Game of Thrones Season 8 footage FINALLY

Sansa looks butthurt about it. Jon, Daenerys, Jorah, Brienne, Sansa; interestingly no Tyrion.

Sansa meeting Daenerys, two major characters, for the first time ever in the 8th season. How many shows can do that? Jon about to reunite with Arya for the first time since season 1, episode 2. Crazy.
Winterfell is yours?

Way to go Sansa, just as it is about to be overrun by White Walkers and a Zombie Dragon
The writing last season was horrible. One's Suspension of Disbelief was strained beyond repair.

I will watch it because i have a lot of time invested, but it has sunk to parody. Also the occasional T&A.

My predictions:

I suspect Sansa will the last woman standing when this is all over. She has learned how to play The Game of Thrones.

If not her then Arya.

Cercsi will be killed by Jamie. The prophesy from the witch said she would be killed by her younger bother and we all assumed it would Tyrion but Jamie is the younger of the twins.
My prediction

After slaying the White Walkers and saving the kingdom Sam will end up sitting on the Iron Throne

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