Gas Shortage in Miami, FL


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
South Florida is in Day Six of a fuel crisis that — you aren’t going to want to hear this — may be fueled by our own making.

“This is now a story of runaway panic-buying that is just unsustainable,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy.

“It’s kind of like designing houses for a 1,000-year flood, so to speak. These are extremely rare. And now it’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Motorists have been encountering lines, they’ve been getting panicked. They have no idea how to respond. And just like during the Colonial Pipeline [cyberattack] situation in 2021, and during hurricanes Harvey and Irma, back in 2017, motorists are now straining the system to the point that it’s going to be impossible for the system to work in the way it was designed,” he said Tuesday in a phone interview with the Miami Herald.

Well I guess this is one occasion where some can laugh in Tesla. ;)

DeSantis is on the job though.
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I don't "do" lines, never have. Don't need nothing bad enough to be waiting behind any more than 3 or 4 people.

Only lines I've ever HAD to be in, are those fucking goobermint lines at the DMV or tax office.

If I need gas, and the Dems are stepping on the hose again, then I will get up extra early one day and go line.
Thats what I did the last few times them demonic Dems cut supplies. Never had to wait in line for anything.
The price of gas IS going back up though.
$5.00 a gallon for SUPER.
$4.25 a gallon for MID.
$3.90 a gallon for CHEAP.

Of course I still get my gas discounts from the store I shop at, so I can get up to a $1.00 off per gallon.

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