Gallup: Almost Every Indicator Favors GOP, Making Election Trump's to Lose

Oh, I get it. Blame everybody except the one guy that could do something about it. Got it. It's the old playbook. Let me guess, you'll continue blaming TRUMP! for every economic woe for the next 4 years if Kamala (what have I been doing for 4 years?) Harris wins. At no point will it become her responsibility.
He did something about it. Just like Obama did. But it was never enough. Never a recession but you just complained it was never enough. Every month he added jobs, never enough.

You run the train off the tracks and complain how Obama/Biden get us back on track. We're back on track. All the problems you have run on, are already being solved. Gas prices, inflation, low unemployment numbers, border crossings, all being solved. No need for Trump.

Illegal crossings hit Biden-era low as migrants wait longer for entry​

JULY 30, 2024

And Kamala will sign the bill next year when Mike Johnson sends it to her.

Remember you guys wanted to wait till after the election to appoint a Supreme Court justice and now you want to wait till after the election to solve immigration? Well Biden's already fixing it.
Actual reporting indicted that there was no bump from swift.
In fact, in a lot of instances it hurt Harris.

Who has told you to say that the economy is doing great?
Every single economic indicator clearly shows the opposite.
The ho is down 2.5 points nationally.....even if that switched she still could not win.
That SNAP card always has cash on it when smellybooboo needs it....that's all he knows.
My neighbor is on disability. She finally put in for a SNAP card. I guess she gets $100 a month. She also gets free healthcare. And IDK, $1200 a month???

I love living in a country where that social safety net exists. You want to take her $100 away.
. What burden, specifically? How would this not increase the costs associated with the negative effects that result?
There are approximately 30,000 federal statutes, a field ripe for auditing and pruning. It should not, for instance, cost untold billions of dollars and take decades to build a gasoline refinery or a modern nuclear reactor. We need more safe, affordable and reliable electricity production, and nuclear is the best bet to provide that in the next decades until other technologies mature.
That's just not going to cut it as a serious answer. It doesn't mean anything. It's the same boilerplate conservative nonsense we have heard for decades.
Actually, it does cut it, because we're talking about things a president can do that impact the economy, and regulations is one area he/she has an impact. If you will recall, the thread includes a post from someone wanting to blame anyone he could think of for the reality that people face when they look at their family's finances EXCEPT the guy who's been in the Oval Office for 4 years and could do things that have an impact. If you want to blame a president for the current economy, you don't get to skip over the guy who's been in office for the last 4 years.
Interesting. Thanks for providing a direct link to the Gallop poll. I find it best to practice avoidance of the media to make heads or tails out of things.

Did you read it? Such nonsense. I don't even know what they mean

Nearly all Gallup measures that have shown some relationship to past presidential election outcomes or that speak to current perceptions of the two major parties favor the Republican Party over the Democratic Party. Chief among these are Republican advantages in U.S. adults’ party identification and leanings

HUH? This is proof polls don't know shit. I suspect close polls are more interesting than if they reported that Kamala's gonna kick his ass.

The pollster pointed to multiple conditions that it said were positive for Republicans. Those included President Biden’s low approval rating in a recent survey — 39 percent — for how he “is handling his job as president,”

Are they polling how many young women are going to vote for the first time this year because of abortion? No? So these polls are flawed.

Did polls tell Republicans that Trump backed candidates and Republicans were going to lose in the midterms, 2023 elections and this years primaries?

Did polls tell us how many women in Kansas were going to show up to vote for abortion rights? Nope.

The pollster pointed to multiple conditions that it said were positive for Republicans. Those included President Biden’s low approval rating in a recent survey — 39 percent — for how he “is handling his job as president,”

Biden’s approval rating rises after he dropped out of 2024 race
A new Gallup poll shows Republicans leading on nine out of 10 key issues the pollster uses to determine which side has an advantage ahead of the election. Gallup said the GOP trails only on the approval of Congress, and voters don't like either party on that.

"The political environment suggests the election is Trump's and Republicans' to lose," Gallup said. "Nearly every indicator of the election context is favorable to the Republican Party, and those that aren't are essentially tied rather than showing a Democratic advantage."

Party identification has traditionally been a strong indicator in predicting election outcomes, Gallup said, and this year, 48% say they are, or lean, Republican, versus 45% who are, or lean, Democrat — a GOP advantage not seen in decades.

BJ -

Makes sense of course -no one not deep within the Echo Chamber would even consider voting for the Harris Ticket.
President Trump helps all of the down ballot races.
With the Biden/Harris shit record it should be a GOP landslide.
He did something about it. Just like Obama did. But it was never enough. Never a recession but you just complained it was never enough. Every month he added jobs, never enough.

You run the train off the tracks and complain how Obama/Biden get us back on track. We're back on track. All the problems you have run on, are already being solved. Gas prices, inflation, low unemployment numbers, border crossings, all being solved. No need for Trump.

Illegal crossings hit Biden-era low as migrants wait longer for entry​

JULY 30, 2024

And Kamala will sign the bill next year when Mike Johnson sends it to her.

Remember you guys wanted to wait till after the election to appoint a Supreme Court justice and now you want to wait till after the election to solve immigration? Well Biden's already fixing it.
Fixing problems by increasing taxes on the poor, working poor and lower middle class using the cruelest cowardly way possible and that is causing inflation is not utopia. You guys just laugh it off. If the inner-city men and women vote for Kamala they will vote for more suffering.
They jumped the shark with the Poopeypants/ho switcheroo.
Nope. 75% of the support in the Dem party for Harris is "Thank God it's not Biden." THey don't give a rat's ass that she's an incompetent airhead. The rest of their cult are "she's not Donald Trump" voter.

No one supports her for her policies or her capabilities.
Nope. 75% of the support in the Dem party for Harris is "Thank God it's not Biden." THey don't give a rat's ass that she's an incompetent airhead. The rest of their cult are "she's not Donald Trump" voter.

No one supports her for her policies or her capabilities.
She will lose in a landslide and be forgotten by December.

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