Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

If you knew and did not report it you broke the regulations.

"knew" it? what the fuck does that mean? If it is apparent yet there is no homosexual acts committed, and no one has admitted anything, what regulation did I break?

I'll wait.

Under DADT the admission of sexual orientation, NOT the act, is evidence of a rule being broken. That aspect is opposed by both Mullen and Gates as they are correct. ANY sexual acts WILL STILL BE a reason for dismissal. The false accusations are that if you repeal DADT there will be sexual acts that will be tolerated and accepted between gays in the military.
And that charge is absurd.
Ollie, if you were pinned down in a fox hole and a battallion of NVA regulars were coming towards you and there was a tank moving towards the NVA and a fast mover coming in with nape to coat the gooks would you have radioed to the tank and the fast mover "If you are gay I do not want your help"?
That is what it is all about. Service.
None are so blind as those who will not see.

It is not simply about service and stupid situational questions mean nothing.

The heads of each branch of Service have now advised Congress to go slow on any decisions to rescind DADT. They each expect to have problems if congress simply does this.

I'll wait to see what happens.
The Bass no longer will argue with a bunch of faggot loving liberal monkey who don't understand the military and wants to spread their gay activism to an organization where it has no place whatsoever.
The Bass no longer will argue with a bunch of faggot loving liberal monkey who don't understand the military and wants to spread their gay activism to an organization where it has no place whatsoever.

Holy shit, this explains a lot. Bass talks and argues with himself.
If you knew and did not report it you broke the regulations.

"knew" it? what the fuck does that mean? If it is apparent yet there is no homosexual acts committed, and no one has admitted anything, what regulation did I break?

I'll wait.

still waiting

And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces
If you knew and did not report it you broke the regulations.

"knew" it? what the fuck does that mean? If it is apparent yet there is no homosexual acts committed, and no one has admitted anything, what regulation did I break?

I'll wait.

still waiting

Article 92 is the regulation you broke as post by Flaylo, its as clear as day, anyone who doesn't enforce a regulation is in dereliction of duty and disobedience to the regulation. You as a commander stated you knew of gay sailors under your command and you failed to act.
"knew" it? what the fuck does that mean? If it is apparent yet there is no homosexual acts committed, and no one has admitted anything, what regulation did I break?

I'll wait.

still waiting

And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

Hey.......Army Bag Boy Ollie, did you mistakenly leave your brain behind with your last courier delivery? Sounds like......

What part of "have my suspicions" did you miss? Ever watch 2 and a Half Men? Alan looks like, acts like, and on occasion, cries like a gay man. He's straight, but, based on how he acts, people have their suspicions.

Next......what part of "don't ask" (you can't ask them, even if you have your suspicions), and "don't tell" (they can't tell you if they are or not, even if you have suspicions), do you keep missing?

You're a fucking 'tard of the first water. Weapons grade stupidity even.

Try again delivery boy.
"knew" it? what the fuck does that mean? If it is apparent yet there is no homosexual acts committed, and no one has admitted anything, what regulation did I break?

I'll wait.

still waiting

Article 92 is the regulation you broke as post by Flaylo, its as clear as day, anyone who doesn't enforce a regulation is in dereliction of duty and disobedience to the regulation. You as a commander stated you knew of gay sailors under your command and you failed to act.

I "knew" they were gay, in that it was obvious by their demeanor, their dress on liberty, the sorts of non-sexual social activities they engaged in, but they did not commit any homosexual acts or openly state that they were gay. Now... I say AGAIN... what regulation did I break?
still waiting

Article 92 is the regulation you broke as post by Flaylo, its as clear as day, anyone who doesn't enforce a regulation is in dereliction of duty and disobedience to the regulation. You as a commander stated you knew of gay sailors under your command and you failed to act.

I "knew" they were gay, in that it was obvious by their demeanor, their dress on liberty, the sorts of non-sexual social activities they engaged in, but they did not commit any homosexual acts or openly state that they were gay. Now... I say AGAIN... what regulation did I break?

"knew" it? what the fuck does that mean? If it is apparent yet there is no homosexual acts committed, and no one has admitted anything, what regulation did I break?

I'll wait.

still waiting

And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

read your own link... and tell me where I did not follow policy. They did NOT engage in any homosexxual sex acts, they did NOT admit to me that they were gay, and they did NOT attempt to marry someone of their same gender.

Now either show me where I broke some regulation, as you claim, SARGE, or show the dignity to apologize falsely accusing me of such.... or maybe noncoms in the fucking ARMY don't know anything about dignity or ethics or honor....
still waiting

And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

Hey.......Army Bag Boy Ollie, did you mistakenly leave your brain behind with your last courier delivery? Sounds like......

What part of "have my suspicions" did you miss? Ever watch 2 and a Half Men? Alan looks like, acts like, and on occasion, cries like a gay man. He's straight, but, based on how he acts, people have their suspicions.

Next......what part of "don't ask" (you can't ask them, even if you have your suspicions), and "don't tell" (they can't tell you if they are or not, even if you have suspicions), do you keep missing?

You're a fucking 'tard of the first water. Weapons grade stupidity even.

Try again delivery boy.

Shut the hell up faggot loving gorilla, all you know how to do is insult when your jackass is busted, your navy faggot loving officer friend violated the UCMJ by refusing to enforce the regulation when he refusing to initiated action against sailors he knew to be homosexual, hell he didn't even counsel them on the regulation, those are facts that cannot be disputed, gay activism does not take precedence over the regulation.
still waiting

And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

read your own link... and tell me where I did not follow policy. They did NOT engage in any homosexxual sex acts, they did NOT admit to me that they were gay, and they did NOT attempt to marry someone of their same gender.

Now either show me where I broke some regulation, as you claim, SARGE, or show the dignity to apologize falsely accusing me of such.... or maybe noncoms in the fucking ARMY don't know anything about dignity or ethics or honor....

Hey, CDR, Army Bag Lady Ollie is just a delivery boy. I kinda doubt that he's ever supervised more than 10 people.

I also find it funny that an E-7 is arguing with an O-4 about leadership. Doesn't this idiot delivery boy realize that his paygrade has to answer to YOU?

Besides.....he's already stated that he retired in '94, just as the DADT policy was first being implemented, so he really doesn't have any clue.

Hey.......Delivery Boy Ollie..........WTF dude, did you leave your military bearing behind when you retired?

Way to go, shipwreck. You're a total soup sandwich dude.
And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

Hey.......Army Bag Boy Ollie, did you mistakenly leave your brain behind with your last courier delivery? Sounds like......

What part of "have my suspicions" did you miss? Ever watch 2 and a Half Men? Alan looks like, acts like, and on occasion, cries like a gay man. He's straight, but, based on how he acts, people have their suspicions.

Next......what part of "don't ask" (you can't ask them, even if you have your suspicions), and "don't tell" (they can't tell you if they are or not, even if you have suspicions), do you keep missing?

You're a fucking 'tard of the first water. Weapons grade stupidity even.

Try again delivery boy.

Shut the hell up faggot loving gorilla, all you know how to do is insult when your jackass is busted, your navy faggot loving officer friend violated the UCMJ by refusing to enforce the regulation when he refusing to initiated action against sailors he knew to be homosexual, hell he didn't even counsel them on the regulation, those are facts that cannot be disputed, gay activism does not take precedence over the regulation.

Tell me again how well you know the regs ROTC Reservist. You didn't even serve in the real military.

Swing and a miss Bass Hole.
still waiting

And you can wait until hell freezes over for all I care, If you knew and did nothing, then you were wrong. It is not a foreign language, easy enough to understand. You supposedly were a professional Officer. Yet you act like you are ignorant of the regs. I don't teach commanders, they should already know.

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

read your own link... and tell me where I did not follow policy. They did NOT engage in any homosexxual sex acts, they did NOT admit to me that they were gay, and they did NOT attempt to marry someone of their same gender.

Since they didn't do any of the above and did their jobs honorably as you've stated why do you want DADT rescinded? It apparently worked out well for you and the Navy.
Hey.......Army Bag Boy Ollie, did you mistakenly leave your brain behind with your last courier delivery? Sounds like......

What part of "have my suspicions" did you miss? Ever watch 2 and a Half Men? Alan looks like, acts like, and on occasion, cries like a gay man. He's straight, but, based on how he acts, people have their suspicions.

Next......what part of "don't ask" (you can't ask them, even if you have your suspicions), and "don't tell" (they can't tell you if they are or not, even if you have suspicions), do you keep missing?

You're a fucking 'tard of the first water. Weapons grade stupidity even.

Try again delivery boy.

Shut the hell up faggot loving gorilla, all you know how to do is insult when your jackass is busted, your navy faggot loving officer friend violated the UCMJ by refusing to enforce the regulation when he refusing to initiated action against sailors he knew to be homosexual, hell he didn't even counsel them on the regulation, those are facts that cannot be disputed, gay activism does not take precedence over the regulation.

Tell me again how well you know the regs ROTC Reservist. You didn't even serve in the real military.

Swing and a miss Bass Hole.

All officers know the Articles of the UCMJ and if one doesn't know its as simple as looking them up. You were an NCO in charge of lower ranking sailors who you knew were faggots and you didn't act also, that makes you a soup sandwich NCO, you also violated the regulation because you didn't report these faggots.
Tell ya what ROTC boy.......which one of the 186 Articles of the UCMJ refers to reporting of homosexuality?

Put up or shut up reservist.
Tell ya what ROTC boy.......which one of the 186 Articles of the UCMJ refers to reporting of homosexuality?

Put up or shut up reservist.

Read Article 92 real slowly you retarded damn squid, when was the last time you pulled out the regs and read them?

Article 92—Failure to obey order or regulation

Failure to enforce this below is in violation of Article 92:

US CODE: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces

Damn you're a soup sandwich.
Homosexuality in the military is a POLICY. Not a regulation.

By the way.........where is the regulation in the UCMJ that states "don't be gay"?

Fucking ROTC Reservists..........
i cant wait for dadt to be repealed msotly just to see the reaction from the nutjob right and church groups.

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