Gaza bombed twenty times as much as Dresden

By April this year 70,000 tons of bombs had been dropped on Gaza killing over 40,000

At the end of WW2 Dresden was bombed with 3,900 tons killing 25,000

Gaza is deemed by the Zionists to require 18 times as much destructive power than the Third Reich's main industrial center with its huge factories and ports and railroad depots.

The Israelis are insane, must be stopped, no more weapons, no more slaughter in the name of the deranged Zionist cult.
It wasn’t fire bombed.
This is a tribe of home invaders, in any civilized country these people would be stopped, arrested and sent to prison, in uncivilized Israel they are heavily armed, assisted, protected by the police! This has been a part of life in Israel for non-Jews since 1948.

The person talking in this clip is a Jew (you can see his words in the subtitle) this is what the US Zionist supporters are supporting, they've been indoctrinated by the Zionist's narrative and they are too stupid to understand, they don't know right from wrong and that's why the US is swamped in gun violence with cults like MAGA gaining in popularity.

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Squatters doing their squatting.
Are you a cheerleader for Hezbollah?
Fetch Blaster, good boy, jump!

It's the Palestinians, 90% of them. What to do?
Do as your told by your Zionist masters, that's what to do, that's what you've been doing anyway, now run along and munch some more ass, atta good boy, wear your fake cowboy hat too, if it makes you feel more relevant.


Time to unplug this duke box :auiqs.jpg:
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By April this year 70,000 tons of bombs had been dropped on Gaza killing over 40,000

At the end of WW2 Dresden was bombed with 3,900 tons killing 25,000

Gaza is deemed by the Zionists to require 18 times as much destructive power than the Third Reich's main industrial center with its huge factories and ports and railroad depots.

The Israelis are insane, must be stopped, no more weapons, no more slaughter in the name of the deranged Zionist cult.
Good. This war won't be over until the last PLO terrorist is dead. There is no such thing as a "Palestinian".
Good. This war won't be over until the last PLO terrorist is dead.
Or all of us are dead, that's likely where ass kissing Israel is going to get you, killed. Don't think the Zionists admire you, they laugh at the US, they think Americans are fools and you're so dumb you won't know about this until I show you in a few minutes.
There is no such thing as a "Palestinian".
Yes there is, they are the people that used to live in Palestine until the radicalized Zionists arrived.
By April this year 70,000 tons of bombs had been dropped on Gaza killing over 40,000

At the end of WW2 Dresden was bombed with 3,900 tons killing 25,000

Gaza is deemed by the Zionists to require 18 times as much destructive power than the Third Reich's main industrial center with its huge factories and ports and railroad depots.

The Israelis are insane, must be stopped, no more weapons, no more slaughter in the name of the deranged Zionist cult.

Only 20.

I'm hoping for 50.
San Souci

This is the true nature of the asshole you guys are so eager to munch, pretending to be men, it's shameful the way you are so proud of your lack of spine, truly incredible brainwashing.

Or all of us are dead, that's likely where ass kissing Israel is going to get you, killed. Don't think the Zionists admire you, they laugh at the US, they think Americans are fools and you're so dumb you won't know about this until I show you in a few minutes.

Yes there is, they are the people that used to live in Palestine until the radicalized Zionists arrived.
My Father immigrated here from Jerusalem. My people were there for 3000 years.

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