Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

Then, if they're going to make this a legitimate study, rather than just paying lip service cool.

Send out the memos that they're going to start the study tomorrow, and all discharges from the service for reasons of homosexuality should be suspended for 1 year, pending review.

And if this study finds that lifting DADT is going to cause more harm and problems than keeping the status quo then what are you going to say, those high ranking officers are a bunch of homophobes[since you think a person with higher rank is always right)?

You and the rest of the pro-faggot lobby want the policy lifted immediately without any careful consideration of how its really going to affect troops and their family, housing in barracks and family housing, the issue of faggots who are married and if their marriages would be recognized by the military, how troops are going to react to having leaders who are faggots, etc the list goes on, you pro-faggot lovers want to ignore all those considerations because you actually believe everything is going to be alright[actually, you all don't care how it affects others as long as fags have their way] with minimal problems, but how can you know this without proper research and investigation? Its just more proof of how you and the rest of the faggot lovers put politics and gay activist agenda before the needs, concerns and operations of the military.
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Douchebag, I spent 20 years in the military, as well as saw many of the problems DADT causes, as well as the money that it wastes.

What you got? 4 years stateside sitting behind a desk?
I wonder if you even read the post, there's an example of the good it will do.

No it does not, that situation is not one that calls for lifting DADT, it could be handled through other channels. Unmarried troops have girlfriends and friends and run into the same problems, there sexuality doesn't need to be openly stated to be part of a solution. If someone sends a letter stating that your property is getting sold off its up to the troop to handle it, he/she sexuality does not need to be known, plus troops should make proper preparations before they deploy to protect themselves.

You haven't the question as to why is it necessary to tell someone if you're gay. You keep stating that one's sexuality isn't a hindrance from doing their jobs, so why the hell is it necessary to tell someone in the first place? Why can't gays do their jobs and keep their sexual preference to themselves? The military is about serving your country, not making a statement about one's sexuality while in uniform.

Also you know damn well this isn't about shoving it in people's faces but the mere mention of it, so why are you lying about it?

It is too about shoving their homosexuality into people's faces, they are already allowed to serve, as long as they don't disclose openly say they're gay, so please tell the Bass why in the hell does someone have to be told about someone else's sexual preference?

Here we are, weeks into this thread and you still have provided no basis for why gays must tell other troops that they're gay, and you still have provided no basis as to why other troops should have to know. You have shown no evidence that lifting DADT is going to help the military and don't go on about the loss of good troops because the military loses good troops every year for a variety of reasons other than violating DADT and the mission still goes on. The way to replace loss of good troops is through good training, mentoring and leadership, not lifting DADT.

First off Bass Hole........the girlfriends of the single members of the command ARE able to get help via the ombudsman and the wives clubs.

As far as the rest of your post? Thanks for proving what a shitty leader you are. I'm glad your cowardly malingering ass stayed Stateside. Why? You would have gotten a lot of people killed with your inept knowledge and lack of knowledge of resources that are available.

I'm guessing they told you to resign your commission, if you were an officer.

More personal attacks from a faggot loving, substandard squid. When you come up with some legitimate and coherent rebuttals maybe the Bass will really answer you.
What part of the girlfriends of the single dudes had access to the ombudsman and the wives club did you miss?

Single guys have resources they can access as well. Gays don't, because of DADT.
Douchebag, I spent 20 years in the military, as well as saw many of the problems DADT causes, as well as the money that it wastes.

What you got? 4 years stateside sitting behind a desk?

Cite the stats that prove that DADT causes the military to significantly lose a lot of money and lowers military readiness. The Bass is waiting you retard, the military loses a lot of money for discharging troops for a variety reasons and DADT is not even a major one. Anyone in the military can and does get replaced and the mission still goes on and gets done, as long as those getting replaced are properly trained, disciplined and dedicated. The Bass has seen drug addicts, overweight people, and people who make rank in a specific timeframe get discharged, but work wise their performances were superior, does that mean the military should ease its restrictions and lower its standards? You're a disgrace to the NCO Corps if you believe that because its the reponsibility of the NCO to enforce the standards and correct and bring troops up to speed when they're slacking and getting substandard, not ask for the military to lower the standards.
What part of the girlfriends of the single dudes had access to the ombudsman and the wives club did you miss?

Single guys have resources they can access as well. Gays don't, because of DADT.

Again, its the responsibility of the troop to get his/her affairs in order before deploying and one does not need to lift DADT to help gays in this respect, they could call just like anyone else and get assistance without making their sexuality known.
Douchebag, I spent 20 years in the military, as well as saw many of the problems DADT causes, as well as the money that it wastes.

What you got? 4 years stateside sitting behind a desk?

Cite the stats that prove that DADT causes the military to significantly lose a lot of money and lowers military readiness. The Bass is waiting you retard, the military loses a lot of money for discharging troops for a variety reasons and DADT is not even a major one. Anyone in the military can and does get replaced and the mission still goes on and gets done, as long as those getting replaced are properly trained, disciplined and dedicated. The Bass has seen drug addicts, overweight people, and people who make rank in a specific timeframe get discharged, but work wise their performances were superior, does that mean the military should ease its restrictions and lower its standards? You're a disgrace to the NCO Corps if you believe that because its the reponsibility of the NCO to enforce the standards and correct and bring troops up to speed when they're slacking and getting substandard, not ask for the military to lower the standards.

Army Lt. Daniel Cho. He's a squad leader, combat tested who also happened to be only 1 of 500 Arabic translators in the entire US military. Now, do YOU speak Arabic? It's a very hard language to learn, with many different dialects. Don't you think that a translator of his type is a significant asset, especially with the problems that we've currently got with the lack of translators?

Another significant asset.........Air Force pilot is currently being processed for discharge for being gay. He has several awards for combat, one of which is a DFC with a V for valor. He saved an entire squad of troops who came under enemy fire from Taliban by himself.

It costs 1 million dollars to train 1 combat troop on the front lines. He saved over 10 that day, which means he saved the government 10 million in assets, as well as saved the possibility of having to shell out more money in the form of funerals and SGLI.

How is that not a waste of money to discharge them?
We've heard it all before. It's not going to happen this year. The Gays will have to remain in the closet if they want to serve. On to the next problem.
What part of the girlfriends of the single dudes had access to the ombudsman and the wives club did you miss?

Single guys have resources they can access as well. Gays don't, because of DADT.

Again, its the responsibility of the troop to get his/her affairs in order before deploying and one does not need to lift DADT to help gays in this respect, they could call just like anyone else and get assistance without making their sexuality known.

You've obviously never been to a Navy Relief office to get assistance, have you? I had to when I went home on emergency leave from Greece back to Montana in '98. Not only do they require a copy of your LES, but they also want to know what the family situation is. the cases of counseling, they wish to know what caused the problem.

Tell them you're gay? Automatic discharge. Yeah.......tell me again how much they can access those resources for those reasons. They'd have to lie, and if caught in the lie, they would be discharged anyway.

How stupid are you anyway Bass Hole?
Douchebag, I spent 20 years in the military, as well as saw many of the problems DADT causes, as well as the money that it wastes.

What you got? 4 years stateside sitting behind a desk?

Cite the stats that prove that DADT causes the military to significantly lose a lot of money and lowers military readiness. The Bass is waiting you retard, the military loses a lot of money for discharging troops for a variety reasons and DADT is not even a major one. Anyone in the military can and does get replaced and the mission still goes on and gets done, as long as those getting replaced are properly trained, disciplined and dedicated. The Bass has seen drug addicts, overweight people, and people who make rank in a specific timeframe get discharged, but work wise their performances were superior, does that mean the military should ease its restrictions and lower its standards? You're a disgrace to the NCO Corps if you believe that because its the reponsibility of the NCO to enforce the standards and correct and bring troops up to speed when they're slacking and getting substandard, not ask for the military to lower the standards.

Army Lt. Daniel Cho. He's a squad leader, combat tested who also happened to be only 1 of 500 Arabic translators in the entire US military. Now, do YOU speak Arabic? It's a very hard language to learn, with many different dialects. Don't you think that a translator of his type is a significant asset, especially with the problems that we've currently got with the lack of translators?

Another significant asset.........Air Force pilot is currently being processed for discharge for being gay. He has several awards for combat, one of which is a DFC with a V for valor. He saved an entire squad of troops who came under enemy fire from Taliban by himself.

It costs 1 million dollars to train 1 combat troop on the front lines. He saved over 10 that day, which means he saved the government 10 million in assets, as well as saved the possibility of having to shell out more money in the form of funerals and SGLI.

How is that not a waste of money to discharge them?

If neither would have lied before joining the military the government would not have lost any money, end of story. You post two examples, not stats. There are pilots and translators who leave the military year after year for reasons other than DADT, such as leaving for big money jobs, the military loses more money for that reason[lack of ability to retain] than to fags who knowingly lie and and defraud the government by lying their way through DADT.
Listen you ignorant asshole.......both those men WANT TO STAY. They are patriotic.

Unlike some malingering cowards who decided to stay stateside that I could name.

And, considering that the war on terror still has MANY Arabic speaking participants, it was a waste to kick out Lt Cho.
What part of the girlfriends of the single dudes had access to the ombudsman and the wives club did you miss?

Single guys have resources they can access as well. Gays don't, because of DADT.

Again, its the responsibility of the troop to get his/her affairs in order before deploying and one does not need to lift DADT to help gays in this respect, they could call just like anyone else and get assistance without making their sexuality known.

You've obviously never been to a Navy Relief office to get assistance, have you? I had to when I went home on emergency leave from Greece back to Montana in '98. Not only do they require a copy of your LES, but they also want to know what the family situation is. the cases of counseling, they wish to know what caused the problem.

Tell them you're gay? Automatic discharge. Yeah.......tell me again how much they can access those resources for those reasons. They'd have to lie, and if caught in the lie, they would be discharged anyway.

How stupid are you anyway Bass Hole?

Again you have provided no reason why lifting DADT is necessary. Bottom line, its the responsibility of the service member to set their affairs in order whether they deploy or not. All troops should have a plan in place in case something happens. Emergency leave are special situations that require or strongly suggest the presence of a service member and having a faggot boyfriend that sell off your belongings is not a reason to lift DADT.
Listen you ignorant asshole.......both those men WANT TO STAY. They are patriotic.

Unlike some malingering cowards who decided to stay stateside that I could name.

And, considering that the war on terror still has MANY Arabic speaking participants, it was a waste to kick out Lt Cho.

those who are patriotic and want to stay will show sacrifice and selfless service, not selfishness overlain with gay activism.
Cite the stats that prove that DADT causes the military to significantly lose a lot of money and lowers military readiness. The Bass is waiting you retard, the military loses a lot of money for discharging troops for a variety reasons and DADT is not even a major one. Anyone in the military can and does get replaced and the mission still goes on and gets done, as long as those getting replaced are properly trained, disciplined and dedicated. The Bass has seen drug addicts, overweight people, and people who make rank in a specific timeframe get discharged, but work wise their performances were superior, does that mean the military should ease its restrictions and lower its standards? You're a disgrace to the NCO Corps if you believe that because its the reponsibility of the NCO to enforce the standards and correct and bring troops up to speed when they're slacking and getting substandard, not ask for the military to lower the standards.

Army Lt. Daniel Cho. He's a squad leader, combat tested who also happened to be only 1 of 500 Arabic translators in the entire US military. Now, do YOU speak Arabic? It's a very hard language to learn, with many different dialects. Don't you think that a translator of his type is a significant asset, especially with the problems that we've currently got with the lack of translators?

Another significant asset.........Air Force pilot is currently being processed for discharge for being gay. He has several awards for combat, one of which is a DFC with a V for valor. He saved an entire squad of troops who came under enemy fire from Taliban by himself.

It costs 1 million dollars to train 1 combat troop on the front lines. He saved over 10 that day, which means he saved the government 10 million in assets, as well as saved the possibility of having to shell out more money in the form of funerals and SGLI.

How is that not a waste of money to discharge them?

If neither would have lied before joining the military the government would not have lost any money, end of story. You post two examples, not stats. There are pilots and translators who leave the military year after year for reasons other than DADT, such as leaving for big money jobs, the military loses more money for that reason[lack of ability to retain] than to fags who knowingly lie and and defraud the government by lying their way through DADT.

What the fuck idiot? You do realize what DADT stands for right? Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

No lying was involved upon enlistment as you claim, because they COULDN'T ASK THEIR FUCKING SEXUAL PREFERENCE AT ENLISTMENT!

Fuck you're stupid.
Why should they have to? Revealing their sexuality will not cause any kind of harm to the troops and as such it's really dumb to fire them over that.

Your "its not going to cause any harm argument" is irrelevant, you haven't established any reason why it is necessary for gays to reveal their sexuality.

Once again "you don't need it therefore it's OK to ban it" is not a good argument for anything ever.

There are a lot of things not allowed by the military that would not "cause the troops any harm," such as certain hairstyles, body piercings, and tattoos on certain areas of the body, so what now, the military should do a total overhaul and allow everything? Not going to happen, the military is a peculiar organization certain, rules, regulation and structure and anyone joining the military must adapt to it, not the other way around.

Less arbitrary rules is always a good thing.

The onus is on *YOU* to prove that its necessary for fags to reveal their sexuality and to prove that its necessary for troops to have to know.

I don't need to prove it's necessary that's never been the standard. We've all ready shown some harm it will cause and unless you can point to a benefit caused by it, that's good enough to can it.

You've given absolutely nothing to defend DADT, all you've done is say "well you don't need to do it therefore you shouldn't be allowed to do it" which is absolutely retarded.

You have shown no reason why it should be lifted other than to appease the selfish interest of fags who want to openly say they're fags. Openly stating that they're faggots isn't going to make the military better.

Ok so you have no good reason why it should stay then. Gotcha.

Your breathtakingly stupid logic amounts to "we don't urgently need to change the law therefore we should keep it, despite the harm it causes".

Hey let's segregate blacks then, if you complain I'll ask you why blacks NEED to integrate with other races.

I wonder if you can provide any reason why it is necessary that the military has to keep these rules in the first place.

Methinks you cannot and you'll just keep dodging the same question you spew out over and over as if that's the only thing that matters.
Why should they have to? Revealing their sexuality will not cause any kind of harm to the troops and as such it's really dumb to fire them over that.

Your "its not going to cause any harm argument" is irrelevant, you haven't established any reason why it is necessary for gays to reveal their sexuality.

Once again "you don't need it therefore it's OK to ban it" is not a good argument for anything ever.

Less arbitrary rules is always a good thing.

I don't need to prove it's necessary that's never been the standard. We've all ready shown some harm it will cause and unless you can point to a benefit caused by it, that's good enough to can it.

You've given absolutely nothing to defend DADT, all you've done is say "well you don't need to do it therefore you shouldn't be allowed to do it" which is absolutely retarded.

You have shown no reason why it should be lifted other than to appease the selfish interest of fags who want to openly say they're fags. Openly stating that they're faggots isn't going to make the military better.

Ok so you have no good reason why it should stay then. Gotcha.

Your breathtakingly stupid logic amounts to "we don't urgently need to change the law therefore we should keep it, despite the harm it causes".

Hey let's segregate blacks then, if you complain I'll ask you why blacks NEED to integrate with other races.

I wonder if you can provide any reason why it is necessary that the military has to keep these rules in the first place.

Methinks you cannot and you'll just keep dodging the same question you spew out over and over as if that's the only thing that matters.

You have demonstrated no reason why it is *NECESSARY* for gay to openly say they're gay and you've no reason why it is *NECESSARY* that other troops must know, thus no reason for lifting DADT exists.

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