Game of Thrones

so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.
Supposedly, episode 5 is going to be better than the Battle for Winterfell

(Maybe you can actually see what is going on)
so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.
I had forgotten about the Andromeda Strain. If I recall, the virus mutated to something harmless, thereby saving the world. Kind of like a virus killing the most powerful race of conquerors in the known solar system.

Now we have an assassin from nowhere taking out the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms that has ever existed and the end to a 7-year build up.

Well, some people liked it. To Me, it was a huge disappointment.
so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.
I had forgotten about the Andromeda Strain. If I recall, the virus mutated to something harmless, thereby saving the world. Kind of like a virus killing the most powerful race of conquerors in the known solar system.

Now we have an assassin from nowhere taking out the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms that has ever existed and the end to a 7-year build up.

Well, some people liked it. To Me, it was a huge disappointment.

Unless the NK somehow passed along his existence to Arya when he grabbed her.
so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.
I had forgotten about the Andromeda Strain. If I recall, the virus mutated to something harmless, thereby saving the world. Kind of like a virus killing the most powerful race of conquerors in the known solar system.

Now we have an assassin from nowhere taking out the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms that has ever existed and the end to a 7-year build up.

Well, some people liked it. To Me, it was a huge disappointment.

Unless the NK somehow passed along his existence to Arya when he grabbed her.
Anything is possible, but I would think that if he did that, then there would be enough of his influence to have kept the army of the dead alive.

But hey, the magic of the Red Witch seemed to have been enough to hold of the NK from taking over Snow/Targaryen when he was dead at Castle Black. So, who knows.

I think that the next episode is going to be focused on resolving the new tension between the two Targaryen contenders for the throne.

I'm thinking that Jon capitulates.
so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.

How did the White Walkers come to exist? Guess you missed those episodes where Bram was in the tree, talking to the 3 eyed raven, because he explained (through a vision), that because humans were warring against the First Children and winning, the First Children created them by putting obsidian in their chest. Guess that is one of the reasons they can be killed by dragon glass.
When you decide that your food shortage problem can be solved by putting the newcomers in front of the barricade...

so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.
There's a moment at the end where one white walker turns his head. but no others. I think Arya killed a white walker and took his face. That's why she was right there behind the NK, to jump and try to kill him.

Granted, that would taken a lot of time to do, and I have no explanation for that, And also granted, if she used her valerien sword or dragon glass to kill him, he would have burst to ice. So no face the carve....

I changed my last post to say that, yeah, that's a hole in the story.
so, BOTTOM LINE here.

For eight years, more or less, we have been tutored on the evils of the fukkers on the north side of the Wall of Ice. They represent the great battle between Good and Evil, and were promised that at the end of the day, we would know where they came from, what their intentions are, and why they want to kill every living human south of the Wall.

And what happens? They all disintegrate when some teenager knifes the king of the white walkers. How she got to the bastard, with his hundreds of guards and whatnot, but ignoring that.

Where is the conclusion? How did they come to exist? What was their overall purpose?

It reminds me of the novel Andromeda Strain. A virus infects the whole human race, everyone is going to die, everything imaginable has been tried to kill it or neutralize it, or whatever...and it just goes away for no apparent reason. AFU.
There's a moment at the end where one white walker turns his head. but no others. I think Arya killed a white walker and took his face. That's why she was right there behind the NK, to jump and try to kill him.

Granted, that would taken a lot of time to do, and I have no explanation for that, And also granted, if she used her valerien sword or dragon glass to kill him, he would have burst to ice. So no face the carve....

I changed my last post to say that, yeah, that's a hole in the story.
They could have shown her face changing....would have been better
The White Wankers were a bigger disappointment than Hillary and Stannis combined, that's the last episode for me.


Just fucking awful
The White Wankers were a bigger disappointment than Hillary and Stannis combined, that's the last episode for me.


Just fucking awful
The White Walkers didn’t do shit
It was the undead who were kicking ass
The White Wankers were a bigger disappointment than Hillary and Stannis combined, that's the last episode for me.


Just fucking awful
The White Walkers didn’t do shit
It was the undead who were kicking ass

Hate to tell you, but yes, the White Walkers did do a lot of stuff. It was their magic that reanimated the dead. And, when they lit the trench around Winterfell, it stopped the dead from crossing, at least until the Night King saw they were stopped, and directed some of them to lay across the flames so that the other dead could cross and attack the walls.

And, remember, when the Night King was killed, when he exploded into ice, so did all the other White Walkers, and the dead went back to being dead instead of zombie soldiers.

Sorry, but the White Walkers and Night King did more than you apparently think. The White Walkers were basically the generals of the army of the undead, and the dead were the foot soldiers.

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