Full House (TV): American Drinks?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock discussion between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction), Parvati (Hindu goddess of fertiity), Leatherface (fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal avatar from the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise), and Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation) about the consumerism-symbolism associated with the lifestyle-optimism 'modern-family' inquiry American dramedy TV series Full House.

The purpose of this discussion is to inspire dialogue about 'trafficked-values' in the modern world.

I'm excited about the upcoming piracy-culture intrigue themed Tom Cruise film American Made.


SHIVA: Anyone like the values-idealistic late 1980s - early 1990s show Full House?
PARVATI: Yeah, it's a nice example of values-oriented modernism programming.
LEATHERFACE: Modern family!
KRISHNA: They live in San Francisco (three men raising three daughters with one girl-friend's help).

SHIVA: I want to talk about media/consumerism 'culture,' so I'll pretend I'm Danny (the 'anchor').
PARVATI: I'll pretend I'm the helpful girl-friend, Rebecca.
LEATHERFACE: I'm Joey, the comedian!!!
KRISHNA: I'll be Jesse, the musician (and Rebecca's beau).

SHIVA: Kids today do too much drugs...hippie influences.
PARVATI: You're swept up in San Francisco, cliches, Danny.
LEATHERFACE: Funny-haha!!!
KRISHNA: We need more street-musicians and artists.

SHIVA: What if I took up work as a rickshaw-driver in India for one summer?
PARVATI: To learn about the heat in an overpopulated country?
LEATHERFACE: Rickshaw!!!
KRISHNA: Danny wants to be a priest...

SHIVA: I just think there's something spooky about Burger King cholesterol...
PARVATI: The three girls don't mind McDonald's chicken nuggets!
LEATHERFACE: Special sauce!!!
KRISHNA: There ain't nothin wrong with a drive-thru meal.

SHIVA: Yeah, that's thanks to the FDA.
PARVATI: And also to Consumer Reports!
LEATHERFACE: Play with the three girls!!!
KRISHNA: They should favor apple-snacks at McDonald's.

SHIVA: The media makes youngsters want to be 'celebrities.'
PARVATI: Fame and fortune is part of the American Dream...
KRISHNA: Joey (Leatherface), you need a psychiatrist (a 'shrink').

SHIVA: Do you know how many alcoholics watch TV?
PARVATI: Too many!
KRISHNA: Media will save the world...

SHIVA: God bless San Francisco and our three awesome daughters!
PARVATI: I need to order more Gerber's baby food (we buy in bulk!).
LEATHERFACE: Dark city!!!
KRISHNA: Don't be paranoid, Joey. It's a Gerber world...






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