General Flynn Abruptly Fires His Lawyers Ahead of Sentencing – Hires New, High-Profile Lawyer

It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Democrats have nothing to do with Flynn. He was investigated by Comey - a registered Republican, who threw Hillary Clinton under the bus for Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election, and in the ultimate thank you gesture, Trump fired him. Flynn was tried before a Republican judge and PLED GUILTY.

As Page testified, Barry's DOJ refuse to make a case against her, and Comey did his duty in covering her ass.

Just days before the election agents found how Huma had sent herself every classified e-mail off of Hillary's server, and they pressured Comey to act. So he re-opened the case only to almost immediately shut it down.

Comey hated Trump & did Hillary and Barry's bidding in running the failed exposed coup attempt against Trump.

More than enough existing evidence prove this, propaganda pusher....
Man oh man, that sounds like they are all headed for jail...unless of course you don't know wtf you are talking about,

You are smart enough to know just because evidence and testimony may expose crimes doesn't mean anyone is going to jail.

Testable hypothesis - scary concept Easy wants to avoid at all costs.

Well I don’t, I stand by my predictions.
Testable hypothesis - scary concept Easy wants to avoid at all costs.
'Testable Hypothesis'?

'Everyone' is not going to jail. Maybe I gave you too much credit for understanding / knowing that.

The Swamp protects the Swamp.

Case in point, the US IG released a report identifying a classified leaker within the FBI - that leaker, surprise, surprise, was fired FBI Agent Strzok. Leaking classified information is a crime; yet, someone within the DOJ reportedly refuses to press charges against this co-conspirator.

IF STRZOK WAS CONNECTED TO TRUMP AND MUELLER WAS STILL RUNNING HIS INVESTIGATION, Mueller would have Strzok locked in an interview room for hours - interrogating him, threatening him, threatening his family, and doing whatever he could to get him to roll on Trump.

One of the co-conspirators gets identified as having committed a crime, and they don't even bring him in for questioning - NO INDICTMENT, NO CHARGES.

The biased difference in how Trump associates were treated versus how the conspirators who have been proven to have committed crimes - so far - could not be more obvious. Sadly, by Strzok NOT being charged Barr's DOJ in on the path to proving nothing has changed and Justice is still not being meted out equally.

Hopefully that will change should the US IG's FISA Court investigation report comes out and definitively identifies laws broken and who broke them.
Testable hypothesis - scary concept Easy wants to avoid at all costs.
'Testable Hypothesis'?

'Everyone' is not going to jail. Maybe I gave you too much credit for understanding / knowing that.

The Swamp protects the Swamp.

Case in point, the US IG released a report identifying a classified leaker within the FBI - that leaker, surprise, surprise, was fired FBI Agent Strzok. Leaking classified information is a crime; yet, someone within the DOJ reportedly refuses to press charges against this co-conspirator.

IF STRZOK WAS CONNECTED TO TRUMP AND MUELLER WAS STILL RUNNING HIS INVESTIGATION, Mueller would have Strzok locked in an interview room for hours - interrogating him, threatening him, threatening his family, and doing whatever he could to get him to roll on Trump.

One of the co-conspirators gets identified as having committed a crime, and they don't even bring him in for questioning - NO INDICTMENT, NO CHARGES.

The biased difference in how Trump associates were treated versus how the conspirators who have been proven to have committed crimes - so far - could not be more obvious. Sadly, by Strzok NOT being charged Barr's DOJ in on the path to proving nothing has changed and Justice is still not being meted out equally.

Hopefully that will change should the US IG's FISA Court investigation report comes out and definitively identifies laws broken and who broke them.

Even if it does, I'm not convinced Barr will do anything about it.

While Barr may be the best of a bad lot, he is STILL Deep State all the way. He covered the the criminal mewler's ass for him on several occasions. And it is now coming out that mewler lied, omitted exculpatory evidence and misrepresented known facts in his 'report'.

Why isn't Weissman in Prison? Why don't criminals masquerading as prosecutors go to jail? I know they have absolute immunity but that immunity goes away when they break the law. And they have. On several occasions.

But the Deep State does nothing about it.

Look at Mike Nifong. He wanted to send innocent young men to prison for decades by breaking the law in Court.

What happened to him? Nothing. He did 30 days for contempt and lost his license. Had he won, and it was a close call, he would have destroyed the lives of decent young men forever.

And for what? So he could do some 'virtue-signalling'. Remember the 88 perfessors at Duke that signed on for crucifying those kids?

The Deep State must be be destroyed. And the Deep States is alive and well and living in the dimocrap scum party.

What cracks me up is, dimocrap scum, back when they were actually democrats, were on the same side we are at this time.

They complained furiously about the bureaucracy, about government over-reach, about the government and corporate America being in bed with each other.

But now that dimocrap SCUM (NOT democrats) have power and now that 'corporate America' is leftist-leaning...... They follow along like the Pied Piper's children.

It's why they're scum.

Almost like the self-gassing Joos of the left. Not just stupid. Disgusting

dimocraps are scum.

Top to bottom, inside out, the long the short the tall the small the fat the skinny the mamas and the papas the brothers and sisters.

scum One and all
Even if it does, I'm not convinced Barr will do anything about it.

Oh, I agree with you. There is only so much Barr can do against the Swamp and against so many Obama-loyalist-hold-overs he packed / spread throughout our government.

Just like the Democrats attempted to do with Kavanaugh and Trump, the Democrats have done / are doing EVERYTHING they can to destroy Barr's credibility because they damn-well know he is someone who does not give a d@mn about politics, truly wants to uphold and defend the law, and that means the Democrats / Conspirators are in serious trouble.

The Democrats have become so insane, so desperate that they openly, publicly demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW - a law THEY wrote, and when he refused to do so they voted to hold him in Contempt' for 'REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW'.

The average 'INTELLIGENT', Non-partisan American immediately saw this Democrat Political theater and abuse of govt power and position for what it was!

Democrats THINK American citizens are as stupid as Jonathon Gruber repeatedly declared THEY were / are as Barry and the Democrats rammed the ACA into law, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it at the time. Democrats don't think the American voters will remember this at election time.

Our government use to BE a system of checks and balances. Now the ONLY REAL 'Checks and Balance' system that exists anymore is the American voter on election day.

Hillary Clinton did not have the 2016 election stolen from her in 2016. The American 'Checks and Balance' system did its job and rejected her.

A US IG report just came out recently identifying fired FBI Counter-Intelligence Agent Peter Strzok as having illegally leaked classified as part of their 'soft coup attempt' against the President. Someone within the DOJ made the decision NOT to indict Strzok (so far) for his crime. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was identified as being another leaker over a year ago and was recommended for indictment by the US IG. So far he is still under investigation by the DOJ and has not been indicted...yet.

If anything I guess Conservatives, Trump-supporters, Americans are supposed to take solace in the fact that a legitimate investigation of the investigators has resulted in 2 reports declaring criminal activity occurred and did recommend indictment of the perpetrators, even if none have been indicted yet.

A final report definitively proving crimes were committed, perpetrators were named, and recommended indictments are more than the 4 investigations Democrats conducted on the President and his associates came up with in the end. Proven crimes with continued Unequal Justice is still a poor 'consolation prize'.
Testable hypothesis - scary concept Easy wants to avoid at all costs.
'Testable Hypothesis'?

'Everyone' is not going to jail. Maybe I gave you too much credit for understanding / knowing that.

The Swamp protects the Swamp.

Case in point, the US IG released a report identifying a classified leaker within the FBI - that leaker, surprise, surprise, was fired FBI Agent Strzok. Leaking classified information is a crime; yet, someone within the DOJ reportedly refuses to press charges against this co-conspirator.

IF STRZOK WAS CONNECTED TO TRUMP AND MUELLER WAS STILL RUNNING HIS INVESTIGATION, Mueller would have Strzok locked in an interview room for hours - interrogating him, threatening him, threatening his family, and doing whatever he could to get him to roll on Trump.

One of the co-conspirators gets identified as having committed a crime, and they don't even bring him in for questioning - NO INDICTMENT, NO CHARGES.

The biased difference in how Trump associates were treated versus how the conspirators who have been proven to have committed crimes - so far - could not be more obvious. Sadly, by Strzok NOT being charged Barr's DOJ in on the path to proving nothing has changed and Justice is still not being meted out equally.

Hopefully that will change should the US IG's FISA Court investigation report comes out and definitively identifies laws broken and who broke them.

It’s not ‘everyone’ it’s ANYONE.

You keep flapping your dumb mouth BUT NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO ANYONE.

At what point do you stop and say to yourself - “damn, I keep being wrong, wrong and wrong again, so maybe process of how I come to believe these things is all fucked up”
Testable hypothesis - scary concept Easy wants to avoid at all costs.
'Testable Hypothesis'?

'Everyone' is not going to jail. Maybe I gave you too much credit for understanding / knowing that.

The Swamp protects the Swamp.

Case in point, the US IG released a report identifying a classified leaker within the FBI - that leaker, surprise, surprise, was fired FBI Agent Strzok. Leaking classified information is a crime; yet, someone within the DOJ reportedly refuses to press charges against this co-conspirator.

IF STRZOK WAS CONNECTED TO TRUMP AND MUELLER WAS STILL RUNNING HIS INVESTIGATION, Mueller would have Strzok locked in an interview room for hours - interrogating him, threatening him, threatening his family, and doing whatever he could to get him to roll on Trump.

One of the co-conspirators gets identified as having committed a crime, and they don't even bring him in for questioning - NO INDICTMENT, NO CHARGES.

The biased difference in how Trump associates were treated versus how the conspirators who have been proven to have committed crimes - so far - could not be more obvious. Sadly, by Strzok NOT being charged Barr's DOJ in on the path to proving nothing has changed and Justice is still not being meted out equally.

Hopefully that will change should the US IG's FISA Court investigation report comes out and definitively identifies laws broken and who broke them.

It’s not ‘everyone’ it’s ANYONE.

You keep flapping your dumb mouth BUT NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO ANYONE.

At what point do you stop and say to yourself - “damn, I keep being wrong, wrong and wrong again, so maybe process of how I come to believe these things is all fucked up”
I say the guilty SHOULD be indicted.
I say they MIGHT get indicted.
I have also said I doubt it will happen.

If you are going to try to speak FOR me, get it right.

And the only thing f*ed up is how the criminals, even when identified as having committed crimes, slip away unpunished because 'the Swamp protects its isn't.
It is sad when the people that are supposed to be enforcing the Law are the biggest criminals in the process.

It's what happens when dimocrap scum get involved.

Democrats have nothing to do with Flynn. He was investigated by Comey - a registered Republican, who threw Hillary Clinton under the bus for Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election, and in the ultimate thank you gesture, Trump fired him. Flynn was tried before a Republican judge and PLED GUILTY.


Wasn't Peter Strzok the lead investigator into the Flynn situation? I don't think he had any bias against Flynn or Trump. Don't worry boo boo bear, we'll stop him!
Testable hypothesis - scary concept Easy wants to avoid at all costs.
'Testable Hypothesis'?

'Everyone' is not going to jail. Maybe I gave you too much credit for understanding / knowing that.

The Swamp protects the Swamp.

Case in point, the US IG released a report identifying a classified leaker within the FBI - that leaker, surprise, surprise, was fired FBI Agent Strzok. Leaking classified information is a crime; yet, someone within the DOJ reportedly refuses to press charges against this co-conspirator.

IF STRZOK WAS CONNECTED TO TRUMP AND MUELLER WAS STILL RUNNING HIS INVESTIGATION, Mueller would have Strzok locked in an interview room for hours - interrogating him, threatening him, threatening his family, and doing whatever he could to get him to roll on Trump.

One of the co-conspirators gets identified as having committed a crime, and they don't even bring him in for questioning - NO INDICTMENT, NO CHARGES.

The biased difference in how Trump associates were treated versus how the conspirators who have been proven to have committed crimes - so far - could not be more obvious. Sadly, by Strzok NOT being charged Barr's DOJ in on the path to proving nothing has changed and Justice is still not being meted out equally.

Hopefully that will change should the US IG's FISA Court investigation report comes out and definitively identifies laws broken and who broke them.

It’s not ‘everyone’ it’s ANYONE.

You keep flapping your dumb mouth BUT NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO ANYONE.

At what point do you stop and say to yourself - “damn, I keep being wrong, wrong and wrong again, so maybe process of how I come to believe these things is all fucked up”
I say the guilty SHOULD be indicted.
I say they MIGHT get indicted.
I have also said I doubt it will happen.

If you are going to try to speak FOR me, get it right.

And the only thing f*ed up is how the criminals, even when identified as having committed crimes, slip away unpunished because 'the Swamp protects its isn't.

All these people “might get indicted” according to you and then no one does.

Gotta be some sort of grand conspiracy between Democrats, Republicans, FBI, DOJ and the Judges are in on it too.

I have a much simpler explanation - you are just a clueless dupe hopped up on politico coolaid.
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Gotta be some sort of grand conspiracy between Democrats, Republicans, FBI, DOJ and the Judges are in on it too.
Grand Conspiracy?

Democrats protecting their own is not a Grand Conspiracy - it's Standard Operating Procedure.

During his 8 years Obama protected:

US AG Eric Holder from indictment for Perjury. A bipartisan Congress still Censured him, making him the 1st US AG in history to 've Censued by Congress for a crime.

NIA Director Clapper from being indicted for Perjury ... Twice

IRS Director John koskinen, caught committing perjury during the IRS targeting scandal...

CIA Director Brennan - perjury. A deal was worked out where all he had to do to avoid indictment was stand in front of Congress and admit he lied under oath and DID spy on US Senators.

Fast and Furious agents / officials - no one ever got fired, just 're-assigned'

FBI Director Robert Mueller led the agency while it perpetrated 75 FISA Court one went to jail for these crimes...He hid evidence of Russian crimes - no punishment...

John Conyers and other Senators were caught having committed criminal sexual misconduct for decades - instead of STOPPING it, they formed a committee whose soul purpose was to use American tax payer dollars to pay for the silence of their victims...and when it all came to light the media all but ignored it & pervs like Conyers were allowed to retire with full tax-payef-funded benefits - no punishment for their action....

D-Diane Feinstein was busted not long ago having a Chinese SPY on her team, in her office, FOR DECADES. It was no secret the Feinsteins made their personal fortune working with the Chinese while becoming friends with the Communist Chinese President. It was STUNNING that NO INVESTIGATION of Feinstein and how she had facilitated Chinese espionage in the US out of her office for decades was conducted ... and the media kept the story buried ...

...but we just went through 3 years of a witch hunt against President Trump over a non-crime that never had evidence of anything warranting an investigation...

Finally, Former FBI Page testified under oath that the DOJ stepped and told them that their criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and all the evidence they had against her was worthless......Despite FBI Counsel Baker pushing for her indictment...the DOJ told her (Page) and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that the DOJ had no intention of prosecuting Hillary Clinton.

Conspiracy theory...partisan criminal obstruction...doing a fellow Democrat a 'solid'... I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU CALL IT! THE FACT THAT IT HAS GONE ON A LONG TIME AND STILL DOES IS DOCUMENTED, VERIFIED, REPORTED FACT!

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