Former AG Meese: Obama's 'Recess' Appointments 'Constitutional Abuse Of High Order'


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
In a Washington Post editorial Thursday, Edwin Meese, the former U.S. Attorney General under President Ronald Reagan, and Todd Gaziano, Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, wrote that President Obama’s unilateral appointment of three individuals to the National Labor Relations Board, and of Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, while the Senate was not in recess, is a “breathtaking violation of the separation of powers and the duty of comity that the executive owes to Congress.”

As if we were not already aware, “Congress” includes Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who, naturally, praised the president for trampling over her branch of government. Regarding Mr. Obama’s power grab, Mrs. Pelosi said, “…we’re glad that the president took the lead, went out there, it was bold and made the appointments.” (Translation: How else can I get the things I want since I’m no longer Speaker?)

But, “Congress” also includes Speaker John Boehner, whose response to the bird he was just flipped was that the president’s action is “bad for jobs.” Mr. Boehner said, “This action goes beyond the President’s authority, and I expect the courts will find the appointment to be illegitimate.” 

So that’s it? Just file a lawsuit and get back to the business of the day? No defense of the Constitution, of the separation of powers? No conditions placed on future legislation? No talk of impeachment?

Read More:
» Former AG Meese: Obama’s ‘Recess’ Appointments Are a ‘Constitutional Abuse of a High Order’ - Big Government
Ron Paul: “By making ‘recess’ appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) when Congress is not actually in recess, President Obama has acted in clear disregard of the Constitution…And the President must be called to account for his actions.”
The former AG under Reagan? A president who made scores and scores of recess appointments? Yeah, he's credible. :lol:
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If you want to make a credible point, Ed Meese is the last person you should be quoting.

About the recess appointments in general, it seems Congress threw down the gauntlet by using a procedural trick to stay technically always in session. Obama in making this appointment is basically saying, "You're not here, so you're not in session whether you say you are or not." Regardless of who is in the right as a technical point of law, it's clear enough to me that we can't continue without a functioning government, and that if Congress isn't going to perform its job of ratifying appointments to important offices, then the Constitution isn't working well.

Which is pretty much the norm in a Crisis era. This is not unlike Lincoln suspending habeas corpus (which should have been done by Congress) or Roosevelt stretching the government's power to regulate commerce. When the institutions become dysfunctional, you find ways to make them work and sort the legal niceties out later (or let the courts do so).
In a Washington Post editorial Thursday, Edwin Meese, the former U.S. Attorney General under President Ronald Reagan, and Todd Gaziano, Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, wrote that President Obama’s unilateral appointment of three individuals to the National Labor Relations Board, and of Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, while the Senate was not in recess, is a “breathtaking violation of the separation of powers and the duty of comity that the executive owes to Congress.”

As if we were not already aware, “Congress” includes Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who, naturally, praised the president for trampling over her branch of government. Regarding Mr. Obama’s power grab, Mrs. Pelosi said, “…we’re glad that the president took the lead, went out there, it was bold and made the appointments.” (Translation: How else can I get the things I want since I’m no longer Speaker?)

But, “Congress” also includes Speaker John Boehner, whose response to the bird he was just flipped was that the president’s action is “bad for jobs.” Mr. Boehner said, “This action goes beyond the President’s authority, and I expect the courts will find the appointment to be illegitimate.” 

So that’s it? Just file a lawsuit and get back to the business of the day? No defense of the Constitution, of the separation of powers? No conditions placed on future legislation? No talk of impeachment?

Read More:
» Former AG Meese: Obama’s ‘Recess’ Appointments Are a ‘Constitutional Abuse of a High Order’ - Big Government

Leave to a ConJob/NeoNut/RePug/TeaHadist to the word of a morally corrupt Former AG to REPUG PRESIDENT HAD TO RESIGN BECAUSE HE LIE!!

Fuck Messe, Fuck Nixon
This is another stupid post by a partisan hack whose sole purpose in life seems to be putting down Obama. There are a dozen or so right wing / Republican (yep, they are the same today now that the R's have turned far right) extremists who post a negative account of everything Obama does.

I wonder if they actually believe the constant criticism and negative posts are credible to any but other right wing extremists? I suppose most simply want the echo chamber to 'shout' "right on" to their crap; I suppose it makes them feel important - in fact they appear to be petty whiners and cowards.
I wonder which dim wit poster will be the first on here defending the socialists in chief?

How about his own words?
Barack & Michelle's Socialist, Marxist & Communist Quotes

How about his family and associate relationships?

How about the people he surrounds himself with as "advisors"?
Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History | Western

If it sits like a turd, looks like a turd, smells like a turd, if everything it utters is a shitty lie, it must be a turd.
Maybe by the time congress is back in session they will realize how damaging to their careers prolonged outrage over this issue will be. It could even eventually lead to filibuster reform and that would be a horrible thing for them at this point.
[ame=]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]
Defending this clear & outrageous disregard for our Constitution is very low,even for Big Government Socialists/Progressives. Not everything is about the 'D' & 'R' thing. This goes much deeper than that.
If you want to make a credible point, Ed Meese is the last person you should be quoting.


Meese’s opinion is based on politics, not the law, and is consequently meaningless.
I wonder which dim wit poster will be the first on here defending the socialists in chief?

How about his own words?
Barack & Michelle's Socialist, Marxist & Communist Quotes

How about his family and associate relationships?
Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama

How about the people he surrounds himself with as "advisors"?
Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History | Western

If it sits like a turd, looks like a turd, smells like a turd, if everything it utters is a shitty lie, it must be a turd.


Post it in the thread I linked, dude.
It seems liberals today stand for nothing...

they just sit back while this President is acting like Hugo Chavez..

Congress BETTER do something about this..

get hold of you Representatives folks.
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