General Flynn Abruptly Fires His Lawyers Ahead of Sentencing – Hires New, High-Profile Lawyer

Flynn was investigated by REPUBLICANS named Comey and Mueller and also fired by a Republican named Trump.

I am NOT defending Flynn and / or NOT saying he is NOT guilty of a crime; however.....

Fired Former FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified information to a friend in a successful ploy to get an official investigation on Trump opened and his mentor, Mueller hired as Special Counsel.

Exposed / released evidence shows Comey and his FBI conducted an illegal investigation of Trump at the end of which, according to former FBI Agent Page, the FBI found ZERO evidence of a crime having been committed by Trump or his associates warranting an investigation or Special Counsel appointment.

US AG Loretta Lynch has made public statements claiming Comey lied under oath - Felony Perjury - about what she directed him to do regarding the investigation.

Evidence also shows Comey - along with former US AG Rosenstein, NIA Director Clapper, and CIA Director Brennan - illegally used the known false / unsubstantiated Trump Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses as well as Perjury before Congress (Brennan). These fellow 'conspirators', along with former FBI Counsel Baker, have all made public statements claiming Comey was THE man who made that decision.

Mueller has an extremely 'sordid' past, one that should have prevented him from ever being Special Counsel, one that includes asking a Russian Oligarch to fund an FBI op in 2009, documented evidence of his hiding Russian crimes of extortion/intimidation/bribery of American politicians and nuclear regulatory officials in 2014, having had to answer to a FISA Court about his FBI's 75 FISA Court abuses, knowingly illegally hiding evidence proving 4 men he was attempting to prosecute were innocent and sending them to prison anyway, being former fired FBI Director Comey's mentor - and investigating the man who fired his protégé of possibly doing so illegally, working with DOJ Bruce Ohr and a Trump-hating foreign ex-MI6 spy who was working with the Russians and for the FBI on the unsubstantiated Dossier BEFORE an official investigation on Trump had been opened and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel......

Again, don't get me wrong, I am not saying Flynn is not guilty of a crime and does not deserve to go to prison.

I am suggesting, IMO, that Flynn was / is stupid. When questioned by the FBI he obviously panicked. I say that because several FBI agents claimed what Flynn lied about was not even illegal. (Several other FBI agents have opined that in their opinion Flynn never lied.)

In many - most - cases it is not the original crime supposedly committed and that is being investigated that is the leading cause of indictments / convictions - it is the lying that goes on DURING the investigation.

- Michael Flynn, as initially reported, was indicted for lying about something that was not even illegal.

- George Papadopoulos was indicted for lying to the FBI about something that was not illegal - it was about a meeting with one of their own 'plants' they already knew about. (Some people whined about it being a 'Perjury Trap'....which, by definition it was. You ask a question you already know the answer to and see if the person answers truthfully or not. It's sneaky, but it is also effective...and no one is forcing the other person to lie.)

After several years, hundreds of hours, dozens of committee hearings, hundreds of witnesses interviewed, and thousands of documents gone through in their butt-hurt investigations of George Bush (that's right, this - Trump - is NOT the 1st time the Democrats have gone after a Republican President), the only indictment / conviction the Democrats walked away with as justification for THAT 'witch hunt' was the indictment and conviction of SCOOTER LIBBY for 'Lying to the FBI'. (The 'lie' was mis-remembering the actual date / time of something that happened several years earlier.)

IMO, UNLESS HE HAS SOMETHING REALLY 'GOOD' WITH WHICH HE THINKS CAN OVERTURN HIS CONVICTION, Flynn is also an idiot for abandoning a plea deal that allows him to walk away with 'probation'.

IF - for the sake of arguing - Flynn winds up winning and getting charges dropped...he is still BROKE. He / his name is 'tainted' - no one is going to hire him, especially for the kind of big money he is going to want to build back up his 'fortune'. For all intents and purposes he is 'done' - pretty much the same position he was already in if he had kept the plea deal and walked with probation.

If he LOSES...he's screwed! He might just find himself in solitary confinement right next to Manafort on Rikers island.

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It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Whatever you say cuckoo bird.

Flynn was investigated by REPUBLICANS named Comey and Mueller and also fired by a Republican named Trump.

Why does it matter who did it?
Flynn should have known, being from he military and as a commander / general how the JAG and legal system in the military work sat least , that you never answer questions without a lawyer. Hell, if you have ever watch a cop show on tv you would know that. (Again - Flynn stupid?)

One version of the story I heard was that the FBI approached Flynn all 'buddy-buddy'. not in an official format where they informed him he was officially being asked questions as part of an investigation under-oath giving-testimony interview and that it was in this - what Flynn thought was an informal, off-the record conversation that he 'lied' to the FBI.

This should have been easily proven to be the case or not. When law enforcement, to include the FBI, conducts an interview with you the very 1st thing they HAVE to do is read you your Miranda Rights and make sure you understand before they proceed. If the interview ends and they come to you sometime later - let's say to your office - and want to officially ask you more questions as part of that investigation they MUST make it clear that the questions they are about to ask ARE part of that 1st interview / are part of the on-going investigation and MUST remind you that your Miranda Rights still apply, that you can stop at any time and demand to have an attorney present.

Having someone from a law enforcement agency who has the power to indict you / send you to jail read you your Miranda rights and asking you if you understand them before asking you questions OR having such a person tell you later that they want to ask more questions, tell you are still under oath and that your Miranda Rights still apply is NOT some insignificant thin that you would not recognize as it was happening and is not something that would slip your mind / that you would forget.

I don't see how his 1st high-priced lawyers would have over-looked something like that and / or how his new high-priced lawyers would suddenly just come up with that as a 'new defense'....
Great news!
Now withdraw the guilty plea. Your son is no longer at risk,Something is definitely afoot. If he can get those transcripts released, or Barr does, and they counter Mueller’s report, it could actually lead to criminal charges for the prosecutors.

Michael Flynn fires legal team with sentencing looming on federal charges

General Flynn Abruptly Fires His Lawyers Ahead of Sentencing - Hires New, High-Profile Lawyer
Flynn Got Railroaded and if his Lawyer is any good, Flynn is going to shove Mueller's Report and The Democrat Witch Hunt 10 Feet up Their Asses.

As I predicted 3 years ago, and I will go out on a limb and say it again..... When this is all over, General Flynn will be a RICH MAN!

Hannity just reported he's heard Flynn will withdraw his guilty plea.
Flynn should have known, being from he military and as a commander / general how the JAG and legal system in the military work sat least , that you never answer questions without a lawyer. Hell, if you have ever watch a cop show on tv you would know that. (Again - Flynn stupid?)

One version of the story I heard was that the FBI approached Flynn all 'buddy-buddy'. not in an official format where they informed him he was officially being asked questions as part of an investigation under-oath giving-testimony interview and that it was in this - what Flynn thought was an informal, off-the record conversation that he 'lied' to the FBI.

This should have been easily proven to be the case or not. When law enforcement, to include the FBI, conducts an interview with you the very 1st thing they HAVE to do is read you your Miranda Rights and make sure you understand before they proceed. If the interview ends and they come to you sometime later - let's say to your office - and want to officially ask you more questions as part of that investigation they MUST make it clear that the questions they are about to ask ARE part of that 1st interview / are part of the on-going investigation and MUST remind you that your Miranda Rights still apply, that you can stop at any time and demand to have an attorney present.

Having someone from a law enforcement agency who has the power to indict you / send you to jail read you your Miranda rights and asking you if you understand them before asking you questions OR having such a person tell you later that they want to ask more questions, tell you are still under oath and that your Miranda Rights still apply is NOT some insignificant thin that you would not recognize as it was happening and is not something that would slip your mind / that you would forget.

I don't see how his 1st high-priced lawyers would have over-looked something like that and / or how his new high-priced lawyers would suddenly just come up with that as a 'new defense'....
High Priced Lawyers and Doctors can be incompetent, or just a bit lazy. It's better to have someone who is a fighter and has Conviction, and is going to tirelessly research your case from every angle and stick it to the opposition if he can.

Give me a guy my enemy hates, and that is my guy right there.

Hannity just reported he's heard Flynn will withdraw his guilty plea.
I can't wait to see him stick it to James Comey, McCabe and yes Mueller!

Looks like Joe diGenova will be his new Attorney.

Michael Flynn Fires Lawyers – DOJ Files Documents Under Seal…

In a text message to Politico Rudy Giuliani said he was not Flynn’s new lawyer. Alan Dershowitz replied that he’s not representing Flynn. Joe DiGenova in an email wrote, “We are not at liberty to discuss.”
Everybody hates lawyers until they need one, then ask of a sudden they want the ones they hated most...
It is amazing they have put Gen Flynn through all this after his 30 years of service. Does what he did compare to smashing your cell phones with a hammer and destroying the sim cards, deleting e-mails under congressional subpoena and using bleachbit to wipe an unauthorized server to avoid examination and allowing state department information to find its way onto a pedophiles computer? Clinton gets a pass, while Flynn's life is destroyed.
Fired Former FBI Director Comey admittedly leaked classified information to a friend in a successful ploy to get an official investigation on Trump opened and his mentor, Mueller hired as Special Counsel.

Exposed / released evidence shows Comey and his FBI conducted an illegal investigation of Trump at the end of which, according to former FBI Agent Page, the FBI found ZERO evidence of a crime having been committed by Trump or his associates warranting an investigation or Special Counsel appointment.

US AG Loretta Lynch has made public statements claiming Comey lied under oath - Felony Perjury - about what she directed him to do regarding the investigation.

Evidence also shows Comey - along with former US AG Rosenstein, NIA Director Clapper, and CIA Director Brennan - illegally used the known false / unsubstantiated Trump Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses as well as Perjury before Congress (Brennan). These fellow 'conspirators', along with former FBI Counsel Baker, have all made public statements claiming Comey was THE man who made that decision.

Man oh man, that sounds like they are all headed for jail...unless of course you don't know wtf you are talking about, in which case none of them will be in any litigation having to do with this investigation.

So tell you what, why don't we set a date at which we draw the bottom line on these two possbilities. That way you can get even smarter instead of conviniently forgetting about all the shit you shoot that never comes true.
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Is Easy getting smarter?
Nothing has changed. I just said something you actually agree with, something that does not trigger your partisan need to attack / silence me.

It always makes me laugh when people who think they know me, who have tried to speak for me by declaring something I don't believe, who have tried to label me or to shove me into a defined box suddenly realize I am NOT 'that guy'.

We probably have a lot more in common than you think....

'Great minds think alike' ... sometimes ... not always.

Man oh man, that sounds like they are all headed for jail...unless of course you don't know wtf you are talking about,

You are smart enough to know just because evidence and testimony may expose crimes doesn't mean anyone is going to jail.
It is amazing they have put Gen Flynn through all this after his 30 years of service. Does what he did compare to smashing your cell phones with a hammer and destroying the sim cards, deleting e-mails under congressional subpoena and using bleachbit to wipe an unauthorized server to avoid examination and allowing state department information to find its way onto a pedophiles computer? Clinton gets a pass, while Flynn's life is destroyed.
Ssnowflakes attacked people today for daring to question Mueller, as he is a decorated US Marine Vet....they turn around a shit on Flynn.

This only goes to prove the left REALLY doesn't care about the military, no more than they do women, blacks, Latinos.... Democrats USE people...and when they are done they abandon them...

Kavanaugh's accuser, blacks for decades, illegals, vets...whatever helps to further their agendas...
It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Democrats have nothing to do with Flynn. He was investigated by Comey - a registered Republican, who threw Hillary Clinton under the bus for Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election, and in the ultimate thank you gesture, Trump fired him. Flynn was tried before a Republican judge and PLED GUILTY.

It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Whatever you say cuckoo bird.

Flynn was investigated by REPUBLICANS named Comey and Mueller and also fired by a Republican named Trump.
Funny how Comey admitted to being a communist and Mueller isn't much better....great piece of propo though
It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Whatever you say cuckoo bird.

Flynn was investigated by REPUBLICANS named Comey and Mueller and also fired by a Republican named Trump.
Funny how Comey admitted to being a communist and Mueller isn't much better....great piece of propo though

Whats funny is you beliving that nonsence.
It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Whatever you say cuckoo bird.

Flynn was investigated by REPUBLICANS named Comey and Mueller and also fired by a Republican named Trump.
Funny how Comey admitted to being a communist and Mueller isn't much better....great piece of propo though

Whats funny is you beliving that nonsence.
Truth always inconvenient for libs

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