Germany and its troops in Africa - a new job for the Bundeswehr


Gold Member
May 29, 2023

Germany and its troops in Africa - a new job for the Bundeswehr​

Ever since the German re-unification in 1990 German troops have slowly begun playing a more active role abroad.

Radical changes due to German reunification​

However, after German reunification, it became clear that Germany would have to take on a more active role in fulfilling its obligations from international treaties. In this context, Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl had already declared in his government policy statement in the first reunified German Bundestag on 4 October 1990 that reunified Germany would fulfil its international responsibilities and that the necessary constitutional basis would be established.

At present the Bundeswehr is stationed in Mali and Niger and some other places.
In Sudan:

The Luftwaffe has flown out more than 300 people so far from an airfield near Khartoum, according to German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, adding these included citizens from Germany, Belgium, Britain, the Netherlands, Jordan and the United States.

And in Mali:

Never been done before. ;)



Do they get snazzy cuff bands too?

about Rommel:

Rommel has become a larger-than-life figure in both Allied and Nazi propaganda, and in postwar popular culture. Numerous authors portray him as an apolitical, brilliant commander and a victim of Nazi Germany, although this assessment is contested by other authors as the Rommel myth. Rommel's reputation for conducting a clean war was used in the interest of the West German rearmament and reconciliation between the former enemies – the United Kingdom and the United States on one side and the new Federal Republic of Germany on the other. Several of Rommel's former subordinates, notably his chief of staff Hans Speidel, played key roles in German rearmament and integration into NATO in the postwar era. The German Army's largest military base, the Field Marshal Rommel Barracks, Augustdorf, is named in his honour. His son Manfred Rommel was the longtime mayor of Stuttgart, Germany and namesake of Stuttgart Airport.

The German military remains ineffective and weakened by years of neglect, I've read in NATO combined exercises they are usually last in everything. With your history, not necessarily a bad thing.
The African theme will play out to the end if the westerners continue to be insolent.
For example, a tribunal on the crimes of colonialism will be held in Moscow or Beijing. And the demand for trillions of reparations will be rolled out. And there is a place for Germany, too, among the colonialist criminals.
The African theme will play out to the end if the westerners continue to be insolent.
For example, a tribunal on the crimes of colonialism will be held in Moscow or Beijing. And the demand for trillions of reparations will be rolled out. And there is a place for Germany, too, among the colonialist criminals.
Can't believe the brass ball arrogance of those Colonialists, it's over time for them to get the hell out and stay out.

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