Former U.S. Ambassador Charged With Working on Behalf of Qatar WHILE IN OBAMA’S WHITE HOUSE


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just more from the 'least corrupt' administration in history.

How anyone ever bought that BS is amazing.

It’s best to solicit work from foreign nations AFTER doing service for the United States government, not during one’s tenure. Apparently, former Obama Ambassador to Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates didn’t get that memo.​
According to Axios:​
Richard Olson, a former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, has been criminally charged for his alleged role in an undisclosed lobbying campaign for the Qatari government, records show.

Driving the news: Prosecutors accuse Olson, a career foreign service officer who served as ambassador under President Barack Obama, of courting foreign work while in office, and using his political influence to advance Qatari interests in Washington after leaving government.

  • The Justice Department has charged him with making false statements in ethics paperwork and violating laws restricting foreign lobbying by ex-federal officials, both misdemeanors.
  • In court filings, Olson has said he plans to plead guilty.
  • His attorneys did not immediately respond to Axios’ request for comment.

The details: According to a criminal information filed this month, which has not been previously reported, Olson received monthly $20,000 payments from an unnamed Pakistani-American lobbyist for the work.

This is a very big deal, not only because of the criminal component but also because of potential ties back to the Obama regime. Who knew Olson was playing for both sides? Were there any kickbacks so people would look away? Did Obama know?​


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