Future World: Pluralism Philanthropy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This futurama-yarn was inspired by Logan's Run.



Welcome to the Future Experience. This 'arena' will introduce you (and immerse you into) the world of pluralism politics and networking-based imagination (and intelligence!). The captain of this entire 'arena' is known as Cyber Warrior, and he is (as he seems) the perfect warrior. Cyber Warrior guards the perimetry of the entire dominion, and he ensures our citizenry that all political and cultural interests are coordinated with today's civilization demands for traffic-based decision-making.

In the Right-Sector, the CEO of the fitness-gear company Fab-Physique (Kathryn Hudson) is giving a speech to the students of Future University about the value of learning civics and exercise after suffering a terrible trauma. Hudson herself was brutally attacked by the Messiah (the former spiritual leader of Earth), and now she uses the memory of the traumatic attack to promote ideals regarding survivalism wisdom. We use her insights to understand how to negotiate pluralism politics (e.g., World Bank) with modern cultural access on a global stage (e.g., QVC Christmas merchandise).

In the Left-Sector, the undisputed king of cinema, Thomas Cruz, star of very symbolic films such as Edge of Robots, Night of Fertility, and Eco-Leviathan, broadcasts instructional protocols for the people of Future World. These protocols are designed to make pluralism politics much more digestible. Cruz reminds us of the value of folklore of yesteryear (e.g., Star Wars) and the shrewdness of the social customs/lore of today and of Future World (e.g., Orwell, Asimov, Rushdie, etc.). Cruz is widely-considered to be a pioneer of alternative religion streamlining (e.g., Scientology with Christianity). That is why Cruz is the first diplomat of all relation/treaties between Muslims and Satanists.

Cyber Warrior offers us special 'battery-toys' (little electronic devices that sync to laptops and smartphones) which symbolize our new Earth commitment to Future World. Our first priority is to understand the bond between Industrialization and Global Warming. Our second priority is to understand how alternative religions/customs such as Wicca, Luciferianism, and Kwanzaa can be coordinated with the Vatican and the Vatican global website. Cyber Warrior wields weapons that can literally freeze the brain-waves of populations of people, so we all regard him as the Supreme Saint. This is all the product of capitalism, of course.



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