Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

You people are ignorant and hate God.If you were people of Faith,you would do everything according to God's biblical laws of moral standarts which Giod gave to people by Moses and the rest of sons of Israel.You ignore God and hate His standarts.You deny God's Svereignty,you say it is ok to kill the preborn,it is ok to divorce/remarry and fornicate.You say its is ok to kiss a fag ass,it is ok to be gay and say that fags are "victims of discrimination". As Bass and I say,talking to you as talking to a tree.You will go to Hell and spend your eternity there.

You know Chickie Hawk, you peanut butter dog lover.........lemmie explain some of your falsehoods.......

First off, it was HaShem who gave the Laws to Moshe (Moses), in the form of the 10 Commandments. Not "giod". If you're going to tout yourself as an intelligent person, at least learn how to spell the person's name who you claim to worship. Otherwise, it's just bad form.

Which one is it that says "thou shalt not be gay"?

Of course it's okay to divorce, remarry and fornicate. Where do you think kids come from? Fornication. do realize that there are procedures IN THE BIBLE, which allow for divorce?

By the DO realize that the only one who is eternal is HaShem, right? You also realize that Yeshua (Jesus to you bible nazis), stated in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting (not eternal) life".

You can't be eternal if you have a beginning, you can only be forever.

So, exactly how is it that you can go to hell for eternity? You can't, because there was a point in time before your existence, so therefore, nobody burns for eternity.

Try again.

Want to know what the Torah states about people? They're not "human" until the 40 day mark. Interestingly enough, that is the time that the embryo develops a nervous system.
But what about us non-believers

Do you really think that all of us are pro-homosexual in all their endeavors just because we do not believe in God. You do not know me at all, MR Bass.

When I started this thread, I tried to introduce the idea of a co-ed army--deeply co-ed (actually, more of the idea of an army with a professional harem attachment, but the co-ed idea was the main topic starter.)

The arguments against such an idea, to me, is similiar to why gays should not be in the army. You know--ideas such as "it is unclean"(why?) "It is unnatural"(why?) "They would become distracted!!(in the beginning, but later it would not be noticable. If you ever lived with a large number of women you are not romantic with, you would understand)

Now this arguement has deteriorated to Is homosexuality normal or nott. Let me point something out--because something occurs naturally does not make it normal!!

Examples are as follows--Snowing in the south east is natural--not normal. Hurricanes in Miami is natural--not normal. Men that had the ability to develop sexual desires for other men do occur naturally in the population--but is not normal.

What you homosexuals do not understand is very simple. You are born insane. Many of you and your supporters may become upset over this revelation, but I can show you that it is true through a series of questions.

1)What purpose does homosexuality serve in nature?
Before we can go into the understanding homosexuals--we must ask what does the homosexual do.

a)The homosexual provides addition competition to breeders.
This can lead to population suppression if allowed to dominate the population

b) Can actively invoke confusion in non-homosexuals due to their natural personalities/characteristics.
This can lead to identity crisis in Heterosexuals

c)The Homosexual trait can signal the end of a family line if the homosexual is the only child.
If this is the case, it leads to the destruction of the continued identity of the homosexual and his family branch. In many ways, we can refer to the homosexual as a "dead-ender" in terms of continuing the family bloodline. This therefore leads to the final point

d)The homosexual is a questionable use of consumable resources.
We have yet to figure out what benefits the homosexual grants to their family/species.

This does not mean that homosexuals should be put to death due to their backsliding behaviors(pun is intended!!), but it does raise troubling questions into how is the general species suppose to treat the homosexual in general.

(to be continued....)
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If you support homosexuals in any way as it relates to their perverted lifestyle you are a prohomosexual, 100% butthole shagging supporting sinner lover.
Until opponents of DADT can show how allowing gays will have a positive benefit on the military, DADT should remain intact. We have a volunteer military, but don't think for a second they just want any ol' body who shows up. There are any number of policies in the military that could hinder you from ever joining or being kicked out that one could call arbitrary. At the end of the day, we need the best military we can get. Not the most socially progressive.
You know, those of you that state gays shouldn't be allowed to serve openly are just beating the same tired old drum......

We don't want blacks to serve with us, they're not smart enough.

We don't want gays to serve with us, they will mess up the military.

We don't want women to serve in war zones, they aren't suited for combat.

All of those have been proven to be false, it's just that the rest of you idiots haven't come around to the gays yet. I've know of a gay service member (males and females) on every duty station I ever served at.

They didn't bug me about sex, and I didn't bug them. Matter of fact, learned quite a bit from some of 'em..........2 lesbians in Norfolk taught me more about a healthy relationship than I've ever seen, and they were better together than most hetero couples.

One at my first duty station named Paul taught me how to dress in the big city (as a country boy from Montana, jeans, flannel shirts, and logging boots) and look stylish so that I could possibly get a girlfriend in places that were 10 dudes for every woman (and if you've been to a military town, you know what I'm talking about).

Oh yeah.......whenever we were overseas? He was the dude to party with because all the chicks in the town we were at flocked to him, and he sent them to me.

Got a lot of ladies that way..........
First of all, whats wrong with co-ed showers?

if (mostly) men are gonna risk their lives, why not let um have a release for god sakes.

Second, why this arrogance that only people who have served are allowed to have an opinion, are only lawyers allowed to have an opinion of the law?

Third, why is this being framed as pro or anti gay.

This is about whats best for our country, maybe some see it as a partisanship fight i dont.
bullshit, gays are just as likely to objectify a man, ans a straight man to a straight woman

What makes you think your such a stud to where gay guys would want to look at you in the first place?

Excuse me??

Why not coed Barracks? et cetera Et cetera??

Man, you guys are extra sensitive about gay issues!! If you re-read my posts, you will see the angle I am aim at.

A gay soldier won't objectify his peers in the showers like a bunch of straight guys cat-calling to the hot blonde taking off her shower robe. I'm not being "extra sensitive," I'm just calling bullshit when I see it.

You most likely wouldn't be able to hack it in the service even if you were assigned to live and train with a bunch of females.
I dont understand the gay superiority complex here.

I thought gays wanted to be equal not better.

Excuse me??

Why not coed Barracks? et cetera Et cetera??

Man, you guys are extra sensitive about gay issues!! If you re-read my posts, you will see the angle I am aim at.

A gay soldier won't objectify his peers in the showers like a bunch of straight guys cat-calling to the hot blonde taking off her shower robe. I'm not being "extra sensitive," I'm just calling bullshit when I see it.

You most likely wouldn't be able to hack it in the service even if you were assigned to live and train with a bunch of females.

Great, another liberal fagtard trying to give the impression that gays are the personification of perfection when it comes to being a good troop. Regardless of whether the faggots are objectifying or not, a straight male should not be forced to thinking that his feeling of being uncomfortable in an open shower with men who crave the rectums of other is homophobia. Would a black person in a room full of skinheads be anti-white for feeling feeling uncomfortable around a bunch of people who hate for blacks and non-whites is the one thing they share in common regardless of whether they show it outright or not?
If you support homosexuals in any way as it relates to their perverted lifestyle you are a prohomosexual, 100% butthole shagging supporting sinner lover.

Your obsession with anal sex is unhealthy please seek help.

And do tell me how their lifestyle hurts others. It seems you are just obsessing over other people's personal life for no good reason.
Until opponents of DADT can show how allowing gays will have a positive benefit on the military, DADT should remain intact. We have a volunteer military, but don't think for a second they just want any ol' body who shows up. There are any number of policies in the military that could hinder you from ever joining or being kicked out that one could call arbitrary. At the end of the day, we need the best military we can get. Not the most socially progressive.

Ok being gay has absolutely no effect on their ability to serve, so under DADT we are firing perfectly good troops for no good reason. Therefore it's a terrible policy and we should get rid of it.
Interestingly enough, Daniel Cho, who was a LT in the US Army as a squad leader as well as spoke Arabic (of which there are only 500 fluent speakers in the US military), had no detrimental effect on his squad when they found out he was gay.

However........the Army did kick him out for being gay, and in so doing, lost a combat experienced asset that could speak Arabic.

Tell me again how there is no negative impact of allowing DADT to stand.
DADT will soon no longer exits

It came about as a "compromise" between ardent homophobes and libertarians during the Clinto administration to help bolster military morale among "sexually ambiguous" soldiers.

But in truth, there was a possible good that DADT gave to the millitary:::It made the gay soldier work even harder!!

Proof are the testimonies that many of the homosexual supporters posted in this thread. An example is this one

........... We are losing soldiers to a really fucked up policy, many of which are highly decorated as well as major league assets to the military.

Daniel Cho is one of them. He's one of only 500 Arabic speaking translators in the military. We are currently at war with Arabic speaking people

They kicked him out.

An Air Force pilot, who has several awards for bravery and valor, one of which is the DFC. He single handedly flew air support for a squad that was pinned down. He saved the lives of all those that made it out of that battle.

They want to kick him out.

Incidentally, almost all of the gay and lesbian people in the military are better than everyone else at their jobs, generally.

Wanna know why? Comes from an old Navy saying......."One aw shit will wipe out a thousand atta boys".

The gays make sure they've got at least 1001 atta boys. Why? They never know when the axe is gonna drop, and they want to make sure they will have enough juice to stay in.

I agree. Now ask, if we take away the "ax" will the gays work for a 1001 ata boys?? I say no!! The Ax does work.

Need more proof that DADT does benefit the millitary by producing rock hard Soldiers? This thread is littered with them!! In fact, in many of the arguments against DADT, they are fall short of the main objective for military policy:

Does this hurt the quality of the soldier produced and maintained by the Military??

Apparently the policy actually helps produce and maintain high quality soldiers in the military. Even the act of getting rid of one gay soldier helps focus and harden the other gay soldiers!! And a harden and well focused soldier is the best killing machine on any battlefied.

Don't you want America to have so many of these "killing machines" that we win battles almost by presence?? Of course you do!!

It seems that DADT turn a bunch of "sexual preference losers" into Rock Hard well focused Killing machines. That is a great big HOORAH for the US military!! Why end it??:doubt:
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DADT will soon no longer exits

It came about as a "compromise" between ardent homophobes and libertarians during the Clinto administration to help bolster military morale among "sexually ambiguous" soldiers.

But in truth, there was a possible good that DADT gave to the millitary:::It made the gay soldier work even harder!!

Proof are the testimonies that many of the homosexual supporters posted in this thread. An example is this one

........... We are losing soldiers to a really fucked up policy, many of which are highly decorated as well as major league assets to the military.

Daniel Cho is one of them. He's one of only 500 Arabic speaking translators in the military. We are currently at war with Arabic speaking people

They kicked him out.

An Air Force pilot, who has several awards for bravery and valor, one of which is the DFC. He single handedly flew air support for a squad that was pinned down. He saved the lives of all those that made it out of that battle.

They want to kick him out.

Incidentally, almost all of the gay and lesbian people in the military are better than everyone else at their jobs, generally.

Wanna know why? Comes from an old Navy saying......."One aw shit will wipe out a thousand atta boys".

The gays make sure they've got at least 1001 atta boys. Why? They never know when the axe is gonna drop, and they want to make sure they will have enough juice to stay in.

I agree. Now ask, if we take away the "ax" will the gays work for a 1001 ata boys?? I say no!! The Ax does work.

Need more proof that DADT does benefit the millitary by producing rock hard Soldiers? This thread is littered with them!! In fact, in many of the arguments against DADT, they are fall short of the main objective for military policy:

Does this hurt the quality of the soldier produced and maintained by the Military??

Apparently the policy actually helps produce and maintain high quality soldiers in the military. Even the act of getting rid of one gay soldier helps focus and harden the other gay soldiers!! And a harden and well focused soldier is the best killing machine on any battlefied.

Don't you want America to have so many of these "killing machines" that we win battles almost by presence?? Of course you do!!

It seems that DADT turn a bunch of "sexual preference losers" into Rock Hard well focused Killing machines. That is a great big HOORAH for the US military!! Why end it??:doubt:

Ok then let's have DADT apply to heteros as well, in fact if the army finds out you are anything but asexual they will throw you out.

How about the possible gay soldiers that DADT scares away? Did you consider that?

Face it your sex life does not determine your ability as a soldier so to use it to determine who stays is arbitrary and thus totally unnecessary.
DADT will soon no longer exits

It came about as a "compromise" between ardent homophobes and libertarians during the Clinto administration to help bolster military morale among "sexually ambiguous" soldiers.

But in truth, there was a possible good that DADT gave to the millitary:::It made the gay soldier work even harder!!

Proof are the testimonies that many of the homosexual supporters posted in this thread. An example is this one

........... We are losing soldiers to a really fucked up policy, many of which are highly decorated as well as major league assets to the military.

Daniel Cho is one of them. He's one of only 500 Arabic speaking translators in the military. We are currently at war with Arabic speaking people

They kicked him out.

An Air Force pilot, who has several awards for bravery and valor, one of which is the DFC. He single handedly flew air support for a squad that was pinned down. He saved the lives of all those that made it out of that battle.

They want to kick him out.

Incidentally, almost all of the gay and lesbian people in the military are better than everyone else at their jobs, generally.

Wanna know why? Comes from an old Navy saying......."One aw shit will wipe out a thousand atta boys".

The gays make sure they've got at least 1001 atta boys. Why? They never know when the axe is gonna drop, and they want to make sure they will have enough juice to stay in.

I agree. Now ask, if we take away the "ax" will the gays work for a 1001 ata boys?? I say no!! The Ax does work.

Need more proof that DADT does benefit the millitary by producing rock hard Soldiers? This thread is littered with them!! In fact, in many of the arguments against DADT, they are fall short of the main objective for military policy:

Does this hurt the quality of the soldier produced and maintained by the Military??

Apparently the policy actually helps produce and maintain high quality soldiers in the military. Even the act of getting rid of one gay soldier helps focus and harden the other gay soldiers!! And a harden and well focused soldier is the best killing machine on any battlefied.

Don't you want America to have so many of these "killing machines" that we win battles almost by presence?? Of course you do!!

It seems that DADT turn a bunch of "sexual preference losers" into Rock Hard well focused Killing machines. That is a great big HOORAH for the US military!! Why end it??:doubt:

Ok then let's have DADT apply to heteros as well, in fact if the army finds out you are anything but asexual they will throw you out.

How about the possible gay soldiers that DADT scares away? Did you consider that?

Face it your sex life does not determine your ability as a soldier so to use it to determine who stays is arbitrary and thus totally unnecessary.

So it still comes back to the actual facts. Being homosexual is by definition sexual orientation. So we use sexual orientation to separate the male and female soldiers. How do we treat these known gay soldiers? Men cannot shower with women so since a gay male is sexually attracted to other males he can only shower with the women? And only one gay at a time as we wouldn't want them to shower with anyone they would be or could be sexually attracted to. Of course I know that those of you who are gay or support this move will simply say that's homophobic. But isn't this still the facts?

Is this not a sexual thing?
The gay supporters are arguing in circles, unable to separate their emotional gay activism thats based on emotion as opposed to concentrating on what are the real facts to be considered, they seem to think that lifting DADT is going to be easy and everything after that is going to be ok, *WRONG*, it isn't that simple and as the military is finding out its going to be more difficult to undo it. A lot of things have to be considered and accounted, not just what the fags want, thats what the progays fail to realize, their logic is "Lets be all for the gay and lets the straights just adapt and suck it up".
Until opponents of DADT can show how allowing gays will have a positive benefit on the military, DADT should remain intact. We have a volunteer military, but don't think for a second they just want any ol' body who shows up. There are any number of policies in the military that could hinder you from ever joining or being kicked out that one could call arbitrary. At the end of the day, we need the best military we can get. Not the most socially progressive.

Ok being gay has absolutely no effect on their ability to serve, so under DADT we are firing perfectly good troops for no good reason. Therefore it's a terrible policy and we should get rid of it.

Since it has no effect on their work performance[mainly because they're not allowed to openly say they're fags, you dunce], why can't they just shut up and continue to serve without making their sexual practices public? They're putting their gay activism before duty to their country first which is wrong. The military is not adversely affected by DADT, there is no evidence of this, the only people affected adversely are fags because they can't openly say they fags, woooow, thats so damn adverse.
Why? Simple.......sometimes in the military there are petty assholes who are looking to make someone else's life miserable, and one way that they can do that is to blow the whistle on someone who is gay.

If they were allowed to serve openly, that would disappear, and they wouldn't feel so much under the gun.
Being homosexual is by definition sexual orientation.

So we use sexual orientation to separate the male and female soldiers.
No we don't. Homosexual women are mixed with straight women, and homosexual men are mixed with straight men.

We segregate based upon gender, not orientation.

How do we treat these known gay soldiers? Men cannot shower with women so since a gay male is sexually attracted to other males he can only shower with the women? And only one gay at a time as we wouldn't want them to shower with anyone they would be or could be sexually attracted to. Of course I know that those of you who are gay or support this move will simply say that's homophobic. But isn't this still the facts?
Why don't we ask Israel, and adopt their policy? It's worked for them since 1992...

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