Former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) Endorses Harris

Flake was a staunch conservative in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Trump's campaign pledges of 200% tariffs and a 10% cap on credit card interest rates is to the left of Obama, who MAGA followers refer to as a Communist. Trump tried to steal the 2020 election and keep himself in power. The blinders are coming off.

“I think Republicans believe in the rule of law in particular, and it's difficult to support a candidate who, having lost an election, tries to use the powers of the presidency to overturn that election,” said Flake on ABC. “I know a lot of conservative Republicans feel the way I do.”

Trump tried to steal nothing. You need to put this in Conspiracies if that is what you think. Why? Because YOU CAN"T PROVE IT.
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Waltz "retired" to avoid a deployment to Iraq.

He did retire. Glad we cleared that up.
Flakey Flake "retired" to avoid a crushing defeat the likes of which HAS been seen in Wyoming by Queen RINO Cheney... one of the other irrelevant "staunch conservatives" that endorsed Kamala.

Because Cult 45 was pissed off that he rebuffed Trump by standing up for actual conservatism and the Constitution. Tell me, how did that work out for you?

He did retire. Glad we cleared that up.
Yep...just like the guy who gives up with a gun pointed at his head technically "surrendered".

Because Cult 45 was pissed off that he rebuffed Trump by standing up for actual conservatism and the Constitution. Tell me, how did that work out for you?

He was going to get creamed because he defied the will of the voters that elected him...and they had no intention of making the mistake of putting him back in office.

Sinema wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. If you're going to have a Democrat in office, they should actually have a D next to their name.

And she got the boot from her party as well.
Because Cult 45 was pissed off that he rebuffed Trump by standing up for actual conservatism and the Constitution. Tell me, how did that work out for you?
"Stood up for conservatism" by cowering in an elevator like the little wormy pussy that he is, in the face of a hysterical freak shilling for a fake "rape victim".

Yeah, a fucking tower of "conservatism" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) that candy ass was.
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He was going to get creamed because he defied the will of the voters that elected him...and they had no intention of making the mistake of putting him back in office.

Yeah, you guys sure showed him. That same year you lost 41 House seats, seven governorships, approximately 350 state legislative seats across the country, and the control of six legislative chambers.

Good job, Cult 45!

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