Following in Hillary's Footsteps...

- Compromised national security by siding w/ Russians over all US Intelligence agencies AND Congress.
- Too stupid to know he was stupid.
- Violated security rules by not having his official conversations with other country leaders recorded.
- His former staff members are convinced Trump is a moron that does not know how to anslyze information. Unlike Obama, who read many pages within a staff brief, Trump only reads ONE page, and he likes pictures.
- He wishes he could read like Obama, and takes credit for the economic upturn that Obama started (takes years).
Trump showed a complete lack of confidence in an Intel Community run by proven perjurers and traitors - former CIA Director Brennan and Former NIA Director Clapper. They destroyed themselves and their reputations themselves.

The rest of your comments are a compilation of butt-hurt sore-loser emotionally-driven tantrum throwing.

What I posted is all supported by fact, evidence, US IG reports, etc...

Going on 3 years now, Liberals still have zero evidence of criminal activity by the President to support their lies and false narratives.

You fail.
Whatever you say ... hahaha.
Wearing those thick red-colored lenses, eh?
I rest my case with that chopped up video.
My evidence is TRUMP.
No one could have been WORSE than this pig-headed naive moron.
His handling of international affairs is really head shaking, and we will see the outcome as it unfolds ...

I think you need some rest too

No matter how insane Trump is, at least he wants better relations with Russia while the psycho princess seemed determined to start WWIII

(Remember her no fly zone over Syria to protect the pet jihadis)

I rest my case with that chopped up video.
My evidence is TRUMP.
No one could have been WORSE than this pig-headed naive moron.
His handling of international affairs is really head shaking, and we will see the outcome as it unfolds ...

I think you need some rest too

No matter how insane Trump is, at least he wants better relations with Russia while the psycho princess seemed determined to start WWIII

(Remember her no fly zone over Syria to protect the pet jihadis)


Trump wants this country to rub elbows with KGB thugs and Communist dictators -

F that and Trump
My evidence is TRUMP...
(sigh) More emotionally-manipulated butt-hurt.


Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, aiding, abetting, defending, supporting, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists world-wide prosper, grow, take over governments, take over their own nations, and successfully kill Americans and our allies.
- Obama and Hillary dragged the US into a war to help AL QAEDA, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, take over their own nation - Libya
- Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, The Haqqani terrorist network...

He released leaders of the enemy we were fighting a war against go free to try to keep a campaign election promise...

Barry violated both Constitution and Law ('Dreamer' Edict, Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty, 2 Contempt of Courts, multiple USSC decisions aginst Un-Constitutional acts, etc..) illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and even conducted his own Watergate.

He and his administration set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act....

Illegally armed, aided, and abetted Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13 Gangs, Human Traffickers, and supporters of Federal Immigration Law-violating Sanctuary Cities.

In 2014, after 2 years earlier telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible after his own re-election, Obama ignored a promise to the Ukraine to help defend its sovereign borders and instead allowed Putin to militarily annex Crimea, handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Putin while his people were committing mass crimes in the US in an effort to acquire Uranium One, learned of Russians meddling / hacking attempts / interference and did NOTHING, ANF allowed Hillary to compromise national security to 6 foreign entities by allowing her to continue operating her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server on which she illegally had TOP SECRET+ data.

Obama has been proven to not only have committed enough 'high crimes and misdemeanors' to be Impeached a dozen times over, he has done enough to justify being sent to Gitmo / federal prison for the rest of his life.
Trump wants this country to rub elbows with KGB thugs and Communist dictators - F that and Trump
That's why in 2014 Barry gave Putin Crimea, 20% of US uranium, a free hand in meddling / interference, and all the TOP SECRET+ data on Hillary's files they could get.


In THIS video clip we see Trump meeting with Russians and plotting to collude together in the future.......

Oh crap - my bad. That's actually BARRY COLLUDING WITH PUTIN'S PUPPET, MEDVEDEV.

I rest my case with that chopped up video.
My evidence is TRUMP.
No one could have been WORSE than this pig-headed naive moron.
His handling of international affairs is really head shaking, and we will see the outcome as it unfolds ...

I think you need some rest too

No matter how insane Trump is, at least he wants better relations with Russia while the psycho princess seemed determined to start WWIII

(Remember her no fly zone over Syria to protect the pet jihadis)
Start WW3? Wow, that’s an exaggeration that can’t be beat.
Maintaining economic sanctions on Russia for their UN illegal military actions and human rights violations is not starting a war.

We (US) all want better relations with Russia and North Korea, but we cannot ignore their human rights violations, etc.
Wearing those thick red-colored lenses, eh?


Understandably, after almost 3 years of finding none, you snowflakes don't know / remember what 'evidence' looks like. :p
Incitement. Democrats have been inciting nutters since Election Day. Expect more Democrat violence.
Trump wants this country to rub elbows with KGB thugs and Communist dictators - F that and Trump
That's why in 2014 Barry gave Putin Crimea, 20% of US uranium, a free hand in meddling / interference, and all the TOP SECRET+ data on Hillary's files they could get.


In THIS video clip we see Trump meeting with Russians and plotting to collude together in the future.......

Oh crap - my bad. That's actually BARRY COLLUDING WITH PUTIN'S PUPPET, MEDVEDEV.


all the above is why youre a f'n moron

My evidence is TRUMP...
(sigh) More emotionally-manipulated butt-hurt.


Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, aiding, abetting, defending, supporting, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists world-wide prosper, grow, take over governments, take over their own nations, and successfully kill Americans and our allies.
- Obama and Hillary dragged the US into a war to help AL QAEDA, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, take over their own nation - Libya
- Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, The Haqqani terrorist network...

He released leaders of the enemy we were fighting a war against go free to try to keep a campaign election promise...

Barry violated both Constitution and Law ('Dreamer' Edict, Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty, 2 Contempt of Courts, multiple USSC decisions aginst Un-Constitutional acts, etc..) illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and even conducted his own Watergate.

He and his administration set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act....

Illegally armed, aided, and abetted Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13 Gangs, Human Traffickers, and supporters of Federal Immigration Law-violating Sanctuary Cities.

In 2014, after 2 years earlier telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible after his own re-election, Obama ignored a promise to the Ukraine to help defend its sovereign borders and instead allowed Putin to militarily annex Crimea, handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Putin while his people were committing mass crimes in the US in an effort to acquire Uranium One, learned of Russians meddling / hacking attempts / interference and did NOTHING, ANF allowed Hillary to compromise national security to 6 foreign entities by allowing her to continue operating her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server on which she illegally had TOP SECRET+ data.

Obama has been proven to not only have committed enough 'high crimes and misdemeanors' to be Impeached a dozen times over, he has done enough to justify being sent to Gitmo / federal prison for the rest of his life.
Oh please, not more cut/paste CRAP from the Russian AND RNC troll databases.
Crap about Obama? I thought you were pissing on Clinton? LOL.
Can you not stick with one or two issues?
No? Because you are afraid of debate that will prove you wrong?
all the above is why youre a f'n moron
I am a moron because you are offended at the fact that Barry has been PROVEN to be Vlad's bi@tch, having sold out not only the Ukraine to Vlad but sold out the US as well...all to get Vlad's approval to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria?!


Don't worry, you're not alone. Pk1 is easily offended and throws tantrums, too.

:itsok: poor lil' snowflake....
My evidence is TRUMP...
(sigh) More emotionally-manipulated butt-hurt.


Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, aiding, abetting, defending, supporting, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists world-wide prosper, grow, take over governments, take over their own nations, and successfully kill Americans and our allies.
- Obama and Hillary dragged the US into a war to help AL QAEDA, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, take over their own nation - Libya
- Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, The Haqqani terrorist network...

He released leaders of the enemy we were fighting a war against go free to try to keep a campaign election promise...

Barry violated both Constitution and Law ('Dreamer' Edict, Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty, 2 Contempt of Courts, multiple USSC decisions aginst Un-Constitutional acts, etc..) illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and even conducted his own Watergate.

He and his administration set a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act....

Illegally armed, aided, and abetted Mexican Drug Cartels, MS13 Gangs, Human Traffickers, and supporters of Federal Immigration Law-violating Sanctuary Cities.

In 2014, after 2 years earlier telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible after his own re-election, Obama ignored a promise to the Ukraine to help defend its sovereign borders and instead allowed Putin to militarily annex Crimea, handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Putin while his people were committing mass crimes in the US in an effort to acquire Uranium One, learned of Russians meddling / hacking attempts / interference and did NOTHING, ANF allowed Hillary to compromise national security to 6 foreign entities by allowing her to continue operating her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server on which she illegally had TOP SECRET+ data.

Obama has been proven to not only have committed enough 'high crimes and misdemeanors' to be Impeached a dozen times over, he has done enough to justify being sent to Gitmo / federal prison for the rest of his life.
Oh please, not more cut/paste CRAP from the Russian AND RNC troll databases.
Can you not stick with one or two issues?
No? Because you are afraid of debate that will prove you wrong?

easy is one of the resident board trolls, debating isnt an option - RW bullcrap is 100% of his MO
easy is one of the resident board trolls, debating isnt an option - RW bullcrap is 100% of his MO
You are one of the top emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, easily-offended, overly opinionated snowflakes who prefer to engage in insults and name-calling than to actually attempt to debate anyone who disagrees with you, especially when they - like me - continuously support their / my comments with actual facts, links, US IG reports, etc....

Going on 3 years now Liberals and snowflakes like you have ZERO evidence to back your false narratives of non-existent illegal Trump collusion with the opposed to all the existing evidence of crimes perpetrated by the Democrats / 'Witch Hunters'.

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