Gallup: Almost Every Indicator Favors GOP, Making Election Trump's to Lose

What about the blue wave of Taylor Swift women who are showing up to vote against banning abortion?

What about the fact the economy is doing great? Did you see the stock market yesterday? Ever indicator says people are better off than they were 4 years ago.
This is politics. People don't care about numbers a talking head on TV points at when they have to take on another job to maintain what they had just 5 years ago.
This is politics. People don't care about numbers a talking head on TV points at when they have to take on another job to maintain what they had just 5 years ago.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
Because he didn’t actually do what he said he was going to do, especially with immigration.

Seriously, good point. If Trump did a good job, the border would have been secured. The border agents would have had the tools and policies in place to do whatever it is Trump said he'd do to stop the problem.

I have the solutions. Drones. 24/7. Many of them flying up and down the entire border. With heat seekers on them to detect movement on the border or in the desert.

My GOD!!! I can't walk anywhere in America without a doorbell cam catching me. We have cameras EVERYWHERE in America. So why not have them on the border. And where we have no wall, fly drones. Cheap. Easy. We are not at war. We have soooo many privates sitting around doing nothing waiting for a war to break out. Give them something to do.
GOP rhetoric and tired stereotypes pretty much produce these same polling results consistently.

And yet the democrats still consistently get more votes.

This tells us that this polling doesn't translate 1:1 to how people actually vote.

It also makes one fairly suspect that the GOP turns off voters with its slimy behavior.
So your post was just hyperbolic speculation.
Not hyperbole and less speculation, more of a rational belief based on economic fundamentals.

Deporting all illegal immigrants is very inflationary.
Tariffs are inflationary.

Those are his stances.
GOP rhetoric and tired stereotypes pretty much produce these same polling results consistently.

And yet the democrats still consistently get more votes.

This tells us that this polling doesn't translate 1:1 to how people actually vote.

It also makes one fairly suspect that the GOP turns off voters with its slimy behavior.
Thanks for admitting the left steals elections. We already knew that.
Not hyperbole and less speculation, more of a rational belief based on economic fundamentals.

Deporting all illegal immigrants is very inflationary.
Tariffs are inflationary.

Those are his stances.

I say allow every undocumented person living in America to become an American citizen. Vet them first of course. Get a letter from their illegal employer saying what a hard worker they are. Then this person will be paying taxes and can go out and find a better job. Or organize into a union if his employer isn't paying a fair wage. We need immigrants. My dad was a Greek immigrant. Without immigrants we're fucked.

47% of adults in the United States under 50 years old do not have children, up from 37% in 2018. Some reasons why young adults are choosing not to have children include:

  • inancial concerns: 36% of young adults say they can't afford to raise a child. The cost-of-living crisis has made it difficult for young people to buy a home and have children.

  • Environmental concerns: 26% of young adults say the environment is a major factor in their decision not to have children.

  • State of the world: 38% of young adults say the state of the world is a major consideration.

  • Wanting to focus on other things: 44% of young adults say they want to focus on other things, such as their career or interests.

  • Not finding the right partner: 24% of young adults say not finding the right partner is a major reason they are unlikely to have kids.

  • Just don't want to: 57% of young adults say they just don't want to have children.

  • Negative experiences with their own family growing up: 18% of young adults say they had negative experiences with their own family growing up.

  • Infertility or other medical reasons: 13% of young adults point to infertility or other medical reasons.
Seriously, good point. If Trump did a good job, the border would have been secured. The border agents would have had the tools and policies in place to do whatever it is Trump said he'd do to stop the problem.

I have the solutions. Drones. 24/7. Many of them flying up and down the entire border. With heat seekers on them to detect movement on the border or in the desert.

My GOD!!! I can't walk anywhere in America without a doorbell cam catching me. We have cameras EVERYWHERE in America. So why not have them on the border. And where we have no wall, fly drones. Cheap. Easy. We are not at war. We have soooo many privates sitting around doing nothing waiting for a war to break out. Give them something to do.

Because your party wants there to be an open, or no border at all.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
You seem to have a lot of difficulty staying on subject, randomly wandering off into totally irrelevant things. Why is that?
Because your party wants there to be an open, or no border at all.

Since when?

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized), and because companies were unwilling to risk having non-tax-deductible labor expenses on their books by hiring undocumented workers without valid Social Security numbers.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.

Yet in the American media, Illegal Employers are almost never mentioned.

Liberal media my ass.

Look at this. Clinton was doing his job and Bush stopped. Why? So illegal employers could pay less and make more.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

And who defends illegal employers here on USMB? Republicans do. When I say go after them like we used to, suddenly Republicans here start defending the illegal employers.
What about the blue wave of Taylor Swift women who are showing up to vote against banning abortion?

What about the fact the economy is doing great? Did you see the stock market yesterday? Ever indicator says people are better off than they were 4 years ago.

Actual reporting indicted that there was no bump from swift.
In fact, in a lot of instances it hurt Harris.

Who has told you to say that the economy is doing great?
Every single economic indicator clearly shows the opposite.
You seem to have a lot of difficulty staying on subject, randomly wandering off into totally irrelevant things. Why is that?

You said people have to "take on another job to maintain what they had just 5 years ago."

Me, Christ Christie, Ron DeSantimonious and Bill Maher just explained to you it's Donald Trump's fault. Or covid's fault. Or Putin's fault. Or corporations. NOT Biden's fault.

Well, he did spend a lot but look at what he spent on. Infrastructure and Green jobs. Both of these things might I remind you, are benefiting red states more than blue states. You ungrateful fucks.
Actual reporting indicted that there was no bump from swift.
In fact, in a lot of instances it hurt Harris.

Who has told you to say that the economy is doing great?
Every single economic indicator clearly shows the opposite.

That's not true. They said the debate didn't move the needle much because most people are already decided. BUT, I bet you that Kamala handing Trump his ass helped her. Despite what "reports" you heard.

Oh, the singer posted a short message on Instagram encouraging her 272 million followers to register to vote. Afterward, the website she directed her fans to recorded more than 35,000 registrations.

And that's why Trump tweeted I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT. LOL.
You said people have to "take on another job to maintain what they had just 5 years ago."

Me, Christ Christie, Ron DeSantimonious and Bill Maher just explained to you it's Donald Trump's fault. Or covid's fault. Or Putin's fault. Or corporations. NOT Biden's fault.

Well, he did spend a lot but look at what he spent on. Infrastructure and Green jobs. Both of these things might I remind you, are benefiting red states more than blue states. You ungrateful fucks.
Oh, I get it. Blame everybody except the one guy that could do something about it. Got it. It's the old playbook. Let me guess, you'll continue blaming TRUMP! for every economic woe for the next 4 years if Kamala (what have I been doing for 4 years?) Harris wins. At no point will it become her responsibility.
Reduce the regulatory burden, for one.
. What burden, specifically? How would this not increase the costs associated with the negative effects that result?

That's just not going to cut it as a serious answer. It doesn't mean anything. It's the same boilerplate conservative nonsense we have heard for decades.
Actual reporting indicted that there was no bump from swift.
In fact, in a lot of instances it hurt Harris.

Who has told you to say that the economy is doing great?
Every single economic indicator clearly shows the opposite.
That SNAP card always has cash on it when smellybooboo needs it....that's all he knows.

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