Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

I think the larger issue is the sick belief that only those who can afford emergency service are entitled to them.

Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable
We have county property taxes here and something called special millages. These millages cover thing outside of the general county expenditures. There is a senior services, ambulance service and 911 millage.

I assume the public in this TN county could petition to have the question placed on the ballot and then vote for the method you suggest. For some reason they haven't.

I also hope this community votes out of office every brain dead moron who conceived this plan. I don't even know how they can call a place like this a "community". When 9/11 happened rescue workers from all over the country, and many other parts of the world, kicked in their resources to assist in the rescue and recovery. Similar things happened in the San Francisco earthquake and various forest and wild fires. They asked no fee for that, and ate the costs. That's community. This little piece of earth is something altogether different.
Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

It really does come down to personal responsibility. Many of us have helped a burned out family or underinsured homeowners devasted by a flood or tornado get back on their feet, but this was a voluntary thing. Many communities in our former State of Kansas, for instance, gave the people an option. Vote for taxes to support a Fire Dept. or pay a fee for fire services or take your chances. Many opted for the fee service. It would not have been fair then, for the fire department to furnish the same services to the non participants as it did for those who paid the fee.

I feel the same way about flood insurance or earthquake insurance or any insurance for high risk entities. Should everybody be punished for the few people who choose to live in high risk areas but choose to take their chances and not obtain available insurance?

So individual charity to those suffering hard times for whatever reason is a good thing. And is generally provided. But I have a problem practically, ethically, and morally with forcibly confiscating property from responsible citizens in order to provide for those who choose to be irresponsible.
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We have county property taxes here and something called special millages. These millages cover thing outside of the general county expenditures. There is a senior services, ambulance service and 911 millage.

I assume the public in this TN county could petition to have the question placed on the ballot and then vote for the method you suggest. For some reason they haven't.

I also hope this community votes out of office every brain dead moron who conceived this plan. I don't even know how they can call a place like this a "community". When 9/11 happened rescue workers from all over the country, and many other parts of the world, kicked in their resources to assist in the rescue and recovery. Similar things happened in the San Francisco earthquake and various forest and wild fires. They asked no fee for that, and ate the costs. That's community. This little piece of earth is something altogether different.

You seem to want to impose your value and finance system on them. Facts are a problem for you too apparently. This plan has been in place 20 years. The people who, "conceived it" are probably not in office. A guy lost his home because he didn't follow rules and someone in his family started a fire. Now, the "community" can look at this and decide for themselves if or how to make changes.
Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

The county has over 32,000 people, and has eight schools and a public park it maintains. I think they should be able to find the funding (there are federal and state funds which also go into fire and rescue services) to maintain their own fire system. Certainly with that number of schools it should be considered a critical need in the community.
Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

Allegheny, Washington, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and Saint Mary's counties all depend mostly on volunteer fire fighting. In not a single one of those cases do they deny services to anyone who didn't ante up for their donation drives (well they do put orange stickers on your mailbox, so they don't rehassle you), or attended their casino nights or crab feasts.

I'm also served by a volunteer fire department, btw. And the few times I needed service, they were there in a flash and there was no one who questioned whether I contributed to their last drive.
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We have county property taxes here and something called special millages. These millages cover thing outside of the general county expenditures. There is a senior services, ambulance service and 911 millage.

I assume the public in this TN county could petition to have the question placed on the ballot and then vote for the method you suggest. For some reason they haven't.

I also hope this community votes out of office every brain dead moron who conceived this plan. I don't even know how they can call a place like this a "community". When 9/11 happened rescue workers from all over the country, and many other parts of the world, kicked in their resources to assist in the rescue and recovery. Similar things happened in the San Francisco earthquake and various forest and wild fires. They asked no fee for that, and ate the costs. That's community. This little piece of earth is something altogether different.

You seem to want to impose your value and finance system on them. Facts are a problem for you too apparently. This plan has been in place 20 years. The people who, "conceived it" are probably not in office. A guy lost his home because he didn't follow rules and someone in his family started a fire. Now, the "community" can look at this and decide for themselves if or how to make changes.

Impose? No, shame those who believe that emergency service should be made available to only those who can afford it, would be a better description of my position.
That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

The county has over 32,000 people, and has eight schools and a public park it maintains. I think they should be able to find the funding (there are federal and state funds which also go into fire and rescue services) to maintain their own fire system. Certainly with that number of schools it should be considered a critical need in the community.

Over how much of an area?? Id this person's community densely populated enough to fund a fire station or to justify one being close by?? You don't build a fire station every 5 miles if within that 5 miles there are only 10 houses.... What YOU think is irrelevant... If this county wishes to improve and go the route of a tax funded fire system, fine.. that's up to them.... if they choose not to, fine, that is up to them... and these residents have the choice to live there or not as they see fit with their wants and what services are available in the area..

And I bet you those schools find the budget to pay the fee for fire coverage...
That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

Allegheny, Washington, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and Saint Mary's counties all depend mostly on volunteer fire fighting. In not a single one of those cases do they deny services to anyone who didn't ante up for their donation drives (well they do put orange stickers on your mailbox, so they don't rehassle you), or attended their casino nights or crab feasts.

I'm also served by a volunteer fire department, btw. And the few times I needed service, they were there in a flash and there was no one who questioned whether I contributed to their last drive.

Good for you... in our little area, you don't donate, you get a huge bill and you do not inherently get every service... but we have our services listed out... this motherfucker KNEW the deal as he has been thru it before when he had the waiver.. he gambled, he lost.. too bad, too sad... and if his county or neighborhood or whatever wants to look into revamping, more power to them... but in his current and KNOWN system, he knew the drill, and he gambled, and he lost.... the only one at fault for his situation is himself
That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

It really does come down to personal responsibility. Many of us have helped a burned out family or underinsured homeowners devasted by a flood or tornado get back on their feet, but this was a voluntary thing. Many communities in our former State of Kansas, for instance, gave the people an option. Vote for taxes to support a Fire Dept. or pay a fee for fire services or take your chances. Many opted for the fee service. It would not have been fair then, for the fire department to furnish the same services to the non participants as it did for those who paid the fee.

I feel the same way about flood insurance or earthquake insurance or any insurance for high risk entities. Should everybody be punished for the few people who choose to live in high risk areas but choose to take their chances and not obtain available insurance?

So individual charity to those suffering hard times for whatever reason is a good thing. And is generally provided. But I have a problem practically, ethically, and morally with forcibly confiscating property from responsible citizens in order to provide for those who choose to be irresponsible.


at least somebody gets it
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

The county has over 32,000 people, and has eight schools and a public park it maintains. I think they should be able to find the funding (there are federal and state funds which also go into fire and rescue services) to maintain their own fire system. Certainly with that number of schools it should be considered a critical need in the community.

Over how much of an area?? Id this person's community densely populated enough to fund a fire station or to justify one being close by?? You don't build a fire station every 5 miles if within that 5 miles there are only 10 houses.... What YOU think is irrelevant... If this county wishes to improve and go the route of a tax funded fire system, fine.. that's up to them.... if they choose not to, fine, that is up to them... and these residents have the choice to live there or not as they see fit with their wants and what services are available in the area..

And I bet you those schools find the budget to pay the fee for fire coverage...

60 people per square mile. It's not that desolate, and again, they do have EIGHT schools which should have fire hydrants and a ready and able fire department.

The community has obviously grown over the last 20 years and for them to not revisit this in all that time is ridiculous. I seriously doubt that this half-assed system was ever presented to the people for a vote.
Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"

Oops, this was a government run fire department?
Yes...government run by people that hate government.

Unlikely. But even if true being run by "people that hate government" still doesn't somehow make it a free market.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

Allegheny, Washington, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and Saint Mary's counties all depend mostly on volunteer fire fighting. In not a single one of those cases do they deny services to anyone who didn't ante up for their donation drives (well they do put orange stickers on your mailbox, so they don't rehassle you), or attended their casino nights or crab feasts.

I'm also served by a volunteer fire department, btw. And the few times I needed service, they were there in a flash and there was no one who questioned whether I contributed to their last drive.

Good for you... in our little area, you don't donate, you get a huge bill and you do not inherently get every service... but we have our services listed out... this motherfucker KNEW the deal as he has been thru it before when he had the waiver.. he gambled, he lost.. too bad, too sad... and if his county or neighborhood or whatever wants to look into revamping, more power to them... but in his current and KNOWN system, he knew the drill, and he gambled, and he lost.... the only one at fault for his situation is himself

Your position still is, that if you can't afford emergency services aren't entitled to them. Does your community deny fire services because they didn't have the cash to pay for the last EMT bill?

BTW, I know MD along the Potomac pretty well, and think you're bullshitting about getting huge bills if a fire department puts out a fire in your home.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

Allegheny, Washington, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and Saint Mary's counties all depend mostly on volunteer fire fighting. In not a single one of those cases do they deny services to anyone who didn't ante up for their donation drives (well they do put orange stickers on your mailbox, so they don't rehassle you), or attended their casino nights or crab feasts.

I'm also served by a volunteer fire department, btw. And the few times I needed service, they were there in a flash and there was no one who questioned whether I contributed to their last drive.

Good for you... in our little area, you don't donate, you get a huge bill and you do not inherently get every service... but we have our services listed out... this motherfucker KNEW the deal as he has been thru it before when he had the waiver.. he gambled, he lost.. too bad, too sad... and if his county or neighborhood or whatever wants to look into revamping, more power to them... but in his current and KNOWN system, he knew the drill, and he gambled, and he lost.... the only one at fault for his situation is himself

What are you talking about?? I used to live down there. You have the Montgomery County Fire Department on Falls Road, and then you also have the Cabin John FD. Yes, the property taxes in Potomac are high, but the homes are some of the largest in the country, and the owners are some of the wealthiest in the country--unless you're living in the Scotland or Tobeytown areas. You also have the benefit of the County police services. So what is it that you're implying you don't get unless you pay for it?
I also hope this community votes out of office every brain dead moron who conceived this plan. I don't even know how they can call a place like this a "community". When 9/11 happened rescue workers from all over the country, and many other parts of the world, kicked in their resources to assist in the rescue and recovery. Similar things happened in the San Francisco earthquake and various forest and wild fires. They asked no fee for that, and ate the costs. That's community. This little piece of earth is something altogether different.

You seem to want to impose your value and finance system on them. Facts are a problem for you too apparently. This plan has been in place 20 years. The people who, "conceived it" are probably not in office. A guy lost his home because he didn't follow rules and someone in his family started a fire. Now, the "community" can look at this and decide for themselves if or how to make changes.

Impose? No, shame those who believe that emergency service should be made available to only those who can afford it, would be a better description of my position.

Suit yourself. It still is a value judgement on your part. By the way, five of the eight fire departments do handle fires without affordibility as a factor. They didn't show up either.
Look at all these mothereffin Hedonistic RWers.

They won't stop until EVERYTHING is privatized.

I'm sorry you're poor and don't have food to feed your children, EFF YOU PAY ME!!

Oh izzat yo house burnin down?....EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Whats that? Somebody's beating the everlovin daylights out of you in broad day light? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Some Big Business just took advantage of you and bamboozled you out of your life savings? EFF YOU PAY ME!!!

Ooops...your mother died from ingesting deregulated food in a place of commerce? EFF you PAY ME!!!

When will the American Public get the idea in their skulls that the RepubliCON$ and RWers in this country don't give a DAMN about anyone or anything but their pockets.

Their motto should be..."We don't care. PAY ME!! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!!!"

I agree that privatization of everything is bad as you state but that is not what is going on here. This community does not want tax dollars spent on fire protection and that is their right. Forcing socialized fire protection is the same as forcing privatization but that seems to be the call here. The fire department was doing their job.
You can't have it both ways. Why is itmy responsibility to pay for my health care insurance at 1K a month and also for the person that is unwilling to work? Granted, many people can not work and they need subsidies but subsidizing the fire protection of someone that is under a PRIVATE fire department is not going to ensure the viablilty of the current fire department and the future ability to keep the doors open.
Put that man's fire out and NO ONE will pay the $75.
The scary part is that if you folks do not know that the fact that this man attempted to pay
AFTER THE FACT is a completely bogus reason to have put the fire out you know nothing of how the current moocher class has been operating for years.
"I made an F, the teacher is unfair and would not allow me to re-take the test"
No cry babies.

So your point is that anyone who needs emergency service, and can't afford it, is a moocher. That pretty much sums up the right wing position on public emergency services. It's pretty sick when that's extended to things like fire fighting.

Uh, sir, I am not right wing so your assumptions are once again WRONG.
I agree that privatization of everything is bad as you state but that is not what is going on here. This community does not want tax dollars spent on fire protection and that is their right. Forcing socialized fire protection is the same as forcing privatization but that seems to be the call here. The fire department was doing their job.
You can't have it both ways. Why is itmy responsibility to pay for my health care insurance at 1K a month and also for the person that is unwilling to work? Granted, many people can not work and they need subsidies but subsidizing the fire protection of someone that is under a PRIVATE fire department is not going to ensure the viablilty of the current fire department and the future ability to keep the doors open.
Put that man's fire out and NO ONE will pay the $75.
The scary part is that if you folks do not know that the fact that this man attempted to pay
AFTER THE FACT is a completely bogus reason to have put the fire out you know nothing of how the current moocher class has been operating for years.
"I made an F, the teacher is unfair and would not allow me to re-take the test"
No cry babies.

Do you even know that the community does not want to have tax dollars used for fire protection? Were they given a choice? I know that if you have shoddy services like this community apparently does, that your home owners' insurance would be higher. One of the first questions they ask when you apply for insurance is how far is the nearest fire hydrant from your house? They also ask how far you are from the nearest fire department. The answers to these questions factor into what they will charge for your coverage. The fact that there is no fire service within the community will cost the homeowners in higher insurance rates.

I believe, that if given a choice, they would opt for the peace of mind of having a nearby service, and not the backwoods half-assed system they have to deal with now.

"given a choice?" LOL, you just made my closing argument for me.
And he refused.
Case closed.
Go read the 3 Little Pigs story and you might understand.
Allegheny, Washington, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, and Saint Mary's counties all depend mostly on volunteer fire fighting. In not a single one of those cases do they deny services to anyone who didn't ante up for their donation drives (well they do put orange stickers on your mailbox, so they don't rehassle you), or attended their casino nights or crab feasts.

I'm also served by a volunteer fire department, btw. And the few times I needed service, they were there in a flash and there was no one who questioned whether I contributed to their last drive.

Good for you... in our little area, you don't donate, you get a huge bill and you do not inherently get every service... but we have our services listed out... this motherfucker KNEW the deal as he has been thru it before when he had the waiver.. he gambled, he lost.. too bad, too sad... and if his county or neighborhood or whatever wants to look into revamping, more power to them... but in his current and KNOWN system, he knew the drill, and he gambled, and he lost.... the only one at fault for his situation is himself

What are you talking about?? I used to live down there. You have the Montgomery County Fire Department on Falls Road, and then you also have the Cabin John FD. Yes, the property taxes in Potomac are high, but the homes are some of the largest in the country, and the owners are some of the wealthiest in the country--unless you're living in the Scotland or Tobeytown areas. You also have the benefit of the County police services. So what is it that you're implying you don't get unless you pay for it?

He lives in the Potomac area, and he's making that claim???? What a joke. Potomac gets more public services than Capitol Heights. Even the gated communities in that area use the public professional and volunteer departments, who don't bill for service.
Or maybe the sick belief that you are owed something at the expense of others for your own personal responsibilities, upkeep, or well being

That's most often a community conferred right, when it comes to emergency services like police and fire protection. I would raise holy hell if my community demanded that only individuals who could afford emergency fire fighting services receive it. Call me a commie for that position. Hell call everyone who believes that fire fighting ought to be a basic service in their community, regardless of who can pay for it, a commie.

It'd be interesting if one day this community were in need of outside help for something like a wild fire, and the surrounding areas demanded money up front. That would be real karma.
Again... can a smaller community or rural part of a county fund a full fire department??? Many times not... which is why you have VFD (as in the rural area I live in) or contracts with nearby townships or other government agencies.... And likewise we have no local police, but have reliance on the systems we do pay taxes into, being the county sheriff or the state police... and it is a KNOWN choice we make living in the area that we do....

This guy gambled and lost, and YOU KNOW he gambled and lost.. and you still want governmental coddling at the expense of those who do contribute or of taxpayer dollars... despicable

"And he huffed and he puffed and he blew his house down"
I sure am glad I heard that story and it sunk in for life at age 5.
Some people never learn.
Plan ahead, take care of yourself and your family and be responsible is not taught these days.

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