responsibility to take care of your needs as a home owner

My position is you protect your own stuff... and if the community can support a system of its own and then goes thru proper legislation to do so (and it meets constitutional muster, whether it be federal or state), then so be it.... a small community cannot usually afford a full service and contracting out to a neighboring community for fee, or partake of the use of a VFD that uses donations for protection... and legislation would be needed to require intervention for a private residence or property to receive services without payment, protecting the service provider and laying out compensation consequences for no voluntary participation...

Sorry bubba.. many communities rely on the exact same setup... and my guess would be you have some in every one of those communities who gamble thinking that someone will take up the responsibility for them... but with every form of gambling, you can lose.. .which this guy did... if he wanted community protection, he had the choice of moving to an area that had it set up in the tax base.. and we KNOW he knew exactly how the system ran in his area from his previous encounter where he received an exemption...

More than $75 was offered. Neighbors came with an open checkbook offering to pay whatever it costs to put the fire out.

The question is much of a "gotcha" game should municipalities play? Do you cut off someones electricity if they need it for life support?

Allowing someones house to burn down over a $75 fee is petty.
What you don't know is that person's ability to pay. As I said, $75 might seem like chump change to most, but for many it could be their monthly food allowance, or the difference between having their gas turned off, or doing without some needed medicine for a month.

It still comes down to whether critical emergency services should only be provided to those who can afford to pay for it. Your position, no matter how much you try to tap dance, is that if you can't afford it, fuck you.

The person offered $75 on the spot... and much like anything else, car insurance, cable bill, etc.... it is your responsibility to take care of your needs as a home owner

My position is you protect your own stuff... and if the community can support a system of its own and then goes thru proper legislation to do so (and it meets constitutional muster, whether it be federal or state), then so be it.... a small community cannot usually afford a full service and contracting out to a neighboring community for fee, or partake of the use of a VFD that uses donations for protection... and legislation would be needed to require intervention for a private residence or property to receive services without payment, protecting the service provider and laying out compensation consequences for no voluntary participation...

Sorry bubba.. many communities rely on the exact same setup... and my guess would be you have some in every one of those communities who gamble thinking that someone will take up the responsibility for them... but with every form of gambling, you can lose.. .which this guy did... if he wanted community protection, he had the choice of moving to an area that had it set up in the tax base.. and we KNOW he knew exactly how the system ran in his area from his previous encounter where he received an exemption...

More than $75 was offered. Neighbors came with an open checkbook offering to pay whatever it costs to put the fire out.

The question is much of a "gotcha" game should municipalities play? Do you cut off someones electricity if they need it for life support?

Allowing someones house to burn down over a $75 fee is petty.

You are not owed electricity... it is a service that you pay for... and while you can sell a situation and ask for assistance, it is your responsibility to do so personally and realize it is not owed if they say no... it would also be your responsibility to approach charities for help, also realizing that is voluntary and not automatically owed

Not paying $75 for protection that would cost you much more thru a red tape laced governmental system is nothing more than stupid gambling.... and when you gamble to automatically take the risk of failure or loss...

I too would try and help a neighbor of my own free will and kindness.. even offering to help pay.... but even though that is my personal stance, I do not have to agree with the stance that a service is owed when a person is negligent in their responsibilities..
Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"
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Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"

Oops, this was a government run fire department?
Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"

I agree that privatization of everything is bad as you state but that is not what is going on here. This community does not want tax dollars spent on fire protection and that is their right. Forcing socialized fire protection is the same as forcing privatization but that seems to be the call here. The fire department was doing their job.
You can't have it both ways. Why is itmy responsibility to pay for my health care insurance at 1K a month and also for the person that is unwilling to work? Granted, many people can not work and they need subsidies but subsidizing the fire protection of someone that is under a PRIVATE fire department is not going to ensure the viablilty of the current fire department and the future ability to keep the doors open.
Put that man's fire out and NO ONE will pay the $75.
The scary part is that if you folks do not know that the fact that this man attempted to pay
AFTER THE FACT is a completely bogus reason to have put the fire out you know nothing of how the current moocher class has been operating for years.
"I made an F, the teacher is unfair and would not allow me to re-take the test"
No cry babies.
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Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"

I agree that privatization of everything is bad as you state but that is not what is going on here. This community does not want tax dollars spent on fire protection and that is their right. Forcing socialized fire protection is the same as forcing privatization but that seems to be the call here. The fire department was doing their job.
You can't have it both ways. Why is itmy responsibility to pay for my health care insurance at 1K a month and also for the person that is unwilling to work? Granted, many people can not work and they need subsidies but subsidizing the fire protection of someone that is under a PRIVATE fire department is not going to ensure the viablilty of the current fire department and the future ability to keep the doors open.
Put that man's fire out and NO ONE will pay the $75.
The scary part is that if you folks do not know that the fact that this man attempted to pay
AFTER THE FACT is a completely bogus reason to have put the fire out you know nothing of how the current moocher class has been operating for years.
"I made an F, the teacher is unfair and would not allow me to re-take the test"
No cry babies.

So your point is that anyone who needs emergency service, and can't afford it, is a moocher. That pretty much sums up the right wing position on public emergency services. It's pretty sick when that's extended to things like fire fighting.
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.
Sorry bout that,

1. Im conservative republican/teabagcan.
2. And Im pretty much outraged this person lost his house over some stupid fee.
3. This is BS .
4. I would fire the bunch.:lol:

sorry, I think police and the fire protection do fall under the general welfare of the public....if one is taxed for anything at all, it should be for those 2 things.
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.

I think the larger issue is the sick belief that only those who can afford emergency service are entitled to them.
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.

I think the larger issue is the sick belief that only those who can afford emergency service are entitled to them.

Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being
Wanna know what a conservative only world looks like? Look no further than Obion County, Tennessee:
Imagine your home catches fire but the local fire department won’t respond, then watches it burn. That’s exactly what happened to a local family tonight. A local neighborhood is furious after firefighters watched as an Obion County, Tennessee, home burned to the ground.

The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn’t do anything to stop his house from burning. Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay. The mayor said if homeowners don’t pay, they’re out of luck. [...]

We asked the mayor of South Fulton if the chief could have made an exception. “Anybody that’s not in the city of South Fulton, it’s a service we offer, either they accept it or they don’t,” Mayor David Crocker said.
Firefighters watch as home burns to the ground | WPSD Local 6 - News, Sports, Weather - Paducah KY | Local

As ThinkProgress points out:
A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican, likened the policy to buying auto insurance

Just one prime example of the difference between the way conservatives govern and the way progressives govern.

As TP put it:
One, the conservative vision, believes in the on-your-own society, and informs a policy agenda that primarily serves the well off and privileged sectors of the country. The other vision, the progressive one, believes in an American Dream that works for all people, regardless of their racial, religious, or economic background.

Think Progress Tennessee County’s Subscription-Based Firefighters Watch As Family Home Burns Down

That's the choice we have this november- The conservative fend-for-yourself (besides the companies that ship jobs overseas) choice, or the liberal I-am-my-brothers-keeper choice.

damn union firefighters............expecting to get paid to do thier jobs....
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.

I think the larger issue is the sick belief that only those who can afford emergency service are entitled to them.

I concur
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.

I think the larger issue is the sick belief that only those who can afford emergency service are entitled to them.

Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

I dont believe anyone is owed anything. All I'm saying is that someone has the ability to stop a fire and didnt do anything...I think that's wrong. Period.

I didnt say anything owing anything to anyone.
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.

I think the larger issue is the sick belief that only those who can afford emergency service are entitled to them.

Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
This is stupid, of course it's their right to watch the house burn

Of course he gambled and lost

Of course he should've paid the $75

But all of that has nothing to with what is wrong and right, standing there watching someone's house burn down is wrong.


Certainly not being the good Samaritan....

just plain wrong and cold as ice.....
I agree that privatization of everything is bad as you state but that is not what is going on here. This community does not want tax dollars spent on fire protection and that is their right. Forcing socialized fire protection is the same as forcing privatization but that seems to be the call here. The fire department was doing their job.
You can't have it both ways. Why is itmy responsibility to pay for my health care insurance at 1K a month and also for the person that is unwilling to work? Granted, many people can not work and they need subsidies but subsidizing the fire protection of someone that is under a PRIVATE fire department is not going to ensure the viablilty of the current fire department and the future ability to keep the doors open.
Put that man's fire out and NO ONE will pay the $75.
The scary part is that if you folks do not know that the fact that this man attempted to pay
AFTER THE FACT is a completely bogus reason to have put the fire out you know nothing of how the current moocher class has been operating for years.
"I made an F, the teacher is unfair and would not allow me to re-take the test"
No cry babies.

Do you even know that the community does not want to have tax dollars used for fire protection? Were they given a choice? I know that if you have shoddy services like this community apparently does, that your home owners' insurance would be higher. One of the first questions they ask when you apply for insurance is how far is the nearest fire hydrant from your house? They also ask how far you are from the nearest fire department. The answers to these questions factor into what they will charge for your coverage. The fact that there is no fire service within the community will cost the homeowners in higher insurance rates.

I believe, that if given a choice, they would opt for the peace of mind of having a nearby service, and not the backwoods half-assed system they have to deal with now.
We have county property taxes here and something called special millages. These millages cover thing outside of the general county expenditures. There is a senior services, ambulance service and 911 millage.

I assume the public in this TN county could petition to have the question placed on the ballot and then vote for the method you suggest. For some reason they haven't.
Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"

Oops, this was a government run fire department?
Yes...government run by people that hate government.

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