German Officials Blame Gas Shortage On Consumers, Warn “People Will Feel The Cost Of The Energy Crisis Hard”

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
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Here’s a winning political strategy the German government is using: Just blame the voters for the problems you’ve created. If their mastermind green plans don’t work, it’s the citizens’ fault!

Germany energy site Blackout News here reports that this seems to be precisely the strategy German officials are using. “Now it’s the consumer’s fault if gas isn’t enough.”

One percent gas reserve drop in a single day

Although that it is well-known to the vast majority of people, it seems to be a surprise to the German officials that citizens would turn up the heat to remain comfortable during the wintertime, especially since the mercury dipped well below freezing During much of December.

And this was also the case on December 12th when the gas storage level in German gas storage facilities dropped by more than one percent. This did not please Klaus Müller [Green Party], head of the German Federal Network Agency, who went on the air on ZDF morning television and admonished consumers to be careful with their gas consumption, even if it’s bitter cold outside, “otherwise we won’t get through the winter with the storage reserves”.

Must reach 20 percent reduction

the frigging nerve of the lowly peasants dare they not shiver in their hovels for science ........and demockwacy!

They were told to be careful with their gas consumption.

Same thing happens here in the US during the summer to help prevent brownouts. People are told to be careful with their electricity usage.
Here’s a winning political strategy the German government is using: Just blame the voters for the problems you’ve created. If their mastermind green plans don’t work, it’s the citizens’ fault!

Germany energy site Blackout News here reports that this seems to be precisely the strategy German officials are using. “Now it’s the consumer’s fault if gas isn’t enough.”

One percent gas reserve drop in a single day

Although that it is well-known to the vast majority of people, it seems to be a surprise to the German officials that citizens would turn up the heat to remain comfortable during the wintertime, especially since the mercury dipped well below freezing During much of December.

And this was also the case on December 12th when the gas storage level in German gas storage facilities dropped by more than one percent. This did not please Klaus Müller [Green Party], head of the German Federal Network Agency, who went on the air on ZDF morning television and admonished consumers to be careful with their gas consumption, even if it’s bitter cold outside, “otherwise we won’t get through the winter with the storage reserves”.

Must reach 20 percent reduction

the frigging nerve of the lowly peasants dare they not shiver in their hovels for science ........and demockwacy!
Whatever you may believe the cause of the present energy shortage is, responsible citizens will put on an extra sweater before reaching for the thermostat under the present circumstances.
Here’s a winning political strategy the German government is using: Just blame the voters for the problems you’ve created.
How are the voters not responsible? They voted for the people who made these decisions, didn't they?
It is the German voters' fault.

After all, they are the ones who elected these bozos who decided to rely on the USSR for their gasoline needs and close coal mines.

Of course, these are the same voters who had previously endorsed failures like Honecker and Hitler, so it was sort of expected they'd fuck up again.
They were told to be careful with their gas consumption.

Same thing happens here in the US during the summer to help prevent brownouts. People are told to be careful with their electricity usage.

Yeah, that whole thing with not buying gas from Russia was a rounding error
German government

Whatever you may believe the cause of the present energy shortage is, responsible citizens will put on an extra sweater before reaching for the thermostat under the present circumstances.

Right while the government leaders will continue their elaborate summits and global parties.
Yeah, that whole thing with not buying gas from Russia was a rounding error

Right while the government leaders will continue their elaborate summits and global parties.
Yes, regardless of you chagrin about politicians, responsible citizens will reach for another sweater before they reach for the thermostat because that will make the greatest difference this winter.


So what if Germans freeze to death, right?

$lava Zelen$ky!!
if Germans freeze to death
LOL, dont watch too much , RT eats your brain and soul , I work with Germany , they DO SO MUCH BETTER THAN DIRTY MASKALI 90% OF German prostitutes are from Muscovy

only dirty ivans are gonna freeze to death

Next thing ya know it will be the voter's fault for breathing out carbon dioxide.
My views :
Minimum cost, maximum profit = best strategy ever

Yeah, a lot of Germans will probably be suffering. Well, they should ask themselves this kinda question here...

" We, Germans & the government, are all stupid, right? "

Enjoy your Christmas, Germany! lol. :)

The macro forecast:
Just as supply chain headwinds are starting to abate, soaring energy costs exert a new drag on income and output growth. Together with costlier borrowing, this is likely to weigh on investment. Further losses in purchasing power amid high inflation are expected to curtail private consumption, despite partial relief from policy support. GDP is forecast to grow by 1.6% in 2022 but decline by 0.6% in 2023 before recovering by 1.4% in 2024. The government deficit is expected to remain elevated as pandemic-related expenditure gives way to measures mitigating the impact of high energy prices.

1)Economic forecast for Germany – Economic forecast for Germany
2)Sanctions: Boomerang Effect — RT Documentary – Sanctions: Boomerang Effect
Facing an energy crisis the Germans stock up on candles. :dunno:

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