Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OMG, if this can be proven true, the EPA officials involved should go to jail for the rest of their lives. If not true, then how did this geologist PREDICT the disaster?
In any event, days before the incident, retired geologist Dave Taylor wrote to the editors of the Silverton Standard & the Miner newspaper that he believed there would be an intentional breach with ulterior motives behind it.

Planned 'accident'?

"Based on my 47 years of experience as a professional geologist," Taylor wrote, "it appears to me that the EPA is setting your town and the area up for a possible Superfund blitzkrieg."

Learn more: Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding -
They should have went with Krugman's alien invasion idea. The messiah made that happen, just not from space.

Idiot libtard ecomunist Paul Krugman suggests martian invasion can fix economy. These people are sooooo fucking stupid....

They should have went with Krugman's alien invasion idea. The messiah made that happen, just not from space.

Idiot libtard ecomunist Paul Krugman suggests martian invasion can fix economy. These people are sooooo fucking stupid....

Is this just another case of the Chicago Machine style politics damaging the publics interest to give more jobs to union goons?
So, the EPA hired a Private Contractor to create a massive spill from a mess left by private sector minors to better their budget? Does that about sum it up?
As we see the citizens in this country doesn't care about anything this Government does. so they can get away with anything they want. We don't have a government of the people anymore. We have a government that Steamrolls over us instead. Hey so what they cause this mess. Next week they be up there passing new laws on us because of it.
As we see the citizens in this country doesn't care about anything this Government does. so they can get away with anything they want. We don't have a government of the people anymore. We have a government that Steamrolls over us instead. Hey so what they cause this mess. Next week they be up there passing new laws on us because of it.

Yeah, libtards are happy with anything this regime does and angry about anything the Republicans do as well.

This is standard operating procedure for neoMarxist groups.
So, the EPA hired a Private Contractor to create a massive spill from a mess left by private sector minors to better their budget? Does that about sum it up?

From the article:
"Taylor references a June meeting between the newspaper's editors and a representative from the EPA, who reportedly told them "we don't have an agenda" – meaning the agency – a statement which Taylor described as "either ignorant naivety or an outright falsehood."

He went on to lay out "the scenario that will occur based on my experience," in which he says that, after the plugging of the breached dam, exfiltrating water will be retained behind the ramparts, "accumulating at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per minute."

In the long run, he believes the "grand experiment" of essentially putting a cork back in the bottle will "fail." Then, he believes, the EPA will come back and say that, since its plan failed, "we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers" of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA's plan all along," Taylor continued. The proposed plugging plan, he says, was EPA's way of getting its foot in the door "to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.

Silence is deafening

"After all," he continued, "with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed and justify their existence."

Learn more:
So, the EPA hired a Private Contractor to create a massive spill from a mess left by private sector minors to better their budget? Does that about sum it up?

From the article:
"Taylor references a June meeting between the newspaper's editors and a representative from the EPA, who reportedly told them "we don't have an agenda" – meaning the agency – a statement which Taylor described as "either ignorant naivety or an outright falsehood."

He went on to lay out "the scenario that will occur based on my experience," in which he says that, after the plugging of the breached dam, exfiltrating water will be retained behind the ramparts, "accumulating at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per minute."

In the long run, he believes the "grand experiment" of essentially putting a cork back in the bottle will "fail." Then, he believes, the EPA will come back and say that, since its plan failed, "we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers" of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA's plan all along," Taylor continued. The proposed plugging plan, he says, was EPA's way of getting its foot in the door "to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.

Silence is deafening

"After all," he continued, "with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed and justify their existence."

Learn more:

Okay, so a single source makes an allegation which you feel is conclusive of the EPA's culpability. You're not a fan of the Federal Government, so your opinion is suspect. So, BTW, the single source may have a dislike of the Feds & the EPA too.

Your conspiracy theory - like most - is too complicated. Applying Occam's Razor, the spill was most likely an accident.
So, the EPA hired a Private Contractor to create a massive spill from a mess left by private sector minors to better their budget? Does that about sum it up?

From the article:
"Taylor references a June meeting between the newspaper's editors and a representative from the EPA, who reportedly told them "we don't have an agenda" – meaning the agency – a statement which Taylor described as "either ignorant naivety or an outright falsehood."

He went on to lay out "the scenario that will occur based on my experience," in which he says that, after the plugging of the breached dam, exfiltrating water will be retained behind the ramparts, "accumulating at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per minute."

In the long run, he believes the "grand experiment" of essentially putting a cork back in the bottle will "fail." Then, he believes, the EPA will come back and say that, since its plan failed, "we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers" of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA's plan all along," Taylor continued. The proposed plugging plan, he says, was EPA's way of getting its foot in the door "to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.

Silence is deafening

"After all," he continued, "with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed and justify their existence."

Learn more:

Okay, so a single source makes an allegation which you feel is conclusive of the EPA's culpability. You're not a fan of the Federal Government, so your opinion is suspect. So, BTW, the single source may have a dislike of the Feds & the EPA too.

Your conspiracy theory - like most - is too complicated. Applying Occam's Razor, the spill was most likely an accident.

The geologists' only beef with the EPA was, when he worked for them, the EPA had a know-it-all attitude. He is not any way close to being a Bundy-type. Also, no one from the EPA contacted him about his letter, which proves what he said.

Geologist Who Predicted Colorado River Disaster Interviewed Slams Deceptive EPA Zero Hedge
So, the EPA hired a Private Contractor to create a massive spill from a mess left by private sector minors to better their budget? Does that about sum it up?

From the article:
"Taylor references a June meeting between the newspaper's editors and a representative from the EPA, who reportedly told them "we don't have an agenda" – meaning the agency – a statement which Taylor described as "either ignorant naivety or an outright falsehood."

He went on to lay out "the scenario that will occur based on my experience," in which he says that, after the plugging of the breached dam, exfiltrating water will be retained behind the ramparts, "accumulating at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per minute."

In the long run, he believes the "grand experiment" of essentially putting a cork back in the bottle will "fail." Then, he believes, the EPA will come back and say that, since its plan failed, "we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers" of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA's plan all along," Taylor continued. The proposed plugging plan, he says, was EPA's way of getting its foot in the door "to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.

Silence is deafening

"After all," he continued, "with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed and justify their existence."

Learn more:

Okay, so a single source makes an allegation which you feel is conclusive of the EPA's culpability. You're not a fan of the Federal Government, so your opinion is suspect. So, BTW, the single source may have a dislike of the Feds & the EPA too.

He called it ahead of time, so none of your bullshit holds any water, jack ass.

It is pathetic how utterly predictable you libtards are. Defending anyone in the government during a Democrat administration is such a deeply ingrained knee jerk that you just cant help yourselves, even if it the disaster was at the cost of the environment itself, which yo uwould normally prattle on about ad nauseum.

But no, nothing bad can happen during the Obama Regimes tenure or else it is a conservative conspiracy theory, roflmao.

Your conspiracy theory - like most - is too complicated. Applying Occam's Razor, the spill was most likely an accident.

You don't know what Occam's Razor is about, which is science, not Democrat Chicago Machine politics.
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories. Too bad there isn't a "dumb as fuck" forum, because that would be even better.
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories. Too bad there isn't a "dumb as fuck" forum, because that would be even better.

The dude called this thing days before it happened, but you cant wrap your pea-brain around that so it must be a conspiracy theory, roflmao
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories. Too bad there isn't a "dumb as fuck" forum, because that would be even better.

The dude called this thing days before it happened, but you cant wrap your pea-brain around that so it must be a conspiracy theory, roflmao
Wow Bowie you've changed my mind! Instead of a forum, there should be a "Dumb as Fuck" Hall of Fame!!! You could be one of the inaugural members!
So, the EPA hired a Private Contractor to create a massive spill from a mess left by private sector minors to better their budget? Does that about sum it up?

From the article:
"Taylor references a June meeting between the newspaper's editors and a representative from the EPA, who reportedly told them "we don't have an agenda" – meaning the agency – a statement which Taylor described as "either ignorant naivety or an outright falsehood."

He went on to lay out "the scenario that will occur based on my experience," in which he says that, after the plugging of the breached dam, exfiltrating water will be retained behind the ramparts, "accumulating at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per minute."

In the long run, he believes the "grand experiment" of essentially putting a cork back in the bottle will "fail." Then, he believes, the EPA will come back and say that, since its plan failed, "we will have to build a treatment plant at a cost to taxpayers" of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Reading between the lines, I believe that has been the EPA's plan all along," Taylor continued. The proposed plugging plan, he says, was EPA's way of getting its foot in the door "to justify their hidden agenda for construction of a treatment plant.

Silence is deafening

"After all," he continued, "with a budget of $8.2 billion and 17,000 employees, the EPA needs new, big projects to feed and justify their existence."

Learn more:

Okay, so a single source makes an allegation which you feel is conclusive of the EPA's culpability. You're not a fan of the Federal Government, so your opinion is suspect. So, BTW, the single source may have a dislike of the Feds & the EPA too.

He called it ahead of time, so none of your bullshit holds any water, jack ass.

Of course you missed the point.

It is pathetic how utterly predictable you libtards are. Defending anyone in the government during a Democrat administration is such a deeply ingrained knee jerk that you just cant help yourselves, even if it the disaster was at the cost of the environment itself, which yo uwould normally prattle on about ad nauseum.

But no, nothing bad can happen during the Obama Regimes tenure or else it is a conservative conspiracy theory, roflmao.

Your conspiracy theory - like most - is too complicated. Applying Occam's Razor, the spill was most likely an accident.

You don't know what Occam's Razor is about, which is science, not Democrat Chicago Machine politics.

Occam s Razor

Now you do too (if you read the link and understand it that is).
I don't know if this was planned or not, but what a MESS!! The people who depend on those waters for a living are now starting to suffer.
And for the EPA to be responsible? That's pretty bad.
I don't know if this was planned or not, but what a MESS!! The people who depend on those waters for a living are now starting to suffer.
And for the EPA to be responsible? That's pretty bad.

Here's some facts which may answer your questions:

"A gold mine that has been inactive since 1920 spilled 3 million gallons of toxic mining waste into the Animas River in Colorado after contractors working for an Environmental Protection Agency cleanup team using heavy equipment accidentally sent it flowing into the waterway. The spill has spread from Colorado into New Mexico and now into Utah -- affecting over 100 river miles."

LINK for more info:

The real culprit in Animas River spill -
"If there is anything I have learned from the past 15 years of working on this issue, it's that absent strong regulations and better-designed mines, mining companies will continue to pollute with impunity.

"Earthworks estimates that there are over 500,000 abandoned and inactive hardrock mines strewn across the country, with a hefty price tag attached to their clean up -- $50 billion, according to an EPA estimate."

The real culprit in Animas River spill -
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories. Too bad there isn't a "dumb as fuck" forum, because that would be even better.

The dude called this thing days before it happened, but you cant wrap your pea-brain around that so it must be a conspiracy theory, roflmao
Wow Bowie you've changed my mind! Instead of a forum, there should be a "Dumb as Fuck" Hall of Fame!!! You could be one of the inaugural members!
You just cant deal with facts, can you dumbass?

Like some fucking ape all you can do is fling shit and yell.

Piss off you damned fascist fuck.

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