Former DNC Official Chalupa Partnered With Convicted Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Same bitch who worked with the Ukrainian government to smear Paul Manafort. Keep investigating! More and more shit is coming out about the DNC. The left can scream all they want about a meeting with Don Jr. and a Russian lawyer..

Digging up dirt on a political opponent is not against the law. Otherwise Fusion GPS funnelling who knows how much cash to Russian informants via Christopher Steele will sure as hell put a lot of people in the slammer.

"A former official with the Democratic National Committee has worked in recent months with a convicted domestic terrorist-turned-activist known as the “Speedway Bomber” to gather information on Donald Trump, The Daily Caller has learned.

That work culminated in a Washington, D.C. meeting in December between the ex-DNC operative, Alexandra Chalupa, the convicted bomber, Brett Kimberlin, and a South Africa-born Israeli man named Yoni Ariel.

Ariel, whose real name is Jonathan Schwartz, traveled to Washington, D.C. to brief Chalupa and Kimberlin on his knowledge of Russia’s activities during the campaign.

Chalupa, an activist of Ukrainian heritage who is strongly opposed to Trump, also directed Ariel to the Justice Department, sources told TheDC."

Former DNC Official Partnered With Convicted Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump
As Russian collusion accusations continue to surround the Trump administration, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders says the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is actually the guilty party because it coordinated with Ukraine.

"Frankly, I think something that may make sense is looking at the Democrat [sic] National Committee coordinated opposition research directly with the Ukrainian embassy," she said.

"So if you’re looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC who actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian embassy. And no one in this room to my knowledge really had a big problem with that."
DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims
As Russian collusion accusations continue to surround the Trump administration, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders says the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is actually the guilty party because it coordinated with Ukraine.

"Frankly, I think something that may make sense is looking at the Democrat [sic] National Committee coordinated opposition research directly with the Ukrainian embassy," she said.

"So if you’re looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC who actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian embassy. And no one in this room to my knowledge really had a big problem with that."
DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

They purposefully smeared Manafort to remove him as campaign manager. Politico did an excellent investigative piece on the Ukrainians colluding with the DNC.
Considering a D poster has a thread going saying that the Ukrainian collusion was a nothing burger I thought I should bump this because it shows the lengths the Ukrainian - American collusion were willing to go to to discredit Trump.

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