? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?
Of course it will occur as a de facto increase for those whose income exceeds $250k per annum. But technically it will be a restoration of the tax rate that existed during a particularly productive period for our economy.

It is worth noting here that the Bush tax cuts have to date cost the U.S. Treasury over two trillion dollars. It also is interesting to note that during the most productive periods in our history the progressive tax rate was as high as 94%.

Ninety four percent! And that was during our very best years as a nation -- with a Republican president.

94% of which part?
As a [center-]leftist, in am offended by your lumping us all in with those moonbats.
In my view of the spectrum, there's no such thing as a center-leftist. I'd say you're a center-liberal.

Claiming to be a center-leftist would be like claiming to be a moderate Stalinist. :lol:
Centre-left - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Centre-left is a political term that describes individuals, political parties or organisations such as think tanks whose ideology lies between the centre and the left on the left-right spectrum. It excludes far left stances. The term may refer to a position to the left of a centrist position in a given country, or it may refer to a position to the left in some hypothetical global political spectrum.[1]

Third Way (centrism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Third Way refers to various political positions which try to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of right-wing economic and left-wing social policies

People like you who view the world in false dichotomies are part of the problem.
False dichotomy? Did I or did I not mention a spectrum?

I make a distinction between leftists and liberals. Leftists are far left. Liberals are closer to the center. Your own definition says: "It excludes far left stances."

Are you far left?
Not re-implementing those tax cuts will make the tax rise. So it is a TAX INCREASE for sure.. At least it is on this planet. Which planet do you reside on?
Of course it will occur as a de facto increase for those whose income exceeds $250k per annum. But technically it will be a restoration of the tax rate that existed during a particularly productive period for our economy.

It is worth noting here that the Bush tax cuts have to date cost the U.S. Treasury over two trillion dollars. It also is interesting to note that during the most productive periods in our history the progressive tax rate was as high as 94%.

Ninety four percent! And that was during our very best years as a nation -- with a Republican president.

You think folks believe it will only be a tax increase for those making over 250 grand? Just like we believed our insurance premiums would go down? I love you demonRats you keep pissing down our backs and telling us it rain. Asswipes.
False dichotomy? Did I or did I not mention a spectrum?

You denied that one can be just to one side of the spectrum.
I make a distinction between leftists and liberals

Liberalism emerged as a doctrine of the Left. Only with the shift in the common ideology has it come to be seen as center or right-of-center by merit of its broad adherence, much as the cult called Christianity came to be seen as a mainstream faith.
. Leftists are far left

And muslims are jihadists and christians are members of the Hutaree and bomb abortion cventers :cuckoo:
You think folks believe it will only be a tax increase for those making over 250 grand? Just like we believed our insurance premiums would go down? I love you demonRats you keep pissing down our backs and telling us it rain. Asswipes.
Why do I have the distinct impression that you are among the +$250k folks?

I'm not a DemonRat, or a Democrat, or a Republican. I am a neo-Socialist (and I'm real cute). I believe that if Obama does increase taxes on those below the $250k threshhold it will be political suicide for him and the Democrats, so I'm not worried about it.
I strongly prefer Delay over Newt, who, to me, represents One World Order. Too many progressives in both Parties. There are things about Newt I like, but he sets off too many warning bells. P.S. I think he has a crush on Hillary. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've never understood the deference that Gingrich gets from the 'Liberal Press', who never challenge him on what he says. Of course, FOXNEWS isn't critical of him. But he refuses to go on The Rachel Maddow Show. The way the far Right is always touting his intellect, you would think he would have no problem appearing on her show.....
False dichotomy? Did I or did I not mention a spectrum?

You denied that one can be just to one side of the spectrum.
I make a distinction between leftists and liberals

Liberalism emerged as a doctrine of the Left. Only with the shift in the common ideology has it come to be seen as center or right-of-center by merit of its broad adherence, much as the cult called Christianity came to be seen as a mainstream faith.
. Leftists are far left

And muslims are jihadists and christians are members of the Hutaree and bomb abortion cventers :cuckoo:
No. Perhaps if you'd discuss things I've actually written we could have a conversation.
Lying? Is this not Obama's economy?
No. It isn't. It is Obama's effort to clear the ruins of the destroyed Bush economy and rebuild from what's left.

By setting record deficits?
Ya gotta spend money to make money.

I thought the Right claimed to know about business?!?
you denied the existence of center-left and that to be left-of center (and therefore a leftist) necessarily makes one far-left. Are you now denying that? Do I need to quote your post again?
No. It isn't. It is Obama's effort to clear the ruins of the destroyed Bush economy and rebuild from what's left.

By setting record deficits?
Ya gotta spend money to make money.

I thought the Right claimed to know about business?!?

Spending and investment are not the same thing. So much for you pretending to know anything about finance.

Also, who here's claiming to represent the right?
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You think folks believe it will only be a tax increase for those making over 250 grand? Just like we believed our insurance premiums would go down? I love you demonRats you keep pissing down our backs and telling us it rain. Asswipes.
Why do I have the distinct impression that you are among the +$250k folks?

I'm thinking this more represents WillowTree:

I strongly prefer Delay over Newt, who, to me, represents One World Order. Too many progressives in both Parties. There are things about Newt I like, but he sets off too many warning bells. P.S. I think he has a crush on Hillary. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've never understood the deference that Gingrich gets from the 'Liberal Press', who never challenge him on what he says. Of course, FOXNEWS isn't critical of him. But he refuses to go on The Rachel Maddow Show. The way the far Right is always touting his intellect, you would think he would have no problem appearing on her show.....

Rachel Who????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. ;)
you denied the existence of center-left...
No, I didn't.
...and that to be left-of center (and therefore a leftist) necessarily makes one far-left.
No, I didn't. Left-of-center is not necessarily far-left.
Are you now denying that? Do I need to quote your post again?
I think you need to read it again. :lol:

You can be center-left all day long. But how can you be center-far-left?
I strongly prefer Delay over Newt, who, to me, represents One World Order. Too many progressives in both Parties. There are things about Newt I like, but he sets off too many warning bells. P.S. I think he has a crush on Hillary. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've never understood the deference that Gingrich gets from the 'Liberal Press', who never challenge him on what he says. Of course, FOXNEWS isn't critical of him. But he refuses to go on The Rachel Maddow Show. The way the far Right is always touting his intellect, you would think he would have no problem appearing on her show.....

Rachel Who????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. ;)
Corrie? :confused:
you denied the existence of center-left...
No, I didn't.

As a [center-]leftist, in am offended by your lumping us all in with those moonbats.
In my view of the spectrum, there's no such thing as a center-leftist...

Claiming to be a center-leftist would be like claiming to be a moderate Stalinist. :lol:

...and that to be left-of center (and therefore a leftist) necessarily makes one far-left.
No, I didn't. Left-of-center is not necessarily far-left.[/quote]

Leftists are far left

You can be center-left all day long. But how can you be center-far-left?

You're the only one conflating leftism with far-leftism. You're trying to redefine things for your own purpose because you're dishonest.
You're the only one conflating leftism with far-leftism. You're trying to redefine things for your own purpose because you're dishonest.

Poor little fellah. Would you feel better if I called you a "whiny little bitch" instead?
You think folks believe it will only be a tax increase for those making over 250 grand? Just like we believed our insurance premiums would go down? I love you demonRats you keep pissing down our backs and telling us it rain. Asswipes.
Why do I have the distinct impression that you are among the +$250k folks?

I'm not a DemonRat, or a Democrat, or a Republican. I am a neo-Socialist (and I'm real cute). I believe that if Obama does increase taxes on those below the $250k threshhold it will be political suicide for him and the Democrats, so I'm not worried about it.

He already has according to my 2009 tax return and 2010 tax estimate.

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