First Human Head Transplant Scheduled for Next Year


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
IT has already been demonstrated that freezing and thawing does not harm memories of the brain, so we might be entering a period where already many alive today effectively have indefinite life spans if this surgery works.

Doctors grow and store a replacement body for you (minus a working brain) and then use it for your head transplant when needed.

That would look so cool. I want neck bolts.

Head transplant surgeon plans 'Frankenstein' test to reanimate corpses

EXCLUSIVE: Doctor planning world's first head transplant says he is preparing for his 'Frankenstein' surgery by REANIMATING human corpses
  • Dr Sergio Canavero plans to do the first human head transplant next year
  • His team now plan to conduct 'Frankenstein' tests using human corpses
  • They will use electricity to stimulate the nerves in dead bodies after first cutting and then reconnecting the spinal cord as a test of their technique
  • Russian man who has volunteered to have the first transplant has also revealed that his girlfriend is opposed to him having the operation

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