Gay marriage is not a constitutional right

so that particular sex act is never performed between a man & a woman? NEVER? NEVER EVER?

We have not yet discussed that PARTICULAR sex act. That being said, some sex acts between a man and a woman can not be performed by a man and a man because there is a different combination of body parts. If you don't understand this, I'm sorry, but I am not going to be crude enough to describe the details.

oh lordy. I am talking about sex with body parts that are the same regardless of gender.... but I think you knew that & are intentionally being ignorant. either way it matters not. know why?

same sex marriage legalized nationwide - Google Search

THAT'S why. And there ain't nuthin' you can do about it, so get over it already.
The body parts are not the same. So you are ignoring reality. And at the moment I'm not arguing for or against same sex marriage. If you want have gay sex, well then go at it.

Why so much drama about the mechanics of gay sex?

Gay marriage is about two people who love each other being able to marry

Then why can't we have polygamy? If they all love each other, that's what counts, right? What about a father and daughter marrying, he'll they love each other. How about a brother and sister, why isn't that legal? They love each other.

You can have polygamy- if you can either get the legislature to change the law- or convince a court that you have the right to 5 wives.

IF you really believe that you have the right to have 5 wives, you have the right to pursue your dream of polygamy.

But just like in the cases of bans on mixed race marriages, and on the bans on gay marriage, you will have to show the court that bans on polygamy serve no functions.

So- do you think Polygamy should be legalized? If so- go for it. If not- if you dont' believe Polygamy should be legalized- then why are you arguing for it?
Disney's next rimdition of the parent trap will have two identical twin sisters that have been raised separately meeting at camp. Instead of devising a plan to get their parents back together the sisters simply marry each other.

Sounds like you are busy writing a screen play about your fantasy.

So do you believe that two siblings should be able to marry?
explain to me how it is constitutional to stop two people from getting married at all in any case?

Ask the brother and sister that want to marry or the mom who wants to marry the son.

sorry, but equating blood relatives to the marriage of 2 legal age adults unrelated by blood is no equation.
Why! Will it affect your marriage any if two adult brothers or two adult sisters get married? Who are you or I to deny them the right to get married? Do you find that relationship icky or something? It does equate. People have the right to chose their own partners in marriage.

Actually, the psychological implications of incest alone can cause harm to society on a much greater level. What I believe & how I personally feel, has little impact. But multiply that belief in the immense implications, which are by & large the same as society as a whole, is what dictates the notion of legality .

'homosexuality' is found across all peoples on a much greater scale than incest, & that includes the animal kingdom as well. the reason for the abhorrence is rooted in biology. animals don't have a 'moral' code, but somehow they know how wrong it is.

lol. silly silly you.
Do animals really know "it" is wrong. Siblings mate in the animal kindom. Of course if a sparrow has the choice of mating with one of its 3 siblings or 1 of millions of non-siblings, it is simply math that it is unlikely to mate with a sibling. That being said, most species of animals probably don't have a clue about family structure.
Disney's next rimdition of the parent trap will have two identical twin sisters that have been raised separately meeting at camp. Instead of devising a plan to get their parents back together the sisters simply marry each other.

Sounds like you are busy writing a screen play about your fantasy.

So do you believe that two siblings should be able to marry?
I believe the same logic holds for two adult siblings to have the right to marry as for gays to have the right to marry. Marriage is either an individual right (the individuals agree to marry ) or it is not.

Edit: Let me ask this way; how and why is gay marriage a constitutional right but marriage between adult gay siblings not a constitutional right?
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explain to me how it is constitutional to stop two people from getting married at all in any case?

Ask the brother and sister that want to marry or the mom who wants to marry the son.

sorry, but equating blood relatives to the marriage of 2 legal age adults unrelated by blood is no equation.

Oh yes, rightwinger gave us the criteria, he said they must love each other. Talk with him.

What about two sisters? Shouldn't they be able to marry?
explain to me how it is constitutional to stop two people from getting married at all in any case?

Ask the brother and sister that want to marry or the mom who wants to marry the son.

sorry, but equating blood relatives to the marriage of 2 legal age adults unrelated by blood is no equation.
Why! Will it affect your marriage any if two adult brothers or two adult sisters get married? Who are you or I to deny them the right to get married? Do you find that relationship icky or something? It does equate. People have the right to chose their own partners in marriage.

Actually, the psychological implications of incest alone can cause harm to society on a much greater level. What I believe & how I personally feel, has little impact. But multiply that belief in the immense implications, which are by & large the same as society as a whole, is what dictates the notion of legality .

'homosexuality' is found across all peoples on a much greater scale than incest, & that includes the animal kingdom as well. the reason for the abhorrence is rooted in biology. animals don't have a 'moral' code, but somehow they know how wrong it is.

lol. silly silly you.

In the animal world dogs are bred with close family members all the time. What is the harm to society? Way back when there were few humans in the evolutionary cycle, interbreeding was done often. Not seeing why there is bigotry toward family members marrying. rightwinger said all that was needed was love. Also if two brothers or sisters marry then they get the tax breaks, why not?
We have not yet discussed that PARTICULAR sex act. That being said, some sex acts between a man and a woman can not be performed by a man and a man because there is a different combination of body parts. If you don't understand this, I'm sorry, but I am not going to be crude enough to describe the details.

oh lordy. I am talking about sex with body parts that are the same regardless of gender.... but I think you knew that & are intentionally being ignorant. either way it matters not. know why?

same sex marriage legalized nationwide - Google Search

THAT'S why. And there ain't nuthin' you can do about it, so get over it already.
The body parts are not the same. So you are ignoring reality. And at the moment I'm not arguing for or against same sex marriage. If you want have gay sex, well then go at it.

Why so much drama about the mechanics of gay sex?

Gay marriage is about two people who love each other being able to marry

Then why can't we have polygamy? If they all love each other, that's what counts, right? What about a father and daughter marrying, he'll they love each other. How about a brother and sister, why isn't that legal? They love each other.

You can have polygamy- if you can either get the legislature to change the law- or convince a court that you have the right to 5 wives.

IF you really believe that you have the right to have 5 wives, you have the right to pursue your dream of polygamy.

But just like in the cases of bans on mixed race marriages, and on the bans on gay marriage, you will have to show the court that bans on polygamy serve no functions.

So- do you think Polygamy should be legalized? If so- go for it. If not- if you don't believe Polygamy should be legalized- then why are you arguing for it?

On rightwinger's basis of love. Are we to deny those that really love each other the right of marriage?
explain to me how it is constitutional to stop two people from getting married at all in any case?

Ask the brother and sister that want to marry or the mom who wants to marry the son.

sorry, but equating blood relatives to the marriage of 2 legal age adults unrelated by blood is no equation.
Why! Will it affect your marriage any if two adult brothers or two adult sisters get married? Who are you or I to deny them the right to get married? Do you find that relationship icky or something? It does equate. People have the right to chose their own partners in marriage.

Actually, the psychological implications of incest alone can cause harm to society on a much greater level. What I believe & how I personally feel, has little impact. But multiply that belief in the immense implications, which are by & large the same as society as a whole, is what dictates the notion of legality .

'homosexuality' is found across all peoples on a much greater scale than incest, & that includes the animal kingdom as well. the reason for the abhorrence is rooted in biology. animals don't have a 'moral' code, but somehow they know how wrong it is.

lol. silly silly you.

In the animal world dogs are bred with close family members all the time. What is the harm to society? Way back when there were few humans in the evolutionary cycle, interbreeding was done often. Not seeing why there is bigotry toward family members marrying. rightwinger said all that was needed was love. Also if two brothers or sisters marry then they get the tax breaks, why not?
In the jungle, the Grey back gorilla mates will all the best lady gorillas. If the Grey back gorilla stays dominate long enough, he will mate with daughters and granddaughters. Most species of animals have no concept of family or incess. They simply breed when the opportunity arises.
Like it or not, the decision on gay marriage will act as a precident for other court challenges such as marriage between close (adult) family members and poligamy.
Since gay couples don't conceive children together, I see no major reason why the courts would deny gay marriage between brothers and sisters or heterosexual marriage between family members that are beyond the age to conceive.
Disney's next rimdition of the parent trap will have two identical twin sisters that have been raised separately meeting at camp. Instead of devising a plan to get their parents back together the sisters simply marry each other.

Sounds like you are busy writing a screen play about your fantasy.

So do you believe that two siblings should be able to marry?
I believe the same logic holds for two adult siblings to have the right to marry as for gays to have the right to marry. Marriage is either an individual right (the individuals agree to marry ) or it is not.

Edit: Let me ask this way; how and why is gay marriage a constitutional right but marriage between adult gay siblings not a constitutional right?

I will be glad to answer it- after you answer my question.

Do you believe that two siblings should be able to marry?
Like it or not, the decision on gay marriage will act as a precident for other court challenges such as marriage between close (adult) family members and poligamy..

Like it or not- you are still wrong.

The Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws and regulations 4 times now- starting with Loving v. Virginia and up to Obergefell.

None of them are precedent for sibling marriage or polygamy.

Sibling marriage is just as illegal today as it was before Loving v. Virginia and Obergefell.

The question is- do you believe you have a right to marry your brother?

If not- why not?
oh lordy. I am talking about sex with body parts that are the same regardless of gender.... but I think you knew that & are intentionally being ignorant. either way it matters not. know why?

same sex marriage legalized nationwide - Google Search

THAT'S why. And there ain't nuthin' you can do about it, so get over it already.
The body parts are not the same. So you are ignoring reality. And at the moment I'm not arguing for or against same sex marriage. If you want have gay sex, well then go at it.

Why so much drama about the mechanics of gay sex?

Gay marriage is about two people who love each other being able to marry

Then why can't we have polygamy? If they all love each other, that's what counts, right? What about a father and daughter marrying, he'll they love each other. How about a brother and sister, why isn't that legal? They love each other.

You can have polygamy- if you can either get the legislature to change the law- or convince a court that you have the right to 5 wives.

IF you really believe that you have the right to have 5 wives, you have the right to pursue your dream of polygamy.

But just like in the cases of bans on mixed race marriages, and on the bans on gay marriage, you will have to show the court that bans on polygamy serve no functions.

So- do you think Polygamy should be legalized? If so- go for it. If not- if you don't believe Polygamy should be legalized- then why are you arguing for it?

On rightwinger's basis of love. Are we to deny those that really love each other the right of marriage?

So you are in favor of polygamy- correct?
What about two sisters? Shouldn't they be able to marry?

What about two sisters? Do you think that they should be able to marry?

If you think that they do have that right- then you must have thought that they had that right before Obergefell- since nothing changed their legal status.
What about two sisters? Shouldn't they be able to marry?

What about two sisters? Do you think that they should be able to marry?

If you think that they do have that right- then you must have thought that they had that right before Obergefell- since nothing changed their legal status.
According to rightwinger any couple that love each other should be able to marry, are you saying otherwise?
The body parts are not the same. So you are ignoring reality. And at the moment I'm not arguing for or against same sex marriage. If you want have gay sex, well then go at it.

Why so much drama about the mechanics of gay sex?

Gay marriage is about two people who love each other being able to marry

Then why can't we have polygamy? If they all love each other, that's what counts, right? What about a father and daughter marrying, he'll they love each other. How about a brother and sister, why isn't that legal? They love each other.

You can have polygamy- if you can either get the legislature to change the law- or convince a court that you have the right to 5 wives.

IF you really believe that you have the right to have 5 wives, you have the right to pursue your dream of polygamy.

But just like in the cases of bans on mixed race marriages, and on the bans on gay marriage, you will have to show the court that bans on polygamy serve no functions.

So- do you think Polygamy should be legalized? If so- go for it. If not- if you don't believe Polygamy should be legalized- then why are you arguing for it?

On rightwinger's basis of love. Are we to deny those that really love each other the right of marriage?

So you are in favor of polygamy- correct?

Never said that, I am applying the logic rightwinger's logic, going by love as the basis for marriage, then it would be wrong for us to be against it.
Why so much drama about the mechanics of gay sex?

Gay marriage is about two people who love each other being able to marry

Then why can't we have polygamy? If they all love each other, that's what counts, right? What about a father and daughter marrying, he'll they love each other. How about a brother and sister, why isn't that legal? They love each other.

You can have polygamy- if you can either get the legislature to change the law- or convince a court that you have the right to 5 wives.

IF you really believe that you have the right to have 5 wives, you have the right to pursue your dream of polygamy.

But just like in the cases of bans on mixed race marriages, and on the bans on gay marriage, you will have to show the court that bans on polygamy serve no functions.

So- do you think Polygamy should be legalized? If so- go for it. If not- if you don't believe Polygamy should be legalized- then why are you arguing for it?

On rightwinger's basis of love. Are we to deny those that really love each other the right of marriage?

So you are in favor of polygamy- correct?

Never said that, I am applying the logic rightwinger's logic, going by love as the basis for marriage, then it would be wrong for us to be against it.

So are you in favor of polygamy or not in favor of polygamy?

And if not- why aren't you in favor of polygamy?
What about two sisters? Shouldn't they be able to marry?

What about two sisters? Do you think that they should be able to marry?

If you think that they do have that right- then you must have thought that they had that right before Obergefell- since nothing changed their legal status.
According to rightwinger any couple that love each other should be able to marry, are you saying otherwise?

I am asking you

What about two sisters? Do you think that they should be able to marry?
Then why can't we have polygamy? If they all love each other, that's what counts, right? What about a father and daughter marrying, he'll they love each other. How about a brother and sister, why isn't that legal? They love each other.

You can have polygamy- if you can either get the legislature to change the law- or convince a court that you have the right to 5 wives.

IF you really believe that you have the right to have 5 wives, you have the right to pursue your dream of polygamy.

But just like in the cases of bans on mixed race marriages, and on the bans on gay marriage, you will have to show the court that bans on polygamy serve no functions.

So- do you think Polygamy should be legalized? If so- go for it. If not- if you don't believe Polygamy should be legalized- then why are you arguing for it?

On rightwinger's basis of love. Are we to deny those that really love each other the right of marriage?

So you are in favor of polygamy- correct?

Never said that, I am applying the logic rightwinger's logic, going by love as the basis for marriage, then it would be wrong for us to be against it.

So are you in favor of polygamy or not in favor of polygamy?

And if not- why aren't you in favor of polygamy?

Why is my stand on the issue of importance, I didn't make the standard for marriage, rightwinger did. I am trying to figure out the criteria for getting marriage, is it love? If it is then should we not allow anyone to marry anyone out of love?
What about two sisters? Shouldn't they be able to marry?

What about two sisters? Do you think that they should be able to marry?

If you think that they do have that right- then you must have thought that they had that right before Obergefell- since nothing changed their legal status.
According to rightwinger any couple that love each other should be able to marry, are you saying otherwise?

I am asking you

What about two sisters? Do you think that they should be able to marry?

Do they fit rightwingers standard that he set out for us?
Disney's next rimdition of the parent trap will have two identical twin sisters that have been raised separately meeting at camp. Instead of devising a plan to get their parents back together the sisters simply marry each other.

Sounds like you are busy writing a screen play about your fantasy.

So do you believe that two siblings should be able to marry?
I believe the same logic holds for two adult siblings to have the right to marry as for gays to have the right to marry. Marriage is either an individual right (the individuals agree to marry ) or it is not.

Edit: Let me ask this way; how and why is gay marriage a constitutional right but marriage between adult gay siblings not a constitutional right?

I will be glad to answer it- after you answer my question.

Do you believe that two siblings should be able to marry?
I believe that if gays have the constitutional right to marry, then adult gay siblings should also have that right. I know of no reason why the equal protection clause would not apply with gay sibling marriage just as it does with non-sibling gay marriage.

My approval or disapproval of these types of marriages are irrelevant to the constitutionality of people's right to have them.
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