Game of Thrones

Im proud to say ive never watched a single episode for twenty minutes cause i caught a nice rack as i was flippin through the channels
then i saw a midget .....who bored me to no end CLICK

The Poolside Protocol Is Looking Better Every Day
April 29, 2019 by CH

Via cortesar,

this is real, this exists but it should never have
you want an argument to persuade you to finally espouse the radical pool side doctrine/ideology
here it is

Of course, in a relentlessly pozzed show like Gayme of Drones, a waifish girl dispatches dozens of grown men.

I wish I had talent to accurately depict how much I despise, how much I loathe the bugman, the clown world in all its manifestations
But I cannot
It is visceral, it goes beyond words, far beyond rational, far beyond the repulsiveness as we knew it
This is the effluvia of both globalism and escape from globalism. These benighted creaturas shrieking and jizzing over a Dungeons & Dragons campaign (with less depth) are the unwitting meat nuggets tossed into the Globohomo maw, desperately trying to escape Globohomo though its digestive tract.

And part of the escapist lure of GOT is the nearly all-White leading cast, a welcome respite from the Diversitopia reality, which these bar room lards would never admit was one of the draws of the show for them. As Johnny Redux commented,

:auiqs.jpg:chateau heartsite rules read it all The Poolside Protocol Is Looking Better Every Day
Im proud to say ive never watched a single episode for twenty minutes cause i caught a nice rack as i was flippin through the channels
then i saw a midget .....who bored me to no end CLICK

The Poolside Protocol Is Looking Better Every Day
April 29, 2019 by CH

Via cortesar,

this is real, this exists but it should never have
you want an argument to persuade you to finally espouse the radical pool side doctrine/ideology
here it is

Of course, in a relentlessly pozzed show like Gayme of Drones, a waifish girl dispatches dozens of grown men.

I wish I had talent to accurately depict how much I despise, how much I loathe the bugman, the clown world in all its manifestations
But I cannot
It is visceral, it goes beyond words, far beyond rational, far beyond the repulsiveness as we knew it
This is the effluvia of both globalism and escape from globalism. These benighted creaturas shrieking and jizzing over a Dungeons & Dragons campaign (with less depth) are the unwitting meat nuggets tossed into the Globohomo maw, desperately trying to escape Globohomo though its digestive tract.

And part of the escapist lure of GOT is the nearly all-White leading cast, a welcome respite from the Diversitopia reality, which these bar room lards would never admit was one of the draws of the show for them. As Johnny Redux commented,

:auiqs.jpg:chateau heartsite rules read it all The Poolside Protocol Is Looking Better Every Day

Your loss
GoT has become complete trash
Best show in the history of television
Plenty of good shows have ended in the trash bin
Can you name some?

I'd say it depends on how the end. Some lose major characters like X-files or the Office or 2 and a half men so the last season is kinda meh. Dexter I really liked for the most part, but didn't care for the last season. Same with Heroes and Lost. Walking dead seems heading there.

Honestly with this long of time off and this much work, there are going to be those who feel it doesn't live up to the hype and that makes it bad for them. For me, while the White Walkers were a great plot point, they always felt secondary to the Lannisters on the throne and the fight of the living. So I'm fine with the last few episodes being on that.

And it's not all that often a show, especially an action/fantasy based one gives you the ending you want. Kinda like Steven King. A lot of his works don't end up finishing how you'd like for the good guy and that's life.

As for GRRM, fine sci fi writer. I prefer more space sci fi, but read his books, and enjoyed the detail. But it's also the first show/movie off a book where I really wanted to see the show before reading the story. I think overall their changes worked best for TV (Tyrions face, less incest, upping age of most of the characters, initial attack on kings landing, zombie Stark, Brienne's story)... I think it hit perfectly... 20 years ago that could have been hot garbage moving it to TV. But they had modern CGI effects, then with great casting and a boatload of money to get high quality episodes from the start, made it a mainstreamable story.
GoT has become complete trash
Best show in the history of television
Plenty of good shows have ended in the trash bin
Can you name some?

I'd say it depends on how the end. Some lose major characters like X-files or the Office or 2 and a half men so the last season is kinda meh. Dexter I really liked for the most part, but didn't care for the last season. Same with Heroes and Lost. Walking dead seems heading there.

Honestly with this long of time off and this much work, there are going to be those who feel it doesn't live up to the hype and that makes it bad for them. For me, while the White Walkers were a great plot point, they always felt secondary to the Lannisters on the throne and the fight of the living. So I'm fine with the last few episodes being on that.

And it's not all that often a show, especially an action/fantasy based one gives you the ending you want. Kinda like Steven King. A lot of his works don't end up finishing how you'd like for the good guy and that's life.

As for GRRM, fine sci fi writer. I prefer more space sci fi, but read his books, and enjoyed the detail. But it's also the first show/movie off a book where I really wanted to see the show before reading the story. I think overall their changes worked best for TV (Tyrions face, less incest, upping age of most of the characters, initial attack on kings landing, zombie Stark, Brienne's story)... I think it hit perfectly... 20 years ago that could have been hot garbage moving it to TV. But they had modern CGI effects, then with great casting and a boatload of money to get high quality episodes from the start, made it a mainstreamable story.
In many ways, TV has surpassed the movies

They have more lattitude and a wider audience
GoT has become complete trash
Best show in the history of television
Plenty of good shows have ended in the trash bin
Can you name some?

I'd say it depends on how the end. Some lose major characters like X-files or the Office or 2 and a half men so the last season is kinda meh. Dexter I really liked for the most part, but didn't care for the last season. Same with Heroes and Lost. Walking dead seems heading there.

Honestly with this long of time off and this much work, there are going to be those who feel it doesn't live up to the hype and that makes it bad for them. For me, while the White Walkers were a great plot point, they always felt secondary to the Lannisters on the throne and the fight of the living. So I'm fine with the last few episodes being on that.

And it's not all that often a show, especially an action/fantasy based one gives you the ending you want. Kinda like Steven King. A lot of his works don't end up finishing how you'd like for the good guy and that's life.

As for GRRM, fine sci fi writer. I prefer more space sci fi, but read his books, and enjoyed the detail. But it's also the first show/movie off a book where I really wanted to see the show before reading the story. I think overall their changes worked best for TV (Tyrions face, less incest, upping age of most of the characters, initial attack on kings landing, zombie Stark, Brienne's story)... I think it hit perfectly... 20 years ago that could have been hot garbage moving it to TV. But they had modern CGI effects, then with great casting and a boatload of money to get high quality episodes from the start, made it a mainstreamable story.
In many ways, TV has surpassed the movies

They have more lattitude and a wider audience

It's amazing at just the number of shows that are on now. If you like zombies there's a few shows for that. If you like zombie comedies there's a couple shows now for that. If you like less action and more horror zombie shows there's those.

I remember when if you liked space sci-fi you had Star trek the next generation and that was it. Now there's a dozen to choose from.

Different levels of quality of course but it's pretty neat.

Will Cersei burn King's Landing a la Mad King, trying to blame it on Dani and Drogon?

You know, that is a very interesting thought, and not too far off the mark for how Cersi thinks, because remember......................she blew up the church with everyone in it that she hated. And, it was because that explosion killed the wife of the new king, he killed himself by jumping out the window.

My guess, is she would stock a whole bunch of wildfire all around the city and set it on fire, and then say it was a dragon attack.
GoT has become complete trash
Best show in the history of television
Plenty of good shows have ended in the trash bin
Can you name some?

I'd say it depends on how the end. Some lose major characters like X-files or the Office or 2 and a half men so the last season is kinda meh. Dexter I really liked for the most part, but didn't care for the last season. Same with Heroes and Lost. Walking dead seems heading there.

Honestly with this long of time off and this much work, there are going to be those who feel it doesn't live up to the hype and that makes it bad for them. For me, while the White Walkers were a great plot point, they always felt secondary to the Lannisters on the throne and the fight of the living. So I'm fine with the last few episodes being on that.

And it's not all that often a show, especially an action/fantasy based one gives you the ending you want. Kinda like Steven King. A lot of his works don't end up finishing how you'd like for the good guy and that's life.

As for GRRM, fine sci fi writer. I prefer more space sci fi, but read his books, and enjoyed the detail. But it's also the first show/movie off a book where I really wanted to see the show before reading the story. I think overall their changes worked best for TV (Tyrions face, less incest, upping age of most of the characters, initial attack on kings landing, zombie Stark, Brienne's story)... I think it hit perfectly... 20 years ago that could have been hot garbage moving it to TV. But they had modern CGI effects, then with great casting and a boatload of money to get high quality episodes from the start, made it a mainstreamable story.
In many ways, TV has surpassed the movies

They have more lattitude and a wider audience

Ever since Millennium anyway

The reason why Season 8 sucks donkey dicks is really pretty simple.

When you turn on the TV or go to the movies you are the mercy of Hollywood writers and producers.

Sometimes they give you what they want but more often than not they give you shit.

GoT is no different. As long as they were using GRRM's source material it was hard to fuck it up because it was such a rich story. Now that they are winging it then we get typical Hollywood shit.

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