Germany to open first Express Deportation Center


Nov 14, 2012
In Bavaria there is a barracks that is currently used for refugees from several countries. The government prepares to tun it into a Balkans-refugees only "Express Deportation Center" (Der Spiegel), that will host all offices needed to wind up the cases, including judges that reject complaints against the deportations, physicals and maybe even the direct deportation by aircraft. The "Arrival- and Repatriation Facilities" that are to be established in Ingolstadt are strongly condemned by the multiculturalist party of the "greens". The city itself also rejects the plan but due to other reasons: It couldn´t handle all the refugees and needs building land. The placing of the refugees there also includes "social explosives", says the resolution. A capacity of 1500 refugees of the facilities is planned. The Balkans-refugees´ chance for their asylum requests to be accepted is close to zero and - according to Bavaria´s Interior Minister - the facilities serve as determent. It will get about on the Balkans that there is no sense in coming to Germany, he said.

Bayern sucht weiteren Standort f r Balkan-Fl chtlingszentrum - SPIEGEL ONLINE
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In Bavaria there is a barracks that is currently used for refugees from several countries. The government prepares to tun it into a Balkans-refugees only "Express Deportation Center" (Der Spiegel), that will host all offices needed to wind up the cases, including judges that reject complaints against the deportations, physicals and maybe even the direct deportation by aircraft. The "Arrival- and Repatriation Facilities" that are to be established in Ingolstadt are strongly condemned by the multiculturalist party of the "greens". The city itself also rejects the plan but due to other reasons: It couldn´t handle all the refugees and needs building land. The placing of the refugees there also includes "social explosives", says the resolution. A capacity of 1500 refugees of the facilities is planned. The Balkans-refugees´ chance for their asylum requests to be accepted is close to zero and - according to Bavaria´s Interior Minister - the facilities serve as determent. It will get about on the Balkans that there is no sense in coming to Germany, he said.

Bayern sucht weiteren Standort f r Balkan-Fl chtlingszentrum - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Why should the west support the scum from other countries who are afraid of working for a living. They don't thank us for our generosity so we should just send them back where they came from. Time for the EU to get hard on feckless workshy criminal immigrants and start handing out deportation notices. The loony left have had their day and ruined every nation they have infested so it is time to seek them out and make them pay for their failures and twisted acts.
In Bavaria there is a barracks that is currently used for refugees from several countries. The government prepares to tun it into a Balkans-refugees only "Express Deportation Center" (Der Spiegel), that will host all offices needed to wind up the cases, including judges that reject complaints against the deportations, physicals and maybe even the direct deportation by aircraft. The "Arrival- and Repatriation Facilities" that are to be established in Ingolstadt are strongly condemned by the multiculturalist party of the "greens". The city itself also rejects the plan but due to other reasons: It couldn´t handle all the refugees and needs building land. The placing of the refugees there also includes "social explosives", says the resolution. A capacity of 1500 refugees of the facilities is planned. The Balkans-refugees´ chance for their asylum requests to be accepted is close to zero and - according to Bavaria´s Interior Minister - the facilities serve as determent. It will get about on the Balkans that there is no sense in coming to Germany, he said.

Bayern sucht weiteren Standort f r Balkan-Fl chtlingszentrum - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Why should the west support the scum from other countries who are afraid of working for a living. They don't thank us for our generosity so we should just send them back where they came from. Time for the EU to get hard on feckless workshy criminal immigrants and start handing out deportation notices. The loony left have had their day and ruined every nation they have infested so it is time to seek them out and make them pay for their failures and twisted acts.
We have an asylum law. Those who come here to obtain asylum by fraud must be sent back to the places they came from. Additionally, we have some millions of useless loons officially residing here from a number of countries that also must be sent back. Those also destroy the deportation of useful migrants.
In Bavaria there is a barracks that is currently used for refugees from several countries. The government prepares to tun it into a Balkans-refugees only "Express Deportation Center" (Der Spiegel), that will host all offices needed to wind up the cases, including judges that reject complaints against the deportations, physicals and maybe even the direct deportation by aircraft. The "Arrival- and Repatriation Facilities" that are to be established in Ingolstadt are strongly condemned by the multiculturalist party of the "greens". The city itself also rejects the plan but due to other reasons: It couldn´t handle all the refugees and needs building land. The placing of the refugees there also includes "social explosives", says the resolution. A capacity of 1500 refugees of the facilities is planned. The Balkans-refugees´ chance for their asylum requests to be accepted is close to zero and - according to Bavaria´s Interior Minister - the facilities serve as determent. It will get about on the Balkans that there is no sense in coming to Germany, he said.

Bayern sucht weiteren Standort f r Balkan-Fl chtlingszentrum - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Why should the west support the scum from other countries who are afraid of working for a living. They don't thank us for our generosity so we should just send them back where they came from. Time for the EU to get hard on feckless workshy criminal immigrants and start handing out deportation notices. The loony left have had their day and ruined every nation they have infested so it is time to seek them out and make them pay for their failures and twisted acts.
We have an asylum law. Those who come here to obtain asylum by fraud must be sent back to the places they came from. Additionally, we have some millions of useless loons officially residing here from a number of countries that also must be sent back. Those also destroy the deportation of useful migrants.

Stop all immigration unless the migrants have the means to be self sufficient for 10 years and have something to offer the country. Deport any immigrants and their immediate families who are caught in a criminal act so the message is clear. Once they find they will no longer be getting welfare and health care they will stop coming
In Bavaria there is a barracks that is currently used for refugees from several countries. The government prepares to tun it into a Balkans-refugees only "Express Deportation Center" (Der Spiegel), that will host all offices needed to wind up the cases, including judges that reject complaints against the deportations, physicals and maybe even the direct deportation by aircraft. The "Arrival- and Repatriation Facilities" that are to be established in Ingolstadt are strongly condemned by the multiculturalist party of the "greens". The city itself also rejects the plan but due to other reasons: It couldn´t handle all the refugees and needs building land. The placing of the refugees there also includes "social explosives", says the resolution. A capacity of 1500 refugees of the facilities is planned. The Balkans-refugees´ chance for their asylum requests to be accepted is close to zero and - according to Bavaria´s Interior Minister - the facilities serve as determent. It will get about on the Balkans that there is no sense in coming to Germany, he said.

Bayern sucht weiteren Standort f r Balkan-Fl chtlingszentrum - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Why should the west support the scum from other countries who are afraid of working for a living. They don't thank us for our generosity so we should just send them back where they came from. Time for the EU to get hard on feckless workshy criminal immigrants and start handing out deportation notices. The loony left have had their day and ruined every nation they have infested so it is time to seek them out and make them pay for their failures and twisted acts.
We have an asylum law. Those who come here to obtain asylum by fraud must be sent back to the places they came from. Additionally, we have some millions of useless loons officially residing here from a number of countries that also must be sent back. Those also destroy the deportation of useful migrants.

Stop all immigration unless the migrants have the means to be self sufficient for 10 years and have something to offer the country. Deport any immigrants and their immediate families who are caught in a criminal act so the message is clear. Once they find they will no longer be getting welfare and health care they will stop coming
Even despite mass integration and large migrant families, there is a decrease in population most of the time. For those multi-culti cheerleaders it might be a problem but not for me. I think a population of 60 million is OK for the current area under German control. The Kaiserreich was much larger with 80 million citizens.
If you are interested in how population develops, you can read Thilo Sarrazin´s "Deutschland schafft sich ab". This is book is criticized by the political correct and vehemently condemned, the author even faced an unsuccessful ousting procedure from his SPD-party. Also, the medias were permanently condemning the book and stakes were prepared in their dreams.
But all he did was basically drawing conclusions from government figures. The book is a million bestseller.

Basic finding:
Those who still make children, are mostly "members" of the "lower class". This causes a drastic decrease in the average IQ as another side effect of the worldwide exceptionally low birth rate in Germany.
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This gives a complelty wrong picture about the situation in Germany and Bavaria. We help much more refugees than the most other nations are doing. But our laws are inconsistent and this causes this problem now. 100% of the people who are coming from this area of the Balkan will be sent back - this is since a very long time now in this way. It's a waste of money and energy. Because of idiotic laws the federal republic needs months to do this decision officially in every single case - in the end 100% will be sent back - while the german states like for example Bavaria have all costs. We are not able to help this people in a better way, because the same time lots of people come from Syria and Iraq - what's by the way also a side effect of the stupid politics of the USA under Bush. This people have to stay here because we are not able to send them back in their lost homelands where death and destruction reigns. The problem is: We are not supermen. We have to concentrate our energy if we like to be effective. We never had so many refugees in our country since world war 2.

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This gives a complelty wrong picture about the situation in Germany and Bavaria. We help much more refugees than the most other nations are doing. But our laws are inconsistent and this causes this problem now. 100% of the people who are coming from this area of the Balkan will be sent back - this is since a very long time now in this way. It's a waste of money and energy. Because of idiotic laws the federal republic needs months to do this decision officially in every single case - in the end 100% will be sent back - while the german states like for example Bavaria have all costs. We are not able to help this people in a better way, because the same time lots of people come from Syria and Iraq - what's by the way by also a side effect of the stupid politics of the USA under Bush. This people have to stay here because we are not able to send them back in their lost homelands where death and destruction reigns. The problem is: We are not superman. We have to concentrate our energy if we like to be effective. We never had so many refugees in our country since world war 2.
You don´t need to overstate what the OP already says.
Someone who is using a name like "Bleipriester" has absolutelly no idea about the german traditions and culture. I know who I am - a German and Bavarian - but I don't know who you are. As far as I can see you said nothing about the very serios problems of Bavaria and Germany because of refugees from Syria and Iraq.

Someone who is using a name like "Bleipriester" has absolutelly no idea about the german traditions and culture.
You must tell me, which university it is that offers seminars on internet nickname analysis. I tell you something: This has been my multiplayer FPS nickname and it has nothing to do with countries, traditions and culture. You must be a very self-assertive know-it-all.

I know who I am - a German and Bavarian - but I don't know who you are. As far as I can see you said nothing about the very serios problems of Bavaria and Germany because of refugees from Syria and Iraq.
This thread is about Balkans-refugees, if you didn´t realize it so far.
Someone who is using a name like "Bleipriester" has absolutelly no idea about the german traditions and culture.
You must tell me, which university it is that offers seminars on internet nickname analysis. I tell you something: This has been my multiplayer FPS nickname and it has nothing to do with countries, traditions and culture. You must be a very self-assertive know-it-all.

"Bleipriester" is a mad name. Ask any German and everyone will say the same. Are you mad?

I know who I am - a German and Bavarian - but I don't know who you are. As far as I can see you said nothing about the very serios problems of Bavaria and Germany because of refugees from Syria and Iraq.
This thread is about Balkans-refugees, if you didn´t realize it so far.

The Balkan refugees are by the way also a problem of the stupid politics of the USA and the crazy politics of the EU. The people from the Balkan have good reasons to leave their countries and to look for a better chance in life - but they are ¿in the moment? not threatened from death and destruction like other people. That's why we do so. We like to make clear the people from the Balkan it makes no sense for them to come to Germany. The reason: Never in history since world war 2 we had more refugees in our country and the numbers are still inreasing. We have to concentrate our energy on this people who are directly threatened most and who have to stay here in Germany for a very long time - maybe even forever - because the united international idiots from all over the world have nothing else to do than to murder whomever they like to murder on reasons no one has any idea about why.

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"Bleipriester" is a mad name. Ask any German and everyone will say the same. So why do you likes the image to be mad? Are you mad?

The Balkan refugees are by the way also a problem to the stupid politics of the USA and the crazy politics of the EU. The people from the Balkan have good reasons to leave their countries and to look for a better chance in life - but they are ¿in the moment? not threatened from death and destruction like other people. That's why we do so. We like to make clear the people from the Balkan that it makes no sense to come to Germany. The reason: Never in history since world war 2 we had more refugees in our country and the numbers are still inreasing. We have to concentrate our energy on this people who are directly threatened most and who have to stay here in Germany for a very long time - maybe even forever - because the united international idiots from all over the world have nothing else to do than to murder whomever they like to murder on reasons no one has any idea about why.
Nobody has denied that.
"Bleipriester" is a mad name. Ask any German and everyone will say the same. So why do you likes the image to be mad? Are you mad?

The Balkan refugees are by the way also a problem to the stupid politics of the USA and the crazy politics of the EU. The people from the Balkan have good reasons to leave their countries and to look for a better chance in life - but they are ¿in the moment? not threatened from death and destruction like other people. That's why we do so. We like to make clear the people from the Balkan that it makes no sense to come to Germany. The reason: Never in history since world war 2 we had more refugees in our country and the numbers are still inreasing. We have to concentrate our energy on this people who are directly threatened most and who have to stay here in Germany for a very long time - maybe even forever - because the united international idiots from all over the world have nothing else to do than to murder whomever they like to murder on reasons no one has any idea about why.
Nobody has denied that.

Germans are normally used to speak about the reasons for a problem. The main reason for this problem is the situation in Syria and Iraq and other countries. And the helplessness of Germany is a result of the growing madness of our system of laws - a problem what has also to do indirectly with the USA and other internationalisms.

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