? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

Definition of PROFIT

: a valuable return : gain
: the excess of returns over expenditure in a transaction or series of transactions; especially : the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost
: net income usually for a given period of time
I really gotta get me one of those leftist dictionaries. Apparently, it's just a ______________ after every word, so you can make up your own meaning. :lol:

It's the only way they get ahead without never having command of the language...only prostituting it for their illicit gains.

Maybe the more adventuress Liberals could try working for a while without punching in. See how long it takes to sink in. I had a friend way back, we worked together, at a popular place in Santa Cruz, Ca., anyway, he liked to bury his pay checks like a squirrel and just let them rot. Drove the book keeper crazy, the boss loved him for it. ;)

A very profound story. I'm sure the meaning is lost to our Statist Bretheren/Sisters.
Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

Of course they say yes when you call them tax cuts for the rich lol.

Ask those same people if they favor letting them expire on the S class businesses that will be hit by this and they will say NO.

As you may know, Congress will soon decide whether to keep in place the existing tax
cuts enacted during President Bush’s time in office, or allow them to expire. Which comes
closest to your view about the tax cuts passed when George W. Bush was president?

Bush Tax Cuts Total'

Keep all the tax cuts in place 35%

Allow only the tax cuts for families making OVER $250,000 to expire, and keep the
others in place 36%

Allow all of the tax cuts to expire 20%

Don’t Know 9%


No mention of 'rich' in that poll.
Refused 1%
Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

It doesn't matter how many polls tell me that I can possess what is in your wallet or pocket. It is still wrong to covet, and more wrong to take.

Actually you're dead wrong because we have decided via the democratic process upon which our nation is governed that our representatives can impose taxes on us.
Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

If that be the case? Then they Favour becoming a people less in economic liberty, and more as slaves to Government.

Whom are the rich but hose that invest to create jobs? Government doesn't create anything but slavery unto it's people, and those suclking at the teat of Government at the expense of others due to their laziness or ineptness to handle real life.

Those in that poll I'm sure are either stupid, or Statist Democrats...but in this case? They're one in the same because they cut not only their own throats but that of their neighbors as well....and thus the teats become less available.
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Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

Of course they say yes when you call them tax cuts for the rich lol.

Ask those same people if they favor letting them expire on the S class businesses that will be hit by this and they will say NO.

As you may know, Congress will soon decide whether to keep in place the existing tax
cuts enacted during President Bush’s time in office, or allow them to expire. Which comes
closest to your view about the tax cuts passed when George W. Bush was president?

Bush Tax Cuts Total'

Keep all the tax cuts in place 35%

Allow only the tax cuts for families making OVER $250,000 to expire, and keep the
others in place 36%

Allow all of the tax cuts to expire 20%

Don’t Know 9%


No mention of 'rich' in that poll.
Refused 1%

So, are you thinking the Bush plan will save him????? It's been 2 years on those training wheels, it looks like there's a brick wall in the path, and the brakes don't work in the rain. ;)..... He could just stay on vacation. ;)
Of course they say yes when you call them tax cuts for the rich lol.

Ask those same people if they favor letting them expire on the S class businesses that will be hit by this and they will say NO.

As you may know, Congress will soon decide whether to keep in place the existing tax
cuts enacted during President Bush’s time in office, or allow them to expire. Which comes
closest to your view about the tax cuts passed when George W. Bush was president?

Bush Tax Cuts Total'

Keep all the tax cuts in place 35%

Allow only the tax cuts for families making OVER $250,000 to expire, and keep the
others in place 36%

Allow all of the tax cuts to expire 20%

Don’t Know 9%


No mention of 'rich' in that poll.
Refused 1%

So, are you thinking the Bush plan will save him????? It's been 2 years on those training wheels, it looks like there's a brick wall in the path, and the brakes don't work in the rain. ;)..... He could just stay on vacation. ;)

Or on the Golf Course and leave us the Hell alone.
Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

If that be the case? Then they Favour becoming a people less in economic liberty, and more as slaves to Government.

Whom are the rich but hose that invest to create jobs? Government doesn't create anything but slavery unto it's people, and those suclking at the teat of Government at the expense of others due to their laziness or ineptness to handle real life.

Those in that poll I'm sure are either stupid, or Statist Democrats...but in this case? They're one in the same because they cut not only their own throats but that of their neighbors as well....and thus the teats become less available.

Where did the rich find all that money to invest in the nineties, btw, when the Clinton tax rates were in effect?
Of course they say yes when you call them tax cuts for the rich lol.

Ask those same people if they favor letting them expire on the S class businesses that will be hit by this and they will say NO.

As you may know, Congress will soon decide whether to keep in place the existing tax
cuts enacted during President Bush’s time in office, or allow them to expire. Which comes
closest to your view about the tax cuts passed when George W. Bush was president?

Bush Tax Cuts Total'

Keep all the tax cuts in place 35%

Allow only the tax cuts for families making OVER $250,000 to expire, and keep the
others in place 36%

Allow all of the tax cuts to expire 20%

Don’t Know 9%


No mention of 'rich' in that poll.
Refused 1%

So, are you thinking the Bush plan will save him????? It's been 2 years on those training wheels, it looks like there's a brick wall in the path, and the brakes don't work in the rain. ;)..... He could just stay on vacation. ;)

No, I want you to tell me why the wording of that question is inappropriate.
Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

It doesn't matter how many polls tell me that I can possess what is in your wallet or pocket. It is still wrong to covet, and more wrong to take.

Take using the power of Government for largess that doesn't belong to them in the first place.

Welfare for the most part is the residence of the lazy...and the playground of the politicians.
How about we put taxes on the rich back just enough to pay for the wars that Bush never paid for?
With or without the tax cuts, this is going to be the new reality. Change we can believe in?

Maybe a good old fashion war would save him. Huh? I always love these rightwinged examples of people who are too stupid to be running a business to begin with. Maybe your friend should have been lobbying congress to stop NAFTA & China getting into the WTO? I don't need to ask, he had his sorry ass down there pulling the voting handle to cut his own throat.
Six polls show most Americans favor letting the tax cuts for the rich expire:

The Plum Line - Dear Dems: You can win the argument over Bush tax cuts

If that be the case? Then they Favour becoming a people less in economic liberty, and more as slaves to Government.

Whom are the rich but hose that invest to create jobs? Government doesn't create anything but slavery unto it's people, and those suclking at the teat of Government at the expense of others due to their laziness or ineptness to handle real life.

Those in that poll I'm sure are either stupid, or Statist Democrats...but in this case? They're one in the same because they cut not only their own throats but that of their neighbors as well....and thus the teats become less available.

Where did the rich find all that money to invest in the nineties, btw, when the Clinton tax rates were in effect?

Ever heard of work or sweat equity? RISK?

Screw the nineties. Clinton's Blew up because the dot com bubble BURST. You know it as well as anyone and is repeated here ad nauseum.

Nice try at reality. You fail...again.
How about we put taxes on the rich back just enough to pay for the wars that Bush never paid for?

And what is One of the prime directives of Government but it's defense?

You FAIL again.

And if it failed? WHY is Barack still there? And why did the Senate vote for it? The Congress can always withold funding. TO DATE? They failed...as does your rhetoric.
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How about we put taxes on the rich back just enough to pay for the wars that Bush never paid for?

And what is One of the prime directives of Government but it's defense?

You FAIL again.

And if it failed? WHY is Barack still there?

I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.
How about we put taxes on the rich back just enough to pay for the wars that Bush never paid for?

And what is One of the prime directives of Government but it's defense?

You FAIL again.

And if it failed? WHY is Barack still there?

I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Hint? What is 'War On Poverty'...We are still waging that "WAR"

Why haven't we pulled funding for that "WAR" it's evident we are failing since poverty has gone up under Obama's Regime...and the Statist Democrats in power across the proverbial board.

FAIL again Carbonated.
If that be the case? Then they Favour becoming a people less in economic liberty, and more as slaves to Government.

Whom are the rich but hose that invest to create jobs? Government doesn't create anything but slavery unto it's people, and those suclking at the teat of Government at the expense of others due to their laziness or ineptness to handle real life.

Those in that poll I'm sure are either stupid, or Statist Democrats...but in this case? They're one in the same because they cut not only their own throats but that of their neighbors as well....and thus the teats become less available.

Where did the rich find all that money to invest in the nineties, btw, when the Clinton tax rates were in effect?

Ever heard of work or sweat equity? RISK?

Screw the nineties. Clinton's Blew up because the dot com bubble BURST. You know it as well as anyone and is repeated here ad nauseum.

Nice try at reality. You fail...again.

First of all the prosperity of the nineties was much more than dot.coms.

Second of all, good job missing my point. The stock market boom of the nineties was caused by massive amounts of investment money going into stocks.

Where did people come up with all that investment money, if Clinton-level tax rates KILL INVESTMENT, as we keep getting told time after time?


Answer that!!!!!!!!!
Where did the rich find all that money to invest in the nineties, btw, when the Clinton tax rates were in effect?

Ever heard of work or sweat equity? RISK?

Screw the nineties. Clinton's Blew up because the dot com bubble BURST. You know it as well as anyone and is repeated here ad nauseum.

Nice try at reality. You fail...again.

First of all the prosperity of the nineties was much more than dot.coms.

Second of all, good job missing my point. The stock market boom of the nineties was caused by massive amounts of investment money going into stocks.

Where did people come up with all that investment money, if Clinton-level tax rates KILL INVESTMENT, as we keep getting told time after time?


Answer that!!!!!!!!!

Where did they get it from? Who cares? They lost their asses.

And what is One of the prime directives of Government but it's defense?

You FAIL again.

And if it failed? WHY is Barack still there?

I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Hint? What is 'War On Poverty'...We are still waging that "WAR"

Why haven't we pulled funding for that "WAR" it's evident we are failing since poverty has gone up under Obama's Regime...and the Statist Democrats in power across the proverbial board.

FAIL again Carbonated.

Okay, so you don't want to pay for the wars.

Who do you want to pay for the wars? Your kids? Your grandkids? Nobody, ever?

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