Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

All this discussion really does is reinforce the notion that soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves and doing what's right. On an individual level, I admire anyone who has chosen to serve. Collectively, the military needs a brain transplant. They are currently unfit to represent us in this manner.

You haven't a clue.
Admit it Bass, the only reason you support DADT is because you despise gays and want them to be treated as lesser beings.
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It's a blatantly discriminatory policy and should eventually be eliminated (probably a bad idea from its inception, actually), but giving them a chance to figure out the ramifications and how best to remove the policy is probably not a bad idea. Still, the transparent hatred within the policy and the hypocrisy that follows it is just mind numbing.
All this discussion really does is reinforce the notion that soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves and doing what's right. On an individual level, I admire anyone who has chosen to serve. Collectively, the military needs a brain transplant. They are currently unfit to represent us in this manner.

You haven't a clue.

About what, in particular? I've observed this issue since its inception and seen the negative impact it has had. The numbers of discharges, especially during a period of heightened need for qualified candidates, really says it all.
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All this discussion really does is reinforce the notion that soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves and doing what's right. On an individual level, I admire anyone who has chosen to serve. Collectively, the military needs a brain transplant. They are currently unfit to represent us in this manner.

You haven't a clue.

About what, in particular? I've observed this issue since its inception and seen the negative impact it has had. The numbers of discharges, especially during a period of heightened need for qualified candidates, really says it all.

Soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves? BULLSHIT

The Military needs a Brain transplant? More BULLSHIT

They are currently unfit to represent us?

News flash, the US Military doesn't represent you, they protect your rights. You want representation call your congressman.

So you are an observer, once you've been there and done that, let us know.
Charlie i just realized that there is an answer as to why gays should tell that they are gay. And it really is right out there where we should have seen it long ago.

Obama said so! That's it, there is no other reason. Obama needs to actually keep a promise so he's trying this one.

Dude don't tell me you buy into his whole "it's not necessary therefore we should punish people for it" line of "logic".

I am currently serving in the military and the day that some civilian homosexual activist who hasn't spent one day in uniform leading troops knows my soldiers and whats best for them better than I do is the day I'll resign wearing this uniform. Yes, there are gays in the military. Yes, they do their jobs well, the ones that stay out of trouble and excel that is. We know they're capable of doing their jobs. Taking all of this into consideration, why do they need to openly say they're homosexuals?

If you excel at doing your job, stay preofessional at all time and uphold Army values and you're my soldier whatever you do as far as your sexual life does not need to be known by me. If a soldier can't properly conduct himself when off duty in accordance with regulation he has to be either disciplined or administratively separated, especially when the behvior disrupts unit cohesion and refelcts badly upon the Army.

Ah so you are just IGNORING your SUPERIORS when THEY say DADT should be repealed. I SEE!
You haven't a clue.

About what, in particular? I've observed this issue since its inception and seen the negative impact it has had. The numbers of discharges, especially during a period of heightened need for qualified candidates, really says it all.

Soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves? BULLSHIT

What a convincing argument! So the fact that the soldiers can't be expected to behave appropriately means what?

The Military needs a Brain transplant? More BULLSHIT

I calls 'em likes I sees 'em. But again, good response.

They are currently unfit to represent us?

News flash, the US Military doesn't represent you, they protect your rights. You want representation call your congressman.

Good semantics! My point stands, though. If this is how they "protect my rights" - which I'm not even sure how that's relevant in this situation - I'd prefer they weren't there.

So you are an observer, once you've been there and done that, let us know.

When you know anything but taking orders, let us know too.
I have yet to hear the answer to my question, would you rather WONDER about who is checking you out in the shower or KNOW who is gay so you can avoid showing them you package?

STILL no answer to this question. Oh and for all you "straights" out there who think that gay men are just SALIVATING at the chance to "hit" on you, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! I have gone to "gay" bars (dance clubs) with both girlfriends and female friends because THEY don't want to get pawed at and HIT ON by guys all night and guess what, despite the fact that I'm a good looking guy I never got hit on ONCE because gay men have a pretty good idea of who is and is NOT gay. If you are so fucking freaked out about it then just make sure those around you know you are NOT interested in men and you will NEVER be "hit on" by a gay man I GUARENFUCKINGTEE IT!!!
I think the REAL problem is these HOMOPHOBES assume that gay men will have the same type of LECHEROUS personality that THEY do so they ASSUME a gay man wouldn't be able to go a day without hitting on EVERY MAN on post which is, OF COURSE, total BULLSHIT!

Really "The Bass" I ASSURE you you don't have to worry about a gay man hitting on you, I PROMISE!!! And even IF one does just explain that you like PUSSY and you will NEVER have to tell another gay man again because it will be KNOWN that you are a "straight". See how EASY that is? So simple a CAVEMAN like YOU can do it.
Dude don't tell me you buy into his whole "it's not necessary therefore we should punish people for it" line of "logic".

I am currently serving in the military and the day that some civilian homosexual activist who hasn't spent one day in uniform leading troops knows my soldiers and whats best for them better than I do is the day I'll resign wearing this uniform. Yes, there are gays in the military. Yes, they do their jobs well, the ones that stay out of trouble and excel that is. We know they're capable of doing their jobs. Taking all of this into consideration, why do they need to openly say they're homosexuals?

If you excel at doing your job, stay preofessional at all time and uphold Army values and you're my soldier whatever you do as far as your sexual life does not need to be known by me. If a soldier can't properly conduct himself when off duty in accordance with regulation he has to be either disciplined or administratively separated, especially when the behvior disrupts unit cohesion and refelcts badly upon the Army.

Ah so you are just IGNORING your SUPERIORS when THEY say DADT should be repealed. I SEE!

The heads of the military branches have unanimously told congress to slow down on repelling DADT.
About what, in particular? I've observed this issue since its inception and seen the negative impact it has had. The numbers of discharges, especially during a period of heightened need for qualified candidates, really says it all.

Soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves? BULLSHIT

What a convincing argument! So the fact that the soldiers can't be expected to behave appropriately means what?

The Military needs a Brain transplant? More BULLSHIT

I calls 'em likes I sees 'em. But again, good response.

They are currently unfit to represent us?

News flash, the US Military doesn't represent you, they protect your rights. You want representation call your congressman.

Good semantics! My point stands, though. If this is how they "protect my rights" - which I'm not even sure how that's relevant in this situation - I'd prefer they weren't there.

So you are an observer, once you've been there and done that, let us know.

When you know anything but taking orders, let us know too.

22 years on active duty US Army.
You don't know jack about taking orders.

Fortunately I retired in 93 and didn't have to deal with DADT much.

And if you don't like the protection your rights have been provided you are more than welcome to use one of those rights and leave.
I have yet to hear the answer to my question, would you rather WONDER about who is checking you out in the shower or KNOW who is gay so you can avoid showing them you package?

STILL no answer to this question. Oh and for all you "straights" out there who think that gay men are just SALIVATING at the chance to "hit" on you, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! I have gone to "gay" bars (dance clubs) with both girlfriends and female friends because THEY don't want to get pawed at and HIT ON by guys all night and guess what, despite the fact that I'm a good looking guy I never got hit on ONCE because gay men have a pretty good idea of who is and is NOT gay. If you are so fucking freaked out about it then just make sure those around you know you are NOT interested in men and you will NEVER be "hit on" by a gay man I GUARENFUCKINGTEE IT!!!

I cannot remember worrying about it. We simply assumed that no one was interested.

And why would a girl worry about guys at a gay bar hitting on them?
I have yet to hear the answer to my question, would you rather WONDER about who is checking you out in the shower or KNOW who is gay so you can avoid showing them you package?

STILL no answer to this question. Oh and for all you "straights" out there who think that gay men are just SALIVATING at the chance to "hit" on you, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! I have gone to "gay" bars (dance clubs) with both girlfriends and female friends because THEY don't want to get pawed at and HIT ON by guys all night and guess what, despite the fact that I'm a good looking guy I never got hit on ONCE because gay men have a pretty good idea of who is and is NOT gay. If you are so fucking freaked out about it then just make sure those around you know you are NOT interested in men and you will NEVER be "hit on" by a gay man I GUARENFUCKINGTEE IT!!!

I cannot remember worrying about it. We simply assumed that no one was interested.

And why would a girl worry about guys at a gay bar hitting on them?

That's WHY they go to gay bars.
Maineman and your equally faggoty self are presenting the image that faggots in the military are most excellent of all troops so discharging under DADT would harm military readiness, its almost as if you're both trying to say that their homosexuality is what makes them better than straight and the Bass is calling BS if thats what you're both trying to say.

And since you admit that both you faggot lovers cannot produce stats why are you both making the claim that discharging faggots would harm military readiness? Why make claims you know you cannot back up with stats? Retards!

bulshit. I have never said that they were "better" in any way. I am saying that they are good and patriotic sailors that I served with, and I can think back and KNOW that, had they been discharged because of their sexua preference, the command would have suffered a degradation in capability.

Actually another sailor would have been there in their place, performing the mission just as well.

Wrong. On a ship (unlike you Army types), they typical sailor has one primary rate (job), and several collateral duties, anywhere from at sea firefighting, to security detail, to PRT Coordinator, to DAPA, to Shore Patrol, to anything. I included all those qualifications because I held all of them at the same time.

Now.......only 1 DAPA is billeted for around 150 people. Only 1 PRT Coordinator/command. Both of those jobs are things that require screening AND school to obtain quals for.

If I transferred unexpectedly (broken leg), then they have to send someone else to school, not only for DAPA, but PRT Coordinator as well, which takes time. some cases, there is only 1 or 2 of certain jobs (rates) onboard an entire command. Say that your CT (Cryptological technician), gets found out that they are gay. Guess what? Because those types of billets are HARD to fill (lack of qualified people), they may have to do without for several months. Cryptology is the job that gets you your secret intelligence. Very important to have one if you're supposed to. Makes life easier for everyone, especially the SEALS.

In some cases, where a servicemember is getting ready to get discharged because of EAOS, if their billet is important enough, they can involuntarily extend that individual until the end of the deployment, even if that means they have to stay in an extra 6 months to a year.

Try again Army Bag Lady Ollie. You don't know shit about the Navy.
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Their good performances have nothing to do with their homosexuality or open proclamations of being gay so what does that have to do with lifting DADT? Perhaps they didn't make as big a deal about their sexuality as your and faggot Bikerfag are.

Bass Hole.......last time I'm going to explain this.........

First off, do you speak fluent Arabic? Second, you DO realize that the enemy in the war on terror speaks mainly Arabic?

Next, do you know how HARD it is to learn Arabic? Even with all the linguistic types that the military has, only 500 used to be in, but, sadly, their number has dropped to below 500 after the discharge of Lt. Daniel Cho.

Oh yeah........all those other Arabic speakers who aren't gay? They aren't allowed to get out, as they have a critical skill and usually get stop lossed before they come close to discharge, so your argument that they have normal Arabic speakers leaving all the time for other reasons than being gay is bullshit.

By the way, you CLAIM to have been in the Air Force. Do you know how much money and time it takes to train a fighter pilot? Especially one as qualified as the pilot currently fighting tooth and nail?

Just training 1 pilot to basic qualifications is 1 million dollars. And, that pilot saved several others when he flew CAS by himself to keep the combatants from killing him.

How much do you think that pilot saved the government in manpower, funeral costs, and SGLI benefits paid out by saving those men?

I have a really hard time believing you ever served, because your attitude is one of someone who read a couple of Tom Clancy books and then decided to try to pass themselves off as a military person.

So only gays can be Arabic translators?

Reading comprehension Army Bag Lady Ollie..........I stated that Arabic is VERY HARD TO LEARN, and not many people will qualify. Lt Cho happened to want to study that in college and became fluent, which is what he was prior to joining the Army.

No.........I did not state that only gays can be Arabic translators.

You sure are one stupid fucker.
22 years on active duty US Army.
You don't know jack about taking orders.

>> Really? How do yo know? Making a lot of assumptions aren't you.

Fortunately I retired in 93 and didn't have to deal with DADT much.

And if you don't like the protection your rights have been provided you are more than welcome to use one of those rights and leave.

>> What "protection"? And I certainly have a right to question the way in which our military - paid for by US tax dollars - gets used when I feel that it reflects poorly on us. That's what I'm criticizing. For someone so gung ho to rep his own (questionable) service, you sure are sensitive.
It's a blatantly discriminatory policy and should eventually be eliminated (probably a bad idea from its inception, actually), but giving them a chance to figure out the ramifications and how best to remove the policy is probably not a bad idea. Still, the transparent hatred within the policy and the hypocrisy that follows it is just mind numbing.

Explain to me how a policy that specifically forbids gays to openly flaunt their sexuality is blatantly discriminatory? I'd like to also know where the hate and hypocrisy lies. I am actually in uniform and currently serving, you haven't the slightest clkue what you're talking about. If DADT is rescinded and gays are allowed to openly flaunt their sexuality whats going to be the next step, transexuals demanding the right to dress up and act like the opposite sex since their 'transexuality' has no bearing on their work performance and duties? I don't want a difunctional Army that morrors the depravity seen in society, we're discpline professionals, if someone wants to live like a dysfunctional civilian they don't need to join the Army.
22 years on active duty US Army.
You don't know jack about taking orders.

>> Really? How do yo know? Making a lot of assumptions aren't you.

Fortunately I retired in 93 and didn't have to deal with DADT much.

And if you don't like the protection your rights have been provided you are more than welcome to use one of those rights and leave.

>> What "protection"? And I certainly have a right to question the way in which our military - paid for by US tax dollars - gets used when I feel that it reflects poorly on us. That's what I'm criticizing. For someone so gung ho to rep his own (questionable) service, you sure are sensitive.

You can have your opinion, but you don't have a right to tell soldiers how to run the Army especially in you're not in the Army and lest you forget soldiers also pay taxes. As a Senior Noncomissioned Officer its my duty to take care of my soldiers and to carry out the orders of those appointed over me, protection of flaunting one's sexual life is not something I am bound to protect.
Soldiers are incapable of thinking for themselves? BULLSHIT

What a convincing argument! So the fact that the soldiers can't be expected to behave appropriately means what?

The Military needs a Brain transplant? More BULLSHIT

I calls 'em likes I sees 'em. But again, good response.

They are currently unfit to represent us?

News flash, the US Military doesn't represent you, they protect your rights. You want representation call your congressman.

Good semantics! My point stands, though. If this is how they "protect my rights" - which I'm not even sure how that's relevant in this situation - I'd prefer they weren't there.

So you are an observer, once you've been there and done that, let us know.

When you know anything but taking orders, let us know too.

22 years on active duty US Army.
You don't know jack about taking orders.

Fortunately I retired in 93 and didn't have to deal with DADT much.

And if you don't like the protection your rights have been provided you are more than welcome to use one of those rights and leave.

Yo, Army Bag Lady Ollie, did you ever stop to think that you'd retired 17 years ago and attitudes and procedures have changed since then?

Shit......'93 was when the Navy was starting to look at "smart ships", and now it's integrated on quite a few smaller vessels.

Was also about the time that the Navy finally decided to let women serve on forward deployed combat vessels. Now? They've just been approved to deploy on subs.

Might wanna see if you can update your crusty old attitudes Ollie.
Why do you need to fire them over being openly homosexual?

Why do they need to openly proclaim their homosexuality to do their jobs is the question you need to ponder. We who are already serving know the problems that people who are perceived to be homosexual cause, it creates a hostile work environment for both the perceived homosexual and those he has to work with. If DADT is rescinded that problem will be magnified and it is not the job of NCOs and Officers to feed soldiers homosexual activist dogma to change the military work envirnoment to suit the needs of homosexuals.

Then why only go after gays?

I don't go only after gays, no one goes after gays, you are seriously misinformed how DADT works and how difficult it is to administratively discharge a soldier for homosexuality. Unless a soldier is caught engaging in homosexual acts and or admits he is gay we have no grounds to discharge a soldier under Chapter 15. If anyone calls a soldier a homosexual and cannot back up their claims they run the risk of getting slammed for sexual harrassment and starting rumors in the workplace. The gay soldiers know this and some of them threaten other soldiers with charges of sexual harrassment if the alleged gay soldier has even the slightest impression that someone is mistreating them because of their perceived sexuality. This is how having homosexuals in the military workplace causes disruption and destroys unit cohesion. Those who get discharged have admitted their homosexuality or have been caught engaging in homosexual acts, no one goes after gays, witchhunts are not allowed and only the commander or whom the commander designates can investigate charges of alleged homosexuality.

Why have the regulation against homosexuality in the first place?

I just stated the reason why, however, that was my opinion. The regulation is needed to maintain unit cohesion and espirit de corps in the military.

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