? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

I'm a millionaire and I want my dam tax cut. Just raise em on the top 2 percent.
"The 400 richest families in America, who saw their wealth increase by some $400 billion during the Bush years, have now accumulated $1.27 trillion in wealth.

"Four hundred families!

"During the last fifteen years, while these enormously rich people became much richer, their effective tax rates were slashed almost in half.

"While the highest-paid 400 Americans had an average income of $345 million in 2007, as a result of Bush tax policy they now pay an effective tax rate of 16.6 percent, the lowest on record."

No to Oligarchy

Money, at the very least, behaves like a commodity in the sense that only one person at a time can own it.

When 400 parasite control $1.27 trillion, it means a declining standard of living for millions of formerly middle-class Americans.

And Obama appears to be at least as committed to this wealth transfer as his two predecessors were.
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

Payroll is a pre-tax expense. Higher taxes on executive salaries will not result in layoffs. The people who feed you this shit are lying to you.

If the median income of the 118 million Americans who earn enough to pay income taxes is about $50,000/year, and the richest 10 thousand Americans average $50,000,000/year and pay just over 20% of their income in taxes, do you see how foot-ware, not to mention galoshes, might be a luxury for many workers, Comrade?

America is 234 Years Old
So you want someone to buy your shoes for you.

What a lazy piece of shit. Get to work, slacker. Nobody owes you anything.
The way taxpayers buy your shoes?

Why don't you stop sucking the Government teat?

I earn what I get. Do you?

You might, at that. Your big problem is you think you're worth more than you get. Your employer doesn't agree, though. That's why you're so twisted and bitter.

So, you're nothing but a pathetic coward who insists somebody else do the hard work to get you your Worker's Revolution. Then you'll want them to hand you the reins. :lol:

You're destined to go through life disappointed, son. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.
look. I have never criticized the republican's use of reconciliation to pass Bush's tax cuts. I only note that they did in fact use that procedural rule... the process has a rule that is maybe twenty-five years old called the Byrd rule that requires that any bill passed by the budget reconciliation process could NOT impact government revenues beyond ten years... and THAT is why this tax cut is expiring. Republicans were willing to get tax cuts for the wealthy even when they knew they HAD to make them go away in ten years. It had nothing to do with what their crystal balls had to say about the future of the american economy. It had to do with them only having 51 votes. I think it is hilarious that the GOP was so upset that Obama considered using reconciliation to get helath care for americans, but they were perfectly willing to use reconciliation to get tax cuts for millionaires that ballooned the deficit.
Ummm...I'm not a millionaire, and I got a tax cut. So did you. :lol:

Yup. We all got a little tax cut. And there are millions that now would give that tax cut back if they could have their jobs back.

Tax cuts during a war is fiscal insanity, fiscally suicidal to boot. And the chickens came home to roost in 2008.
You just keep pretending that Democrats had nothing to do with the economy. :lol:
Let's have a brief review, shall we? :lol:
Quit running away from the FACT that YOUR party planned for this tax cut to expire because they KNEW what extending it would do to the deficit. Be a man and own up to that. Be a man and admit that this was planned by YOUR party a decade ago.
daveman said:
Did it ever occur to you that they thought the economy was going to have sufficiently improved by now that it could handle the extra tax burden without undue stress? That they didn't know Bush was going to jack up the deficit, and Obama even worse?

No, I bet it didn't. You just want to think...sorry, feel...that the GOP did this malevolently. Your bigotry against conservatives will allow no less.

maineman said:
Where did I condemn the GOP for using reconciliation? I never did. That makes you a liar. no big surprise there. They used it because they had the power to use it and I had no problem with them doing so....but the POINT was that your suggestion that the republicans couldn't predict the present economic mess and THAT is why they built in the ten year expiration is patently false... and you do not have the honor to admit it. Reconciliation REQUIRED it... and they were willing to build in the expiration in order to pass the bill with 51 votes. Now they want to disregard those rules that govern the use of reconciliation... just a few short months after they were appalled that Obama would even CONSIDER using reconciliation for health care. fucking hypocrites.

daveman said:
And you're bitching about me complaining about the Dems using reconciliation. Where did I do that, exactly?

Oh, that's right. I didn't. Guess that makes YOU a liar, using your own standards. Or do they not apply to you? :lol:

where did I accuse YOU of complaining about the dems using reconciliation? Oh that's right. I didn't. It has been YOU mischaracterizing my statements from the gitgo... because YOU won't be man enough to admit that the ten year expiration was REQUIRED by the legislative procedure that YOUR party used to pass the tax cuts in the first place... the very same procedure that the leadership of your party condemned the democrats for even CONSIDERING using.

Why am I not surprised that you pussied out and avoided this one?

Do you sit down to take a piss?

what a loser:razz:
where did I accuse YOU of complaining about the dems using reconciliation? Oh that's right. I didn't. It has been YOU mischaracterizing my statements from the gitgo... because YOU won't be man enough to admit that the ten year expiration was REQUIRED by the legislative procedure that YOUR party used to pass the tax cuts in the first place... the very same procedure that the leadership of your party condemned the democrats for even CONSIDERING using.
Question: Why am I being held responsible for something I never said?

where did I accuse YOU of complaining about the dems using reconciliation? Oh that's right. I didn't. It has been YOU mischaracterizing my statements from the gitgo... because YOU won't be man enough to admit that the ten year expiration was REQUIRED by the legislative procedure that YOUR party used to pass the tax cuts in the first place... the very same procedure that the leadership of your party condemned the democrats for even CONSIDERING using.
Question: Why am I being held responsible for something I never said?



you claimed that the reason republicans put the ten year sunset on the Bush tax cuts was because they couldn't foresee the future economic devastation that your party would bring to this country... and I pointed out that that was a fucking LIE, because republicans put the ten year susnet on the tax cuts because they HAD to in order to get them through under what is now considered the HORRENDOUS process of reconciliation.

you ARE a liar and a pussy... and I am growing tired of reading your tired regurgitated Limbaugh talking points.

Tell me again why it is that you left the military?
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So you want someone to buy your shoes for you.

What a lazy piece of shit. Get to work, slacker. Nobody owes you anything.
The way taxpayers buy your shoes?

Why don't you stop sucking the Government teat?

I earn what I get. Do you?

You might, at that. Your big problem is you think you're worth more than you get. Your employer doesn't agree, though. That's why you're so twisted and bitter.

So, you're nothing but a pathetic coward who insists somebody else do the hard work to get you your Worker's Revolution. Then you'll want them to hand you the reins. :lol:

You're destined to go through life disappointed, son. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.
How many innocent human beings have died from what you do?

How many more will die from actions you enable?

You bring a whole new dimension to the phrase delusional bitch.

Your life isn't a disappointment, bitch, it's a war crime.
I'm really sick of the term "Bush tax cuts". From this point forward I will refer to it as "Obama tax increases". It's his economy now.
No, if it's a tax increase, it would correctly be called The Republican Tax Increase: they set the 10 year time frame on which it would expire.

Why didn't they make them permanent? Because they used RECONCILIATION to pass the tax cuts, which mandate a 10 year time frame. In other words, they bypassed the Democrats to get it passed, they put a 10 year limit on it, and now they are blaming the Democrats for . . . WHAT?
I'm starting to figure out how this board works:

If you bring some new factual info to the discussion, and it goes against Wingnut dogma, it gets totally ignored. Not one reply to my post.

I should prepare to be ignored often on this board.
I'm really sick of the term "Bush tax cuts". From this point forward I will refer to it as "Obama tax increases". It's his economy now.
No, if it's a tax increase, it would correctly be called The Republican Tax Increase: they set the 10 year time frame on which it would expire.

Why didn't they make them permanent? Because they used RECONCILIATION to pass the tax cuts, which mandate a 10 year time frame. In other words, they bypassed the Democrats to get it passed, they put a 10 year limit on it, and now they are blaming the Democrats for . . . WHAT?
I'm starting to figure out how this board works:

If you bring some new factual info to the discussion, and it goes against Wingnut dogma, it gets totally ignored. Not one reply to my post.

I should prepare to be ignored often on this board.

I will try not to ignore you! And I agree wholeheartedly with your point. I earlier pointed out to daveywoman that reconciliation - specifically the Byrd rule - and not some republican prescience caused the ten year expiration of the tax cuts. THEY wrote it into the legislation so that they could pass it with only 51 votes and avoid a filibuster... and then, ten years later, they HOWLED when they thought that the democrats would use the same tactic to pass health care! :razz:
No, if it's a tax increase, it would correctly be called The Republican Tax Increase: they set the 10 year time frame on which it would expire.

Why didn't they make them permanent? Because they used RECONCILIATION to pass the tax cuts, which mandate a 10 year time frame. In other words, they bypassed the Democrats to get it passed, they put a 10 year limit on it, and now they are blaming the Democrats for . . . WHAT?
I'm starting to figure out how this board works:

If you bring some new factual info to the discussion, and it goes against Wingnut dogma, it gets totally ignored. Not one reply to my post.

I should prepare to be ignored often on this board.

I will try not to ignore you! And I agree wholeheartedly with your point. I earlier pointed out to daveywoman that reconciliation - specifically the Byrd rule - and not some republican prescience caused the ten year expiration of the tax cuts. THEY wrote it into the legislation so that they could pass it with only 51 votes and avoid a filibuster... and then, ten years later, they HOWLED when they thought that the democrats would use the same tactic to pass health care! :razz:

Well, that's the problem, right there: don't waste your time with trolls like daveman, who is incapable of addressing your points, or offering anything more substantial than photoshops and smilies.
I'm starting to figure out how this board works:

If you bring some new factual info to the discussion, and it goes against Wingnut dogma, it gets totally ignored. Not one reply to my post.

I should prepare to be ignored often on this board.

I will try not to ignore you! And I agree wholeheartedly with your point. I earlier pointed out to daveywoman that reconciliation - specifically the Byrd rule - and not some republican prescience caused the ten year expiration of the tax cuts. THEY wrote it into the legislation so that they could pass it with only 51 votes and avoid a filibuster... and then, ten years later, they HOWLED when they thought that the democrats would use the same tactic to pass health care! :razz:

Well, that's the problem, right there: don't waste your time with trolls like daveman, who is incapable of addressing your points, or offering anything more substantial than photoshops and smilies.

I am coming to understand that!
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.
You offer a false circumstance. Ask yourself: is fighting a deficit worth raising taxes, or can we accomplish fiscal responsibility by cutting only the budgets of entitlement programs? What's wrong with cutting the defense budget every now and tehn? That's where the money goes.

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