Game of Thrones

Bronn, Cersei and Tyrion just stopped developing 3 seasons ago.

This last episode will suck worse than French Connection 2
So, we are down to one Lannister, one Baratheon, one Stark, and two Targaryen.

I enjoyed that episode because it was pretty straight forward carnage with a little crazy.

I actually get Danerys going a bit nuts. It's in her family. Yet, Jon shows maturity and grace under stress and battle.

Hmmm....~as I stroke My chin~

Gods, could it be more obvious?

Still, the last scene with Tyrion and Jamie was a good one. Homie almost got misty-eyed.


Tyrion, the only honorable man in the seven kingdoms.
How can anyone support Jon Snow when he was the one who brought Crazy Khalisi? He has also repeatedly said he doesn’t want it

Tyrion would be a great choice but he is still an Imp. The people wouldn’t support him

Seems Sansa by default.....YUK
So, we are down to one Lannister, one Baratheon, one Stark, and two Targaryen.

I enjoyed that episode because it was pretty straight forward carnage with a little crazy.

I actually get Danerys going a bit nuts. It's in her family. Yet, Jon shows maturity and grace under stress and battle.

Hmmm....~as I stroke My chin~

Gods, could it be more obvious?

Still, the last scene with Tyrion and Jamie was a good one. Homie almost got misty-eyed.


Tyrion, the only honorable man in the seven kingdoms.
How can anyone support Jon Snow when he was the one who brought Crazy Khalisi? He has also repeatedly said he doesn’t want it

Tyrion would be a great choice but he is still an Imp. The people wouldn’t support him

Seems Sansa by default.....YUK
Clearly, GRrrRRRrrr Martin got picked on in school by the Alphas and jocks and GOT is his revenge. He lived through Tyrion which is how you can tell hes barely been involved these past few seasons
Game of Thrones.....
A Song of Ice and Fire.....

It's all just trash now. Go read Harry Potter or something, you cocksucking idiots
Game of Thrones.....
A Song of Ice and Fire.....

It's all just trash now. Go read Harry Potter or something, you cocksucking idiots

...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
Game of Thrones.....
A Song of Ice and Fire.....

It's all just trash now. Go read Harry Potter or something, you cocksucking idiots

...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
That's nice.

I had expectations and I've been disappointed.

It is NOT the end of the world, nor even the end of the day.

I watch and read with the expectation of being entertained by a story, complete with all the elements that go into a story. If the story sucks, I put it down and stop reading, or change the channel. If the story is great, I read or watch all of it, then I process the story internally and assess if I am satisfied with the outcome.

If I am, I recommend it to people who ask or who are interested in recommendations on movies or books.

If I am not, I bitch about it as every person on the planet does.

So far, A Song of Fire and Ice has been a good series of stories and I look forward to finishing it. Game of Thrones, while having its problems, was entertaining and worthy of the time taken out of a busy day to watch and be entertained.

Until this season.

It seems that the vast majority of the people who were into GoT are also very disappointed in the ending. They, like Me, are expressing dissatisfaction with the way this was wrapped up.

Seems like we are holding to tradition, as we should. The reasons for its bad ending are just speculation but based upon some reasonable issues that have plagued this season.

The consequences to HBO may or may not be significant, but one thing is certain. They should relearn the concept that people get invested in storylines and they'd do well to not cut corners when bringing them to an end.
Game of Thrones.....
A Song of Ice and Fire.....

It's all just trash now. Go read Harry Potter or something, you cocksucking idiots

...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
That's nice.

I had expectations and I've been disappointed.

It is NOT the end of the world, nor even the end of the day.

I watch and read with the expectation of being entertained by a story, complete with all the elements that go into a story. If the story sucks, I put it down and stop reading, or change the channel. If the story is great, I read or watch all of it, then I process the story internally and assess if I am satisfied with the outcome.

If I am, I recommend it to people who ask or who are interested in recommendations on movies or books.

If I am not, I bitch about it as every person on the planet does.

So far, A Song of Fire and Ice has been a good series of stories and I look forward to finishing it. Game of Thrones, while having its problems, was entertaining and worthy of the time taken out of a busy day to watch and be entertained.

Until this season.

It seems that the vast majority of the people who were into GoT are also very disappointed in the ending. They, like Me, are expressing dissatisfaction with the way this was wrapped up.

Seems like we are holding to tradition, as we should. The reasons for its bad ending are just speculation but based upon some reasonable issues that have plagued this season.

The consequences to HBO may or may not be significant, but one thing is certain. They should relearn the concept that people get invested in storylines and they'd do well to not cut corners when bringing them to an end.
I think the consequences to HBO are immense

They are looking at the loss of their biggest ratings draw and are proposing three or four sequels

If the loyal fans feel betrayed or lost interest in the storylines, they will not be back

I sat through eight seasons for this?
Obviously, scholars and certified historians have been disappointed in the story, completely ignoring the story in history books.
Obviously, scholars and certified historians have been disappointed in the story, completely ignoring the story in history books.

In history there were actually two dragons
They used one for dramatic effect
Did someone actually use the words, "cutting corners" in describing this?




They spent more on each of these episodes than is spent on most full-length feature films.

As for subscriptions, remember that series like this draw subscriptions IN ADVANCE, with people either seeing the earlier seasons, or hearing by word of mouth how enjoyable it was. They sign up for HBO specifically to see Game of Thrones. A little disappointment with plot lines won't mean anything in terms of subscriber revenue.

As I said above, the reason why they are truncating the resolution of all story lines is because they don't have three more seasons to get it done.
Game of Thrones.....
A Song of Ice and Fire.....

It's all just trash now. Go read Harry Potter or something, you cocksucking idiots

...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
Martins books were slow and filled with boring minutia. The tv show is a hundred times better than the books.
Game of Thrones.....
A Song of Ice and Fire.....

It's all just trash now. Go read Harry Potter or something, you cocksucking idiots

...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
That's nice.

I had expectations and I've been disappointed.

It is NOT the end of the world, nor even the end of the day.

I watch and read with the expectation of being entertained by a story, complete with all the elements that go into a story. If the story sucks, I put it down and stop reading, or change the channel. If the story is great, I read or watch all of it, then I process the story internally and assess if I am satisfied with the outcome.

If I am, I recommend it to people who ask or who are interested in recommendations on movies or books.

If I am not, I bitch about it as every person on the planet does.

So far, A Song of Fire and Ice has been a good series of stories and I look forward to finishing it. Game of Thrones, while having its problems, was entertaining and worthy of the time taken out of a busy day to watch and be entertained.

Until this season.

It seems that the vast majority of the people who were into GoT are also very disappointed in the ending. They, like Me, are expressing dissatisfaction with the way this was wrapped up.

Seems like we are holding to tradition, as we should. The reasons for its bad ending are just speculation but based upon some reasonable issues that have plagued this season.

The consequences to HBO may or may not be significant, but one thing is certain. They should relearn the concept that people get invested in storylines and they'd do well to not cut corners when bringing them to an end.
I think the consequences to HBO are immense

They are looking at the loss of their biggest ratings draw and are proposing three or four sequels

If the loyal fans feel betrayed or lost interest in the storylines, they will not be back

I sat through eight seasons for this?
I have no interest in the prequels. The night king ended up being trash and I can’t possibly care about him and pretend he’s some big baddie.
...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
That's nice.

I had expectations and I've been disappointed.

It is NOT the end of the world, nor even the end of the day.

I watch and read with the expectation of being entertained by a story, complete with all the elements that go into a story. If the story sucks, I put it down and stop reading, or change the channel. If the story is great, I read or watch all of it, then I process the story internally and assess if I am satisfied with the outcome.

If I am, I recommend it to people who ask or who are interested in recommendations on movies or books.

If I am not, I bitch about it as every person on the planet does.

So far, A Song of Fire and Ice has been a good series of stories and I look forward to finishing it. Game of Thrones, while having its problems, was entertaining and worthy of the time taken out of a busy day to watch and be entertained.

Until this season.

It seems that the vast majority of the people who were into GoT are also very disappointed in the ending. They, like Me, are expressing dissatisfaction with the way this was wrapped up.

Seems like we are holding to tradition, as we should. The reasons for its bad ending are just speculation but based upon some reasonable issues that have plagued this season.

The consequences to HBO may or may not be significant, but one thing is certain. They should relearn the concept that people get invested in storylines and they'd do well to not cut corners when bringing them to an end.
I think the consequences to HBO are immense

They are looking at the loss of their biggest ratings draw and are proposing three or four sequels

If the loyal fans feel betrayed or lost interest in the storylines, they will not be back

I sat through eight seasons for this?
I have no interest in the prequels. The night king ended up being trash and I can’t possibly care about him and pretend he’s some big baddie.

These last episodes have shown there is little reason to dig deeper into how we got there

Who cares about those White Walkers that lasted only one battle after a thousand years?
Who cares about the Seven Kingdoms any more?

These episodes should have built interest in the franchise, they destroyed it
...or just watch the final episode and bitch about it.
That's the plan.

I was hoping for a better ending to this saga, but oh well.

When you turn on the TV you get what Hollywood gives you. Most of the time it sucks.

I suspect that if any of us had the opportunity to talk to either Dumb or Dumber about Season 8 they would tell us they gave us a spectacular ending. After all visually it has been great and we all know it took over a year to make and cost a ton of money.

However, neither one of them would have a clue as to why we were disappointed. After all they gave us the Hollywood formula. What could possibly go wrong?

Once they went off of Martin's script and started to make up their own story it was destined to suck.

Martin is an asshole and a Moon Bat slob but he was a genius creating the world and a rich story. Dumb and Dumber just typical Hollywood scrip writers. Their next project will probably be Mod Squad II or something.
That's nice.

I had expectations and I've been disappointed.

It is NOT the end of the world, nor even the end of the day.

I watch and read with the expectation of being entertained by a story, complete with all the elements that go into a story. If the story sucks, I put it down and stop reading, or change the channel. If the story is great, I read or watch all of it, then I process the story internally and assess if I am satisfied with the outcome.

If I am, I recommend it to people who ask or who are interested in recommendations on movies or books.

If I am not, I bitch about it as every person on the planet does.

So far, A Song of Fire and Ice has been a good series of stories and I look forward to finishing it. Game of Thrones, while having its problems, was entertaining and worthy of the time taken out of a busy day to watch and be entertained.

Until this season.

It seems that the vast majority of the people who were into GoT are also very disappointed in the ending. They, like Me, are expressing dissatisfaction with the way this was wrapped up.

Seems like we are holding to tradition, as we should. The reasons for its bad ending are just speculation but based upon some reasonable issues that have plagued this season.

The consequences to HBO may or may not be significant, but one thing is certain. They should relearn the concept that people get invested in storylines and they'd do well to not cut corners when bringing them to an end.
I think the consequences to HBO are immense

They are looking at the loss of their biggest ratings draw and are proposing three or four sequels

If the loyal fans feel betrayed or lost interest in the storylines, they will not be back

I sat through eight seasons for this?
I have no interest in the prequels. The night king ended up being trash and I can’t possibly care about him and pretend he’s some big baddie.
Yet youll be here complaining about every episode as they come out. Youre the guy who complains about a show he never misses and episode of.

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