For those of you that truly believe that this should happen.. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” i.e. Jewish genocide,Anti-semites...

There's a new word for the anti-Zionist lexicon:

Ultrasemite - one who characterizes all criticism of Israeli ambitions, policies and practices as a form of antisemitism.
Israeliar - one who is willing to lie in order to defend the state of Israel.
Israeled - one who shares something in good faith only to have it stolen, then declared that the original owner is the true thief.
Unsettler - one who uses terrorism to steal land, unsettling the occupants and then settles down to live on that land.
Usraeli - A US citizen who approves of the United States being Israel's lackey.
Zionification - process whereby Jews gain material advantages over non-Jews in Palestine purely on the basis of being Jews.
That isn't what I asked you, I asked if you know how to get answers to questions, and it seems you don't want to discuss this because you had to paraphrase me, a common Zionist trick that often catches the unwary.
Ah, a different question. The answer is "yes, by asking him, looking at a document which would attest to his Judaism, see him accepted in a ritual circumstance as a Jew by his community, or by other means like seeing his family tree."

So knowing that, it should be obvious why I can't answer the question you first asked.
That's sometimes the case, if I know the answer to a question is 5 then yes, I expect a person to answer 5.
But if the question is "is 2 plus 3 always five" and anyone tries to give you the answer "no" you would call someone a liar if you were expecting "yes."
This is a very strange way to respond to the question "Was Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer a Jew".

You are making my case for me, Zionist like to evade, pretend simple things are complex and other parlor tricks.
Maybe things are complex and you are just simple.
Ah, a different question. The answer is "yes, by asking him, looking at a document which would attest to his Judaism, see him accepted in a ritual circumstance as a Jew by his community, or by other means like seeing his family tree."

So knowing that, it should be obvious why I can't answer the question you first asked.
Well I'll answer it for you since this is so mind bogglingly beyond your abilities - Yes, Hajo Meyer was a Jew and Roudy was being antisemitic in denying this, add this to your lengthy list of things I know about this subject that you do not.
But if the question is "is 2 plus 3 always five" and anyone tries to give you the answer "no" you would call someone a liar if you were expecting "yes."
No a false answer is not a lie unless the person knows it to be false. Calling someone a liar is not a good idea unless there's a good case to be made, for example when Nazinyahu said Hitler did not want to kill the Jews, that was a lie because of all people the Prime Minister of Israel knows what the Nazis did.
Maybe things are complex and you are just simple.
Complexity is often just apparent, Einstein understood that, some of us are gifted enough, just too bad you aren't.
Well I'll answer it for you since this is so mind bogglingly beyond your abilities - Yes, Hajo Meyer was a Jew and Roudy was being antisemitic in denying this, add this to your lengthy list of things I know about this subject that you do not.
True, I don't stalk you so I didn't know what another user wrote to you. You certainly know a lot about conversations you have had. You must be so proud.
No a false answer is not a lie unless the person knows it to be false. Calling someone a liar is not a good idea unless there's a good case to be made, for example when Nazinyahu said Hitler did not want to kill the Jews, that was a lie because of all people the Prime Minister of Israel knows what the Nazis did.
But a correct answer that you are too simple to understand isn't false.
Complexity is often just apparent, Einstein understood that, some of us are gifted enough, just too bad you aren't.
Hard to respond to this illogical mess. Try rewriting it in English.
True, I don't stalk you so I didn't know what another user wrote to you. You certainly know a lot about conversations you have had. You must be so proud.
That's an odd and evasive response to being told that Hajo Meyer was a Jew, you should have been able to answer the question unaided.
But a correct answer that you are too simple to understand isn't false.
What is it that you believe I did not understand? whether Hajo Meyer was Jew? No, I understand that perfectly, he was.
Hard to respond to this illogical mess. Try rewriting it in English.
Yes it is hard for you to respond to me sometimes, and we both know the reason is nothing to do with language.
That's an odd and evasive response to being told that Hajo Meyer was a Jew, you should have been able to answer the question unaided.
Told by whom? You? Since when are you an expert?
What is it that you believe I did not understand? whether Hajo Meyer was Jew? No, I understand that perfectly, he was.
That's nice but irrelevant. You are having trouble keeping things straight. And from where did you learn he was Jewish? Or was it just a fact you were born knowing?
Yes it is hard for you to respond to me sometimes, and we both know the reason is nothing to do with language.
So you honestly believe that what you wrote makes sense? Wow.
Told by whom? You? Since when are you an expert?
One does not need to be an expert to answer the question "Was Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer a Jew", this is clearly a perplexing question for you though. You have similar trouble with questions about genocide too, I've noticed.
That's nice but irrelevant. You are having trouble keeping things straight. And from where did you learn he was Jewish? Or was it just a fact you were born knowing?
If my response is irrelevant then why did you write "But a correct answer that you are too simple to understand isn't false."
So you honestly believe that what you wrote makes sense? Wow.
If your having trouble understanding all this, I'd look closer to home for the cause if I were you.
One does not need to be an expert to answer the question "Was Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer a Jew",
No, but one needs proof, authority and corroborate on. What authority told you? Or was it the errant belief that all Holocaust survivors are Jews?
this is clearly a perplexing question for you though. You have similar trouble with questions about genocide too, I've noticed.
I DO have trouble answering questions mired in errors or flawed presumptions, and these seem to be the kind you ask.
If my response is irrelevant then why did you write "But a correct answer that you are too simple to understand isn't false."
So you really aren't following. Understood.
If your having trouble understanding all this, I'd look closer to home for the cause if I were you.
Why would what you would do have any effect on me? And whose home? What is your actual first language? Or is this all just a function of a failing school system?
rosends Reminiscent of you, there's a dunce here who can't answer simple questions:

View attachment 1016326

Instead of bothering the tiny minority Jewish residents in Hebron, why doesn't he go over to the part of the city controlled by the Palestinian Authority (which is 80% of the city, btw) and ask about their rich and diverse multi-ethnic culture where Jews and Arabs have block parties together. /sarcasm
Instead of bothering the tiny minority Jewish residents in Hebron, why doesn't he go over to the part of the city controlled by the Palestinian Authority (which is 80% of the city, btw) and ask about their rich and diverse multi-ethnic culture where Jews and Arabs have block parties together. /sarcasm
Nothing stops you from posting a video of said block party.

Those people are indifferent to the way Arabs are treated differently. I suspect many of the people he spoke to were raised under this segregation and so consider it absolutely fine, just like white South Africans they are racist to the core, disgusting people that I'd hate to live amongst.

Maybe it should be reversed, how about that? make the Jews live behind fences and be prevented from getting a bus and be forced to go through checkpoints every time they go to buy food, would you be happy to live like that? if not, why not?
Here's a video of children being denied access to their homes after returning from school, just one more reason why the Zionist monstrosity must be wiped off the map.

Nothing stops you from posting a video of said block party.

Those people are indifferent to the way Arabs are treated differently. I suspect many of the people he spoke to were raised under this segregation and so consider it absolutely fine, just like white South Africans they are racist to the core, disgusting people that I'd hate to live amongst.

Maybe it should be reversed, how about that? make the Jews live behind fences and be prevented from getting a bus and be forced to go through checkpoints every time they go to buy food, would you be happy to live like that? if not, why not?

I don't know how to even begin to combat this level of ignorance. How many Jews live in H1 in Hebron, Sherlock? How many Jews shop in H1? How many Jews cross the checkpoints from H2 to H1 every day?

It is the JEWS who live behind fences in Hebron.
I don't know how to even begin to combat this level of ignorance. How many Jews live in H1 in Hebron, Sherlock? How many Jews shop in H1? How many Jews cross the checkpoints from H2 to H1 every day?

It is the JEWS who live behind fences in Hebron.
The block party video please...
Obviously I hit a nerve regarding your belief structure.
Except frankly for someone like you with your belief structure being so open and evidently you believe all of the above examples are myths? Right?

No, you didn't hit a nerve, I just get sick and tired of people invoking their imaginary sky pixie to rationalize their bad behavior.

the Zionists are the worst of the lot. Because after what Hitler did to them, they should really know better.

BUT you truly believe obviously that Israel should be destroyed here and now.
A country that has GIVEN to the people that have killed thousands of Israelis over the years.
How much has Hamas, etc. donated to relief of Israelis?
The State of Israel has facilitated the entry of more than 252,000 tons of food and
3.3 million cubic meters (871.8 million gallons) of water into the Gaza Strip since the war began on Oct. 7, according to freshly released statistics.Apr 3, 2024.

Hey, fuckwat, this is the mentality that Imperialists have used for decades. "Why don't you love us for invading your country?" Most white people have realized colonialism is wrong, and they don't try to rationalize it.

The Palestinians would have been far happier is the Zionists had just stayed in Europe where they belong.

So given your openness to FACTS which group would you think has more charity and openness to acceptance?
Which group CARES more about their people, i.e. where is the Palestine equivalent of the "Iron Dome"?
Which group gave 252,000 TONS of food a 871.8 million gallons of water?
Which group built their military headquarters UNDER a hospital?

Again, nothing stopping the Zionists from going back to Europe.

In my estimation of "good" vs "evil"... if the leaders of group doesn't care to protect the people the leader is responsible for what does that say about the people the being lead? Are they just dumb? What keeps them in that condition?
Religious beliefs. So again given your above dissertation on various religions, what religion would want people to be destroyed?

The one that is committing systematic genocide against the Palestinian people. Duh.

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