? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

The fact is Liberals do not believe there will be any conequences their dilluted ideas tell them the rich contribute nothing and sit around hoarding their money making no contribution to the Economy at all. They also believe that the Rich when Democrats say it does not include the VAST majority of Small businesses in this country. Who if they want to keep significant amounts of cash on hand (a wise business practice) are forced to show on their Tax returns a larger than actual Income each year and pay high taxes on it. Robbing them of the Profit they need to reinvest and grow their company and hire more workers.

The plain fact is Liberals think the Rich only take and never give, and produce nothing. Nothing could be further from the truth but 90 plus years of Liberal Propaganda and revisionist History in our schools has convinced them all of it.

And the Conservatives believe that returning the tax rates to where they were ( a whopping 3% more) is the same thing as talking ALL the money away from the wealthy
Liberals have never seen a tax increase that they didn't like. The concept of "tax the crap out of the rich" seems to be their battle cry. Ok. Let's say we do that. When there are no more rich to tax, what then Tonto?
What I would like to see is a $20,000,000 limit on the accumulation of person assets and federal confiscation of every penny above that limit.

And I want to hear some sonofabitch tell me he can't make it on twenty million.
Taxes would return to what they were under Clinton, when we had a surplus and the stock market was great.
Taxes would return to what they were under Clinton, when we had a surplus and the stock market was great.

I didn't see the wealthy going into a panic and laying off workers by the tens of thousands during the Clinton years. As a matter of fact, they made more money, created more wealth and were better off under Clinton than under Bush with his tax cuts
Gosh, you're stupid. He asked, "did you or did you not attribute the sunsetting of Bush's tax cuts...", and I responded, "I think I did."

He was asking what I did, not why the sunset was put into place.

Do you even bother reading before you post?

the point is: you were wrong. The sunsetting had nothing to do with what you said it did.
And what did I say it had to do with?

don't you remember?

you said that the reason that the taxes were sunsetted by the republicans was that they could not have foreseen that the economy would have been in such terrible shape a decade down the line.

and that is NOT why the taxes were sunsetted.

you were wrong, and, of course, you do not have the balls to admit it... why am I not surprised?
Gosh, you're stupid. He asked, "did you or did you not attribute the sunsetting of Bush's tax cuts...", and I responded, "I think I did."

He was asking what I did, not why the sunset was put into place.

Do you even bother reading before you post?
Then you are now aware that any blame for these tax cuts expiring rests with Regressives, not Democrats?
So...can't admit you're wrong, huh?

I'm not wrong, and you cannot show where I am.

Very typical.
Taxes would return to what they were under Clinton, when we had a surplus and the stock market was great.

I didn't see the wealthy going into a panic and laying off workers by the tens of thousands during the Clinton years. As a matter of fact, they made more money, created more wealth and were better off under Clinton than under Bush with his tax cuts

Just remember to thank Newt! :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.

Oh my. We have been down that path before. The tax hike early in Clinton's first term. And the result was not anything like you are claiming. In fact, during the Clinton years we had the longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. But you whacked out Conservatives made all the same predictions then as now.
Lying? Is this not Obama's economy?

yes, lying. your boy, shrub, was the first leader in recorded history to pass a tax cut during war time. he did so with the words, 'we have a surplus. and the people should have a refund'. he and his buddies then proceeded to rape our treasury and spend hundreds of billions of dolloars of our money, driving us into a hole.

of course, the surplus was left him by a democratic president

that said... your guy's tax breaks to the rich were INTENDED to sundown.

not re-implementing those tax cuts is NOT a tax increase...it's just a refusal to continue your guy's idiocy.

the world is far more complex than you pretend.

Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.

Oh my. We have been down that path before. The tax hike early in Clinton's first term. And the result was not anything like you are claiming. In fact, during the Clinton years we had the longest sustained economic boom in the history of this nation. But you whacked out Conservatives made all the same predictions then as now.

It's not about who is spending Irresponsibly, It's about Irresponsible spending. Government has become an over sized Parasite.
Even I cannot see how taking more taxes away from (even a small) segment of the population will help out economy.

It MIGHT help our deficit somewhat, but NOW is not the time to worry about that problem.

If anything, we ought to be reducing taxes on working people first, of course.

Which is, I am informed Obama's plan.

But as to increasing taxes on those making over $250K a year?

I'm not a all certain that's a good idea right now.
Taxes would return to what they were under Clinton, when we had a surplus and the stock market was great.

I didn't see the wealthy going into a panic and laying off workers by the tens of thousands during the Clinton years. As a matter of fact, they made more money, created more wealth and were better off under Clinton than under Bush with his tax cuts

Just remember to thank Newt! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did Newt cut taxes? How many trickle down jobs were attributed to Newt?

Other than shutting down government because he wasn't happy with his seat on Air Force One....what did Newt accomplish?
the point is: you were wrong. The sunsetting had nothing to do with what you said it did.
And what did I say it had to do with?

don't you remember?

you said that the reason that the taxes were sunsetted by the republicans was that they could not have foreseen that the economy would have been in such terrible shape a decade down the line.

and that is NOT why the taxes were sunsetted.

you were wrong, and, of course, you do not have the balls to admit it... why am I not surprised?
Oh, okay, I see what you were saying. So, yes, I was wrong.
I didn't see the wealthy going into a panic and laying off workers by the tens of thousands during the Clinton years. As a matter of fact, they made more money, created more wealth and were better off under Clinton than under Bush with his tax cuts

Just remember to thank Newt! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did Newt cut taxes? How many trickle down jobs were attributed to Newt?

Other than shutting down government because he wasn't happy with his seat on Air Force One....what did Newt accomplish?
he didn't shut down Government for that you fucking dweeb.
Tom DeLay called it "the mistake of his [Gingrich's] life".

DeLay writes in his book No Retreat, No Surrender:

"He told a room full of reporters that he forced the shutdown because Clinton had rudely made him and Bob Dole sit at the back of Air Force One...Newt had been careless to say such a thing, and now the whole moral tone of the shutdown had been lost. What had been a noble battle for fiscal sanity began to look like the tirade of a spoiled child. The revolution, I can tell you, was never the same."

Gingrich's complaint resulted in the perception that he was acting in a petty, egotistical manner, and Clinton defended the seating arrangement as a courtesy to Gingrich, the back of the plane being closer to his pickup car. Later polling suggested that the event badly damaged Gingrich politically.

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