? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

Did Newt cut taxes? How many trickle down jobs were attributed to Newt?

Other than shutting down government because he wasn't happy with his seat on Air Force One....what did Newt accomplish?
he didn't shut down Government for that you fucking dweeb.

Noooooo....Newt wouldn't do such a thing

Would he?

It was all budgetary...and those funds were to let expire and had zero to do with being snubbed on AF One by Clinton going to that funeral.

It was just a shot that Democrats took because Newt should have kept his mouth shut about and should have been glad he was even there aboard the aircraft.

Dirty politics as usual. And NOTE? This is NOT a defense of Gingrich...but an admonishment of Newt that he squandered something in his grasp that will continue to haunt him. Newt was stupid.

But More to the point? Government SHOULD be shut down...even NOW. I'd LOVE to see it stall indefinitely.

*And YOU may quote me*
Lying? Is this not Obama's economy?

yes, lying. your boy, shrub, was the first leader in recorded history to pass a tax cut during war time. he did so with the words, 'we have a surplus. and the people should have a refund'. he and his buddies then proceeded to rape our treasury and spend hundreds of billions of dolloars of our money, driving us into a hole.

of course, the surplus was left him by a democratic president

that said... your guy's tax breaks to the rich were INTENDED to sundown.

not re-implementing those tax cuts is NOT a tax increase...it's just a refusal to continue your guy's idiocy.

the world is far more complex than you pretend.

Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?
When you go to the store with a $1.00 off coupon for Tide Detergent, and the cashier tells you that the coupon has expired, do you complain that the store has jacked up their prices?

Same thing.
he didn't shut down Government for that you fucking dweeb.

Noooooo....Newt wouldn't do such a thing

Would he?

It was all budgetary...and those funds were to let expire and had zero to do with being snubbed on AF One by Clinton going to that funeral.

It was just a shot that Democrats took because Newt should have kept his mouth shut about and should have been glad he was even there aboard the aircraft.

Dirty politics as usual. And NOTE? This is NOT a defense of Gingrich...but an admonishment of Newt that he squandered something in his grasp that will continue to haunt him. Newt was stupid.

But More to the point? Government SHOULD be shut down...even NOW. I'd LOVE to see it stall indefinitely.

*And YOU may quote me*

LOL....sure it was

And Ole Newt only shut down the Gubmint because he had the best interests of the nation at heart.
I didn't see the wealthy going into a panic and laying off workers by the tens of thousands during the Clinton years. As a matter of fact, they made more money, created more wealth and were better off under Clinton than under Bush with his tax cuts

Just remember to thank Newt! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did Newt cut taxes? How many trickle down jobs were attributed to Newt?

Other than shutting down government because he wasn't happy with his seat on Air Force One....what did Newt accomplish?

The Republican's Contract with America, and Clinton coming from the Left towards the center gave us a good Economy.
Yes, you are, and yes, I can.

Very typically, you will now say, "Nuh-UH!!!"

Let's quote it instead of just linking to it. The bolded parts are the only thing relevant:

did you or did you not attribute the sunsetting of Bush's tax cuts to the fact that republicans back then could not have known that the economy would be in the shape it is today?

I think I did.

Then you would be wrong. The only reason they sunset after 10 years is because that is the rule when using reconciliation. It was the condition that Regressives had to abide by in order to pass the tax cuts with a 51-50 majority.

Gosh, you're stupid. He asked, "did you or did you not attribute the sunsetting of Bush's tax cuts...", and I responded, "I think I did."

He was asking what I did, not why the sunset was put into place.

Your attribution is dead wrong, you admitted that this was your attribution, and maineman and I both called you on it.

What's the problem?
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Noooooo....Newt wouldn't do such a thing

Would he?

It was all budgetary...and those funds were to let expire and had zero to do with being snubbed on AF One by Clinton going to that funeral.

It was just a shot that Democrats took because Newt should have kept his mouth shut about and should have been glad he was even there aboard the aircraft.

Dirty politics as usual. And NOTE? This is NOT a defense of Gingrich...but an admonishment of Newt that he squandered something in his grasp that will continue to haunt him. Newt was stupid.

But More to the point? Government SHOULD be shut down...even NOW. I'd LOVE to see it stall indefinitely.

*And YOU may quote me*

LOL....sure it was

And Ole Newt only shut down the Gubmint because he had the best interests of the nation at heart.

Whatever you say. [And you know I remain correct].

Now as to shutting down Government? it should be done OFTEN as an accounting is in order for their waste, their politics at our expense.

I say we start January 2011, if not sooner.
Noooooo....Newt wouldn't do such a thing

Would he?

It was all budgetary...and those funds were to let expire and had zero to do with being snubbed on AF One by Clinton going to that funeral.

It was just a shot that Democrats took because Newt should have kept his mouth shut about and should have been glad he was even there aboard the aircraft.

Dirty politics as usual. And NOTE? This is NOT a defense of Gingrich...but an admonishment of Newt that he squandered something in his grasp that will continue to haunt him. Newt was stupid.

But More to the point? Government SHOULD be shut down...even NOW. I'd LOVE to see it stall indefinitely.

*And YOU may quote me*

LOL....sure it was

And Ole Newt only shut down the Gubmint because he had the best interests of the nation at heart.

I'd shut down the Bureaucrats and the Union's faster than you could sabotage an Election with ACORN, if it was in my power. Government is such an over sized parasite it has outgrown it's host. I say start hunting season early, on anything making over a hundred grand working less than 40 hours. Lock and load. Welcome to Unemployment 101. Government needed that kick in the ass then, it needs a kick in the ass right now. Bend over and grab your ankles. We are pissed, and ain't into your bullshit anymore. Some of us never were.
Yes, you are, and yes, I can.

Very typically, you will now say, "Nuh-UH!!!"

Let's quote it instead of just linking to it. The bolded parts are the only thing relevant:

did you or did you not attribute the sunsetting of Bush's tax cuts to the fact that republicans back then could not have known that the economy would be in the shape it is today?

Then you would be wrong. The only reason they sunset after 10 years is because that is the rule when using reconciliation. It was the condition that Regressives had to abide by in order to pass the tax cuts with a 51-50 majority.

Gosh, you're stupid. He asked, "did you or did you not attribute the sunsetting of Bush's tax cuts...", and I responded, "I think I did."

He was asking what I did, not why the sunset was put into place.

Your attribution is dead wrong, you admitted that this was your attribution, and maineman and I both called you on it.

What's the problem?
You're right. No problem. I was indeed wrong.
Here's an idea: let's go back to what we were doing back when we were a superpower....
Oh, good Gaea NO!! America must be brought down to third-world nation status to atone for her past sins!

/leftist mode

Ouutsourcing is a good thing! That ought to help, huh?
NAFTA is a good thing!! Hows that coming along?
10 million illegal aliens in 8 years with open border policy. That improves the 3rd world image.
Cut the minimum wage & slide into the abyss. Making less should help the 3rd world image.
Bring China into the WTO. Hey, that is a great one.
Here's an idea: let's go back to what we were doing back when we were a superpower....
Oh, good Gaea NO!! America must be brought down to third-world nation status to atone for her past sins!

/leftist mode

Ouutsourcing is a good thing! That ought to help, huh?
NAFTA is a good thing!! Hows that coming along?
10 million illegal aliens in 8 years with open border policy. That improves the 3rd world image.
Cut the minimum wage & slide into the abyss. Making less should help the 3rd world image.
Bring China into the WTO. Hey, that is a great one.
Can you find where I've supported any of those issues? Kthnxbai.
Just remember to thank Newt! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did Newt cut taxes? How many trickle down jobs were attributed to Newt?

Other than shutting down government because he wasn't happy with his seat on Air Force One....what did Newt accomplish?

The Republican's Contract with America, and Clinton coming from the Left towards the center gave us a good Economy.

Yea right

Except for the fact that Gingrich managed to execute none of his contract with America
he didn't shut down Government for that you fucking dweeb.

Noooooo....Newt wouldn't do such a thing

Would he?

You can do better than that.

How about this???

Tom DeLay called it "the mistake of his [Gingrich's] life".

DeLay writes in his book No Retreat, No Surrender:

"He told a room full of reporters that he forced the shutdown because Clinton had rudely made him and Bob Dole sit at the back of Air Force One...Newt had been careless to say such a thing, and now the whole moral tone of the shutdown had been lost. What had been a noble battle for fiscal sanity began to look like the tirade of a spoiled child. The revolution, I can tell you, was never the same."

Gingrich's complaint resulted in the perception that he was acting in a petty, egotistical manner, and Clinton defended the seating arrangement as a courtesy to Gingrich, the back of the plane being closer to his pickup car. Later polling suggested that the event badly damaged Gingrich politically.
Noooooo....Newt wouldn't do such a thing

Would he?

You can do better than that.

How about this???

Tom DeLay called it "the mistake of his [Gingrich's] life".

DeLay writes in his book No Retreat, No Surrender:

"He told a room full of reporters that he forced the shutdown because Clinton had rudely made him and Bob Dole sit at the back of Air Force One...Newt had been careless to say such a thing, and now the whole moral tone of the shutdown had been lost. What had been a noble battle for fiscal sanity began to look like the tirade of a spoiled child. The revolution, I can tell you, was never the same."

Gingrich's complaint resulted in the perception that he was acting in a petty, egotistical manner, and Clinton defended the seating arrangement as a courtesy to Gingrich, the back of the plane being closer to his pickup car. Later polling suggested that the event badly damaged Gingrich politically.

Very good. It is my personal belief that Tom Delay was intentionally sand bagged by the DNC to insure he was knocked out as a Presidential Contender before Primary season even started. It was a witch hunt, and in my individual opinion, Election Tampering. I would have backed him over Romney, who was my second choice. I laugh to myself when DNC complains about not knowing where the RNC is heading, like you guy's really give a shit. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I strongly prefer Delay over Newt, who, to me, represents One World Order. Too many progressives in both Parties. There are things about Newt I like, but he sets off too many warning bells. P.S. I think he has a crush on Hillary. :lol: :lol: :lol:
As a [center-]leftist, in am offended by your lumping us all in with those moonbats.
In my view of the spectrum, there's no such thing as a center-leftist. I'd say you're a center-liberal.

Claiming to be a center-leftist would be like claiming to be a moderate Stalinist. :lol:
Centre-left - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Centre-left is a political term that describes individuals, political parties or organisations such as think tanks whose ideology lies between the centre and the left on the left-right spectrum. It excludes far left stances. The term may refer to a position to the left of a centrist position in a given country, or it may refer to a position to the left in some hypothetical global political spectrum.[1]


The Third Way refers to various political positions which try to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of right-wing economic and left-wing social policies

People like you who view the world in false dichotomies are part of the problem.
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Lying? Is this not Obama's economy?

yes, lying. your boy, shrub, was the first leader in recorded history to pass a tax cut during war time. he did so with the words, 'we have a surplus. and the people should have a refund'. he and his buddies then proceeded to rape our treasury and spend hundreds of billions of dolloars of our money, driving us into a hole.

of course, the surplus was left him by a democratic president

that said... your guy's tax breaks to the rich were INTENDED to sundown.

not re-implementing those tax cuts is NOT a tax increase...it's just a refusal to continue your guy's idiocy.

the world is far more complex than you pretend.

Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?

It's not a tax rise any more than the step I take out of a pot hole is raising the level of the street.
yes, lying. your boy, shrub, was the first leader in recorded history to pass a tax cut during war time. he did so with the words, 'we have a surplus. and the people should have a refund'. he and his buddies then proceeded to rape our treasury and spend hundreds of billions of dolloars of our money, driving us into a hole.

of course, the surplus was left him by a democratic president

that said... your guy's tax breaks to the rich were INTENDED to sundown.

not re-implementing those tax cuts is NOT a tax increase...it's just a refusal to continue your guy's idiocy.

the world is far more complex than you pretend.

Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?

It's not a tax rise any more than the step I take out of a pot hole is raising the level of the street.

non sequitor innit?
Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?
Of course it will occur as a de facto increase for those whose income exceeds $250k per annum. But technically it will be a restoration of the tax rate that existed during a particularly productive period for our economy.

It is worth noting here that the Bush tax cuts have to date cost the U.S. Treasury over two trillion dollars. It also is interesting to note that during the most productive periods in our history the progressive tax rate was as high as 94%.

Ninety four percent! And that was during our very best years as a nation -- with a Republican president.

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