Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

Fags must be discharged from our armed forces.They are filthy perverts who must stay outside the normal society as well as criminals,junkies,prostitutes.
Romans 1:26-32.

Yet another moonbat disciple of Charles Bass comes to the messageboards.

Welcome to the boards you lunatic fuck. Forget to take your meds this morning?
Because you hate God and ignore His Laws He stated.Leviticus 18:22.GLBT are nothing but sick and perverted heathens who are equal to dogs and pigs who live on their vomit and feces.Deal with it.

Why do Christians get to pick and choose which Bible verses are relevant?

Try reading the rest of Leviticus bitch... then come back and keep passing judgment on people who have no significant influence in your hypocritical and pathetic life.
Yet another moonbat disciple of Charles Bass comes to the messageboards.

Welcome to the boards you lunatic fuck. Forget to take your meds this morning?
Because you hate God and ignore His Laws He stated.Leviticus 18:22.GLBT are nothing but sick and perverted heathens who are equal to dogs and pigs who live on their vomit and feces.Deal with it.

Why do Christians get to pick and choose which Bible verses are relevant?

Try reading the rest of Leviticus bitch... then come back and keep passing judgment on people who have no significant influence in your hypocritical and pathetic life.
Moses said this.Do not outsmart God's people.It is written,"Thou shall not lie next to a mankind as with a womankind.Tha's abomination against your God'.Lev.18:22.In New Testament,St Paul who is a prisoner of Lord Jesus Christ wrote more condemnations in The Book of Romans 1:26-32 and gays are reprobate perverts who deserve Hell.
You also realize that Leviticus was a book for the tribe of Levi, which happened to be the Priests of Israel, right?

Are you a Christian, or are you Jewish?
It is his fate for disobeying Leviticus 18:19 and Romans 1:26-32.Matt is in Hell!
Because you hate God and ignore His Laws He stated.Leviticus 18:22.GLBT are nothing but sick and perverted heathens who are equal to dogs and pigs who live on their vomit and feces.Deal with it.

Why do Christians get to pick and choose which Bible verses are relevant?

Try reading the rest of Leviticus bitch... then come back and keep passing judgment on people who have no significant influence in your hypocritical and pathetic life.
Moses said this.Do not outsmart God's people.It is written,"Thou shall not lie next to a mankind as with a womankind.Tha's abomination against your God'.Lev.18:22.In New Testament,St Paul who is a prisoner of Lord Jesus Christ wrote more condemnations in The Book of Romans 1:26-32 and gays are reprobate perverts who deserve Hell.

Are you really trying to use a Bible verse to justify ignoring OTHER Bible verses?
Why do Christians get to pick and choose which Bible verses are relevant?

Try reading the rest of Leviticus bitch... then come back and keep passing judgment on people who have no significant influence in your hypocritical and pathetic life.
Moses said this.Do not outsmart God's people.It is written,"Thou shall not lie next to a mankind as with a womankind.Tha's abomination against your God'.Lev.18:22.In New Testament,St Paul who is a prisoner of Lord Jesus Christ wrote more condemnations in The Book of Romans 1:26-32 and gays are reprobate perverts who deserve Hell.

Are you really trying to use a Bible verse to justify ignoring OTHER Bible verses?
The accurate Bible is King James Version.
Moses said this.Do not outsmart God's people.It is written,"Thou shall not lie next to a mankind as with a womankind.Tha's abomination against your God'.Lev.18:22.In New Testament,St Paul who is a prisoner of Lord Jesus Christ wrote more condemnations in The Book of Romans 1:26-32 and gays are reprobate perverts who deserve Hell.

Are you really trying to use a Bible verse to justify ignoring OTHER Bible verses?
The accurate Bible is King James Version.

First off Chicken Hawk.......who the fuck is Matt, and why did your sorry ass put him in Hell?

I thought only God was allowed to do that, not some douche named Chicken Hawk.

Second.........ever hear if the Nicene council? It was where the Romans (who stole the Torah from the Jews), took that, along with the OT, and the best of the fairy tales from the NT.

THAT is where the KJV Bible comes from.

Then...........there are the other things that the Catholics have done to bastardize the teachings of Yeshua..........Easter and Christmas being turned into pagan rituals for starters. Know why they included the pagans? Because Rome was a pagan country.

Now, a quick question................if over 40 percent of your original "bible" was either censored, or just plain edited out, how accurate do you REALLY think your interpretations of it are gonna be to the real thing?

I'm guessing not much.

Go away little boy, you bother me.
There is no place in the Bible where homosexuality is tolerated and accepted by God, the Bass is not catholic and could give a damn about some Nicene Council, you sodomite lovers are arguing about nothing, trying to make people who believe in the unchanging Word of God slaves to what is socially acceptable to men. We who are true Christians follow God and His Word, not what men want us to follow or what men are sympathetic to.
Are you really trying to use a Bible verse to justify ignoring OTHER Bible verses?
The accurate Bible is King James Version.

First off Chicken Hawk.......who the fuck is Matt, and why did your sorry ass put him in Hell?

I thought only God was allowed to do that, not some douche named Chicken Hawk.

Second.........ever hear if the Nicene council? It was where the Romans (who stole the Torah from the Jews), took that, along with the OT, and the best of the fairy tales from the NT.

THAT is where the KJV Bible comes from.

Then...........there are the other things that the Catholics have done to bastardize the teachings of Yeshua..........Easter and Christmas being turned into pagan rituals for starters. Know why they included the pagans? Because Rome was a pagan country.

Now, a quick question................if over 40 percent of your original "bible" was either censored, or just plain edited out, how accurate do you REALLY think your interpretations of it are gonna be to the real thing?

I'm guessing not much.

Go away little boy, you bother me.

What is your point? Are you trying to convince Hawk, The Bass and Christians who are against homosexuality that the current Bible altered but the unaltered version permitted and allowed homosexuality and or showed that God was accepting of homosexuality? If not there is no damn reason for you to bring up this pointless nonsense.

There is nothing in the Bible that indicates any acceptance of homosexuality by God nor is there anything that says Christians should accept and love *HOMOSEXUALITY*, stop all of this activist tapdancing and face the facts you stupid sodomite loving squid, who are *YOU* to question anyone's religion?
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The sodomites want to equate their filthy perversions with races,nations,and other human moral dignities.They ignore to realize that homosexuality is the abomination before God,Romans 1:26-32,and in God's moral statndarts is never equal to races or nations.It is equal to crime,filth,whordoms,drugs,and other perversions.Fags attempt to secularize American society and by their shameless activist judges and greedy lawyers attempt legitimatize their filthy life choices.They are fools who are on their way to Hell.
There is no place in the Bible where homosexuality is tolerated and accepted by God, the Bass is not catholic and could give a damn about some Nicene Council, you sodomite lovers are arguing about nothing, trying to make people who believe in the unchanging Word of God slaves to what is socially acceptable to men. We who are true Christians follow God and His Word, not what men want us to follow or what men are sympathetic to.

So tolerating gays =slavery. :cuckoo:
There is no place in the Bible where homosexuality is tolerated and accepted by God, the Bass is not catholic and could give a damn about some Nicene Council, you sodomite lovers are arguing about nothing, trying to make people who believe in the unchanging Word of God slaves to what is socially acceptable to men. We who are true Christians follow God and His Word, not what men want us to follow or what men are sympathetic to.

So tolerating gays =slavery. :cuckoo:

Tolerating gays= hating God and disobeying His Commandmends.
There is no place in the Bible where homosexuality is tolerated and accepted by God, the Bass is not catholic and could give a damn about some Nicene Council, you sodomite lovers are arguing about nothing, trying to make people who believe in the unchanging Word of God slaves to what is socially acceptable to men. We who are true Christians follow God and His Word, not what men want us to follow or what men are sympathetic to.

So tolerating gays =slavery. :cuckoo:

Tolerating gays= hating God and disobeying His Commandmends.

Yeah........sure......let's go with that.......

Anyone else feel the love radiating from this quaint little douchebag?
There is no place in the Bible where homosexuality is tolerated and accepted by God, the Bass is not catholic and could give a damn about some Nicene Council, you sodomite lovers are arguing about nothing, trying to make people who believe in the unchanging Word of God slaves to what is socially acceptable to men. We who are true Christians follow God and His Word, not what men want us to follow or what men are sympathetic to.

So tolerating gays =slavery. :cuckoo:

Tolerating gays= hating God and disobeying His Commandmends.

Which commandment was that?

And where did Jesus preach hate?
I think it was from Chicken Hawk's KJV know, the parable about not getting mounted?

They called that sermon "No Screwing Gays during the Sermon on the Mount".

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