Former senator majority leader and architect of Pentagon UFO program says aliens are real


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
is there a motive for dropping this now?


when the Chinese Bat Soup flu starts winding down, gear up for Japanesian MURDER HORNETS

after that, shelter in place from the invading alien hordes

prepare to stay put until after the election if you live in a blue state
I know this, the alien/UFO thing Reid is bearding for, the whole thing was being driven by democrats, particularly "Clinton & Obama" democrats! The deal is this, democratic political leadership tuned into the late "Art Bell's" late night radio program and unless you've had head up ass these past two decades, married the entire fascist democrat political agenda to two of Bell's pet late night subjects, MMGW and UFO's! You bet your ass that they totally cooked up those Nimitz & Roosevelt naval aviator/ufo encounters intending to bolster the democratic party's case for stripping you of constitutional rights and freedoms so they could join in with benevolent space brothers and save dying planet from you all you evil white boys.....
I know this, the alien/UFO thing Reid is bearding for, the whole thing was being driven by democrats, particularly "Clinton & Obama" democrats! The deal is this, democratic political leadership tuned into the late "Art Bell's" late night radio program and unless you've had head up ass these past two decades, married the entire fascist democrat political agenda to two of Bell's pet late night subjects, MMGW and UFO's! You bet your ass that they totally cooked up those Nimitz & Roosevelt naval aviator/ufo encounters intending to bolster the democratic party's case for stripping you of constitutional rights and freedoms so they could join in with benevolent space brothers and save dying planet from you all you evil white boys.....
there's no way our incompetent government could keep this a secret for weeks much less decades
when the Chinese Bat Soup flu starts winding down, gear up for Japanesian MURDER HORNETS

after that, shelter in place from the invading alien hordes

prepare to stay put until after the election if you live in a blue state

If the murder hornets don't get them, the killer bees will,
I believe in life elsewhere.

I don't believe they are using advanced technology just to visit Earth and perform colonoscopies upon every unwary human they tractor-beam into their ships.
people may laugh but i believe there is something strange going on that has had governments spooked for decades ! to many sightings from pilots both civilian and military have seen these things ..
I know this, the alien/UFO thing Reid is bearding for, the whole thing was being driven by democrats, particularly "Clinton & Obama" democrats! The deal is this, democratic political leadership tuned into the late "Art Bell's" late night radio program and unless you've had head up ass these past two decades, married the entire fascist democrat political agenda to two of Bell's pet late night subjects, MMGW and UFO's! You bet your ass that they totally cooked up those Nimitz & Roosevelt naval aviator/ufo encounters intending to bolster the democratic party's case for stripping you of constitutional rights and freedoms so they could join in with benevolent space brothers and save dying planet from you all you evil white boys.....
there's no way our incompetent government could keep this a secret for weeks much less decades
Its not a secret, its out, and it was specifically intended to get out! Thats what they did with that history channel pseudo documentary centered on that CIA spook/democrat! They are all radical leftists, all of them! The whole message was "democrats & space brothers good, republicans bad!" Of particular note is the lunatic Ancient Aliens lie fest, they got caught red handed via their season number whatever opening following the 2016 election, bearding for Hillary Clinton, literally it was an ass kiss fest, except of course, the hag had ass handed to her and lost!

Here's the 411 my friend, DNC/Obama/Clinton, all conspired to, and then actually married the fascist democrat agenda to the public perception's surrounding MMGW & UFO's, they were taking advantage of the millions of idiots who tune into late night radio, and lunatic fringe kooks shilling the wildest fantasies about "space brothers" come to warn us, space brothers come to save us! The fascist democratic party clearly had taken up the initiative to embrace this idiocy as a replacement mechanism for traditional religion, of course all whilst installing themselves as the new all knowing priest caste......
If aliens are trying to contact us they are doing a piss poor job of it.

If they aren't we are just blowing off hot air pursuing this issue.

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