Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

Are you affiliated with Westboro Baptist Church in any way whatsoever?
Yes I am.

Then you are a PSYCHOPATH! AND you hate your country so why don't you move to Afghanistan?
I hate the decay and unrepentant people who led America into doom.America needs to repent and return to her old God blessed Judeo-Christian glory as she was before the 60s.Pro-life,pro-family,pro-church,anti-GLBT.
I am American,but I am originally from Ukraine(Russian).
Yes I am.

Then you are a PSYCHOPATH! AND you hate your country so why don't you move to Afghanistan?
I hate the decay and unrepentant people who led America into doom.America needs to repent and return to her old God blessed Judeo-Christian glory as she was before the 60s.Pro-life,pro-family,pro-church,anti-GLBT.
I am American,but I am originally from Ukraine(Russian).

There it is.........she got tired of being oppressed in her original country, so she came to the land of the free, just so she could oppress others.

America needs to repent? What can some jane come lately tell a native born citizen? I actually KNOW the history of this country (troubled as it is at times), and can tell you that you really don't have a clue.

Wanna go back to things like they were before the 60's? Were you alive then, and if so, were you here or there?

Because here wasn't all that great.........housewifes on pills (Vicodin, mother's little helper), racist beliefs, civil rights unrest, big business dictating wars (Korea anyone?), as well as women being paid only half of what their male counterparts were (if they were even given jobs).

Right........things were so much better back then. Quit drinking the tea party Kool Aid ya stupid bitch.
Then you are a PSYCHOPATH! AND you hate your country so why don't you move to Afghanistan?
I hate the decay and unrepentant people who led America into doom.America needs to repent and return to her old God blessed Judeo-Christian glory as she was before the 60s.Pro-life,pro-family,pro-church,anti-GLBT.
I am American,but I am originally from Ukraine(Russian).

There it is.........she got tired of being oppressed in her original country, so she came to the land of the free, just so she could oppress others.

America needs to repent? What can some jane come lately tell a native born citizen? I actually KNOW the history of this country (troubled as it is at times), and can tell you that you really don't have a clue.

Wanna go back to things like they were before the 60's? Were you alive then, and if so, were you here or there?

Because here wasn't all that great.........housewifes on pills (Vicodin, mother's little helper), racist beliefs, civil rights unrest, big business dictating wars (Korea anyone?), as well as women being paid only half of what their male counterparts were (if they were even given jobs).

Right........things were so much better back then. Quit drinking the tea party Kool Aid ya stupid bitch.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it.But regarding the old American Judeo-Christian days,before the 60s yes life was sane.There were wasn't a genocide against the preborn kids,there was a small number of divorces/remarriages,fags were in their closets,kids were obedient to parents and respected the elderly,prayers were at schools and schools weren't a bloody gang grounds.Billy Sunday was a great preacher and many people loved him.There was life.Now we got modern Babylon that soon will fall.
There can be no doubt that America has gotten morally deteriorated over the years and this trend is not going to stop, what the faithful need to do is come to God and separated themselves from the wicked, simple and plain. The increased acceptance of homosexuality is further proof that America is morally deteriorating, eventhough homosexuality is rejected by the majority of Americans.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it.But regarding the old American Judeo-Christian days,before the 60s yes life was sane.There were wasn't a genocide against the preborn kids,there was a small number of divorces/remarriages,fags were in their closets,kids were obedient to parents and respected the elderly,prayers were at schools and schools weren't a bloody gang grounds.Billy Sunday was a great preacher and many people loved him.There was life.Now we got modern Babylon that soon will fall.

Hawk, you mind as well quit trying to preach to these sodomite loving sinners, when they accept and embrace homosexuality they reject God and His commandments. The Word has been given to these sodomite lovers just as it was given to the Jews and just as God rejected Saul and his family and cut them off from His blessings so shall it be of these wicked sodomite lovers who deceive and defile people from accepting God and His Word.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it.But regarding the old American Judeo-Christian days,before the 60s yes life was sane.There were wasn't a genocide against the preborn kids,there was a small number of divorces/remarriages,fags were in their closets,kids were obedient to parents and respected the elderly,prayers were at schools and schools weren't a bloody gang grounds.Billy Sunday was a great preacher and many people loved him.There was life.Now we got modern Babylon that soon will fall.

Hawk, you mind as well quit trying to preach to these sodomite loving sinners, when they accept and embrace homosexuality they reject God and His commandments. The Word has been given to these sodomite lovers just as it was given to the Jews and just as God rejected Saul and his family and cut them off from His blessings so shall it be of these wicked sodomite lovers who deceive and defile people from accepting God and His Word.
You are very right!They are sodomites who waltz themselves into Hell.Let God be their Judge now.
Somebody got very quiet. What's wrong Hawk? Do you always run when you are exposed?

Be sure to let me know when you get down to Birmingham, Alabama.. I'll be here to greet you with thousands of real Americans.

Well the Bass is not a follower of Fred Phelps and his heretical Westboro church, and the Bass follows no man, he follows the Bible only so what are you going to do about that, tell the Bass that he's wrong and try to convince him that two men shagging each other is right? Forget it.

Whether or not it is right is not the question. You are speaking from a moral standing taken from a verse(s) from a Book whose content contradicts itself in many cases. But if you are using the Bible that's fine... but you can only make that argument if you don't ignore the other thousands and thousands of other verses contained within.

Their thorn... your plank...
I hate the decay and unrepentant people who led America into doom.America needs to repent and return to her old God blessed Judeo-Christian glory as she was before the 60s.Pro-life,pro-family,pro-church,anti-GLBT.
I am American,but I am originally from Ukraine(Russian).

There it is.........she got tired of being oppressed in her original country, so she came to the land of the free, just so she could oppress others.

America needs to repent? What can some jane come lately tell a native born citizen? I actually KNOW the history of this country (troubled as it is at times), and can tell you that you really don't have a clue.

Wanna go back to things like they were before the 60's? Were you alive then, and if so, were you here or there?

Because here wasn't all that great.........housewifes on pills (Vicodin, mother's little helper), racist beliefs, civil rights unrest, big business dictating wars (Korea anyone?), as well as women being paid only half of what their male counterparts were (if they were even given jobs).

Right........things were so much better back then. Quit drinking the tea party Kool Aid ya stupid bitch.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it.But regarding the old American Judeo-Christian days,before the 60s yes life was sane.There were wasn't a genocide against the preborn kids,there was a small number of divorces/remarriages,fags were in their closets,kids were obedient to parents and respected the elderly,prayers were at schools and schools weren't a bloody gang grounds.Billy Sunday was a great preacher and many people loved him.There was life.Now we got modern Babylon that soon will fall.

You know what else didn't happen before the 60's?

People didn't picket the funerals of our soldiers who died overseas.

Just that very small aspect of your faith is enough to discredit anything that comes from you. You have held a sign that says "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" while the family of a dead soldier is looking on.

Fuck you.. Fuck Ol' Man Phelps... and fuck your entire Church. I hope to see you at Daddy Phelps's funeral.
I hate the decay and unrepentant people who led America into doom.America needs to repent and return to her old God blessed Judeo-Christian glory as she was before the 60s.Pro-life,pro-family,pro-church,anti-GLBT.
I am American,but I am originally from Ukraine(Russian).

There it is.........she got tired of being oppressed in her original country, so she came to the land of the free, just so she could oppress others.

America needs to repent? What can some jane come lately tell a native born citizen? I actually KNOW the history of this country (troubled as it is at times), and can tell you that you really don't have a clue.

Wanna go back to things like they were before the 60's? Were you alive then, and if so, were you here or there?

Because here wasn't all that great.........housewifes on pills (Vicodin, mother's little helper), racist beliefs, civil rights unrest, big business dictating wars (Korea anyone?), as well as women being paid only half of what their male counterparts were (if they were even given jobs).

Right........things were so much better back then. Quit drinking the tea party Kool Aid ya stupid bitch.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it..

So when you protested outside of the Holocaust Museum you weren't being racist?
There it is.........she got tired of being oppressed in her original country, so she came to the land of the free, just so she could oppress others.

America needs to repent? What can some jane come lately tell a native born citizen? I actually KNOW the history of this country (troubled as it is at times), and can tell you that you really don't have a clue.

Wanna go back to things like they were before the 60's? Were you alive then, and if so, were you here or there?

Because here wasn't all that great.........housewifes on pills (Vicodin, mother's little helper), racist beliefs, civil rights unrest, big business dictating wars (Korea anyone?), as well as women being paid only half of what their male counterparts were (if they were even given jobs).

Right........things were so much better back then. Quit drinking the tea party Kool Aid ya stupid bitch.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it.But regarding the old American Judeo-Christian days,before the 60s yes life was sane.There were wasn't a genocide against the preborn kids,there was a small number of divorces/remarriages,fags were in their closets,kids were obedient to parents and respected the elderly,prayers were at schools and schools weren't a bloody gang grounds.Billy Sunday was a great preacher and many people loved him.There was life.Now we got modern Babylon that soon will fall.

You know what else didn't happen before the 60's?

People didn't picket the funerals of our soldiers who died overseas.

Just that very small aspect of your faith is enough to discredit anything that comes from you. You have held a sign that says "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" while the family of a dead soldier is looking on.

Fuck you.. Fuck Ol' Man Phelps... and fuck your entire Church. I hope to see you at Daddy Phelps's funeral.

Hate it when i have to agree with you.
As Christian I agree that racism in America was a dark chapter in the past,so was slavery.Yes,it was deadly wrong at those times.The Bible never says that you must not be white or black.Racism is sin and I am against it.But regarding the old American Judeo-Christian days,before the 60s yes life was sane.There were wasn't a genocide against the preborn kids,there was a small number of divorces/remarriages,fags were in their closets,kids were obedient to parents and respected the elderly,prayers were at schools and schools weren't a bloody gang grounds.Billy Sunday was a great preacher and many people loved him.There was life.Now we got modern Babylon that soon will fall.

You know what else didn't happen before the 60's?

People didn't picket the funerals of our soldiers who died overseas.

Just that very small aspect of your faith is enough to discredit anything that comes from you. You have held a sign that says "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" while the family of a dead soldier is looking on.

Fuck you.. Fuck Ol' Man Phelps... and fuck your entire Church. I hope to see you at Daddy Phelps's funeral.

Hate it when i have to agree with you.

Why? We don't need to see eye to eye on everything in order to respect eachother's opinions.
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You people are ignorant and hate God.If you were people of Faith,you would do everything according to God's biblical laws of moral standarts which Giod gave to people by Moses and the rest of sons of Israel.You ignore God and hate His standarts.You deny God's Svereignty,you say it is ok to kill the preborn,it is ok to divorce/remarry and fornicate.You say its is ok to kiss a fag ass,it is ok to be gay and say that fags are "victims of discrimination". As Bass and I say,talking to you as talking to a tree.You will go to Hell and spend your eternity there.
You people are ignorant and hate God.If you were people of Faith,you would do everything according to God's biblical laws of moral standarts which Giod gave to people by Moses and the rest of sons of Israel.You ignore God and hate His standarts.You deny God's Svereignty,you say it is ok to kill the preborn,it is ok to divorce/remarry and fornicate.You say its is ok to kiss a fag ass,it is ok to be gay and say that fags are "victims of discrimination". As Bass and I say,talking to you as talking to a tree.You will go to Hell and spend your eternity there.

i think it's okay if you go fuck yourself.

does that make me a sinner in your eyes?
You people are ignorant and hate God.If you were people of Faith,you would do everything according to God's biblical laws of moral standarts which Giod gave to people by Moses and the rest of sons of Israel.You ignore God and hate His standarts.You deny God's Svereignty,you say it is ok to kill the preborn,it is ok to divorce/remarry and fornicate.You say its is ok to kiss a fag ass,it is ok to be gay and say that fags are "victims of discrimination". As Bass and I say,talking to you as talking to a tree.You will go to Hell and spend your eternity there.

But if I'm not mistaken... Shirley Phelps (the daughter of Freddie) had a son out of wedlock...

And whatever happened to Debbie Valgos? Don't think people haven't forgotten about her. If you don't remember, she was the hippie chick who married Freddie Jr. after running away from the homestead for a drug/sex crazed vacation.

Long story short: Grandpa found his son and brought him back home at gunpoint. A few months later Mrs Valgos was found dead.

Exactly why do you belong to that cult? I will pray for you but I'm pretty sure there is a special place in hell reserved just for you.
You people are ignorant and hate God.If you were people of Faith,you would do everything according to God's biblical laws of moral standarts which Giod gave to people by Moses and the rest of sons of Israel.You ignore God and hate His standarts.You deny God's Svereignty,you say it is ok to kill the preborn,it is ok to divorce/remarry and fornicate.You say its is ok to kiss a fag ass,it is ok to be gay and say that fags are "victims of discrimination". As Bass and I say,talking to you as talking to a tree.You will go to Hell and spend your eternity there.

Oh yeah you REALLY follow ALL of God's biblical laws don't you? NOT!!! You are a HYPOCRITE of the 10th degree so maybe you should STFU and READ your Bible rather than THUMPING it.
You people are ignorant and hate God.If you were people of Faith,you would do everything according to God's biblical laws of moral standarts which Giod gave to people by Moses and the rest of sons of Israel.You ignore God and hate His standarts.You deny God's Svereignty,you say it is ok to kill the preborn,it is ok to divorce/remarry and fornicate.You say its is ok to kiss a fag ass,it is ok to be gay and say that fags are "victims of discrimination". As Bass and I say,talking to you as talking to a tree.You will go to Hell and spend your eternity there.
Yawn.....tell it to my gods.

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