Former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) Endorses Harris

Flake was a staunch conservative in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Trump's campaign pledges of 200% tariffs and a 10% cap on credit card interest rates is to the left of Obama, who MAGA followers refer to as a Communist. Trump tried to steal the 2020 election and keep himself in power. The blinders are coming off.

“I think Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular, and it's difficult to support a candidate who, having lost an election, tries to use the powers of the presidency to overturn that election,” said Flake on ABC. “I know a lot of conservative Republicans feel the way I do.”

There's a reason why he's a FORMER senator.

Cenk Uygur

Sep 5

Agree with an online right-winger 2%, their reaction: Welcome to the party! MAGA welcomes you. Agree with an online leftist only 98%, their reaction: Nazi!

Melissa Tate


Cenk, people who voted for Biden/Harris own 70% of America’s wealth. Trump voters only 30%. Don’t you see that the Democrat party is now the party of the elites, neocon/neolib, pro big business.. crushing the middle & working classes who have found refuge in MAGA. You are Welcome to MAGA
One month away... Early voting has already started...


This thread is desperation at it's finest.
Flake was a staunch conservative in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Trump's campaign pledges of 200% tariffs and a 10% cap on credit card interest rates is to the left of Obama, who MAGA followers refer to as a Communist. Trump tried to steal the 2020 election and keep himself in power. The blinders are coming off.

“I think Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular, and it's difficult to support a candidate who, having lost an election, tries to use the powers of the presidency to overturn that election,” said Flake on ABC. “I know a lot of conservative Republicans feel the way I do.”

Geeeeeeeeeeeeee, I would have never guessed he would do that.

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