Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

Yeah............trying to understand religion via only the KJV Bible is a lot like trying to understand how to fix ALL cars with just 1 Chilton's manual...........namely one for a '95 Yugo.'s possible that using just 1 perspective on God is kinda dangerous.
There is no place in the Bible where homosexuality is tolerated and accepted by God, the Bass is not catholic and could give a damn about some Nicene Council, you sodomite lovers are arguing about nothing, trying to make people who believe in the unchanging Word of God slaves to what is socially acceptable to men. We who are true Christians follow God and His Word, not what men want us to follow or what men are sympathetic to.

So tolerating gays =slavery. :cuckoo:

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Anyone who is KJV-only does not deserve to be taken seriously.

Anyone who believes two men or two women screwing each other equals=normal and should be accepted the same heterosexual sex doesn't deserve to be taken serious.

So you are now the Sexual Morality Police? Exactly why do you give a fuck anyway? Exactly how does two homosexuals screwing each other behind their own closed doors impact your daily life?
Anyone who is KJV-only does not deserve to be taken seriously.

Anyone who believes two men or two women screwing each other equals=normal and should be accepted the same heterosexual sex doesn't deserve to be taken serious.

So you are now the Sexual Morality Police? Exactly why do you give a fuck anyway? Exactly how does two homosexuals screwing each other behind their own closed doors impact your daily life?
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.
Anyone who believes two men or two women screwing each other equals=normal and should be accepted the same heterosexual sex doesn't deserve to be taken serious.

So you are now the Sexual Morality Police? Exactly why do you give a fuck anyway? Exactly how does two homosexuals screwing each other behind their own closed doors impact your daily life?
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

That's great.. now how about answering my question:

I'll rephrase it for you...

Is Fred Phelps a relative of yours?
So you are now the Sexual Morality Police? Exactly why do you give a fuck anyway? Exactly how does two homosexuals screwing each other behind their own closed doors impact your daily life?
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

That's great.. now how about answering my question:

I'll rephrase it for you...

Is Fred Phelps a relative of yours?
Actually not.
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

That's great.. now how about answering my question:

I'll rephrase it for you...

Is Fred Phelps a relative of yours?
Actually not.

Are you affiliated with Westboro Baptist Church in any way whatsoever?
Anyone who believes two men or two women screwing each other equals=normal and should be accepted the same heterosexual sex doesn't deserve to be taken serious.

So you are now the Sexual Morality Police? Exactly why do you give a fuck anyway? Exactly how does two homosexuals screwing each other behind their own closed doors impact your daily life?
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

Puritan revolution may be the answer eh? Like they did with the Salem Witch Trials which were just cover ups because the town's elders didn't want to get caught fucking the single women.

Or, if you prefer, we can do another Inquisition a la Torquemada.

Tell ya what........all you little puritan bastards can get together in a big hall, decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to live, based on your standards.

I'm betting that you won't be able to live up to the very rules you draw up, kinda like the tea party.

But, I'd solve it quicker than you would............figure a MOAB right on top of the stadium that you're in should do the trick.
Somebody got very quiet. What's wrong Hawk? Do you always run when you are exposed?

Be sure to let me know when you get down to Birmingham, Alabama.. I'll be here to greet you with thousands of real Americans.
So you are now the Sexual Morality Police? Exactly why do you give a fuck anyway? Exactly how does two homosexuals screwing each other behind their own closed doors impact your daily life?
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

Puritan revolution may be the answer eh? Like they did with the Salem Witch Trials which were just cover ups because the town's elders didn't want to get caught fucking the single women.

Or, if you prefer, we can do another Inquisition a la Torquemada.

Tell ya what........all you little puritan bastards can get together in a big hall, decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to live, based on your standards.

I'm betting that you won't be able to live up to the very rules you draw up, kinda like the tea party.

But, I'd solve it quicker than you would............figure a MOAB right on top of the stadium that you're in should do the trick.

Let's not try to make this a political issue...

I think its pretty safe to say that people on both sides of the political spectrum can come together and agree that WBC does not parallel any agenda or movement of any political party.

I have a $425 voucher from Southwest Airlines that I am saving for when Fred Phelps finally kicks the bucket. I will most likely be meeting many people at the bastard's doorstep.. republicans, democrats, independents, tea partiers, ACORN, etc... we will all be joined together for one purpose: To show the fucks of Westboro a taste of their own medicine.

Hopefully we can all do that here for the member who celebrates the deaths of our servicemen and women.
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

Puritan revolution may be the answer eh? Like they did with the Salem Witch Trials which were just cover ups because the town's elders didn't want to get caught fucking the single women.

Or, if you prefer, we can do another Inquisition a la Torquemada.

Tell ya what........all you little puritan bastards can get together in a big hall, decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to live, based on your standards.

I'm betting that you won't be able to live up to the very rules you draw up, kinda like the tea party.

But, I'd solve it quicker than you would............figure a MOAB right on top of the stadium that you're in should do the trick.

Let's not try to make this a political issue...

I think its pretty safe to say that people on both sides of the political spectrum can come together and agree that WBC does not parallel any agenda or movement of any political party.

I have a $425 voucher from Southwest Airlines that I am saving for when Fred Phelps finally kicks the bucket. I will most likely be meeting many people at the bastard's doorstep.. republicans, democrats, independents, tea partiers, ACORN, etc... we will all be joined together for one purpose: To show the fucks of Westboro a taste of their own medicine.

Hopefully we can all do that here for the member who celebrates the deaths of our servicemen and women.

Tell me when and I might even show up. Would be good to watch those stupid sonsabitches experiencing the same thing they tried to visit on our soldiers.

Personally? I'd be a very happy man if a sinkhole opened up under that church while it was holding a service and swallowed the whole bunch of 'em.

Good riddance to bad garbage I'd say.
I tell you the truth.Till the 60s and 70s all fags were kicked from The US Military and the civilian fags were quet and stayed in their fecal communities like this modern Sodom El Castro District in San Francisco,CA.Today those scat nibbling brutes are out of control.
The Puritan revolution might be the answer.

Puritan revolution may be the answer eh? Like they did with the Salem Witch Trials which were just cover ups because the town's elders didn't want to get caught fucking the single women.

Or, if you prefer, we can do another Inquisition a la Torquemada.

Tell ya what........all you little puritan bastards can get together in a big hall, decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to live, based on your standards.

I'm betting that you won't be able to live up to the very rules you draw up, kinda like the tea party.

But, I'd solve it quicker than you would............figure a MOAB right on top of the stadium that you're in should do the trick.

Let's not try to make this a political issue...

I think its pretty safe to say that people on both sides of the political spectrum can come together and agree that WBC does not parallel any agenda or movement of any political party.

I have a $425 voucher from Southwest Airlines that I am saving for when Fred Phelps finally kicks the bucket. I will most likely be meeting many people at the bastard's doorstep.. republicans, democrats, independents, tea partiers, ACORN, etc... we will all be joined together for one purpose: To show the fucks of Westboro a taste of their own medicine.

Hopefully we can all do that here for the member who celebrates the deaths of our servicemen and women.

Reminds me of a plan amongst gamers (well Ok a plan I suggested that I wished had gained steam) of a Dance Dance Revolution Contest over the grave of the most despicable lying weasly, ambulance chasing game critic out there. It was put on permanent haitus though when the guy was disbarred and became insignificant.

Anyway normally I'd say we shouldn't do that because it'd just be sinking us down to their level, it would look slightly hypocritical etc. But there's no way me or a group can convince enough people to not do it so that no one shows up and acting like the bigger man will not work with the WBC. So with that in mind go for it.
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Somebody got very quiet. What's wrong Hawk? Do you always run when you are exposed?

Be sure to let me know when you get down to Birmingham, Alabama.. I'll be here to greet you with thousands of real Americans.

What re.Birmingam,AL?What is special in there?I can't understant this statement you made.
Somebody got very quiet. What's wrong Hawk? Do you always run when you are exposed?

Be sure to let me know when you get down to Birmingham, Alabama.. I'll be here to greet you with thousands of real Americans.

Well the Bass is not a follower of Fred Phelps and his heretical Westboro church, and the Bass follows no man, he follows the Bible only so what are you going to do about that, tell the Bass that he's wrong and try to convince him that two men shagging each other is right? Forget it.

Sodomites should not openly serve in the military because people of the same sex who don't share the perverted attractions of sodomites lose their right to privacy.

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