Germany says no ceasefire on Russian terms


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Who is interesting today for opinion of political dwarfs?
Even small Estonia has more to say in international matters as devastated by united commies of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts former Germany?
Russia reacted to the opinion of Germany on the last pages of its local papers in sections 'funny'
DDR 2.0 is the biggest one in promoting of LGBT and communism, but has nothing to say beyond it, no one country other then African biggest welfare bandits exporters takes it today seriously


Who is interesting today for opinion of political dwarfs?
Even small Estonia has more to say in international matters as devastated by united commies of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts former Germany?
Russia reacted to the opinion of Germany on the last pages of its local papers in sections 'funny'
DDR 2.0 is the biggest one in promoting of LGBT and communism, but has nothing to say beyond it, no one country other then African biggest welfare bandits exporters takes it today seriously


I wouldn't give Russia 1 square inch or centimeter. Germany knows and probably agrees, it is up to Ukraine. Russia has and always has had the ability to do a lasting cease fire at anytime, simply by withdrawing all troop and stopping aggressor actions, giving back territory wrongly taken.
Germany will do exactly as it is told by Russia when they have completed their SMO in a few more weeks.

They have huge impending trouble ---- banks are on a debt knife edge and the unstable government faces likely civil unrest from a frozen people also suffering economic hardship .
If our billions only kills one Russian right? Grow the fuck up.

You miss the point.

If we give up NOW, after ALL we've done, we've SHOWN russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. that we will roll over for the sake of peace if they drag out a war long enough. We've passed the point of turning back long ago. We can't give up now.
You miss the point.

If we give up NOW, after ALL we've done, we've SHOWN russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. that we will roll over for the sake of peace if they drag out a war long enough. We've passed the point of turning back long ago. We can't give up now.
ALL we've done includes fomenting a coup d'etat that was spearheaded by neo-Nazi militias AFTER a duly elected president agreed to move up elections so Ukrainians could vote him out of office if they wished.

This led to Yanukovych being forced to flee for his life as a rump parliament begin to pass laws while some neo-Nazi militias controlled the government buildings.

Stop pretending America is the "good guy."
You miss the point.

If we give up NOW, after ALL we've done, we've SHOWN russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. that we will roll over for the sake of peace if they drag out a war long enough. We've passed the point of turning back long ago. We can't give up now.
We already have. If Russia can hold on for another two years, we will lose interest and negotiate a face-saving retreat.
We already have. If Russia can hold on for another two years, we will lose interest and negotiate a face-saving retreat.
I see no "face" to save, what, Biden's face? Who cares?

We should not be involved there at all. If anything our tax dollars need to be saved from dem money laundering and neocon PACs getting fatter.

We have been played to the tune of around 100 billion so far and as sure as little green apples the Euro trash will want us to pay the "reconstruction" bill too....More billions for the dems to launder.
ask your cuckold Baron what he thinks about return of the commies ?

dont make us to come back for you dirty ape ivan


Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
simply by withdrawing all troop and stopping aggressor actions, giving back territory wrongly taken

I guess you'd never studied history until now
Below is the map of Russian territorials stolen by Ukraine
In difference to the US which stole all 100% its territory Russia is a victim of imperialist Ukrainian expansion
Since 1922 Russian People forcibly transformed to Ukrainians first by commies, now by NATO supported Nazis

I guess you'd never studied history until now
Below is the map of Russian territorials stolen by Ukraine
In difference to the US which stole all 100% its territory Russia is a victim of imperialist Ukrainian expansion
Since 1922 Russian People forcibly transformed to Ukrainians first by commies, now by NATO supported Nazis

Studied it quite a bit. Just not willing to go back that far to seek justification for present day Russian aggression.
Not USA shall teach Russia 'democracy'



You need to make your pitch to some of those "reparations" nut balls for what was done many generations before me. I'm one of the little kids, you assholes had being taught to hide under a fking school desk (and never forgot it), as you couldn't be trusted with nuclear common sense. I make no pretense. I have nothing against the Russian people but don't like any of the Russian governments over the years a damned bit, and do not approve those governmental assholes trying to take back the breakaway republics to the fold, by force, and won't.
I guess you'd never studied history until now
Below is the map of Russian territorials stolen by Ukraine
In difference to the US which stole all 100% its territory Russia is a victim of imperialist Ukrainian expansion
Since 1922 Russian People forcibly transformed to Ukrainians first by commies, now by NATO supported Nazis

Your link?

"Soviet Ukraine is the result of the Bolsheviks’ policy and can be rightfully called ‘Vladimir Lenin’s Ukraine’, said Vladimir Putin in an hour-long speech on Monday. In that speech, the Russian president announced that he would recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, two pro-Russian rebel regions in the east of Ukraine. On Thursday, he invaded."
You miss the point.

If we give up NOW, after ALL we've done, we've SHOWN russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. that we will roll over for the sake of peace if they drag out a war long enough. We've passed the point of turning back long ago. We can't give up now.
Far too late .
Your ground troop strength is laughed at and your Navy can be taken out any time by Russian and Chinese DEW .
Every country has toyed with you from Korea and Vietnam through to Afghanistan and almost everywhere in he middle east. Our boys almost mutinied about fighting anywhere near you in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Tragically Hollywood taught you to think John Wayne and Audie Murphy but it was all nonsense and you swallowed it .
Technically you are not fighting in Ukey Land but the US under the guise of mainly NATO training has had technical men and elite forces there since at least 2014 .
They were near obliterated in the fighting in the East and South and casualties are of the order 200 000 dead Ukey forces with that number and more maimed and injured .Estimated Russian dead is around 30 000 .

Now up to 400 000 Russians are available for the winter offensive plus the forces who have been fighting since February -- many of which may be rested come the big push .
Frankly it is likely to be carnage and given reports from the front line there is no real Ukey unbroken line of defence -- just small groups almost obliged to work independently with almost no artillery support and a shortage of food and ammunition .
It would be very comical if it was not so unnecessary and tragic .

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