Game of Thrones

That's nice.

I had expectations and I've been disappointed.

It is NOT the end of the world, nor even the end of the day.

I watch and read with the expectation of being entertained by a story, complete with all the elements that go into a story. If the story sucks, I put it down and stop reading, or change the channel. If the story is great, I read or watch all of it, then I process the story internally and assess if I am satisfied with the outcome.

If I am, I recommend it to people who ask or who are interested in recommendations on movies or books.

If I am not, I bitch about it as every person on the planet does.

So far, A Song of Fire and Ice has been a good series of stories and I look forward to finishing it. Game of Thrones, while having its problems, was entertaining and worthy of the time taken out of a busy day to watch and be entertained.

Until this season.

It seems that the vast majority of the people who were into GoT are also very disappointed in the ending. They, like Me, are expressing dissatisfaction with the way this was wrapped up.

Seems like we are holding to tradition, as we should. The reasons for its bad ending are just speculation but based upon some reasonable issues that have plagued this season.

The consequences to HBO may or may not be significant, but one thing is certain. They should relearn the concept that people get invested in storylines and they'd do well to not cut corners when bringing them to an end.
I think the consequences to HBO are immense

They are looking at the loss of their biggest ratings draw and are proposing three or four sequels

If the loyal fans feel betrayed or lost interest in the storylines, they will not be back

I sat through eight seasons for this?
I have no interest in the prequels. The night king ended up being trash and I can’t possibly care about him and pretend he’s some big baddie.
Yet youll be here complaining about every episode as they come out. Youre the guy who complains about a show he never misses and episode of.
After eight seasons, I will watch the final episode. I have that much invested

But HBO will have a hard time convincing me that I should get wrapped up in any of the prequels

I really don’t fear the White Walkers and don’t care about Family Lannister, Stark, Taegarean or any of the others
There wont be white walkers in the prequal. It will be before the Night King was created. I assume he will be created at the end of that series.

If you had paid attention to the episode where Bram was learning how to become the three eyed raven, you would have seen that the White Walkers were created by the First Children, because man was working on taking out all the First Children. They created the White Walkers by putting dragon glass (obsidian) in their chests via magic.
I think the consequences to HBO are immense

They are looking at the loss of their biggest ratings draw and are proposing three or four sequels

If the loyal fans feel betrayed or lost interest in the storylines, they will not be back

I sat through eight seasons for this?
I have no interest in the prequels. The night king ended up being trash and I can’t possibly care about him and pretend he’s some big baddie.
Yet youll be here complaining about every episode as they come out. Youre the guy who complains about a show he never misses and episode of.
After eight seasons, I will watch the final episode. I have that much invested

But HBO will have a hard time convincing me that I should get wrapped up in any of the prequels

I really don’t fear the White Walkers and don’t care about Family Lannister, Stark, Taegarean or any of the others
There wont be white walkers in the prequal. It will be before the Night King was created. I assume he will be created at the end of that series.

If you had paid attention to the episode where Bram was learning how to become the three eyed raven, you would have seen that the White Walkers were created by the First Children, because man was working on taking out all the First Children. They created the White Walkers by putting dragon glass (obsidian) in their chests via magic.
I remember the episode, but the fun part is you have no idea who he was. You could watch the entire next series and the whole time you wouldnt know your favorite character turns out to be the night king in the last episode.
I had real problems with the program on Sunday, IMHO, the film should probably be submitted to The Hague. It seems to me that Ms. Targaryen was committing a war crime by burning the city after it was surrendered.
Intentionally targeting non-combatants?
Killing with fire?
Exploiting that lizard she was riding?

Lots of war crimes here.
Did someone actually use the words, "cutting corners" in describing this?




They spent more on each of these episodes than is spent on most full-length feature films.

As for subscriptions, remember that series like this draw subscriptions IN ADVANCE, with people either seeing the earlier seasons, or hearing by word of mouth how enjoyable it was. They sign up for HBO specifically to see Game of Thrones. A little disappointment with plot lines won't mean anything in terms of subscriber revenue.

As I said above, the reason why they are truncating the resolution of all story lines is because they don't have three more seasons to get it done.
Good lord. Yes, because spending money foolishly means they did not cut corners.


Cinematically season eight is a masterpiece.

Just wish they had spent some of that budget on competent script writers.
And that is what I mean by foolish spending. The majority of the budget goes to the fancy CGI, and they cut corners on the writing. They could have done half the CGI and made it a better season with better writing.

But hey, we determine how good a product is by how much we spend on it, right?

BTW, the Series "Fringe", whether you liked it or not, had the last season cut in half right after the 4th season. They still managed to come in on budget and WITH no loss of quality in storytelling.

It can be done.
There are plenty of exceptional writers out there and GOT is capable of hiring the best

They had two years to get it right. I think what we ended up with is due to the arrogance of the producers
Well, I recently got back from traveling overseas for a few weeks - and have now had a chance to get caught up on this season.

All I can say is: WHAT THE FUCK? Perhaps instead of wasting money on new title credits, they could have hired a decent writer. Killing off everyone is a pretty lame plot device. At this point, the only redeeming plot line would be for Arya to kill Daenarys. It's pathetic that after 70+ episodes, Daenarys' "breaking the wheel" mumbo jumbo ends up being the realization of the Mad King's dream of Burning Them All in Kings Landing.
Well, I recently got back from traveling overseas for a few weeks - and have now had a chance to get caught up on this season.

All I can say is: WHAT THE FUCK? Perhaps instead of wasting money on new title credits, they could have hired a decent writer. Killing off everyone is a pretty lame plot device. At this point, the only redeeming plot line would be for Arya to kill Daenarys. It's pathetic that after 70+ episodes, Daenarys' "breaking the wheel" mumbo jumbo ends up being the realization of the Mad King's dream of Burning Them All in Kings Landing.
Some bright writer stood up and shouted..

I got an idea...let’s just kill everyone!
A lot of GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR's writing is eddies and dead ends. He spent 12,000 pages on Stannis -- for what?
To share the experiences of the people living in his fantasy world. To build up the hope and tension to the levels of stannis himself, and of his followers. The first person style is meant also to accomplish this. He wants the reader to feel the same letdown and hopelessness, when the best laid plans go awry. 12000 pages versus 12 accomplishes this.
The problem is that when a writer does that, they often write themselves into a corner that they can't get out of in a believable way. I specifically mentioned Orsen Wells in the OP for that very reason. In the War of the Worlds, he spent the entire novel building the Martians up to such a level that only God, in his infinite wisdom, could beat them. Poor storytelling.
Arya stark was well established as the deadliest character on the show. If you had to pause and consider which character would or even could kill the night king, you would end up at Arya. And it was prophesied years ago by the red woman. That's pretty good storytelling, if you ask me.
I have no problem with her being the assassin of the Night King, but I have a problem with the trickery of her just showing up out of nowhere. As I said, she was running for her life the last scene we saw of her before she shows up here. Its poorly written.

It's the Underpants Gnome school of writing:

1. Knight King is about to kill Bran
2. ???
3. Arya kills Knight King
A lot of GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR's writing is eddies and dead ends. He spent 12,000 pages on Stannis -- for what?
To share the experiences of the people living in his fantasy world. To build up the hope and tension to the levels of stannis himself, and of his followers. The first person style is meant also to accomplish this. He wants the reader to feel the same letdown and hopelessness, when the best laid plans go awry. 12000 pages versus 12 accomplishes this.
The problem is that when a writer does that, they often write themselves into a corner that they can't get out of in a believable way. I specifically mentioned Orsen Wells in the OP for that very reason. In the War of the Worlds, he spent the entire novel building the Martians up to such a level that only God, in his infinite wisdom, could beat them. Poor storytelling.
Arya stark was well established as the deadliest character on the show. If you had to pause and consider which character would or even could kill the night king, you would end up at Arya. And it was prophesied years ago by the red woman. That's pretty good storytelling, if you ask me.
I have no problem with her being the assassin of the Night King, but I have a problem with the trickery of her just showing up out of nowhere. As I said, she was running for her life the last scene we saw of her before she shows up here. Its poorly written.
You missed her exchange with the Red Priestess then.....that's when I guessed that she would do it.

Indeed: "and Blue Eyes" was the big tell.
I expected it to be Samwell....
You did? And why would you expect the night king to have been anywhere near Sam? The night king had one goal: kill Bran.
Samwell had brains rather than brawn
I expected him to learn how they defeated the king in the past

Nothing came of it

No kidding. So many mistakes. To name a very few:

1. Picket fences instead of a real fire moat.
2. Dragons flying around in the mist instead of burning up the dead.
3. Apparently very few of the living had dragon's glass weapons.
4. No cauldrons of boiling oil to pour on the dead and then hit with flaming arrows.
Hadrian's wall is the ONLY historical value I ever saw in the Series. Where was Britain a Game of Thrones? Where does any of this make slight sense, or entertainment and historical value? Where in the Celtic Period, the Roman Period, The Anglo-Saxon Migration, the Viking raids, the Norman conquest, the crusades, the hundred years war, the War of the Roses, the Elizabethan, the Empire period, does Any of this show about gory nudity make Any intellectual entertainment? muggles

Martin's inspiration was "the War of the Roses": Lannister for Lancaster; Stark for York.
I expected it to be Samwell....
You did? And why would you expect the night king to have been anywhere near Sam? The night king had one goal: kill Bran.
Samwell had brains rather than brawn
I expected him to learn how they defeated the king in the past

Nothing came of it

No kidding. So many mistakes. To name a very few:

1. Picket fences instead of a real fire moat.
2. Dragons flying around in the mist instead of burning up the dead.
3. Apparently very few of the living had dragon's glass weapons.
4. No cauldrons of boiling oil to pour on the dead and then hit with flaming arrows.
They had Arya and a pointy knife

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