? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

Ever heard of work or sweat equity? RISK?

Screw the nineties. Clinton's Blew up because the dot com bubble BURST. You know it as well as anyone and is repeated here ad nauseum.

Nice try at reality. You fail...again.

First of all the prosperity of the nineties was much more than dot.coms.

Second of all, good job missing my point. The stock market boom of the nineties was caused by massive amounts of investment money going into stocks.

Where did people come up with all that investment money, if Clinton-level tax rates KILL INVESTMENT, as we keep getting told time after time?


Answer that!!!!!!!!!

Where did they get it from? Who cares? They lost their asses.


The stock market was up 200% from the day Clinton took office till the day he left.

That's 2 with 2 zeros. 200%. And that's even with the so-called dot.com bubble bursting in 2000.

So compare that with Mr. GW Taxcutter Budget Buster's stock market.
I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Hint? What is 'War On Poverty'...We are still waging that "WAR"

Why haven't we pulled funding for that "WAR" it's evident we are failing since poverty has gone up under Obama's Regime...and the Statist Democrats in power across the proverbial board.

FAIL again Carbonated.

Okay, so you don't want to pay for the wars.

Who do you want to pay for the wars? Your kids? Your grandkids? Nobody, ever?

Whom do you wish to pay for the massive deficits run up by the Statist Democrats under Obama...?

Who do you want to pay for the wars? Your kids? Your grandkids? Nobody, ever
? The New Slavery the Statists are putting us in?

FAIL Again Carbonated.
Face it Carbonated...You are trumped.

You cannot talk your way out of what you profess. You're painted into a corner and afraid to tread on that pretty painted surface you just laid out.

I'm done with you. You are a failure in your rhetoric. Admit it.
I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Sound too much like taking personal responsibility, so you can forget the rich volunteering to pay for their wars.
Maybe you should look up the definition of 'profit'.
Definition of PROFIT

: a valuable return : gain
: the excess of returns over expenditure in a transaction or series of transactions; especially : the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost
: net income usually for a given period of time
I really gotta get me one of those leftist dictionaries. Apparently, it's just a ______________ after every word, so you can make up your own meaning. :lol:

It's the only way they get ahead without never having command of the language...only prostituting it for their illicit gains.
It depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Sound too much like taking personal responsibility, so you can forget the rich volunteering to pay for their wars.

Yeah even though the very people decrying it in the Congress voted for it...and it still continues.

Straw Dog there sport. And tell us of the War on Poverty again as the figures just went up a few points this past week?

Gotta pick yer battles. The battle we have with Militant Islam is necessary.

The war declared on poverty in the 60's is a losing battle to this day...so who's paying for WHAT exactly again?

Hmmmm? :eusa_whistle:

Your priorites are out of whack...but I expect that out of Statists.
Maybe the more adventuress Liberals could try working for a while without punching in.
Never happen. The world owes them a living, remember.

And that's how they live their lives...Just because...but don't expect them to pay for it. That just isn't fair...but using the force of the Imperial FED for legalized THEFT to make it happen is.
And what is One of the prime directives of Government but it's defense?

You FAIL again.

And if it failed? WHY is Barack still there?

I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Hint? What is 'War On Poverty'...We are still waging that "WAR"

Why haven't we pulled funding for that "WAR" it's evident we are failing since poverty has gone up under Obama's Regime...and the Statist Democrats in power across the proverbial board.

FAIL again Carbonated.
The war on poverty has been a rousing success. The purpose was never to eliminate poverty, of course. The purpose was to buy Democrat votes.
Okay, so you don't want to pay for the wars.

Who do you want to pay for the wars? Your kids? Your grandkids? Nobody, ever?
Okay, so you don't want to pay for your endless social programs.

Who do you want to pay for the endless social programs? Your kids? Your grandkids? Nobody, ever?

Oh, yeah..."the rich". :cool:
I'm just saying pay for the wars. We didn't. LBJ put a 10% surcharge on taxes to pay for Vietnam. Make people actually pay for stuff and maybe they won't be so eager to have stuff.

Hint? What is 'War On Poverty'...We are still waging that "WAR"

Why haven't we pulled funding for that "WAR" it's evident we are failing since poverty has gone up under Obama's Regime...and the Statist Democrats in power across the proverbial board.

FAIL again Carbonated.
The war on poverty has been a rousing success. The purpose was never to eliminate poverty, of course. The purpose was to buy Democrat votes.

Exactly. And all the while they make more policy to drag tose that used to be successful into the fold whether they want to or not.

It's all for POWER over the people. You are most correct. The people in this thread arguing for Statist policy are either stupid or complicit.

It's easy to spot which is which. :lol:
[The T;2734722]
Sound too much like taking personal responsibility, so you can forget the rich volunteering to pay for their wars.

Yeah even though the very people decrying it in the Congress voted for it...and it still continues.

The ME War of lies of Bush in congress? Sure they fucked up. They should have gave Bush a lie-detector test on those WMDs. How stupid of them to accept a lie. I bet you bought the lie, didn't you? Oh, you didn't hear the war is winding down? That we are pulling troops out of Iraq? Yeah, some of them will be home friday in my neighborhood.

Straw Dog there sport. And tell us of the War on Poverty again as the figures just went up a few points this past week?

Yeah, its rough huh? 13T in debt, 1 war still raging, and handing taxes back to citizens.

Gotta pick yer battles. The battle we have with Militant Islam is necessary.

That is pure BS.

The war declared on poverty in the 60's is a losing battle to this day...so who's paying for WHAT exactly again?

That is a good question. It could be better answered when we slap a war tax on the rich.

Hmmmm? :eusa_whistle:

Your priorites are out of whack...but I expect that out of Statists.

I don't think so, but I think you are arrogant enough to atually think you are correct.
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[Exactly. And all the while they make more policy to drag tose that used to be successful into the fold whether they want to or not.

It's all for POWER over the people. You are most correct. The people in this thread arguing for Statist policy are either stupid or complicit.

It's easy to spot which is which. :lol:

For you to buy that BS statement is what is stupid, in fact the height of stupidity. I bet your arrogant ass bought that WMD lies as well. Correct, ya imbecile?..........:lol:
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And I thought Iraq was a Peace loving Paradise, A Tyrant's Nirvana. They are not WMD's until they are assembled right????? Got it. There's no fooling you Sherlock.
How about we put taxes on the rich back just enough to pay for the wars that Bush never paid for?

How about we tax liberals for the costs of their unsustainable failed Utopian schemes?

Doesn't this tit4tat game get old? LOL!! How about we just put a war tax on everybody and get the debt paid off. Once the slate has been cleaned, we can shit can the IRS, and begin a donation only federal government where you accept responsibility for your own actions. From then on, you will know the cost of a loaf of bread and a jug of wine.
And I thought Iraq was a Peace loving Paradise, A Tyrant's Nirvana. They are not WMD's until they are assembled right????? Got it. There's no fooling you Sherlock.

And that falls into Imminent threat, how? You see, I can rummage through my kitchen and make a lethal weapon, but as long as the goodiess are used for cooking, they are just goodies. It reminds me of the US finding a sack of masa in Noriega's refrigerator and saying they were testing it for cocaine..............lamo:lol:
And I thought Iraq was a Peace loving Paradise, A Tyrant's Nirvana. They are not WMD's until they are assembled right????? Got it. There's no fooling you Sherlock.

And that falls into Imminent threat, how? You see, I can rummage through my kitchen and make a lethal weapon, but as long as the goodiess are used for cooking, they are just goodies. It reminds me of the US finding a sack of masa in Noriega's refrigerator and saying they were testing it for cocaine..............lamo:lol:

EASY. BOTH are threats to Human Liberty.

Game, Set, match.

As to the rest of your muddling?

Meh...doesn't matter.

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