Gawd, Let us talk about fraud: Chemists have partly unlocked the recipe by creating a complex compound essential to all life — in a lab

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
How did life on Earth begin? Good gawd, the chemical puzzle of how life on Earth began has just became clearer. It's simply incredible. I've heard a few claims of how life on Earth began, but never any backed up by replicable scenarios. This is a game changer in so many areas and fields of debate.

Science! It exposes fraud(s).

Although organisms differ wildly in appearance, they are made from the same basic chemical building blocks, called primary metabolites, which are directly involved in cell growth and development.

Examples include amino acids that help build proteins and nucleotides that make up RNA and DNA.

The new lab experiment focused on the origins of another primary metabolite: coenzyme A...

Specifically, Powner and his team were looking to re-create a particular fragment of the coenzyme A molecule called pantetheine.

“All of our metabolic processes rely on a small subset of these co-factors,” said Aaron Goldman, a biologist at Oberlin College who was not involved in the study. “This has led researchers to argue that these co-factors, themselves, may have predated larger, more complex enzymes during the origin and early evolution of life.”

Some researchers, Goldman said, have proposed that early lifeforms could have used pantetheine to store energy before the evolution of the larger, more complex energy currency that cells use today.

If this is the case, the mystery stood: Where did pantetheine come from?

If this is the case, the mystery stood: Where did pantetheine come from?

“We can’t go back in time. We can’t go back to the origin of life. We can’t find samples from that time frame,” said Powner, a professor at University College London. “Our only potential to really get to the bottom of that problem is to rebuild it, to start from scratch, re-engineer a cell, understand what it takes to build an organism.”

Building pantetheine was a tall order.

Sure, it all began with this amino acid out for a swim in the ocean. He was lonely and longing, and by chance found a female amino acid. He took her out for a few drinks and one thing led to another, and the next thing you know he gets arrested because she was actually still a high school student, but that night she produced a single living cell that also floated along in the ocean for millions and millions of years lonely and longing, until one day he met this girl floating along........................

Or the crazy notion God created everything

You be the judge.
How did life on Earth begin? Good gawd, the chemical puzzle of how life on Earth began has just became clearer. It's simply incredible. I've heard a few claims of how life on Earth began, but never any backed up by replicable scenarios. This is a game changer in so many areas and fields of debate.

Science! It exposes fraud(s).

If this is real, more power to’em!

The lack of a plausible explanation for life originating in the first place has always been a stopping place in explaining the possibility of life on Earth developing randomly through Darwinian evolution.

If it turns out life as we know it on Earth is possible through a series of fortunate events, I’ll certainly take another look at natural selection as a driver for the diversity of species.

If you don’t mind, though, I’ll wait until I see this in something more scientific than the WaPo.
If this is real, more power to’em!

The lack of a plausible explanation for life originating in the first place has always been a stopping place in explaining the possibility of life on Earth developing randomly through Darwinian evolution.

If it turns out life as we know it on Earth is possible through a series of fortunate events, I’ll certainly take another look at natural selection as a driver for the diversity of species.

If you don’t mind, though, I’ll wait until I see this in something more scientific than the WaPo.
So you're proud to be a fool?

Attacking the WAPO for an article on science? WAPO doesn't make a claim or state anything. It reports what others are doing. What is unscientific about WAPO's reporting?

The article links to what it is reporting on:

You? You act the fool and make moronic comments about WAPO, ignoring the report and it's link(s) -- that would make it total ignorance on your part.
Sure, it all began with this amino acid out for a swim in the ocean. He was lonely and longing, and by chance found a female amino acid. He took her out for a few drinks and one thing led to another, and the next thing you know he gets arrested because she was actually still a high school student, but that night she produced a single living cell that also floated along in the ocean for millions and millions of years lonely and longing, until one day he met this girl floating along........................

Or the crazy notion God created everything

You be the judge.
Whatever you are going on about, please try and get a counselor or aide to help you out.
Whatever you are going on about, please try and get a counselor or aide to help you out.
How did life on Earth begin? Good gawd, the chemical puzzle of how life on Earth began has just became clearer. It's simply incredible. I've heard a few claims of how life on Earth began, but never any backed up by replicable scenarios. This is a game changer in so many areas and fields of debate.

Science! It exposes fraud(s).

Anyone know where earth came from......
So you're proud to be a fool?
Wait, is this Science and Technology, or the Flame Zone?

And are you and Crick the same person?
Attacking the WAPO for an article on science? WAPO doesn't make a claim or state anything. It reports what others are doing. What is unscientific about WAPO's reporting?
The question is what is scientific about it? Are the claims the WaPo makes supported by the article it discusses? Unlikely, given WaPo's record of reporting on other scientific topics.
Did you read the article, or the link?

The article uses the word "could" ten times. It reminds me of commercials that say their product "may help reduce . . . "

Assuming that the article is faithful to the link, then the link also talks about what "could" have happened. Which is fine. Any discussion of origins of life on Earth is bound to be very hypothetical, since there is no way (yet) to go back in time and observe it happening.

You should have led with the link above, and left out the WaPo editorializing on it. The link was very honest in not claiming that "we have found the answer!" or any such. The editor stated before the abstract:

Fairchild et al. identified a set of reactions that selectively yield pantetheine in water under dilute conditions that may be reasonable for an early Earth setting. The route uses nitrile chemistry common to other prebiotic syntheses and thus fits into a broader picture for prebiotic cyanosulfidic reactions that are likely candidates for the chemistry that gave rise to life on early Earth. —Michael A. Funk

So, the claim is not that now we know how it happened, but that in one of an infinite number of reasonably possible early Earth models, the finding fits in with a likely candidate for the chemistry that led to life on Earth.

I mean . . . sure. I guess that this guess fits in with some of the other guesses.

You? You act the fool and make moronic comments about WAPO, ignoring the report and it's link(s) -- that would make it total ignorance on your part.
Hm. Well, I just read the link, which I daresay is more than you did. If you did, which purchase option did you use?

Science indeed exposes frauds. But did you have particular fraud in mind that this bit of science exposes?
Last edited:
Anyone know where earth came from......
"When the solar system settled into its current layout about 4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun. Like its fellow terrestrial planets, Earth has a central core, a rocky mantle, and a solid crust."

"When the solar system settled into its current layout about 4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun. Like its fellow terrestrial planets, Earth has a central core, a rocky mantle, and a solid crust."

Wait, is this Science and Technology, or the Flame Zone?

And are you and Crick the same person?

The question is what is scientific about it? Are the claims the WaPo makes supported by the article it discusses? Unlikely, given WaPo's record of reporting on other scientific topics.

Did you read the article, or the link?

The article uses the word "could" ten times. It reminds me of commercials that say their product "may help reduce . . . "

Assuming that the article is faithful to the link, then the link also talks about what "could" have happened. Which is fine. Any discussion of origins of life on Earth is bound to be very hypothetical, since there is no way (yet) to go back in time and observe it happening.

You should have led with the link above, and left out the WaPo editorializing on it. The link was very honest in not claiming that "we have found the answer!" or any such. The editor stated before the abstract:

Fairchild et al. identified a set of reactions that selectively yield pantetheine in water under dilute conditions that may be reasonable for an early Earth setting. The route uses nitrile chemistry common to other prebiotic syntheses and thus fits into a broader picture for prebiotic cyanosulfidic reactions that are likely candidates for the chemistry that gave rise to life on early Earth. —Michael A. Funk

So, the claim is not that now we know how it happened, but that in one of an infinite number of reasonably possible early Earth models, the finding fits in with a likely candidate for the chemistry that led to life on Earth.

I mean . . . sure. I guess that this guess fits in with some of the other guesses.


Hm. Well, I just read the link, which I daresay is more than you did. If you did, which purchase option did you use?

Science indeed exposes frauds. But did you have particular fraud in mind that this bit of science exposes?


Coenzyme A (CoA) is essential to all life on Earth, and its functional subunit, pantetheine, is important in many origin-of-life scenarios, but how pantetheine emerged on the early Earth remains a mystery. Earlier attempts to selectively synthesize pantetheine failed, leading to suggestions that “simpler” thiols must have preceded pantetheine at the origin of life. In this work, we report high-yielding and selective prebiotic syntheses of pantetheine in water. Chemoselective multicomponent aldol, iminolactone, and aminonitrile reactions delivered spontaneous differentiation of pantoic acid and proteinogenic amino acid syntheses, as well as the dihydroxyl, gem-dimethyl, and β-alanine-amide moieties of pantetheine in dilute water. Our results are consistent with a role for canonical pantetheine at the outset of life on Earth.


There you go again, attacking WAPO. Sad and pathetic way to go through life, but I guess you are an example of ignorance being bliss -- that is if you are content with your world view, and not always feeling attacked and left out, or pushed aside by advances.

"The article uses the word "could" ten times. It reminds me of..." - Of a claim by MAGA congressional people going after a Biden?

You seem lost when confronted with science. It's okay. Lots of people have been led down that road, by others with an ideological and political agenda that encourages ignorance, intolerance , and did I forget 'ignorance?'

I believe this is one more step in advancing knowledge that as a side benefit challenges religions and their pseudo-scientific claims about the Earth and the universe.


Coenzyme A (CoA) is essential to all life on Earth, and its functional subunit, pantetheine, is important in many origin-of-life scenarios, but how pantetheine emerged on the early Earth remains a mystery. Earlier attempts to selectively synthesize pantetheine failed, leading to suggestions that “simpler” thiols must have preceded pantetheine at the origin of life. In this work, we report high-yielding and selective prebiotic syntheses of pantetheine in water. Chemoselective multicomponent aldol, iminolactone, and aminonitrile reactions delivered spontaneous differentiation of pantoic acid and proteinogenic amino acid syntheses, as well as the dihydroxyl, gem-dimethyl, and β-alanine-amide moieties of pantetheine in dilute water. Our results are consistent with a role for canonical pantetheine at the outset of life on Earth.

Do you know what "are consistent with" means? It doesn't mean "we know this happened."

What this article means is that an intelligently designed experiment produced a chemical reaction that synthasized pantetheine when earlier attemps to do so failed. So what? There is no evidence this is the explanation for the beginning of life on Earth. At best, it is an example of how it might have been possible.

Or if there is any evidence that this is what happened, state all of the evidence in your next reply.
There you go again, attacking WAPO. Sad and pathetic way to go through life, but I guess you are an example of ignorance being bliss -- that is if you are content with your world view, and not always feeling attacked and left out, or pushed aside by advances.

"The article uses the word "could" ten times. It reminds me of..." - Of a claim by MAGA congressional people going after a Biden?
Example of a congressman using the word "could" multiple times? Even if you find it, politics and science are not the same. Well, for you maybe they are.
You seem lost when confronted with science. It's okay. Lots of people have been led down that road, by others with an ideological and political agenda that encourages ignorance, intolerance , and did I forget 'ignorance?'
More personal attacks. The cornerstone of science!
I believe this is one more step in advancing knowledge that as a side benefit challenges religions and their pseudo-scientific claims about the Earth and the universe.
You are welcome to your beliefs, as are all Americans.

When you have evidence to back them up, let me know.
Do you know what "are consistent with" means?

What this article means is that an intelligently designed experiment produced a chemical reaction that synthasized pantetheine when earlier attemps to do so failed. So what? There is no evidence that pantetheine played a role in the formation of life.

Or if there is, state the evidence.

Example of a congressman using the word "could" multiple times? Even if you find it, politics and science are not the same. Well, for you maybe they are.

More personal attacks. The cornerstone of science!

You are welcome to your beliefs, as are all Americans.

When you have evidence to back them up, let me know.

Hello? "Coenzyme A (CoA) is essential to all life on Earth, and its functional subunit, pantetheine, is important in many origin-of-life scenarios, but how pantetheine emerged on the early Earth remains a mystery...Our results are consistent with a role for canonical pantetheine at the outset of life on Earth."


Oh well, I'll stick with scientists over a loser on some failing message board



Coenzyme A (CoA) is essential to all life on Earth, and its functional subunit, pantetheine, is important in many origin-of-life scenarios, but how pantetheine emerged on the early Earth remains a mystery. Earlier attempts to selectively synthesize pantetheine failed, leading to suggestions that “simpler” thiols must have preceded pantetheine at the origin of life. In this work, we report high-yielding and selective prebiotic syntheses of pantetheine in water. Chemoselective multicomponent aldol, iminolactone, and aminonitrile reactions delivered spontaneous differentiation of pantoic acid and proteinogenic amino acid syntheses, as well as the dihydroxyl, gem-dimethyl, and β-alanine-amide moieties of pantetheine in dilute water. Our results are consistent with a role for canonical pantetheine at the outset of life on Earth.

Do you know what "are consistent with" means?

What this article means is that an intelligently designed experiment produced a chemical reaction that synthasized pantetheine when earlier attemps to do so failed. So what? There is no evidence that pantetheine played a role in the formation of life.

Or if there is, state the evidence.
There you go again, attacking WAPO. Sad and pathetic way to go through life, but I guess you are an example of ignorance being bliss -- that is if you are content with your world view, and not always feeling attacked and left out, or pushed aside by advances.

"The article uses the word "could" ten times. It reminds me of..." - Of a claim by MAGA congressional people going after a Biden?
Example of a congressman using the word "could" multiple times? Even if you find it, politics and science are not the same. Well, for you maybe they are.
You seem lost when confronted with science. It's okay. Lots of people have been led down that road, by others with an ideological and political agenda that encourages ignorance, intolerance , and did I forget 'ignorance?'
More personal attacks. The cornerstone of science!
I believe this is one more step in advancing knowledge that as a side benefit challenges religions and their pseudo-scientific claims about the Earth and the universe.
You are welcome to your belief system, as are all Americans.

When you have evidence to back them up, let me know.
Oh well, I'll stick with scientists over a loser on some failing message board

Argument from authority. Another cornerstone of science!
Do you know what "are consistent with" means?

What this article means is that an intelligently designed experiment produced a chemical reaction that synthasized pantetheine when earlier attemps to do so failed. So what? There is no evidence that pantetheine played a role in the formation of life.

Or if there is, state the evidence.

Example of a congressman using the word "could" multiple times? Even if you find it, politics and science are not the same. Well, for you maybe they are.

More personal attacks. The cornerstone of science!

You are welcome to your belief system, as are all Americans.

When you have evidence to back them up, let me know.

Argument from authority. Another cornerstone of science!
Argument from facts supplied by authority, which is higher than a loser on a failing message board
How did life on Earth begin? Good gawd, the chemical puzzle of how life on Earth began has just became clearer. It's simply incredible. I've heard a few claims of how life on Earth began, but never any backed up by replicable scenarios. This is a game changer in so many areas and fields of debate.

Science! It exposes fraud(s).

"Pantetheine is the product of dephosphorylation of phosphopantetheine:

phosphopantetheine → pantetheine + Pi

In E. coli, this reaction is catalyzed by for example alkaline phosphatase.[4] The reverse reaction, phosphopantetheine synthesis, is catalyzed by various kinases:[5]

phosphopantetheine + ATP → pantetheine + ADP
These kinases are able to act upon pantothenoic acid as well and are present in both microorganisms and animal livers.[5]

Pantetheine is degraded by pantetheinase, which splits it into cysteamine and pantothenic acid:[3]

pantetheine → cysteamine + pantothenate"

Probably a lot easier to reverse engineer than to somehow believe that this is the result of random collisions of atoms and molecules in the primordial soup
"Pantetheine is the product of dephosphorylation of phosphopantetheine:

phosphopantetheine → pantetheine + Pi

In E. coli, this reaction is catalyzed by for example alkaline phosphatase.[4] The reverse reaction, phosphopantetheine synthesis, is catalyzed by various kinases:[5]

phosphopantetheine + ATP → pantetheine + ADP
These kinases are able to act upon pantothenoic acid as well and are present in both microorganisms and animal livers.[5]

Pantetheine is degraded by pantetheinase, which splits it into cysteamine and pantothenic acid:[3]

pantetheine → cysteamine + pantothenate"

Probably a lot easier to reverse engineer than to somehow believe that this is the result of random collisions of atoms and molecules in the primordial soup

You people hate science. We know. It's okay. Ignorance is bliss.

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