For me personally, I am better off than I was 4 years ago



4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President
You are over 15 trillion in debt and have printed worthless money 3 times to try and cover it.
4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

You didn't build that.......
4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

You are the exception and not the norm...

(If we are to even believe you, you lying hack...)
4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President
Is this typical of the kind of research your company does?

Isn't Texas BEAUTIFUL????


From the file name: fen-river-pollution.

The Fen River is in China. Even the most stupid of stupid people knows that China is not in Texas.

But apparently, dean is even stupider than that.

If so, you should be unemployed.
My 401K turned into a 201K but has come back but not where it could have been. I don't blame Obama for that the economy took a worldwide hit. I don't really think that the democrat congress or Bush could have avoided it. But in that regard I am about even.

As for hiring, Obama and Congress has nothing to do with the private sector.

Pay wise I am doing better because I made decisions that allowed me to make more money, again nothing to do with anything the government did.

My house is probably worth more then it was it was never really effected by the bubble.

I made money on frackin' which again has nothing to do with the government.

That said, we really are not better off in my opinion. It may appear that way if we want it to appear that way but we are not. My company, which is quite big, told me the minute that Obamatax passed that after 2014 we were on our own concerning health care. This is after I took a job without Union representation. So now I am without while, for now, they are good. Which does effect me because I am always thinking ahead to retirement. When I took this job I had 3 years of health care after retirement, now I have zero.

Then there is the one thing I can not forgive Obama, the debt he has placed on our grandchildren and us. The economy was always going to recover if Obama did nothing, we are actually too big and diversified to fail. But the debt is become too massive too big. Our credit rating has once again been downgraded, that means we are not better off in that regard.

We can also talk about the division in the country it is worse then I have seen in my life time. Even during the Nixon administration the country was more united. Carter united us in dislike for him. Yes, I blame the democrats and you can blame the Republicans, and that is the problem.
Wait a minute. Wasn't the left railing about corporate profits a couple of months ago? Now they brag that corporate profits have allegedly increased during the Obama years? What's the deal? Are leftie hypocrites ready to admit that corporations R us and big oil isn't that evil?
4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

Why would investing in the Republican base be any more fair than investing in the Democrat base, or any other American base? We are all supposed to be equal in relationship to our government, and our government is supposed to treat us all the same.

Jobs went overseas for many reasons, and government, Republican or Democrat, had little to do with some of those reasons. Lower labor costs are one reason, and government had little control over that. However, tax policy, environmental and business regulations, were, and still are, big drivers of sending jobs overseas. Government has a lot to do with that, and they could fix that, if they tried.
Wait a minute. Wasn't the left railing about corporate profits a couple of months ago? Now they brag that corporate profits have allegedly increased during the Obama years? What's the deal? Are leftie hypocrites ready to admit that corporations R us and big oil isn't that evil?

4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

You are the exception and not the norm...

(If we are to even believe you, you lying hack...)

So you are worse off tan you were 4 years ago?
4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

You are the exception and not the norm...

(If we are to even believe you, you lying hack...)

So you are worse off tan you were 4 years ago?

Paying a shitload more for gas...

More friends and relatives laid off and can't find work...

Home value dropped...

4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

Why would investing in the Republican base be any more fair than investing in the Democrat base, or any other American base? We are all supposed to be equal in relationship to our government, and our government is supposed to treat us all the same.

Jobs went overseas for many reasons, and government, Republican or Democrat, had little to do with some of those reasons. Lower labor costs are one reason, and government had little control over that. However, tax policy, environmental and business regulations, were, and still are, big drivers of sending jobs overseas. Government has a lot to do with that, and they could fix that, if they tried.

The free trade agreements are a big part of why jobs fled the country.
4 years ago, the entire R&D department, half of engineering and a third of the company I work at was let go.

My Brother in Law, my brother and my niece's husband were laid off.

The value of my 401 dropped by more than a third.

Since then,

I've gotten two good raises, an entire new R&D Department has been hired. My 401 is worth more than it was 4 years ago.

So for me, things are better off.

The stock market is doubled in value. Corporations are making record profits.

When it comes to jobs, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce from 2001 to 2008 helped move millions of jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Those jobs are gone. They can't be "fixed" because the buildings are not even available anymore. They are simply gone.

Now I wish, just one time, that Republicans on the USMB would explain how Romney's plan of supporting and investing in immigrants is a better plan than investing in the Republican base? Doesn't Romney believe the Republican base is worth investing in?

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President

You are the exception and not the norm...

(If we are to even believe you, you lying hack...)

So you are worse off tan you were 4 years ago?

We all are whether you realize it or not, or him.

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