Game of Thrones

Never said it was great. I said it was the first good episode this season. It actually had me invested. That is the first time this year. And as I said, what they did to Danny was bad. It was the easy, lazy way out. Lacked creativity.
While Jamie and Cersi had a somewhat lame ending it was fitting to their character arcs. The story began with them and near ended with them. The Hound fight was great. The need to create more story arc for the little girl is a joke. SHE will likely kill Danny. Too much focus on her trying to undo the image they created of her last week.

All in all it was a very entertaining episode that set the bar for fantasy TV shows/movies as far as spectacle goes
Right now.....I really don’t care what they do in the last episode

Doesn’t encourage me to watch the sequels
Depends on who the writers are in the upcoming sequel/prequel.
That is the only part of this that has gone to shit. The directing is good. The cinematography is good. Usually the lighting is good. The cgi is good.
But all of that can not overcome a TERRIBLE script and story arc that ditches years of lore in favor of fan service.
Fuck their years of lore. If its what the fans want, give it to them. Thats what makes a good show.
Casual. I'm guessing story lines and deep plots are something you just gloss over for whatever reason.

Danny went from being the champion of the downtrodden & oppressed since her inception years ago. Then in one episode she went batshit crazy and became the most evil character in the shows history.

That is as dumb as it gets.
You obviously havent been paying attention to this show if you think Danny changed in 1 episode. Shes talked about burning cities to the ground since day 1, and on a number of occasions she had to be talked out of committing horrific acts of barbarism, and on other occasions she went through with it, like crucifying "the Masters". Madness runs in that family. If you knew the history better, you wouldnt be so confused right now.
Crucifying the masters was not horrific lol.
And I know the history perfectly fine. You are conflating established lore from the source material to the subtle hints in the show post books that hint at her arc going in an alternate direction.
If Danny was going to go berserk it should have been AFTER the conflict for the throne with Jon and who ever else ends up trying to claim it. NOT after her personal hair dresser was beheaded.
The motivation is absurd
Look, plot lines and character development is just plain fucking hard work. Puzo and Coppola had over 30 rewrites to make Godfather I, agonizing over the tiniest things.

It's as if Beavis and Butthead wound up as the writers here. Yeah, yeah, that's cool. burnnnnnnnnn
Right now.....I really don’t care what they do in the last episode

Doesn’t encourage me to watch the sequels
Depends on who the writers are in the upcoming sequel/prequel.
That is the only part of this that has gone to shit. The directing is good. The cinematography is good. Usually the lighting is good. The cgi is good.
But all of that can not overcome a TERRIBLE script and story arc that ditches years of lore in favor of fan service.
Fuck their years of lore. If its what the fans want, give it to them. Thats what makes a good show.
Casual. I'm guessing story lines and deep plots are something you just gloss over for whatever reason.

Danny went from being the champion of the downtrodden & oppressed since her inception years ago. Then in one episode she went batshit crazy and became the most evil character in the shows history.

That is as dumb as it gets.
You obviously havent been paying attention to this show if you think Danny changed in 1 episode. Shes talked about burning cities to the ground since day 1, and on a number of occasions she had to be talked out of committing horrific acts of barbarism, and on other occasions she went through with it, like crucifying "the Masters". Madness runs in that family. If you knew the history better, you wouldnt be so confused right now.
So is Jon Snow mad?

He's got Stark blood in him, which makes him both more grounded, and also more likely to miss obvious political maneuvering.

Stark men are far too trusting, and even if he's a Targaryen by male line blood, he was raised a Stark.
Right now.....I really don’t care what they do in the last episode

Doesn’t encourage me to watch the sequels
Depends on who the writers are in the upcoming sequel/prequel.
That is the only part of this that has gone to shit. The directing is good. The cinematography is good. Usually the lighting is good. The cgi is good.
But all of that can not overcome a TERRIBLE script and story arc that ditches years of lore in favor of fan service.
Fuck their years of lore. If its what the fans want, give it to them. Thats what makes a good show.
Casual. I'm guessing story lines and deep plots are something you just gloss over for whatever reason.

Danny went from being the champion of the downtrodden & oppressed since her inception years ago. Then in one episode she went batshit crazy and became the most evil character in the shows history.

That is as dumb as it gets.
You obviously havent been paying attention to this show if you think Danny changed in 1 episode. Shes talked about burning cities to the ground since day 1, and on a number of occasions she had to be talked out of committing horrific acts of barbarism, and on other occasions she went through with it, like crucifying "the Masters". Madness runs in that family. If you knew the history better, you wouldnt be so confused right now.
So is Jon Snow mad?
Jon did better on the madness "coin flip".
On another topic, I again have issues with the Dragon thing. Don't they ever have to stop to re-fuel? Don't they get tired?

How hot is Dragon Flame that it causes large stone buildings to crumble, with even a glancing taste of it? Is there a problem with the mortar at King's Landing? Can't stand a little heat?

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief to a certain extent to allow for the existence of Dragons on this mythical planet, but they have gone beyond what I'm willing to accept. It has become a farce.

And really, they should have created a viable battle plan for Dannie and the Dragon. Come in at night; attack the flank; hit & run, then hit & run again. Her "strategy" was simply to come in from the front, when they were obviously expecting a dragon attack and hope she & the dragon didn't get killed? That's not really a strategy, and not "realistic." It's stupid.
The first time she was attacked by Scorpions she was caught off guard

This time it appeared her strategy was to come in at high altitude and then dive bomb to sea level. Scorpions are hard to reposition, they have to be cranked down. The ships could not react quick enough
The Scorpions on the wall, she flanked and came in behind them
Depends on who the writers are in the upcoming sequel/prequel.
That is the only part of this that has gone to shit. The directing is good. The cinematography is good. Usually the lighting is good. The cgi is good.
But all of that can not overcome a TERRIBLE script and story arc that ditches years of lore in favor of fan service.
Fuck their years of lore. If its what the fans want, give it to them. Thats what makes a good show.
Casual. I'm guessing story lines and deep plots are something you just gloss over for whatever reason.

Danny went from being the champion of the downtrodden & oppressed since her inception years ago. Then in one episode she went batshit crazy and became the most evil character in the shows history.

That is as dumb as it gets.
You obviously havent been paying attention to this show if you think Danny changed in 1 episode. Shes talked about burning cities to the ground since day 1, and on a number of occasions she had to be talked out of committing horrific acts of barbarism, and on other occasions she went through with it, like crucifying "the Masters". Madness runs in that family. If you knew the history better, you wouldnt be so confused right now.
So is Jon Snow mad?

He's got Stark blood in him, which makes him both more grounded, and also more likely to miss obvious political maneuvering.

Stark men are far too trusting, and even if he's a Targaryen by male line blood, he was raised a Stark.
Starks are stupid and gullible
Ned Stark, Red Wedding, Battle of the Bastards, Sansa agreeing to marry Geoffrey and Ramsay

Jon Snow is probably the dumbest of them all

Look who he picked for Queen
On another topic, I again have issues with the Dragon thing. Don't they ever have to stop to re-fuel? Don't they get tired?

How hot is Dragon Flame that it causes large stone buildings to crumble, with even a glancing taste of it? Is there a problem with the mortar at King's Landing? Can't stand a little heat?

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief to a certain extent to allow for the existence of Dragons on this mythical planet, but they have gone beyond what I'm willing to accept. It has become a farce.

And really, they should have created a viable battle plan for Dannie and the Dragon. Come in at night; attack the flank; hit & run, then hit & run again. Her "strategy" was simply to come in from the front, when they were obviously expecting a dragon attack and hope she & the dragon didn't get killed? That's not really a strategy, and not "realistic." It's stupid.
The first time she was attacked by Scorpions she was caught off guard

This time it appeared her strategy was to come in at high altitude and then dive bomb to sea level. Scorpions are hard to reposition, they have to be cranked down. The ships could not react quick enough
The Scorpions on the wall, she flanked and came in behind them
Plus, those ballistas wouldnt be very accurate anyway, especially not when mounted on a bobbing ship in the sea.
Cercei has been made out to be a super villain for eight years and she dies by bricks falling on her???? Really? No big showdown with the people that she had betrayed and harmed over the years?

Big let down.

I wonder if the tall nun is still alive in the dungeon.
On another topic, I again have issues with the Dragon thing. Don't they ever have to stop to re-fuel? Don't they get tired?

How hot is Dragon Flame that it causes large stone buildings to crumble, with even a glancing taste of it? Is there a problem with the mortar at King's Landing? Can't stand a little heat?

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief to a certain extent to allow for the existence of Dragons on this mythical planet, but they have gone beyond what I'm willing to accept. It has become a farce.

And really, they should have created a viable battle plan for Dannie and the Dragon. Come in at night; attack the flank; hit & run, then hit & run again. Her "strategy" was simply to come in from the front, when they were obviously expecting a dragon attack and hope she & the dragon didn't get killed? That's not really a strategy, and not "realistic." It's stupid.
The first time she was attacked by Scorpions she was caught off guard

This time it appeared her strategy was to come in at high altitude and then dive bomb to sea level. Scorpions are hard to reposition, they have to be cranked down. The ships could not react quick enough
The Scorpions on the wall, she flanked and came in behind them
The ships had their sails all up...for brilliant sailors, the Iron born were really really stupid.....dead in the water ships.
On another topic, I again have issues with the Dragon thing. Don't they ever have to stop to re-fuel? Don't they get tired?

How hot is Dragon Flame that it causes large stone buildings to crumble, with even a glancing taste of it? Is there a problem with the mortar at King's Landing? Can't stand a little heat?

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief to a certain extent to allow for the existence of Dragons on this mythical planet, but they have gone beyond what I'm willing to accept. It has become a farce.

And really, they should have created a viable battle plan for Dannie and the Dragon. Come in at night; attack the flank; hit & run, then hit & run again. Her "strategy" was simply to come in from the front, when they were obviously expecting a dragon attack and hope she & the dragon didn't get killed? That's not really a strategy, and not "realistic." It's stupid.
The first time she was attacked by Scorpions she was caught off guard

This time it appeared her strategy was to come in at high altitude and then dive bomb to sea level. Scorpions are hard to reposition, they have to be cranked down. The ships could not react quick enough
The Scorpions on the wall, she flanked and came in behind them
Plus, those ballistas wouldnt be very accurate anyway, especially not when mounted on a bobbing ship in the sea.
I was curious as to why, a couple of Dragons flying at what, 2, 3 thousand feet, couldn't spot a fleet that large. Those little promontory rocks were not going to hide them from a dragon. They just happened to be 'snuck up on'?

Seriously, if you are going to write this poorly because you have a short two-year deadline and a limited budget, then just don't do it at all.
On another topic, I again have issues with the Dragon thing. Don't they ever have to stop to re-fuel? Don't they get tired?

How hot is Dragon Flame that it causes large stone buildings to crumble, with even a glancing taste of it? Is there a problem with the mortar at King's Landing? Can't stand a little heat?

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief to a certain extent to allow for the existence of Dragons on this mythical planet, but they have gone beyond what I'm willing to accept. It has become a farce.

And really, they should have created a viable battle plan for Dannie and the Dragon. Come in at night; attack the flank; hit & run, then hit & run again. Her "strategy" was simply to come in from the front, when they were obviously expecting a dragon attack and hope she & the dragon didn't get killed? That's not really a strategy, and not "realistic." It's stupid.
The first time she was attacked by Scorpions she was caught off guard

This time it appeared her strategy was to come in at high altitude and then dive bomb to sea level. Scorpions are hard to reposition, they have to be cranked down. The ships could not react quick enough
The Scorpions on the wall, she flanked and came in behind them
Plus, those ballistas wouldnt be very accurate anyway, especially not when mounted on a bobbing ship in the sea.
If you look at flak from anti aircraft guns in WWII, they had a hard time shooting down aircraft with a shotgun like round

Imagine a big crossbow trying to hit a moving target

Dany was caught off guard the first time. In episode 5 she had learned their weakness
Cercei has been made out to be a super villain for eight years and she dies by bricks falling on her???? Really? No big showdown with the people that she had betrayed and harmed over the years?

Big let down.

I wonder if the tall nun is still alive in the dungeon.

Last night she looked sympathetic compared to Dany
I had expected Cersei to surrender with the bells and then blow up the city before she left

But it was sweet little Dany
Best part....Clegane Bowl.
Right now.....I really don’t care what they do in the last episode

Doesn’t encourage me to watch the sequels
Depends on who the writers are in the upcoming sequel/prequel.
That is the only part of this that has gone to shit. The directing is good. The cinematography is good. Usually the lighting is good. The cgi is good.
But all of that can not overcome a TERRIBLE script and story arc that ditches years of lore in favor of fan service.
Fuck their years of lore. If its what the fans want, give it to them. Thats what makes a good show.
Casual. I'm guessing story lines and deep plots are something you just gloss over for whatever reason.

Danny went from being the champion of the downtrodden & oppressed since her inception years ago. Then in one episode she went batshit crazy and became the most evil character in the shows history.

That is as dumb as it gets.
You obviously havent been paying attention to this show if you think Danny changed in 1 episode. Shes talked about burning cities to the ground since day 1, and on a number of occasions she had to be talked out of committing horrific acts of barbarism, and on other occasions she went through with it, like crucifying "the Masters". Madness runs in that family. If you knew the history better, you wouldnt be so confused right now.
Crucifying the masters was not horrific lol.
And I know the history perfectly fine. You are conflating established lore from the source material to the subtle hints in the show post books that hint at her arc going in an alternate direction.
If Danny was going to go berserk it should have been AFTER the conflict for the throne with Jon and who ever else ends up trying to claim it. NOT after her personal hair dresser was beheaded.
The motivation is absurd
Dany went berserk when she realized that no one loved her. Jon was loved by his men, by the wildlings, by his family. Dany who finally exoressed her love for Jon was rebuffed. No one loved her except for the girl that was beheaded. Then she went berserk.

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